The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
27th April 1918On this day:
- 9th Rifle Brigade to Cadre
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
27th to 30th April 1918.
0400. Move to Yellow Line, Headquarters at Border Camp. Working on defences and training till end of month.
Effective strength: 29 Officers, 651 Other Ranks, 35 horses, 22 mules.
Ration strength: 24 Officers, 507 Other Ranks, 35 horses, 22 mules.
War Diaries
- Further Withdrawal Preparations
- Readjustment of the Line A readjustment of the line was made, with the 7th. Brigade taking over 'A' Company, 6th D. of W. West Riding Regt's front from about map reference N7b 8.5, with 'A' Company, on relief, taking over right company front of the 1/7th. D. of W. Battalion on east of Milky Way with the left post on map reference N8d 9.7. 'B' Company 6th D. of W. West Riding Regt held the front as formerly but were reinforced by a platoon of 'C' Company 6th Btn on the left with three sections in line and two sections in support. 'D' Company 6th D of W was moved forward to support line on right of Milky Way.
Casualties on this day for 6th D. of W. West Riding Regt were 235504 Sergeant R. Durkin (Killed in Action), 267885 Corporal E. Hird (Killed in Action), 263008 Private W. Blundell (Wounded), 267848 Private T. Clarke (Wounded), 266454 Private E. Howarth (Wounded), 265824 Private W. Johnston (Wounded), 26588 Private L. Middleton (Wounded), 17051 Private A. Murray (Wounded), 265376 Private E. Preston (Wounded), 29918 Private S. Rhodes (Killed in Action), 267756 Private W. Smith (Wounded), 241884 Private R. Welsh (Killed in Action), 267841 Private C. W. Wood (Wounded).
- Patrols
- Training
- Under Bombardment
- Holding at All Costs
- Shelling
- Withdrawal
- Patrols
- Working Parties & Baths
- Moves
- Hostile Guns Silenced
- Training
- Football
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- In Support
- Reliefs
- Heavy Shelling
- Reliefs
- Heavy Shelling
- Equipment
- Orders Cancelled
- Defences and Messages
- On the March
- Crops
- Moving Back
- On the Move
- Company training:
- Large working party
- Artillery Active
- Relief in the evening
- Pte. Gould ( who escaped from German lines ) was examined.
- Enemy Parties
- In Close Support
- Training
- Musketry.
- Box Respirators exchanged
- Transport
- Casualties.
Successful raid of 10th E YORKS REGT on E.23.c. resulting in 24 prisoners and a machine gun. Ground between Regimental Aid Post (GRAND SEC BOIS) and Battalion HQ heavily shelled with 5.9 intermittently between noon and 4.0pm. Inter Coy relief of TANK BATTALION in evening. Relieved by 1st BORDER REGT. Very long and late relief. Relief started 9.30pm. Complete 3.30am. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 27th of April 1918? There are:43 items tagged 27th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 27th of April 1918. Pte. George Ash. 22nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Robert Barker. 12th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment Pte. Arthur John Chesher. 9th Btn. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Pte. Peter Conway. 8th Division Heavy Trench Mortar, V Battery Royal Garrison Artillery Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Corlett. DCM. 11th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers Cpl. J. Coxon. Durham Light Infantry Pte. John Joseph Gallagher. 12th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. L/Cpl. William Gerrard. 11th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers Gnr. Arthur Goddard. 173 Brigade, C Â Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Cpl. Alfred George Hagen. 173 Brigade, D Â Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. John Harrison. 5th Btn. Border Regiment Pte. Frederick Percy Hughes. 12th (The Rangers) Battalion London Regiment Pte. Frederick Victor Jones. 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment Gnr. F. Lally. 173rd Brigade, D Bty Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Cpl. John Willie Lax. 13th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment Read their Story. 2nd Lt. Francis Patrick Maguire. 5th Batt. Leinster Regiment Pte. Thomas Minnis. 25th Btn. Machine Gun Corps Gnr. William James Maltby Mitchell. 173rd Brigade, D Bty Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. James William Pope. 2nd Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. James William Pope. 2nd Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. David Arthur Sillett. 12th Btn. Suffolk Regiment Read their Story. Rflmn. Hyam Woolf. 10th Btn Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story.
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