The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
25th February 1915On this day:
- 8th Btn Notts & Derby Regt land in France The 8th Battalion Notts & Derby (Sherwood Forresters) landed in France.
- 2nd Life Guards Dig Trenches. 2nd Life Guards War Diary:
Sent a party of 100 men to dig trenches near La Belle Hotesse. A regrettable fire took place at 3am at the B squadron billet resulting in the loss of a certain amount of equipment and of 19 of the tenant farmers’ cows. Instigated a Court of Enquiry at once, but could find no reasonable explanation or cause of blame.
Lt R Fenwick Palmer rejoined after wound with a draft of 12 men from Windsor.
War Diary
- First Territorial units land in France The 1/7th Battalion Sherwood Foresters was part of 139th (Forester) Brigade in the 46th (North Midland) Division.
In February 1915, the 139th (Forester) Brigade had the distinction of being
part of the first Territorial division to land in France. By the end of the year they had been engaged in heavy fighting and Captain C. G. Vickers of the 1/7th (Robin Hoods) had been awarded the VC.
This Forester Brigade served in France for the remainder of the war and
suffered severe casualties. In particular, it gained special recognition for its valour on the opening day of the Somme Battle on 1 July 1916, where it suffered 80 per cent casualties, and its magnificent part in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line and the final defeat of the German Army in the autumn of 1918. Lieutenant Colonel B.W. Vann MC the Commanding Officer of the 1/6th Battalion and Sergeant W.H. Johnson of the 1/5th Battalion being awarded the VC for conspicious bravery in the latter action.
- Bombardment
- Very Quiet
- Armenians to be Segregated
- Boundary Change
- Rest
- In Billets
- Shells
- Inspection
- Inspection
- Course
- Route March
- New Positions
- On the Move
- Awaiting Orders
- Trench Mortar Explodes
- Remained in farms
- Training
- Parade
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 25th of February 1915? There are:22 items tagged 25th of February 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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