The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
26th September 1917On this day:
- Patients
- Football 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers
are at Havrincourt Wood.
An uneventful day. Ten Other Ranks proceeded to Divisional Signalling School for a course.
In a football match in the afternoon at Transport lines, we defeated a team picked from the North Irish Horse draft by 2,1.
9th Royal Irish Fusiliers diary WO 95/2505/2
- 12th Londons in action Following a heavy artillery barrage on the morning of the 26th September at 0530hrs ‘B’ Company of the 12th London’s advanced with the 2/9th London’s (Queen Victoria Rifles). The 2/9th found it difficult to maintain the correct direction due to heavy fog, boggy ground and taking heavy casualties through fire from a German trench and machine guns in a nearby pillbox. They pressed on, neutralising both positions, however they stopped a quarter of a mile short of their objective. ‘B’ Company of the 12th Londons took their objective but having failed to make contact with the 2/9th Battalion were forced to pull back to secure its flanks.
C Company 12th Londons, led by Captain Hardy went over the top at 0611hrs and were tasked with attacking an enemy pillbox positioned on the ridge. After a sharp fight captured the German pillbox, together with numerous prisoners. The action of Rifleman Ratcliffe was noted as exceptional, having found himself in charge of the remnants of No 10 Platoon, being one of only four survivors, he collected a few men who had strayed from another Battalion (possibly 2/9ths), including a Company Sergeant Major and a Lewis Gun party and took up a position covering the flank of his Company. Together with the remaining No 10 Platoon men this disparate group held the flank with the aid of a captured German machine gun. Rifleman Ratcliffe was awarded the Military Medal for this action.
- Zeppelin LZ102 takes to the air Zeppelin LZ102 (L57) was a W Class craft which first flew on 26th September 1917. It was not used in combat but was intended for use in Africa. It was damaged beyond repair by a heavy wind on the 8th October 1917.
John Doran
- Training and inspections
- 8th East Yorks Attack
- Battle of Polygon Wood Begins The Battle of Polygon Wood, part of the Third Battle of Ypres began on the 26th of September 1917
- Air Action at The Battle of Polygon Wood
- 9th York & Lancs Inspected
- Artillery on Programme
- Transport Issues
Night very quiet. Night patrols reported our wire very strong. A little shelling of our front line in early morning. Situation very quiet. Pte. E G GIBBON wounded machine gun bullets in the arm. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Attack Made
- In Action
- In Action
- Shelling
- Into Support
- Ranging in
- Rumours of Ypres
- Patrols
- On the Move
- Training & Sports
- Gas
- Reinforcements
- Working Parties & Training
- Wire-cutting TMs
- Bombardment
- Orders
- Intelligence
- On the Move
- Postings
- Training
- Trench work
- Over the top
- Moves Planned
- Attack Made
- Wounded
- Special Mission
- Airmen interned and released
- In Holque we did 4 hours training in the morning.
- On the Move
- Enemy aeroplanes profiting by low cloud
- Divisional Sports
- Demonstration
- Enemy Mortar and Guns more active.
- 5th Corps Attacked.
- Training Programme for week ending 23rd September 1917.
- Line consolidated.
- Four Triplanes lost
- Working Parties.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 26th of September 1917? There are:50 items tagged 26th of September 1917 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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