The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
30th April 1918On this day:
- 36th Battalion AIF disband
- Counter attack Word was received by 6th Btn D of W West Riding Regt at 2.45am. that the French 89th. Division on our right would counter-attack with a view to reaching Pompier Farm and that the 75th. Brigade would conform by occupying road at map reference N14a 5.0 to N14b 4.7, The 75th. Brigade reached their objective but were withdrawn owing to the French again failing to get forward.
At 7pm., particulars of an operation to be carried out by the 7th. Brigade and French Division were received, with orders for the 6th Battalion D of W to establish a line of posts from map references N14b 6.7 to N9c to connect up with 7th. Brigade on the right and 1/7th. D. of W. Battalion on the left. Zero Hour was to be at 8pm. and therefore arrangements had to be hurriedly made. 'C' Company 6th D of W was detailed to carry out the operation with the Support platoon. This platoon moved forward with Lieutenant Willink and 2nd. Lieutenant Huffam at about 7.50pm. The barrage on the 7th. Brigade and French front brought considerable retaliation but the objective was reached with few casualties and the line was established. Touch could not, however, be got with the troops on the right and it was found that, although they had also reached their objectives, the French troops had failed to get forward and the troops of the 7th. Brigade had been withdrawn. Orders were therefore issued at about 10.45pm to 'C' Company 6th D of W to withdraw to their original position. Casualties on this day for 6th D of W West Riding Regt were: 23930 Sergeant E. Stead (Killed in Action), 203848 Lance Sergeant H. Shaw (Killed in Action), 265178 Corporal W. Gibson (Killed in Action), 242252 Corporal J. W. Lewis (Killed in Action), 13120 Corporal L. S. Mitchell (Wounded), 266368 Lance Corporal H. Crossley (Wounded), 265237 Lance Corporal G. E. Hook (Wounded), 265226 Lance Corporal R. S. Long (Wounded), 266616 Private J. Fuller (Wounded), 29472 Private H. Garnett (Wounded), 242861 Private S. Garnett (Wounded), 267507 Private J. E. Glenton (Wounded at Duty), 26547 Private E. T. Grisdale (Killed in Action), 265701 Private T. Hackston (Killed in Action), 267541 Private W. Haigh (Killed in Action), 26555 Private H. Hainsworth (Wounded at Duty), 31739 Private A. Hallsor (Wounded), 41157 Private W. B. Kent (Wounded), 266742 Private J. H. McCarthy (Wounded), 267580 Private H. Pickles (Killed in Action), 13727 Private J. Tuddenham (Killed in Action)267593 Private A. Whiteley (Wounded), 26654 Private H. Wilks (Wounded at Duty).
C & D Coy’s 300 men working on defences in D.21.22.& 23. A & B Coy’s training. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Patrols
- On the March
- Recce
- Reliefs and Attacks
- On the March
- Working Parties and Training
- Reliefs
- By the Lake
- On the March
- Missing son
- Enemy Aircraft
- Enemy Active
- Retaliatory Fire
- Training
- Ready to Move
- Shelling
- Working Parties
- Recce
- Comparative Quiet
- Counter Attack Launched
- Aeroplanes Active
- Training
- In Reserve
- Reports
- At Rest
- Lecture
- In Bivouacs
- Training
- Defensive positions
- Reliefs
- Artillery Very Active
- "C" Coy. returned and "B" Coy. went down.
- Banners were presented by the Corps. Commander.
- Arrivals and Departures for April 1918.
- Hostile Artillery Active
- A Difficult Relief
- Training
- Company Training
- Lecture on Bayonet Fighting
- Strength changes
- Reinforcement.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 30th of April 1918? There are:44 items tagged 30th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 30th of April 1918. Cpl. Herbert Fullerton Baker. MM 16th Btn. London Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Albert James Bennett. 6th btn. South Wales Borderers Read their Story. RSM George Cavan. 9th Battalion Glasgow Highland Light Infantry Rflmn. Daniel Patrick Finn. 1/8th Btn. London Regiment Read their Story. Bmbdr. John V. Kerr. 121 Brigade, A Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Able Sea. Jeremiah Mehigan. HMS Magic Read their Story. Pte. William Moss. 86 Bgde, 29th Division, 1st Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Wilfred Smith. 1/6th Btn. Duke of Wellingtons West Riding Regiment Read their Story. Sgt. John Sutherland. 1/9th (Glasgow Highlanders) Battalion Highland Light Infantry Read their Story. Gnr Frederick Willmot. MM 21st Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery Gnr. Frederick Willmot. MM. 21st Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery Read their Story.
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