The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
25th April 1918On this day:
- German spring offensive
- Shelling Continues The enemy continued the shelling of Poperinghe during the morning and, at 9am., a shell fell in the stables, killing two grooms and severely wounding five others. Two horses were hit and had to be destroyed. Orders were received at 10.15am by the 6th West Ridings to move to Ouderdum, where the Brigade would be placed at the disposal ox IX Division. The Battalion embussed on the Poperinghe to Busseboom road and reached Ouderdum at about 12.15pm.
On arrival, orders were received for the 1/7th. D. of W. Battalion and ourselves to form a defensive flank on the line of Milky Way and to establish connection between the left of the French troops at Millekruise crosswords and the right of Cheapsie Line at Beaver Corner. The battalion moved off by platoons to Millekruise crossroads to take up positions but orders were received about 3pm. for our line to run from the French left flank at approximately N7d 4.4 to N8d 4.5 (map references). The 1/7th West Riding Battalion was establishing a line from that point to map reference N15b 0.5. 'A' and 'B' Companies immediately set to work and dug in on this line in support of the Black Watch and the French, with 'C' Company in support at map reference N8a 7.8 'D' Company was kept in battalion reserve at map reference N1b 3.3. At 6.10pm, further orders were received to take over the line occupied by the 4th. Royal Scots (27th. Brigade) and the 8th. Black Watch (26th. Brigade) from N7d 6.6 to N8b 0.2 (map references). This was carried out by 'A' and 'B' Companies, 'C' and 'D' Companies 6th West Ridings in their original positions. Word was received at 8.40pm that the Royal Flying Corp had established that French troops were on Kemmel Hill and in Kemmel village. Lieutenant Spencer was sent to get in touch with the French H. Q. at La Clytte but the French authorities could not confirm this report, stating that the nearest French troops were those with whom 'A' Company were in touch on the right. Casualties of 6th Btn D of W West Riding Regt on this day were 2nd. Lt. G. F. Swaby (Missing), 265234 Acting Lance Sergeant W. Laycock (Wounded), 265236 Private W. Birkby (Wounded), 265480 Private A. Dinsdale (Killed in Action), 265509 Private G. Docksey (Wounded), 265130 Private J. H. Hey (Wounded), 265421 Private H. Leaf (Wounded), 265040 Private W. Moore (Wounded), 265208 Private H. Stansfield (Missing), 265409 Private F. Wardman (Killed in Action).
Certain amount of shelling. C Coy relieved D Coy. D Coy remained up and with C Coy wired about 150X of front returning to C Coy’s trenches in the morning. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- In Action
- Long distance bomber force strengthened
- Reliefs Completed
- Training
- Another Busy Day
- On the Move
- Aircraft Lost
- Relief Completed
- Enemy Advance
- Patrols
- Shelling
- In Case of Attack
- Reliefs
- Orders
- On the March
- Change of Billets
- Heavy Attacks
- On the March
- Training Programme
- Training
- Defensive Positions
- Reliefs
- Defensive Work
- Orders
- On the Move
- Preparing to Move
- Reorganisation
- Move
- Company training:
- Awards
- Division Attacks
- Battalion H.Q. again shelled with 5.9", no harm done.
- The light railway made it's first journey from Tannay siding to the Halt
- Outposts
- Training
- Musketry.
- Marched to Rue
- 156th Infantry Brigade Order No. 33.
- Orders
- Timetable
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 25th of April 1918? There are:42 items tagged 25th of April 1918 available in our Library These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 25th of April 1918. Sub-Lieutenant Eric Hugh Allan. H.M.S. Bombala. Read their Story. Pte. Ernest Allen. 49th Infantry Battalion Read their Story. Lieutenant Bernard Anderson. H.M.S. Bombala. Read their Story. 2nd Lt. Walter Dunlop Archer. West Yorkshire Regiment Pte. Thomas Beresford. 8th Battalion Green Howards Read their Story. Gnr. Thomas Blay. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. Frank Brindle. 15th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. John Thomas Broadbent. 6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. John Cardwell. 49th Btn. Machine Gun Corps. Pte. Albert Falltrick. 2/4th Btn. Gloucester Regiment Read their Story. Pte. William Franklin. 6th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Harold Hale. 63rd Field Ambulance Royal Army Medical Corps Pte. Edward Albert Hooper. 9th Battalion Cameronians Read their Story. Pte. James Herbert Hudson. 4th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment Pte. James Keelty. 1/6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Bdr. Eugene Mahy. MM. 50th Bde. C Bty Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. John Malloy. 9th Btn. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte William James Manning. 2/7th (Cyclist) Battalion Devonshire Regiment Maj. Richard Fielding Morrison. MC, MID. 51st Brigade Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Capt. Richard Fielding Morrison. MC, MID. 51st Brigade. D Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. William Robert Palmer. 717th Mechanical Transport Coy. Royal Army Service Corps Read their Story. Sgt. Bert Gwinett Phillips. 9th Btn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Read their Story. Pte Percy Ratcliffe. 1st Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. James Wallace Ronnie. 9th Btn. Cameronians Read their Story. Pte. Walter Wallis Simmonds. 3rd Battalion London Regiment Read their Story. Spr. Robert Smith. 490th Field Company Royal Engineers Read their Story. Sap. James Cross Somerville. 33rd Light Railway Operating Coy. Royal Engineers Pte. John W. Stott. 1st Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte Henry Taylor. 13th Battalion Tank Corps Pte Reginald Welford. 54th Field Ambulance Royal Army Medical Corps 2nd Lt. Richard Thomas Wood. 9th Coy Machine Gun Corps L/Bmdr. Thomas Worrall. 51st Brigade, B Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. L/Bdr. Thomas Worrall. 51st Brigade Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. George William Wye. 5th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment
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