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Pte. John Henry Messerschmidt

Canadian Expedition Forces 1st Depot Battalion

from:Rodney, Ontario Canada

John Henry Messerschmidt was born in Rodney, Ontario, Canada He was a farmer in Ricetown PO Saskatchewan, Canada. John was drafted and his military papers were signed on 3rd of May 1918 in Regina, Saskatchewan.

After his arrival in Liverpool on 15th of August 1918, he became ill with pneumonia and hospitalized in Connaught Hospital, Aldershot on 26th of Aug 1918. He was moved to Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot 25th of September 1918 following a diagnosis of emphysema. John returned to Canada 10th of June 1919 classed unfit for service.

He went home to marry Alma Barbara Strath from Highgate, Ontario. John Henry Messerschmidt died 1989 and is buried in Rodney Cemetery, West Elgin, Ontario, Canada.

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