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Those Who Served with the Central Powers, Surnames beginning with B


Landsturmmann. Hermann Baer

Imperial German Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Coy. 9th (Bavarian) Infantry Regiment

from:Schwegenheim, Pf.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Vizefeldwebel. Alfred Barthelmes

Imperial German Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Coy. 9th (Bavarian) Infantry Regiment

from:Königshofen i Gr., Ufr.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Karl Hermann Beckert

Imperial German Army 11th Company 142nd (7th Baden) Infantry Regiment


(d.7th Sep 1916)

Karl Hermann was born in 1895. We have no history of him, other than two pictures. We know he was killed during World War I, probably during the Battle of Verdun. His date of death is 7th of September 1916.


Obersturman. Richard "Dick" Berger

German Navy U-35

from:New York

Richard Berger served in the German Navy at Cattaro Sub Base in the Adriatic U-35. He was head of deck gun on U-35, commanded by Lothar Von Arnuald de Parrie, which had 224 kills in WW1. Dick was awarded the Iron Cross 2, Galipolie star and other medals.


Sebastian Bernhardt

German Army

Seb Bernhardt was held as a prisoner of war at Brocton Camp in Staffordshire.


Infanterist. Georg Betz

Imperial German Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Coy. 9th (Bavarian) Infantry Regiment

from:Halbersdorf, Ofr.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Commander Biermann

Kaiserliche Marine SS Konigin Luise


Landsturmmann. Michael Blaurock

Imperial German Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Coy. 9th (Bavarian) Infantry Regiment

from:Neuhausen, Ufr.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Landsturmmann. Pankraz Bleier

Imperial German Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Coy. 9th (Bavarian) Infantry Regiment

from:Mistendorf, Ofr.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Johann Gottlieb Bohme

German Army 44th Infantry (East Prussian) Regiment


My great grandfather was Johann Gottlieb Bohme who was born on 17th January 1873 in Kienitz, Lebus, Brandenburg, Germany. He died on 31st October 1936. I'd love to learn his journey and what he did in the military and to learn more about him. There is a military background on the German and American sides. I was born in America but all of my family is 100 per cent German, my parents being born in the Berlin blockade just outside where Hitler had his bunker etc. I found this picture of my great grandfather and was hoping someone could tell me more about the 44th Infantry East Prussia. What I know is that his mom was Luise Boehme and that he was born out of wedlock. She married a Bohm who was a locksmith.


Unteroffizer Julius Wilhelm Brugger

Imperial German Army 2nd Company 5th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment

from:Geusfeld, Gerolzhofen, Germany

(d.7th Jun 1917)

Julius Brugger was a 23 year old NCO, with the 2nd Coy, 5th RIR. He lost his life at 3.10am on the 7th of June 1917 when the mine beneath Factory Farm was exploded. In January 2004, his remains along with his identification disc, were recovered from the upcast of the crater by members of the Historical Society of Comines-Warneton. The remains of one of his comrades were also recovered but identification has not been possible.

Julius was was positively identified by the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraberfursorge (the German War Graves Commission) and his family have been informed. Both soldiers were interned at Langemark Cemetary on 10th November 2004.


Infanterist. Wilhelm Böhm

Imperial German Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Coy. 9th (Bavarian) Infantry Regiment

from:Strassdorf, Ofr.

(d.7th Jun 1917)

Surnames begining with C      

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