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Gnr. Soren Gottfried Ulrick "George" Ohlsen

British Army 26th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery

from:52 County St, Bristol

(d.1st May 1918)

Soren was my great grandfather. It has been difficult to trace his history. We think he was born in Germany in 1879, but raised in Denmark from age of 3. Was an Able seaman? He came to the UK and ended up working on the docks in Bristol. He married an English girl 1905.

His enlistment possibly quoted as being Australian born Fort Parry, no such place. No birth record found in Australia but have found a birth record in Germany of this name. I found a Bristol newspaper article about a G Ohlsen again quoted as being Australian 1910. It's possible he was saying he was Australian, as being German would have made it impossible to join British Army.

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