The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
25th July 1915On this day:
- Sports
- 2nd Royal Fusiliers land in Alexandria The 2nd Battalion Royal Fusilers land in Alexandia enroute to the Dardanelles.
- Wire Cutting 15th London Battery with 3 guns only, fired 13 rounds on G.28.c.8.1, 6 rounds on a German working party, 8 rounds on the Loos crossroads and billets in retaliation for German bombardments on Philosophe. 16th London Battery fired two rounds on Loos and the 17th London Battery replied to hostile bombardments of Maroc.
Wire cutting took place tonight. Observation was for range rather than effect. The 15th London Battery fired 6 rounds, the 16th London Battery 5 rounds, 17th London Battery 7 rounds and the 13th London Battery 12 rounds. The results were satisfactory. The best results were obtained by the 17th London Battery, range 1750 yards. In all the cases the gun positions were over 3000 yards away. The working parties from the 5th and the 7th London Brigades returned to their units.
War Diaries
- working party
- Arrangements for collection of cases from the 19th Infantry Brigade General fatigues continued, many of the rooms had to be whitewashed. Repairing incinerators for refuse and ? The following arrangements made for collection of cases from the 19th Infantry Brigade, at 6 am daily two motor ambulance wagons proceed to the advanced dressings post, and then go round the Aid Posts at M6a4.5 and M12c4.6 collecting all sick and wounded, and then evacuate to main Field Ambulance in Estaires, the officer and reinforcement party returning by the same wagon. At 6 pm two ambulance wagons proceeds to the Advanced Dressing Post with the reinforcement party of one officer, one NCO and four men. At this post the reinforcement party remains the night, the officer in the meantime proceeding to all Aid Posts to collect sick and wounded in two wagons. At Advanced Dressing Post those cases the needing attention are seen to, and the wagons then directed to headquarters in Estaires. One motor ambulance wagon is permanently stationed at the Advanced Dressing Post for emergency cases.
War diary RAMC 19th Field Ambulance, Estaires
- In Billets
- Reliefs Completed
- 19th Seige Bty RGA in action Morning was quiet for 9th Siege Battery and in the afternoon our guns opened fire, presumably at La Bassee again, firing about twenty rounds. Airman’s report, Capt Barrett, says several direct hits on gun battery target. Also a large explosion of ammunition was observed. German guns were firing in the morning and were put out of action in the afternoon.
diary of Brumfitt Atkinson
- To Net a Submarine
- Trawlers sunk
- Cargo Ship Lost
- Sailing Ships lost
- Church Parade
- Combat
- 10th Essex Proceed to France 10th Battalion Essex Regiment entrained at Codford St Mary's for active Service in France, less Transport & Machine Guns, Major Wheatley, Lieuts Davis and Neild. They embarked at Folkstone at about midnight 25th/26th July and arrived at Boulogne camp at 3am 26th July.
Before the division set sail for France the King sent a message of farewell. It read:
Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Men,
You are about to join your comrades at the front in bringing to a successful end this relentless war of nearly twelve months' duration.
Your prompt patriotic answer to the Nation's Call to Arms will never be forgotten. The keen exertion of all ranks during the period of training have brought you to a state of efficiency not unworthy of my Regular Army.
I am confident that in the field you will nobly uphold the traditions of the fine regiments whose names you bear.
Ever since your enrolment I have closely watched the growth and steady progress of all units. I shall continue to follow with interest the fortunes of your division.
In bidding you farewell, I pray that God may bless you in all your undertakings.
General Maxse replied:
I beg you will convey to his Majesty our unalterable devotion to his Person and to His Throne and our fixed determination to uphold the best traditions of the British Army in war. 10th Btn. Essex Regiment war diary WO95/2038
- Aeroplane duel
- German Aircraft Downed
- Church Parade
- Reliefs Completed
- Snipers
- On the Move
- New CO
- On the Move
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Church Parade
- In the Line
- Labourse
- Instruction
- On the Move
- Instruction
- Recce
- Trench Work
- Resting
- Battalion at Cambrin
- New Area
- Orders Received
- German aeroplane
- On the Move
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Church Parade
- Heavy Shelling
- Church Parade
- On the Move
- Retaliation
- Reliefs
- On the March
- Working Parties
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 25th of July 1915? There are:51 items tagged 25th of July 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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