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- No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station during the Great War -

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No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station

   No.3 Casualty Clearing Station opened at Hazebrouck in August 1914 and made a number of moves, ending the war at Caudry. The wounded, having already had their wounds dressed at a Dressing Station would be brought to the tented hospital behind the lines, which also dealt with the sick referred to them by the Medical Officer of the man's battalion. The CCS was equipped with an operating theatre and tented wards. Those who needed further treatment would be transferred to one of the hospitals, though some were able to return to their unit after a stay at the CCS.

17th Sep 1914 Wounded

17th Sep 1914 Wounded

18th Sep 1914 Assistance

29th Jan 1915 Artillery Active

18th Dec 1917 Sick and Wounded

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Want to know more about No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station?

There are:6 items tagged No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have worked or been treated at

No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Blackmore Ewart Gladstone. 2nd Lt.
  • Conroy William Henry. Pte (d. 7th July 1916)
  • Cross Fred C.. Pte.
  • Day Henry James. Pte. (d.23rd Sep 1918)
  • Hampton Philip. Sgt.
  • Robinson MM. James Blythe. Sgt.
  • Saad Robert Douglas. Pte. (d.14th Feb 1917)
  • Shalders William Northam. Pte.
  • Shreeve James William. Capt.
  • Skilleter Arthur Andrew. Pte.
  • Smout Alfred Edward. Tpr. (d.12th July 1916)
  • Stewart Charles. Pte. (d.29 Sep 1918 )
  • Tearle Herbert John. L/Cpl.
  • Watson William. Pte. (d.4th May 1916)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station from other sources.

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Tpr. Alfred Edward Smout 2nd Life Guards (d.12th July 1916)

Trooper Alfred Edward Smout died of wounds at the Casualty Clearing Station at Puchevillers. He is buried in Puchevillers British Cemetery. He was just 18 years old.

JayAnn Knox


Pte. William Watson 17th Btn. (d.4th May 1916)

William Watson died of gunshot wounds to the chest on the 4th of May 1916, aged 27 in No.3 Casualty Clearing Station, France. He is buried in the Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension in France.

Born on 15/09/1888 in Scotland he was the youngest child of Alexander & Eliza (nee Clark) Watson and was employed as a Tailor in Guyra, NSW Following the death of his father, Great-uncle Willie and his older brother Alex came to Australia in 1909 to establish themselves so that they could bring their mother and two sisters, ( the youngest being my Grandmother), to Australia. Alex settled some land in Nowendoc, NSW and Willie set up business as a tailor in Guyra, NSW. His mum and sisters were on their way to Australia when war was declared in 1914. He enlisted in Sydney 21/7/1915; embarked 5/10/1915; embarked Egypt 17/3/1916 and disembarked in Marseilles, France 23/3/1916. He was wounded in action 3/5/1916 and died 4/5/1916.

s flynn


Pte. William Northam Shalders 5th Pioneer Battalion

William enlisted aged 21, he is described as being 5' 10", weighing 130 lbs with dark brown hair, grey eyes and a fair complexion. He embarked from Australia in November 1915 and joined the 32nd Btn, and went to the Suez. He was transferred to the 5th Pioneer Battalion on the 4th May 1916 and embarked from Alexandria to Marsailles aboard the Canada to join the BEF. was wounded in action, a gun shot wound to the left hand on the 19th Sept 1917. He was treated by 67th Field Ambulance and evacuated via 3CCS to Hospital at Etaples was then transferred to the 5th ADBD at Le Harve. He returned to his unit in October.

William transferred to the 5th Machine Gun Battalion on the 18th May 1918 and was wounded in action with a gun shot wound for a second time on the 18th of September 1918. William returned to Australia in April 1919.

His two brothers, also served with the AIF, Victor with the 33rd Btn and Clarence with the 10th Light Horse.

Trevor Fenton


Pte. Fred C. Cross 9th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment

Fred Cross

Fred Cross, my Grandad, was born in Bristol in 1896. His older brother, Henry Wyndham Cross, had joined the Glosters in 1911. Fred joined the Territorial Force in the 1/6th Glosters in May 1914 when he was just 18. However, by October that year he was dismissed as being medically unfit for further service.

He rejoined the 9th Battalion of the Glosters in 1915 and then was on Active Service from early 1916 until at least March 1918. It was in March 1918, whilst with the 9th Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, that he was assigned to a sick convoy on the 2nd of March 1918 due to inflammation of connective tissue, buttocks. I have 3 photos of him in uniform and a couple of letters/postcards that were sent to him.

Steve Cross


Pte. Robert Douglas Saad Honourable Artillery Company (d.14th Feb 1917)

Robert Saad embarked Southampton on 1st of October 1916 and disembarked Le Havre the following day and proceeded to the Front on the 4th. He was admitted to 22nd Field Amblance on in December suffering from diarrhoea and was transferred to No.3 Casualty Clearing Station on the 24th, then to No. 26 General Hospital at Etaples on 1st of January 1917, transferred to England aboard the Carisbrook Castle on the 20th. A record report from Merryflats War Hospital states, admitted 22nd of January 1917 with diarrhoea and tonsillitis, diarrhoea almost gone on admission to hospital, was to have tonsils removed under an anesthetic but died suddenly during administration of anesthetic. Death was due to cardiac syncope.

I am researching men of The Honourable Artillery Company.

Alison Cook


Sgt. Philip Hampton Monmouthshire Regiment

Philip Hampton had enlisted in 1914. His regiment arrived in France just before Christmas in 1914. He was wounded in the 2nd Battle of Ypres on the 8th May 1915, and admitted to No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station which was then based at Poperinghe, Belgium. His wound was in the buttocks. He was transferred from the CCS on the same day. Destination unknown. I would like to know which hospital. He was discharged from the British Army in 1916.

Eric Powell


Pte. Charles Stewart 5th Battalion (d.29 Sep 1918 )

Here is some information I located on one of my ancestors who was a member of the 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own) during World War I
  • Charles Stewart (1896 - 1918)
  • Birth, about 1896 Charles Stewart was born at Mochrum, Wigtownshire, Scotland.
  • His sister, Mary Lizzie Stewart(1898– ????), was born in 1898 at Mochrum, Wigtownshire, Scotland.
  • His sister, Roberta Calder Stewart(1900–1977), was born 1900 at Mochrum, Wigtownshire, Scotland.
  • On 31 Mar 1901 at Age 5 Charles Stewart was living with his parents Robert Stewart Age 32 & Christina Stewart Age 33 & his siblings Alexander (Alex) Stewart Age 7, Mary Lizzie Stewart Age 3 & Roberta Stewart Age 1 at Little Druhtay, Mochrum, Wigtownshire, Scotland.
  • Military: About 1916 Charles Stewart, Age 18 enlisted with the 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own). We believe it was at Port William, Wigtownshire, Scotland.
  • Military Service Number: About 1916 Charles Stewart's Military Service Number was S/2224 with the 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own).
  • Death: It is our understanding, Charles Stewart, Age 22, Private, 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own) was killed in action on 29 September 1918 at either the Somme, the Battles of the Lys or The Final Advance in Flanders.
  • Burial: It is our understanding, Charles Stewart, Age 22 was buried in 1918 at the Military Cemetery, Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - Age: 22; Private, S/2224, 5th Battalion, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders; Passed away at the 3rd Australian Casualty Clearing Station at Grevillers of wounds encountered on battlefield.
Buried, Plot III, C. 30, Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery which is located 18 Km from Leper Town Centre on a road leading from the N308 connecting Leper to Poperinge & on to Roesbrugge. Data regarding his burial at the Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery was previously secured from the UK, Commonwealth War Graves 1914-1921 and 1939-1947 however when I visit the Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery website I have yet to locate his burial. Sources: Ancestry Sources 1901 Scotland Census Ancestry Family Trees UK, Commonwealth War Graves, 1914-1921 and 1939-1947 Parents: Robert Calder Stewart (1868–1946) Christina McClymont (1867–????) I trust you will find this helpful. Any questions or concerns, please get in touch. Ray Davies Markham, Ontario, Canada H: 905 471 3609 C: 416 605 7949 E:

Ray Davies


Sgt. James Blythe Robinson MM 2nd Btn., A Coy. West Yorkshire Regiment

James Robinson was with 2nd Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment when it was called back from Malta in September 1914. He embarked for France with the Regiment on 4th November 1914 - arriving in Le Havre on 5th November. James served in action in France from 13th November 1914 until wounded by gunshot in the lower body in the Battle of Albert in July 1916. He was treated at the 3rd Casualty Clearing Unit on 2nd of July. Above and beyond usual service medals James was awarded the Military Medal for his bravery in the field - notification appearing in the London Gazette in November 1916. James survived the war and lived in England until his death in 1968.

Don Byfield


2nd Lt. Ewart Gladstone Blackmore 1st Btn. Wiltshire Regiment

Ewart Gladstone Blackmore was born on Saturday 21st May 1898 at 3, Northcote Road, St. George, Gloucestershire and was one of eleven children born to Frederick Charles and Augusta Susan Wesley Blackmore (nee Smith); he was christened on Wednesday 7th February 1900 at St. George The Martyr, St. George, Bristol.

Because of the need for junior officers in the Great War it was routine during war-time for men to be selected to attend Officer Cadet Units or Officer Cadet Schools. Ewart would have been compulsorily conscripted on or about his 18th birthday and would have trained as a recruit. He must have shown leadership potential enabling his commanding officer to put his name forward for officer selection. As a private soldier becoming an officer he would have been struck off the strength of his original unit and added to the officer strength of his new unit. There is no record of the unit that Ewart had originally served in before being selected for officer training. The London Gazette of 19th April 1918 listed Ewart as being appointed a Second-Lieutenant from an Officer Cadet Unit with effect from 27th March 1918 and joined up with the 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment (Territorial Force) on 3rd October 1918. He was subsequently seconded to the 6th Battalion Wiltshires for recruiting and reconstruction purposes following huge losses it had sustained during the fighting in France and Flanders where it was reduced to cadre strength.

On the 27th of September Ewart, along with 151 Other Ranks, left England to join the Battalion, eventually joining up with them on 3rd October 1918 at the Divisional Reception Camp near Villers-Guislain in time for the planned assault on the Beaurevoir Line; Battalion HQ was based at Kitchen Crater. Ewart and the Wiltshires pushed on and occupied part of the Hindenburg Line at Rancourt Farm with the 7th Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment on the left, the 33rd Division on the right and the 6th Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment in support. The 64th Infantry Brigade was holding the front line at Montecouvez Farm. The Wiltshires took up a position east of the farm for an attack on an enemy position in the Beaurevoir Line. The companies were to rendezvous on the eastern edge of the Rancourt Copse at 22.45 hrs. Owing to it being a very dark night and the amount of barbed wire to be passed through, the rendezvous was not completed until 23.30 hrs. The companies then moved off in column of route with increased distances via the tracks and roads and sunken roads. Due to the darkness and state of roads and other traffic the companies did not reach the predetermined point until 00.45 hrs. They were formed up as follows - Front Line - C Company on the right, D company on the left. Support Line - A Company on the right, B Company on the left.

On the 7th October Ewart was involved with the attack on the Beaurevoir Line following a heavy bombardment by the Allied artillery. The casualties taken by the 1st Wiltshires in the assault were 2 Officers and 11 Other Ranks killed; 3 Officers and 78 Other Ranks wounded and Other Ranks Missing 2. Captures comprised 81 enemy Other Ranks, one T.M.B. (Trench Mortar Battery) and two Machine Guns. On the 23rd October the Wiltshires prepared themselves for their night attack on Ovillers situated on the left of the Albert-Bapaume Road which was one of the front line villages held by the Germans, situated on a spur which gave it an excellent view over the British lines. On the opposite side of the valley stood La Boiselle, It was another equally heavily fortified village that commanded the north side of what was called 'Mash Valley'. This attack was a phase of the Battles of the German Hindenburg Line.

The Wiltshires succeeded in taking all of its objectives and held them until 6th Battalion, Leicestershire Regt and 62nd Infantry Brigade went through to capture further objectives. The Wiltshire Regiment casualties during the attack were

Officers Killed; 2nd Lieuts H R Palmer, H B Cooper. Other Ranks 23 Wounded Officers: Lieut.W.J.E Ross, 2nd Lieuts E.G. Blackmore and H. Aston.

Other Ranks 120. Missing Officers Nil. The Battalions War Diary states that Ewart suffered a gunshot wound to the left eye and after first receiving attention at the Regimental Aid Post and then the Advanced Dressing Station, the was sent to the 34 Casualty Clearing Station at Grevillers on the 24th October. A day later he was admitted to the officers surgical ward at No.3 General Hospital at Le Treport roughly 20 miles north east of Dieppe.

Ewarts case was clearly more serious than the CCS could attend to so was sent to No.3 General Hospital at le Treport. He was evacuated to England on 5th November aboard the Hospital Ship Carisbrook Castle. She had previously been used as a troop ship in the Boer War and regularly sailed in the Cape mail service for the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Line during peacetime. The Carisbrook Castle would have docked at Southampton with being Ewart transported by train to Bristol Temple Meads Station before being transferred to the 2nd Southern Area Military Hospital (the Bristol Royal Infirmary) for rehabilitation. Before he was discharged the Armistice was signed by the warring factions so Ewart was never to see active service again.

David Blackmore


Pte. Henry James "Sonny" Day 10th Battalion Sherwood Foresters (d.23rd Sep 1918)

Henry Day died of gunshot wounds at 3 Casualty Clearing Station, on Monday 23rd of September 1918 and is buried at Thilloy Road Cemetery, Beaulencourt France. His parents always called him 'Son' or 'Sonny', he had 5 siblings with his youngest brother being born 46 days before his death.

Susan Warne


Pte William Henry Conroy 11th Battalion Cheshire Regiment (d. 7th July 1916)

William Henry Conroy 16550, was my Great Grandfather. My mother's mother, who we called Nan, was William's daughter. It was always thought that William died on the Somme and that he had no grave. This was until two years ago in 2010, when I discovered that he was injured on the 4th July 1916, when nearly all of his battalion were "melted away" by machine gun fire. He was casevacd to the 3rd Casualty Clearing Station at Puchevillers in Northern France.

Sadly, he died of his wounds some days later on the 7th July. By being injured he, unlike the hundreds of men that were shot with him on that dreadful 4th July was guaranteed a burial and headstone at Lutyens's cemetery at Puchevillers, which was erected just across the track from the CCS location.

William Henry Conroy 16550 volunteered to fight the moment the war began, he was 35 years of age, employed and the father of five children. He was not expected to fight at his age and family position, nevertheless he marched forward. On arriving in France, Sept 1915, he was sent to Belgium border at Ypres or "wipers" and was involved in Ploegstreet wood fighting. His wife never remarried and wore black till she died in the early 1960's.

Clearly this man was immensely brave, given that he had seen the worst of fighting in Belgium, then seeing the first 3 days of the Somme, then going into battle himself on the 4th.

My Brother Corporal Stewart Peter Frank McLaughlin, 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment was killed aged 27 just after the capture of Mount Longdon ,Falkland Islands 1982, he too was incredibly brave and was cited for a Victoria Cross, sadly it appears the citation was lost in transit to the Awards Committee. On visiting William's Grave on November 11th 2010, I discovered that in the grave next to his lies a young man named Stewart, aged 27 years of age.

Mark McLaughlin


Pte. Arthur Andrew Skilleter 4th Btn. Middlesex Regiment

Arthur Skilleter was my great grandfather. The family story, which I am trying to authenticate, is that he was in a trench as part of The Battle of Passchendaele, 3rd Ypres, and suffering badly from shell shock. Somebody shouted at him to move as they were under attack. He was incapable of moving so was left. When the others returned they found him minus one arm and both legs, they were told to give him some chocolate as he would be dead by morning. He told them in no uncertain terms that he would not! True to his word he was still alive in the morning and was taken to CCS 3 and then sent home. He lived many years with prosthetic limbs and I would not be here today if it was not for his sheer bloody mindidness.

Lorie Coffey


Capt. James William Shreeve 33rd Btn.

James Shreeve was a professional soldier who had seen action during the Boer War, when he volunteered for overseas service he was working as a staff sergeant instructor, he was commissioned a Lieutenant in the 33rd Battalion on the 23rd of February 1916. He was 36 years old and married with two children.

James was promoted to Captain on the 19th of December 1916 whilst in France and was seconded to be Adjutant of the 3rd Division School on the 23rd of February 1917. He rejoined the 33rd Btn on the 1st of June 1917 and was wounded during the Battle of Messines on the 10th of June. He was admitted to the 14th General Hospital on the 11th with a gun shot wound to his left foot By the 17th of July he was discharged from the base depot at Wimereux. He marched out to the front and rejoined his unit on the 21st of July. For two weeks in August he was detailed as an infantry instructor at Le Harve then returned to his unit

James was wounded in action for a second time on he 18th Oct 1917, a gun shot wound to his abdomen, was treated at the 3rd Canadian Casualty Clearing Station and was then admitted to the 8th General Hospital in Rouen then transferred to the 3rd London General Hospital where he remained until the 20th of December when he joined the Overseas Training Brigade at Wandsworth. On the 8th of January he returned to France departing from Southampton, and joined 9th Brigade HQ. He rejoined the 33rd Btn and was wounded for a third time in action on the 31st of March 1918, this time a gun shot wound which resulted in a compound fracture of his left thigh, he was treated at the 41st Casualty Clearing Station and evacuated to No 2 British Red Cross Hospital in Rouen then to the 3rd General Hospital in London. James returned to Australia on board HMAS Kanowra arriving at Melboure on the 7th of March 1919, his appointment was terminated on the 27th of August 1920.

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.


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