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Lt. Thomas Fasti Dinesen VC.

Canadian Army Black Watch of Canada


Thomas Fasti Dinesen was born in Rungsted, Denmark. Following the outbreak of the First World War, Dinesen attempted to enlist in the British, French, and United States armies, before being finally accepted by the Canadian Corps in 1917. He enlisted in the Black Watch of Canada regiment.

During the Battle of Amiens he was 26 years old a private in the 42nd (Royal Highlanders of Canada) Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force when, on 12 August 1918 at Parvillers, France, "he displayed conspicuous bravery when, five times in succession, he rushed forward alone against entrenched enemy troops and put hostile guns out of action. He was credited with killing 12 of the enemy using both bayonet and grenade, and with inspiring his comrades at a very critical stage of the action."

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