The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
30th September 1916On this day:
- Frevillers, field training
- 16th Northumberlands into front line at Cuinchy. The 16th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers took over the right sub sector of the front line in the Cuinchy sector, from 2nd btn Royal Irish Fusiliers. A, D, and B coys take up position from right to left with C coy in support. Back in the routine of trench duty, trench-mortar activity, reserve and working parties.
- Hostile Activity 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report:
Hostile artillery fairly active on our trenches in the morning & afternoon.
Hostile anti-aircraft guns very active against our aeroplanes.
Major General Sir Charles Barter relinquished command of 47th London Division.
Batteries fired in barrages but there was no infantry action on our front.
War Diaries
- Brigade Staff Ride
- Repairs
- Relief and return to Hauteville 6th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment are in Schwaben Trench. At 1530 the Battalion is relieved by 8th Loyal North Lancs and marches back to billets Hauteville.
Total casualties 25th to 30th September.
2nd Lt Ingersoll - killed
Other Ranks - 14 killed, 71 wounded
GH Gater Lt Colonel commanding 6th Btn. Lincolnshire Regiment.
war diaries
- Enemy Aircraft
- Jam Day
- In the Trenches 18th Durhams report "Fine throughout the day and after slight TM activity unusually quiet."
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Reliefs Completed
- Reinforcements
- Training
- Transport Arrives
- In the Trenches
- Training
- Supporting a Raid
- Raid Cancelled
- Route March
- Reorganisation
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Patrols
- Barrage
- Orders Amended
- Moves
- Patrols
- Baths
- Reviewed by the King
- German Equipment Captured
- At Rest
- Personnel
- In Reserve
- Trench Raid
- Defence Work
- Demonstration
- In Support
- Emplacements
- Tribunal
- Diary
- Dispositions
- Operations
- Fatigues, Baths & refitting.
- A Specials parade was held
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft Lost
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- In Action 7am Message received by 7th Buffs from Brigade “S.O.S. on Northern edge of Schwaben redoubt 7th Buffs to ready.”
Verbal message from Brigade said “1 Coy to be sent to occupy Northern defences of trench.” D Coy was accordingly ordered up and reported its arrival without any casualties at 10.35 a.m.
Casualties up to 12 noon 30th Sept.
O.R. killed. 3.
O.R. Wounded. 5. 1.25pm Orders received from Brigade. stating “2 platoons 7th Buffs in conjunction with the 8th East Surrey Regiment . were to attack and recapture Schwaben Redoubt. Objectives of the 2 platoons 7th Buffs were points R.19.d.39.80 and R.19.d.1.9.” Zero time was 4 p.m.
2 platoons of D Coy under 2L/t Carman, nos. 15 and 16, were detailed for the attack.
3.35pm Orders were issued for A Coy 7th Buffs to stand by ready to move up to Thiepval at a moment’s notice.
Major Monier-Williams ordered to report to Brigade H.Q.
4pm Verbal orders received from Brigade. “1 Coy to report to O.C. 8th East Surrey Regiment . at Thiepval at once.” A Coy 7th Buffs was ordered to proceed up.
8.50pm Verbal orders received from Brigadier who came up to Wood Post were that 1 Coy and H.Q. were to move up to Thiepval and reinforce the 8th East Surrey Regiment . who were to collect and withdraw back to Wood Post.
9.15pm H.Q. and B Coy moved up to Thiepval reaching there at 10.45 p.m. B Coy moving into dug outs about R.25.b.6.0. H.Q, going to 8th East Surrey H.Q. at R.25.d.0.4.
C Coy ordered to move up to Joseph trench R.32.a.2.6 to 7.7.
12 midnight. Message received from A Coy saying nos. 1 and 3 platoons had been sent to reinforce 8th East Surrey Regiment . left near point R.19 d 65. Nos 2 and 4 platoons sent to help 7th R.W. Kent Regiment.
Also report attached received from D Coy with reference to the attack at 4 p.m. by nos. 15 and 16 platoons by 2L/t L. G. Carman who was in command of the party. A.W. Monier-Williams Commanding 7th Buffs 10th Oct 1916 7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- General Morland ( Commanding 10th Corps. ) presented medal ribbons
- Usual heavy shelling.
- Return
- Bombardier Jeffery Awarded Military Medal
- Physical drill & Bayonet exercises
- Training
- Cleaning Up
- Paraded under Officer from 9th Gordons
- Battalion relieved
- Marched to Billets
- Trench Work
- In Reserve
- M.G.C. was inspected by Major Pardoe. K.R.R.C.
- Working Parties
- Air combat
- Minenwerfer Killed 5 NCO's and men.
- Fighting Patrol.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 30th of September 1916? There are:77 items tagged 30th of September 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 30th of September 1916. Pte. George Abrahams. 9th Btn. Devonshire Regiment Read their Story. Gnr. Arthur John Bicknell. 51st Seige Battery Royal Garrison Artilley Read their Story. Pte. Alfred Blower. 8th Btn. East Surrey Rgt. Read their Story. Cpl. William Lucas Cain. 18th Btn. Middlesex Regiment Pte. William George Geary. 16th (Waikoto) Coy. 1st Bn. Auckland Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Michael Gorry. 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment Pte. Richard Harry Hill. 7th Btn., A Coy East Surrey Rgt. Spr. A. Holbrook. 1st (Wessex) Field Coy. Royal Engineers Read their Story. Pte. Cyril Frank Vivian Jones. 7th Btn. East Kent Regiment Read their Story. Sgt. Henry James Mansfield. 9th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment Bmdr. Frank Muir. 250 Bde. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. William Mummery. 8th Btn. East Surrey Rgt. Read their Story. Pte. Albert Norgrove. 7th Btn. South Staffordshire Regiment Read their Story. CSM Herbert Padgett. DCM 9th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment CSM. Herbert Padgett. DCM. 9th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment Pte. George Potter. 22nd Btn Queens West Surrey Regiment L/Cpl. Ralph Maddison Robson. 20th Battallion Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. George Rochelle. 7th Btn. South Staffordshire Regiment Sgt. George Sheldon. 8th Btn. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) Read their Story. 2nd Lt. Montaque Adolph Stimson. 10th Btn East Surrey Regt. Read their Story. Pte. Bruce Thompson. 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Harry James Trusler. Royal West Surrey Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Harry Trusler. 11th Battalion, OCB Company The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) Read their Story. Dvr. John George Walton. 225 Field Coy. Royal Engineers Read their Story. L/Cpl. Joseph Webb. 11th Btn., B Coy. Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story.
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