The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
25th September 1915On this day:
- Trench Work
- Attack Made
- 10th Scottish Rifles suffer at Loos On this day, 10th Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), part of 15 (Scottish) Div, attacked the German lines at Loos in their first major engagement of the Great War. The battalion lost 255 dead this day.
- Attack Made
- 2nd Battalion fought at Loos on this day, attacking Hulluch Quarries.Their advance commenced at 6.30am. Taking the German front line trench & support trench and then onto the Quarries as far as St Elie,capturing 60 prisoners.Other Ranks Killed - 64. Wounded - 171. Missing - 273.
- Battle of Loos 6th London Field Artillery Brigade march from Haillicourt to Les Brebis and bivouacked at Les Brebnis. They were part of artillery support for 140,141 and 142 Infantry Brigades in 47th Division which was attached to 4th Corps.
Capt. Corsan was wounded in the neck by a bullet whilst fixing in Maroc for detached section of 15th London Battery.
Lt Bruce was wounded during the initial attack by the 19th Battalion London Regiment just as he reached the German front line trenches.
Detached section (under 2/Lt Petro) fixed on Double Crassier during the infantry attack. The 15th London Battery detached section under Capt. Corsan fired during the attack.
War Diaries
- 8th SLI in action at Chalk Pit Wood The 8th Somerset Light Infantry are in action at Chalk Pit Wood, Loos during the Battle of Loos.
- 1st Battalion Royal Scots in France 1915. 1st Battalion in Somme region Picardie, France
- 14th DLI enter the trenches The 14th battalion DLI's first experience of total war took place on the 25th September 1915 when the 14th were moved up into reserve trenches on the Loos battlefield, near Noeux-les-Mines.
- On the march
- Sheffield City Battalion depart Ripon The 12th York and Lancs Battalion leave Ripon Camp late at night, they march through pouring rain to the station and entrain for an eleven hour journey to Salisbury.
Sheffield City Battalion - Ralph Gibson & Paul Oldfield
- Into Action at the Gallop
- Beyond all Imagination
- The 7th and 8th Battalions Kings Own Scottish Borderers where at the Battle of Loos on September 25th 1915. The 7th KOSB lost approx 2/3 of their numbers and the 8th KOSB lost approx 1/3 of their numbers that day and over the next 2 days.
- On the Move 1400hrs Orders received to concentrate for move. E Battery RHA marched with Brigade to Cauchy, left 1600hrs got in around 2300hrs. Roads very crowded and blocked, raining hard. 3 remounts joined us on the march. Good strong American horses.
E Battery RHA war diary
- Back into action
- 8th East Yorks in action According to the Battalion War Diary 8th Bn East Yorkshire Regiment took part in the main attack at Loos on the 25th September 2015 and were not in reserve. They were fighting in the SE corner of Loos village and also had two companies on the slack heaps throughout the 25th and 26th September 1915
- Piped over the Parapet
- 1st Bty RFA in action
- Assualt Launched At 6.30 on the morning of 25th of September 1915, the four-day artillery bombardment paused, gas and smoke was released and the infantry assault was launched. The gas released on I Corps front hung between the lines or blew back into British positions, notably on the northern flank around the Brickstacks. To the northern edge of the battlefield, advancing infantry emerging from the cloud suffered high losses as they were met with devastating machine gun fire. The second wave advanced once the gas at cleared, only this time to be cut down by a hail of machine gun fire and a shower of bombs. Gas was far more effective on IV Corps front south of the Grenay Ridge, in front of 15 & 47 Division sector the gas drifted towards the German trenches and the advance more successful.
On some divisional fronts the gas was supplemented with smoke candles, as gas was not available in sufficient quantity. Even though it would not cause casualties, the smoke looked the same as gas and so forced the defenders to continue taking all the inconvenient anti-gas precautions. It had been estimated that to clear the German positions would require two hours of gas: but there was only enough for forty minutes, which even then, had to be supplemented with smoke.
Many of the British units achieved their first objectives, but the reserve troops urgently needed to exploit these initial successes were a long way back and after a long exhausting march did not go into action until the following day. By which time the German reinforcements were counter-attacking and the British were driven back.
By the end of the day the Allies had lost 13 Battalion commanders, over 400 officers and 8,500 men of other ranks.
- 8th Devons Attack
- 1st South Staffs in Action
- 10th Gordons Attack
- 10th Scottish Rifles Attack
- 9th Black Watch Attack
- Diversionary Attack
- 2nd Warwicks Attack
- 5th Ox & Bucks in Action
- 9th RWF in Action
- 12th Rifle Brigade in Support
- 11th Royal Scots in Action
- Prisoners Escape
- Diversionary Attack
- No Mercy
- 2nd HLI in Action
- 19th Brigade in Action
- Ports Bombarded
- German Positions Bombarded
- Three Lines Captured
- 10th Sherwoods and 7th Borders Cover
- Diversionary Attack
- Out of the Line
- 5th Camerons in Action
- 2nd Ox & Bucks in Action
- In Action
- engineers Bridge Enemy Trenches
- Battle of Loos
- In Reserve
- 1st Glosters in Action
- 2nd Coldstreams Attack
- Bursting Shells
- 9th Liverpools in Acton
- First to Reach Loos
- 6th KRRC in Action
- Rats doing the Tango
- In Acion
- In Action
- Attack Continues
- The Great Charge
- Paying Back Old Debts
- Beyond Powers of Description
- Sap Held
- Oblivious to the Fire
- On the Attack
- Out of the Line
- Artillery In Action
- In Action
- Attack Made
- In Action
- In Camp
- Smoke
- On the March
- Into the Trenches
- In Action
- In Action
- In Action
- In Action
- Under Fire
- Quiet
- Limited Ammunition
- Overcrowded Billets
- Reconnoitring Fire Trenches
- Bombardment
- Smoke
- Wind
- Wind
- Orders
- Patrols
- Artillery
- Operations
- Orders
- In Action
- Attack Made
- Reliefs
- Wet
- Attacks Made
- Attack Made
- Report
- In Action
- Attack Made
- In Action
- In Action
- Objectives Gained
- Artillery Active
- In Action
- On the Move
- In Reserve
- Over the Top
- Relief
- Dummy Attack
- In Action
- On the Move
- On the Move
- London Scottish Attack
- Outline of Operations
- On the March
- 1st Army Success Cheered
- Mine
- Diversion
- On the Move
- Attack
- In trenches supporting an attack
- A Move to Corons du Rutoires
- Bivouac
- Exchange of Fire
- Gas attack
- Attack Made
- Assault Made
- Successful assault
- In Action
- In Action
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Standing By
- Best Section
- Attack Made
- 1st Army had Attacked the Germans
- To Mazingarbe.
- In Reserve
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 25th of September 1915? There are:142 items tagged 25th of September 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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