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- No.16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport during the Great War -

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No.16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport

11th Feb 1916 Correspondence

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Want to know more about No.16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport?

There are:1 items tagged No.16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have worked or been treated at

No.16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Alabaster . VAD.
  • Angel . Sister.
  • Armstrong . Sister.
  • Arnold Margaret Trevenen. Member (d.12th March 1916)
  • Arnold Margaret Trevenen. VAD. (d.12th March 1916)
  • Austen . VAD.
  • Awdrey . VAD.
  • Banham . Sister.
  • Barton . Sister.
  • Bates . VAD.
  • Black . Sister.
  • Blair M.. Pte. (d.1st February 1916)
  • Blandy . Sister.
  • Bownes . VAD.
  • Bridge Frederick Philip. Pte. (d.7th July 1915)
  • Burnett . Sister.
  • Burrell . Sister.
  • Cavan . Sister.
  • Chesters . Sister.
  • Conran . VAD.
  • Cooper . Sister.
  • Cowie . Sister.
  • Cowper . Capt.
  • Crewdson MM ARRC.. Dorothea. VAD. (d.12th March 1919)
  • Cross . Sister.
  • Cross D. W.. Pte. (d.23rd June 1916)
  • Dalrymple . VAD.
  • Davies . Sister.
  • Day . Capt.
  • deBurgh . VAD.
  • Drage . Matron.
  • Edwardes . Sister.
  • Eldridge . VAD.
  • Fletcher . VAD
  • Fowles . Sister.
  • Garnett . Sister.
  • Gibson . VAD.
  • Gower . Sister.
  • Grayon . Sister.
  • Greenaway G. H.. Rflmn. (d.25th June 1916)
  • Hannah . Sister.
  • Hendry . Capt.
  • Hewitt . Sister.
  • Hogan . VAD.
  • Huntley . VAD.
  • Huntley James Lancelot. Pte. (d.3rd Aug 1915)
  • Hynes . VAD.
  • Jobson . VAD.
  • Jocke . Sister.
  • Johnson . Sister.
  • Jones . Sister.
  • Kelly . VAD.
  • Latham . Sister.
  • Lee G.. Rflmn. (d.4th July 1916)
  • Lee T.. Pte. (d.10th July 1916)
  • Little . Sister.
  • MacDonald . Sister
  • MacLennan . Sister.
  • Maddison . Sister.
  • Malet . VAD.
  • Maskell . Sister.
  • McEwan John. Pte. (d.29th September 1915)
  • McGugan J. M.. Pte. (d.1st October 1915)
  • Millsom . Capt.
  • Northwood . Sister.
  • O'Donoghue . Sister.
  • O'Hearne . Sister.
  • Parker . VAD.
  • Parks F. J.. Trpr. (d.31st August 1915)
  • Paulley . Capt.
  • Paynter . Sister.
  • Prior Philip. Pte. (d.23rd September 1915)
  • Pritchard W. J.. Rflmn. (d.26th August 1915)
  • Rainey . Capt.
  • Rawes . Sister.
  • Reid . Sister.
  • Riley P.. Pte. (d.29th March 1916)
  • Rind . VAD.
  • Rindon . Sister.
  • Robb . VAD.
  • Robertson . Sister.
  • Robertson . VAD.
  • Rogers . VAD.
  • Roscoe . VAD.
  • Rottenbaugh . Sister.
  • Sampson . Sister.
  • Sealy . VAD.
  • Simpson . Sister.
  • Sims . Sister.
  • Smedley . VAD.
  • Smith . VAD.
  • Smith Cornelius George. Grdsmn.
  • Stevenson . Sister.
  • Street . Sister.
  • Sumpsion . Sister.
  • Sundell . Capt.
  • Taylor Leonard Haydon. Lt.
  • Tennant . VAD.
  • Thomas Henry.
  • Thompson . Sister.
  • Tozer . VAD.
  • Treloar . Sister.
  • Trotter . VAD.
  • Urquart . VAD.
  • Wall-Jacobs . VAD.
  • Walsh . Sister.
  • Watson . Sister.
  • Webb . Sister.
  • Whincup . Sister.
  • Williams . Sister.
  • Williamson . Sister.
  • Withers . Sister.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of No.16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport from other sources.

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Grdsmn. Cornelius George Smith Coldstream Guards

Cornelius Smith embarked at Southampton on 31st of March 1918, suffered a shrapnel wound to his left wrist on 23rd of August 1918, and was admitted to 47th General Hospital, Le Treport, and Berrington War Hospital, for 21 days.

Carol Petchey


Pte. John McEwan 9th Btn. Black Watch (d.29th September 1915)

My great Uncle John McEwan was wounded at the Battle of Loos and died a few days later at a military hospital in Le Treport.

Raymond Hainey


Henry Thomas Royal Field Artillery

My wife's grandfather, Thomas Davis, joined up 18th of April 1917 and was posted to France as part of the Royal Artillery (Garrison Battalion). We believe he was serving at Passchendaele. In Sept 1917 when he was injured and suffered a gun shot wound to his face and his left hand was severed at the wrist. Initially, treated at Le Treport, France and subsequently transferred to Military Hospital in Torquay, He spent some time here before being discharged on 11th of Oct 1918. By coincidence the 11th Oct is my wife's birthday.

Unfortunately, my wife never got to talk to him about his experiences and only knew him with one hand and a "hook" or "utensil". While researching her family tree, we found a photograph of her grandmother with a man that my wife did not recognise because he had two hands. Imagine her consternation in realising that it was her grandfather prior to joining up and being wounded. We still recount this tale within the family with some amusement at her expense.

John Cory


Lt. Leonard Haydon Taylor 16th (Canadian Scottish) Btn.

From my grandfather, Leonard Taylor's memoirs:

"I commanded the Signal Section for quite a long while, when, unfortunatelty I took sick with nephritis which affected the kidneys. I was moved out of the frontal area, and was sent to hospital. This was where I met the girl I eventually married, Ruth Dawn. (Lieutenant Ruth Dawn, Canadian Military Medical Corps, operating room nurse serving in Le Treport France). When I left this hospital (Le Treport) I was transported by hospital train to LeHavre, and was loaded onto a hospital ship, the Lanfranc. I was dressed in pyjamas and dressing gown. Soon afterwards a hospital orderly woke me up and asked permission to put on a lifebelt, we having left port some time back. I should explain that I was in a lower berth in the cabin, and opposite me, in the other berth, was a British officer, who had had his foot off. To make matters short, the ship was torpedoed out of the sight of land. I woke up and looked out into the passage to see if any help was coming, and when I could see that there was none, I asked the other chap whether he could walk with my help. I got him up on deck where the crew were putting everybody into the lifeboats. By this time the ship was stopped and she was rolling from side to side. One could try and drop into a lifeboat as it hit the ship's side, and there was an attempt apparently to lower it into the water. By some mishap, however, one end of the boat was lowered and the other remained stationary, plunging all of us unfortunate men into the sea, many feet below. The group of men stayed together, although the sinking ship was drifting further and further away from us. It was now getting dark, and I, for one, thought I was a goner. But some distance away there was a British destroyer, which lowered lifeboats. One of the sailors leaned over the bow and picked me out of the water by the scruff of my neck. That was the last I remember until I woke up on the deck of the destroyer.

Eventually another sailor, noticing I was just shivering with the cold, brought me a glass of rum and took me down to the engine roon, where it was warmer. We landed at Southampton and I was taken to Netley Hospital, where I was put to bed, with a pair of dry pyjamas etc. Although nephritis was dangerous to the kidneys and I was supposed to avoid catching cold, I suffered no ill effects from my mishap.

Upon being discharged from the hospital I was sent up to London for a medical board. The doctors were more interested in my experience in being torpedoed, and one asked me how much leave I would like to have, and he gave me a month. I had lost all of my kit in the water of course, and the people at military headquarters gave me a new kit allowance. After completing my leave I went to Tidworth where the reserve company of my regiment was. There I was given command of the Company of Signallers."

Dorothy Taylor


VAD. Margaret Trevenen Arnold No. 16 Stationary Hospital (d.12th March 1916)

Margaret Arnold, VAD, died on 12th March 1916 and is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery.


Sister. Gower No. 16 Stationary Hospital

Sister Gower served at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport and No 32 Stationary Hospital, Wimereux.


VAD Fletcher No. 32 Stationary Hospital

Miss Fletcher served at No 32 Stationary Hospital, Wimereux and No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport.


VAD. Dorothea Crewdson MM ARRC. No. 32 Stationary Hospital (d.12th March 1919)

Dorothea Crewdson, served at No 32 Stationary Hospital, Wimereux, No 16 Stationary Hospital at Le Treport and No 46 Stationary Hospital at Etaples. She died on 12th March 1919 and is buried in Etaples Military Cemetery.


VAD. Bownes No. 32 Stationary Hospital

Miss Bownes served at No 32 Stationary Hospital, Wimereux and No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport.


Sister MacDonald No. 32 Stationary Hospital

Sister MacDonald served at No 32 Stationary Hospital, Wimereux and No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport.


Sister. Garnett No. 32 Stationary Hospital

Sister Garnett served at No. 32 Stationary Hospital at Wimereux and No. 16 Stationery Hospital at Le Treport. She moved to No. 19 Casualty Clearing Station in September 1915.


Pte. T. Lee 6th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.10th July 1916)

Private Lee was aged 45 when he died at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 10th July 1916. He was the son of Edward and Maria Lee. Private Lee is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, Plot 2, Row L, Grave 4.


Rflmn. G. Lee 5th Btn. King's (Liverpool Regiment) (d.4th July 1916)

Rifleman Lee was aged 26 when he died at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 4th July 1916. He was the son of William and Sarah A Lee of Liverpool. He is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, Plot 2, Row L, Grave 7C.


Pte. D. W. Cross 5th Btn. Leicestershire Regiment (d.23rd June 1916)

Private Cross died of disease at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 23rd June 1916. He was the son of Albert and Emma Cross, Chevington, Bury St Edmunds. Private Cross is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, France, Plot 2, Row K, Grave 3C.


Rflmn. G. H. Greenaway 16th Btn. London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) (d.25th June 1916)

Rifleman G H Greenaway was aged 19 when he died of wounds at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 25th June 1916. He was the son of Alfred and Maria Greenaway of Loughton, Essex. He is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, France, Plot 2, Row L, Grave 7A.


Pte. Philip Prior 10th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.23rd September 1915)

Private Philip Prior died of wounds at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 23rd September 1915, aged 29. He was the son of John and Ellen Prior of Wigan. Philip is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, France, Plot 1, Row J, Grave 4.


Rflmn. W. J. Pritchard 10th Btn. Rifle Brigade (d.26th August 1915)

Rifleman Pritchard died of wounds on 26th August 1915 at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France. He was 26 years old and the son of Walter and Alice Pritchard of West Bromwich. He is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, Plot 1, Row H, Grave 6.


Member Margaret Trevenen Arnold No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport Voluntary Aid Detachment (d.12th March 1916)

Margaret Arnold was aged 31 when she died of double pneumonia at the 16th Stationary Hospital in Le Treport, France where she served as a member of the Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD).

She is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, Plot 2, Row O, Grave 22. Margaret was the daughter of Edward and Minnie Arnold, Pook Hill, Chiddingfold, Surrey.


Pte. P. Riley 11th Btn. King's Liverpool Regiment (d.29th March 1916)

Private Riley died on 29th March 1916 and is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, France, Plot 2, Row K, Grave 4.


Pte. M. Blair 8th Btn. Seaforth Highlanders (d.1st February 1916)

Private Blair died of wounds at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 1st February 1916, aged 21. He was the son of Matthew and Martha Blair of Springburn, Glasgow. Private Blair is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, Plot 2, Row K, Grave 5A.


Pte. J. M. McGugan 13 Btn., "B" Coy. Royal Scots (d.1st October 1915)

Private McGugan was the son of James and Agnes McGugan of Glasgow. He fought at the Battle of Loos, where he was wounded. He died of those wounds at No. 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport on 1st October 1915. He was aged 20. Private McGugan is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, Plot 1, Row K, Grave 4a.


Trpr. F. J. Parks 9th Btn. Queen's Royal Lancers (d.31st August 1915)

Trooper Parks died, aged 20, on 31st August 1915 at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France. He was the son of Isaac and Mary Parks of Brighton. He is buried in Plot 1, Row H, Grave 6A at Le Treport Military Cemetery, France.


Pte. James Lancelot Huntley 8th Btn. King's Own Scottish Borderers (d.3rd Aug 1915)

James Huntley was aged 17 when he died of wounds at No. 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France on 3rd August 1918. He is buried in Plot 1, Row F, Grave 3A at Le Treport Military Cemetery, France. He was the son of William and Eleanor Huntley of West Hartlepool.


Pte. Frederick Philip Bridge 1st Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment (d.7th July 1915)

Frederick Bridge died of his wounds, aged 21, on 7th July 1915 at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport. He is buried in Le Treport Military Cemetery, France. He was the son of June Ellen Bridge Reynolds.

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.


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