The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
27th November 1916On this day:
- Zeppelin Raids on Britain A Zeppelin raid on the night of the 27th,28th of November 1916 targeted the Midlands and North East England. Nine Navy airships took part. The bombing was largely ineffective, killing 4, injuring 37 and causing £12,482 damage and two airships were shot down by the defending aircraft.
L34 crossed the North East coast at 23.30, and dropped thirteen high explosive bombs at the Elwick searchlight battery, which missed, destroying a cow shed and injuring two cows. More seriously the L34 then raided West Hartlepool, sixteen high explosive bombs killing four and injuring eleven more, as well as wrecking houses and demolishing a grandstand at West Hartlepool football stadium.
2nd Lt Ian Pyott of 36 Squadron, took off from Seaton Carew aerodrome in BE2c 2738 and chased Zeppelin L34, which was coned by searchlights, across the skies over Hartlepool and succeeded in shooting it down using incendiary bullets. The airship crashed in flames and fell into the sea about 1,800 yards offshore from the Heugh Lighthouse on the Hartlepool headland, the wreckage burning on the water for some time. 2Lt. Pyott was awarded a Distinguished Service Order for his actions and a plaque on the entrance gates to Seaton Park, commemorates the event. All the Zeppelin crew were killed, two bodies were later washed up, but identification proved impossible, they were buried with military honours in Seaton Carew Cemetery. L34 which had set off from Nordholz in Germany, was captained by Max Dietrich, the uncle of the singer and actress Marlene Dietrich. An another member of the crew was Hermann Pufahl, the father of two small children.
L21 was attacked by three aircraft near Yarmouth.
Flt Sub-Lt. Edward Pulling was credited with the victory and awarded a DSO, the other pilots receiving the DFC
The following day a single LVG CIV made the first German aeroplane raid on London, hoping to hit the Admiralty, six 10 kg (22 lb) fell between Victoria station and the Brompton Road. There were no further raids in 1916. John Doran
- Instruction 2 sections per platoon of 33rd Battalion AIF relieved half of 27th Northumberland Fusiliers to learn trench routine.
War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, La Chapelle-d'Armentières
- Heavy casualties in trench work areas 6th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment
are in the line - Thick morning mist and weather improved later. Shelling abnormally heavy in whole of battalions area. Post blown in at R2c81 and 7 killed. Shelters in Quarry at R7c73 destroyed with Sergeant-majors Good and Fraser killed. Railway line through Beaumont damaged and entrances to dug-outs in Quarry at R8a20 blown in. Communication trench from R7c68 continued. Trench cut from Quarry at R8a20 to Railway Road. Casualties in all 37.
war diaries
- Winter training commences
- Frosty Weather
- On the March
- On the Move
- Reliefs Completed 18th DLI are relieved by 18th West Yorks and moved into billets in Rossignol Farm. Very wet day. Trenches in very muddy condition. Relief complete 5.30pm. Battalion formed part of Divsional Reserve. Men very tired but in fairly good condition.
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Aircraft Lost
- On the March
- Rations
- Training
- On the March
- Thick Mist
- Move to Divisional Reserve
- Route March
- Shelling
- On the March
- Some Shelling
- In Billets
- Aeroplanes Active
- Reorganisation
- Reliefs
- On the March
- LTMs Hit Enemy Saps
- Company training
- Aircraft Lost
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft Lost
- Aircraft damaged
- Trenches are in a bad state of repair.
- Reliefs
- Patrols
- Reliefs
- During the afternoon a few T.M's. and Rifle Grenades were fired by the Enemy
- Wire Rconnaissance
- Preparing for inspection by the G.O.C. 15th Division.
- Outpost duties
- Estimated unfits
- Heavy Shells
- Crash in fog
- Billets at Louvencourt.
- Court of Enquiry
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 27th of November 1916? There are:49 items tagged 27th of November 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 27th of November 1916. Pte. Felix Reuben Barltrop. 12th Btn. No 1 Coy. Royal Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. William Atkinson Henderson. 19th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Edward McCormack. 2nd Battalion Cameronians Scottish Rifles Read their Story. Pte. Charles Mitchell. 2/4th Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment
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