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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

31st December 1916

On this day:

  • 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.12   Not to be taken in front line trenches
    33rd Battalion A.I.F.
    Routine Order No.122
    Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead.
    Chappelle d'Armentières 31?12.16.

    Lewis Gun School. 1193.
    The following NCO has been detailed to attend Lewis Gun school at Le Touquet, commencing 3rd December, 1916: Cpl G.A. Cawkwell.
    Front line area. 1194.
    All Officers, N.C.O.s and men visiting the front line must first report at the Battalion Headquarters and obtain permission and guides to move to forward lines.

    Repair of lines. 1195.
    Company Commanders will be entirely responsible for the maintenance and repair of their lines. In order to assist them the O.C., 209th Field Company R.E. is placing sappers at disposal of Battalion. One sapper will report to each Co. Headquarters daily at 8 am. These sappers will be accommodated and rationed by O.C. 209th Field Company, but will be under the Company Commanders of whose Battalion sub-sector they are allotted for all arrangements regarding their work. At least 15 men per Company to be detailed to work under these sappers.

    Sanitary. 1196. Units when occupying the Subsidiary Lines must pay special attention to the latrines and cleanliness of same.

    Dress. 1197.
    Men must not be allowed to leave their Battalion billeting area. If so, they must be in possession of a pass bearing office stamp and must carry their rifle and wear their equipment (less pack) field dressing, and anti-gas appliances.
    Runners need only carry rifle, 10 rounds ammunition, field dressing, and anti-gas appliances.
    All working parties must parade in fighting order with anti-gas appliances.

    Shaving. 1198.
    All ranks must shave daily.

    Trench feet. 1199.
    In the future every man who contracts "trench feet" through neglect to take the necessary precautions as ordered for its prevention will be brought to trial Field General Court-Martial in the same way as men found to be suffering from self-inflicted wounds.

    Forward Zone. 1200.
    Every man in the forward zone must take care that he is never, under any circumstances, parted from his rifle.

    Chloride of lime. 1201.
    It's you should be restricted almost entirely for the purpose of sterilisation of drinking water. Tins must be kept closely fastened.

    Enemy food supplies. 1202.
    Warning is issued of the possibility of food found in enemy trenches being purposely contaminated with disease especially any found in parcels.

    Issue of rum. 1203.
    Rum will only be issued to troops who return to quarters after completing a tour of duty. It will then only be issued on the advice of medical officer. Battalions must arrange for the issue of hot tea, cocoa, etc two men on duty during bad weather conditions.

    Fuel pumps. 1204.
    Quartermaster will arrange through Group Supply Officer to send transport with loaders to fuel dumps to draw fuel.

    Appointments and promotions. 1205.
    Lt. W. Layton is seconded for duty with the 3rd Australian Divisional Training Battalion. Dated 6th November, 1916.

    The undermentioned officers are transferred to the 52nd Battalion. Dated 30th October, 1916.

    Lt. H.J. Moore (who ceases to be seconded for duty with 9th Infantry Training Battalion on transfer.)
    2/Lt. H.P. York.

    9th Infantry Training Battalion.
    They undermentioned officer ceased to be seconded for duty with the Training Battalion on transfer to 52nd Battalion.
    Lt. H.J. Moore. Dated 30th October 1916.
    Reductions. 1206.
    No. 179 Lt/Cpl. E.G. Shaughnessy having ceased his duties as Cpl Bugler, reverts to the ranks forthwith.

    Transfer. 1207.
    The undermentioned transfers have been approved:-
    No.14. Private W.J. Bath from open Headquarters to A. Co.
    No. 356. Private E. G. Atley from B. Co. to Headquarters.

    (Signed) R.C. Jones 2/Lt. Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

  • 33rd Bn AIF inspections   Billets. Working party supplied to AE. Brigadier General Delaboy and Brigadier General Leslie inspected billets at report on shortage of material

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

  • 33rd Battalion AIF state as at noon 31st December 1916   Third Australian Division
    State as at noon 31st December 1916. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

    Present..........29 officers ......903 other ranks.....
    Absent with leave...........
    Absent with leave...........
    On command..........6 officers.....28 other ranks
    Temporary sick..........15 other ranks
    Total strength..........35 officers .....946.....other ranks
    Establishment..........34 officers.....976 other ranks
    Wanting to complete..........30 other ranks
    Attached..........2 other ranks

    Riding horses.........12
    L.D. horses..........10
    L.D. mules..........19
    Pack horses..........7
    Pack mules...........2

    "Attached" is comprised 1 chaplain, 1 batman, 1 interpreter

    RC Jones S/Lieut.
    Adjutant, 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

  • 33rd Battalion AIF List of schools candidates   Schools
    List of candidates

    Number. Rank. Name. Nature. Place. Date.

    1233. Cpl. Richardson, G. Grenade. Terdecham. 4.12.16.
    1540. Sgt. Clark, C.E. Anti-Gas. Oxelaire. 4.12.16.
    728. Cpl. Calkwell, G. Lewis Gun. Le Touquet. 3.12.16.
    508. Cpl.White, R. BLewis Gun. Le Touquet. 11.12.16.
    30. L/Cpl. Clifton, M. Lewis Gun. 11.12.16.
    1425. Cpl.Eaton, C.R. Sig. linesman. Zuytpeene. 19.12.16.
    Lt. W.D.Mackenzie. Sniping. Mon des Cats. 23.12.16.
    1184. Cpl. McKenzie, J. Sniping. Mon des Cats. 23.12.16.
    1266. Sgt Thomas, G.D. Musketry. Tilques. 26.12.16.
    Lt. C.P.Kirby. School of Instruction. Wisques. 25.12.16.
    717 Pte. Butler, R.J. School of Instruction. Wisques. 25.12.16.
    715. Sgt Budden, B.W.A. School of Instruction. Wisques. 25.12.16.
    Lt. J.G. Fraser. Training School. Etaples. 26.12.16.
    973. Pte.Phifer, W.I. Sniping School. Mont des Cats. 3.12.16.
    1784. Cpl. Chapman, W.P. P.T. and B.F. Morbecque. 24.12.16.
    1491. L/Cpl. O'Connor, C.P. Lewis Gun. Le Touquet. 27.12.16.
    1484. L/Cpl. Macdonald, D. Lewis Gun. Le Touquet 27.12.16.
    Lt. E.A.Clarence. Officers. Morebecque. 30.12.16.
    534. Pte. Reading, P. Cookery Hazelbrouck. 1.1.17.
    Lt.Col. L.J. Morshead C.O.'s. Wisques. 31.12.16.
    374. L/Cpl. Betts, C.H. Signalling. Morebecque. 2.1.17.
    60. L/Cpl.Easton, T.J. Signalling. Morebecque. 2.1.17.
    1 officer 44 men. Bde. Sig. Sch. Armentières. 1.1.17.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

  • 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 153   33rd Battalion A.I.F.
      Lieut-Col. LJ Morshead
      STEENWERCK, 31st December, 1916

        IRON RATIONS 1451
      The iron ration is only to be consumed by the order of an officer.  Such orders are only to be issued when no other rations are available. If consumed under any other circumstances the men will be charged with the offence and on conviction the sentence will include payment for the ration.  Quartermaster will be responsible to C.O. that above instructions are carried out and for inspection of same at frequent intervals (always immediately after relief from trenches). Indents will be forwarded at once to Brigade Supply officer for rations required to replace any found deficient. A statement of the circumstances that should clearly show that orders were issued by an officer, giving his name, rank, et cetera will be attached when it is a case for replacement at Public expense of rations properly consumed by orders. When rations are lost or improperly consumed and replaced at expense of officers or men, a properly signed acquittance roll will be attached. Approval for fresh issue will be obtained from DHQ (through Brigade Headquarters).
      In cases where rations have been consumed and proper rations also issued but too late for consumption the SSO will make the necessary under issue to the unit and adjust the matter.

      All Government animals found straying are to be handed over at once to Mobile Veterinary Section, map location B.20.b.4.0 - Sheet 36. N.W.

      A Brigade Signalling School will assemble at ÉCOLE ARMENTIÈRES on Monday, 1st January, 1917, and will not disperse until the Brigade again moves into the line.  Signalling Officer will supervise all arrangements and will muster candidates at the following points. (Sheet 36. N.W. 1/20,000.

      Section.                                     Place.                        Time.

      Battalion Signallers )                 at C Co. HQ               8 am
      C Co              "        )                 STEENWERCK 
    A Co              "        )                 Cross roads                9 am
      D Co              "        )                 B.So.d.9.9. 
    B Co              "                          B.27.d.1.8                   9.30 am

      They will proceed in full marching order less bicycles. Felt hats will be worn and steel helmets carried between support straps on back of packs. The unconsumed portion of days rations will be carried. Quartermaster will arrange for two dixies to be sent with the party.  Transport Officer will arrange to detail a GS Limbered wagon to call at Company billets for blankets which must be rolled in Company bundles and ready at 8 am on Monday, 1st January, 1917.  He will also collect dixies as directed by QM and all signal baggage.  This will be delivered to Battalion Signalling Officer at ÉCOLE, ARMENTIÈRES.  B. Co will detail a cook to proceed with signallers.

      RETURNS 1454
      A considerable amount of trouble and delay is being experienced through returns not arriving at this office at times laid down. Steps must beat once taken to permanently ensure that returns are rendered to time. An explanation will be required in every case of neglect in this matter.    

      In addition to the allotment notified in R.O. 151, para 1433 the following additional accommodation has been provided for this Battalion on Wednesday and Thursday of each week.
      Time.         Wed.         Thurs.          Allotment
      1:30 pm         5               5                  Per Company
      In all cases troops must be paraded punctually, and  figures are not to be exceeded.

      FUEL 1456
      During the shortage of Coke, charcoal, if available, maybe issued at the rate of 1lb per man in the trenches instead of half a pound.

      Re R.O. 152.para 1437, this return is required to reach Battalion Headquarters not later than noon on Wednesday 3rd January, 1917.

      Owing to the 3rd Divisional Area (Australian) being isolated for mumps, Bailleul is out of bounds for all ranks.  The bus arranged for conveying offices to Officers Club, BAILLEUL will not run until further notice.

      1-1-1917 33rd Battalion.

      DUTIES 1460
      Captain of the week:  Capt. RF Craigie
      Subaltern of the day:  Lt. WJC Duncan
      Next for duty:  
    Regimental Orderly Corporal:  Cpl. HE Thomas
      Next for duty:  Cpl. T Croft

      PROMOTIONS 1461
      The following promotions have been approved:-

      No. 353, Private JP McGuire to be driver and is transferred to C Co.
      1224, Private W Pollock to be driven and is transferred to D Co.

      PUNISHMENTS 1462
      The following punishment was awarded 30-12-16 

      No. 2052, Private WM Grady C Co.

      Disobedience or orders,
      in that he failed to appear at an appointed time for fatigues when ordered by his superior officer to do so.
      when ordered to appear for guard failed to do so.
      28 days F.P. No. 2
      No. 2211 Private: DA French  C Co.
      Disobedience of orders,
      in that he failed to appear at unappointed time for fatigue when ordered by his superior officer to do so.
      when ordered to appear for guard failed to do so
      28 days F.P. no 2

      (Signed) RC JONES, 2/Lieut.
      Adjutant, 33rd Battalion A.I.F.


      The commanding officer sends New Year Greetings to all ranks and wishes them every success in the coming year.    


    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

  •  Church services

  •  Rest period

  •  New Year Hopes

  •  Under Shellfire

  •  Celebrations

  •  Concert

  •  Church Parade

  •  A Broken March

  •  Inspection

  •  Reliefs

  •  Enemy Active

  •  Enemy Active

  • New Naval Squadron   No. 6 Squadron of the Royal Naval Air Service was formed on the 31st of December 1916 and flew Nieuport 17s and later Sopwith Camels on the Western Front until it was disbanded on the 27th of August 1917. It reformed on 1st of January 1918 as a bomber and reconnaissance unit flying Airco DH9s. On 1st of April 1918 it was redesignated No. 206 Squadron, Royal Air Force.

  •  Working Parties


  •  Enemy Shooting All Day

  •  Reinforcements

  •  Working Parties

  •  Baths and Football

  •  Our TMs Very Active

  •  General cleaning up

  •  C Battery RHA - New Duties as Depot Battery, 1st Army Artillery School, Aire

  •  Training

  •  C.O. inspected camp

  •  Promotions

  •  Brigade reliefs

  •  March Table

  •  Reorganisation of Naval Squadrons

  •  Q.764 received

  •  8th Yorks Relieved

  •  Section quiet.

  •  Cleaning up and Inspections.

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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

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    Want to know more about 31st of December 1916?

    There are:37 items tagged 31st of December 1916 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 31st of December 1916.

  • Able Seaman Henry Albert Austin. H.M.S. Alert. Read their Story.
  • Pte. Harold James Burnett. 7th Btn. Somerset Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • Pte. Harold James Burnett. 7th Btn. Somerset Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. Isaac Carlin. 6th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. Isaac Carlin. 6th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. Issac Carlin. Yorks and Lancaster Regt. Read their Story.
  • Pte. John Goldstone. 6th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Laurence Nolan. 1st Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Gnr. Jack Prosser. 147th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
  • Harold Shaw. 2nd Battalion Border Regiment

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