The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
29th January 1918On this day:
- Working Parties
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
B.22.a Centre. 1700hrs.
Battalion moves to line in relief of 14th Royal Irish Rifles (Young Citizens) in Right Battalion Sector. Boundaries: Right B.16.d.5.4, left B.9.c.8.1.
- Dispositions:
- A and C Companies in line. Boundary between Companies B.10.c.6.3;
- B Company Counter attack in dugouts,
- Headquarters, B.16.d.1.4;
- D Company Passive defence in dugouts,
- Headquarters, B.22.a Central.
Relief carried out successfully, notwithstanding condition of trenches very bad, having fallen in partly owing to weather and partly to want of attention. Wiring plentiful. Distance between enemy and our front line averages 1,000 yards.
War Diaries
- Zeppelin Raids on Britain On the 29th January, the first raid undertaken by Giants unaccompanied by Gothas took place. Four aircraft from Rfa 501 took off, one turning back before reaching England. Casualties and damage were light. 80 defence sorties were flown, and one Giant was attacked by no less than five aircraft, one attack succeeding in disabling one of its engines. British fighter pilots' efforts against the Giants were handicapped by poor intelligence work, although the existence of these aircraft was known, the information had not been passed on, and many pilots must have underestimated the range from which they were firing.
John Doran
Tactical scheme without troops for all Officers and NCO’s except CSM’s. Scabies inspection for the men after which they do a small tactical scheme by Coy’s under the direction of the Orderly Officer and CSM’s. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Reliefs
- In the Line
- Relief Complete
- Artillery Active
- Patrol
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Malaria
- Reliefs
- Enemy Sniping
- Quiet
- Relief and Mist
- Training
- Front Extended
- Trench Work
- Reinforcements
- Work and Training
- Divisional HQ Moves
- On Relief
- Working Parties
- Route march 15 Miles.
- Working parties supplied for battle zone.
- Nominal rolls in quadruplicate completed 0900 hours.
- Shelling Casualties
- Reliefs
- 46th Brigade Scheme
- Operational Orders
- Relieved 155th Brigade
- Reliefs
- Lecture on Pigeons.
- Seaplane shot down
- Into Support
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 29th of January 1918? There are:37 items tagged 29th of January 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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