The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
23rd May 1917On this day:
- Wire Cutting 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery confirm preliminary instructions for offensive action issued. Batteries all working on positions and wire cutting with Group.
Lt Colonel A C Lowe arrived back from leave to England and took over command of the Brigade from Major C A Pollard temporarily holding it.
War Diaries
- Zeppelin Raids on Britain 23/24th May 1917.
This experience was repeated on 23,24 May, when six Zeppelins set out to bomb London but were frustrated by a combination of high winds and thick cloud. Most of the Zeppelins were far from their intended routes and eventually abandoned their missions. A few bombs were dropped on Suffolk, killing one person and causing £599 damage.
About an hour after the L.40 had re-crossed the coast on her homeward journey a flying-boat from Yarmouth, piloted by Flight Lieutenant C. J. Galpin, set out for Terschelhng in the hope that one or more of the returning Zeppelins might be encountered. The tracks of the Zeppelin and of the flying-boat show that they were flying on converging courses, but clouds and rain squalls curtained the scene and it was not until about 5.30 a.m., when the flying-boat had already turned back, that the L.40 suddenly appeared out of a cloud a mile ahead. Kapitanleutnant Sommerfeldt immediastely dropped his remaining bombs and climbed rapdily towards the clouds above. Flight Lieutenant Galpin had approached within 300 yards when the nose of the Zeppelin met the clouds. There was just time to get half a drum of incendiary ammunition in her direction, without effect, before she was lost to view. The flying-boat flew on towards Yarmouth without further incident until it was forced down through petrol shortage near Cromer Knoll, whence it was taken in tow by a trawler.
John Doran
- Routine
- Very Hot Day
- Route March
- Trench Work
- Recce
- On the March
- A Patrol
- In Reserve
- On the March
- Reliefs
- Training
- German Front Stiffened
- Dispositions
- Recce
- Trench Work
- On the March
- Digging in
- Relieved
- At Rest
- Artillery Active
- Enemy Withdrawal?
- Enemy Active
- Guns Laid at Night
- Practice attack
- Digging
- On the Move
- Operational Orders
- Battalion Orders
- Cleaning up
- Work on Redoubts
- Gas Shells
- On the Move
- Supplied Working Parties from "A" Company.
- Two Triplanes shot down.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 23rd of May 1917? There are:36 items tagged 23rd of May 1917 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 23rd of May 1917. Rflmn. Herbert William Alland. 12th (The Rangers) Btn. London Regiment Read their Story. Rflmn Hurbert William Alland. 2/12th (2nd Rangers) Battalion London Regiment Lascar Aminullah. Read their Story. Pte. Harry Ashton. 4/5th Btn. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment Rfn. Wilfrid Leslie Bradley. 2/12th (2nd Rangers) Btn. London Regiment Capt. Percival Elliot Cox. 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Rfn. Arthur Charles Foulsham. 2/12th (2nd Rangers) Btn. London Regiment L/Cpl. C. W. Hunt. 2nd/12th (The Rangers) Btn. London Regiment Read their Story. Rflmn. James Banks Waring. 11th Btn., B Coy. Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story.
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