The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
28th April 1916On this day:
- 16th Northumberland Fusilers take over front line trenches The 16th Northumberland Fusiliers takes over front line trenches from the Inniskillings
records of the 16th (service) battalion northumberland fusiliers captain ch cooke mc, newcastle upon tyne 1923
- Allies explode small Mine 6th County of London Brigade RFA at
Carency report
2nd Lt Corsan and 2nd Lt Tombs posted to the 6th London Ammunition Column. Intermittent shelling of Ablain and Souchez Valley today by 5.9s & 4.2s.
At 0420 we exploded a small mine just in front of our front line opposite Gobinaux trench. This is called the Broadridge crater.
War Diaries
- 125 Heavy Bty proceed to France 125th Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery leave England for France.
- Praise for 7th Inniskillings. "Special orders" By Lieutenant Colonel H N Young, Commanding 7th Service Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
The following telegram was sent to all companies on the 28th April 1916:
"The Army Commander, General Sir Charles Monro has telephoned to congratulate the 49th Infantry Brigade on their gallant conduct on the morning of the 27th April 1916"
The Divisional Commander, Major General Hickie also telephoned to say how proud he is of their behaviour.
The above messages apply chiefly to the two battalions of the brigade in the firing line. The brunt of this attack appears to have fallen on the 7th Inniskillings.
The CO received the following personal letter from Major General W B Hickie CB Commanding the 16th Irish Division on the 28th April 1916:
"I am directed by Sir Charles Monro, Commanding the 1st Army, to convey to you and to the officers, NCO’s and men of the battalion under your command his appreciation of the conduct of the battalion on the occasion of the German attack on the 27th April 1916. To these congratulations I would also like to add my own thanks"
"The CO desires on his own behalf to express to all ranks his high appreciation of their conduct and bearing on the 27th & 28th April 1916when they displayed a high standard of courage and endurance and showed themselves worthy upholders of the traditions of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers"
(Signed) A C Taggart, Captain and Adjutant,
7th Service Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
- Further training and inspections
- Enemy drops Message
- 2/5th Leics Disembark
- Attack on Lowestoft
- Ship Sunk
- Irish Sea Sailings Suspended
- On the Move
- Theft
- Into Camp 18th DLI marched out of Colincamps at 8.50am and entered hutments at Bertrancourt.
The National Archives WO95/2361/1
- Working Parties
- In Billets
- On the Move
- Gas Alarm
- A New Draft
- Measles outbreak
- Quiet
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Inspection
- Intermittent Shelling
- Thipeval Hit Again
- Working Parties
- Enemy Mines
- Gas
- Aircraft damaged
- Positions
- Reliefs
- Death
- Guns Open on SOS
- New RNAS Wing despatched to France
- The Battalion is now in Divisional reserve.
- In Billets 7th Buffs remained in billets at Suzanne. Note. During tours of duty the Battalion occupied the following trenches,
A 29/6, A 23/1, A 23/2, A 23/3 and A23/4, reference Trench Maps Maricourt 1/10,000,
During these tours of duty, Battalion on right was 7th R West Kent Regiment 55th Brigade
Battalion on left was either 8th Norfolk Regiment or 8th Suffolk Regiment) of 53rd Brigade.
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- On the Move
- Reliefs
- In Reserve
- Relief
- Fairly heavy Shelling
- Enemy Mine Blown
- Shelled by Enemy
- Posting
- Working Parties
- Officer reported for Duty
- Course Imperial School of Instruction, Zeiton.
- Marching took the place of Bombing.
- In Billets
- Cleaning and inspections.
- Gas
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 28th of April 1916? There are:51 items tagged 28th of April 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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