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Fireman. James Joseph Beggins

Royal Navy HMS Baralong


My Grand-Uncle James Beggins had served in the Royal Navy from 1900 to 1912 and was honourably discharged at completion of his agreed Service Term. He of course was then tied into being in the Royal Naval Reserves. HE held a civilian job in the Northern Counties Railway, which then operated a cross-channel service from Belfast to England (could have been Heysham.)

He was called upon to serve in the Naval Reserves at the outbreak of WW1, and was injured whilst serving on HMS Baralong in 1915. We his family have no knowledge of how or where he received those injuries. He was returned to his relatives in Belfast in late 1915, and never made a recovery, dying in 1919 from whatever happened whilst serving with the Baralong. Understandably we were restricted by the 100 year thing regards disclosure of events aboard the Baralong. I am fully in the picture, so to speak, about the subsequent events, well up to a point, and seek to discover as to where he received his Wartime injuries on the Baralong. James Beggins was the brother of my Grandmother.


Pte. Joseph Beggs

British Army 8th Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers


(d.6th Sep 1916)

Joseph Beggs was born in Dublin and later enlisted there. Before joining the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers he was a member of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Private Beggs was killed in action in France during the Battle of Guillemont, and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.


Pte. Patrick Beggs

British Army 7th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers

from:Booterstown, County Dublin

(d.30th Dec 1917)

Patrick Beggs was born in Booterstown, County Dublin, and was living there when he enlisted in Dublin. Private Beggs died in Egypt during the Palestine campaign, and is buried in Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.


Pte. Thomas Alex Thompson Beggs

British Army 14th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles

from:3 Tennyson Street, Belfast


Pte. Thomas Alexander Thompson Beggs

British Army 14th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles

from:3 Tennyson Street, Belfast


Pte. Michael Joseph Beglan

British Army 2nd Btn Irish Guards

from:49 Austin Friars Street, Mullingar, ireland

(d.14th Oct 1915)

Michael Beglan was the third of eleven children of Thomas and Mary-Anne Beglan, it is said that he had a great sense of humour, he passed his school leaving certificate and began his working life as a teacher, but left in favour of working in a licenced premises in Mullingar, before joining up in 1915.

The circumstances of his death are very sad. He had already been wounded and was being stretchered to safety when a shell exploded, injuring both stretcher bearers, and at the same time a piece of the shell passed through Michaels head killing him instantly. Like many other mothers and relative's of the time, Michael's mother took his death very hard and died herself two years later.


Pte. Michael Beglan

British Army 2nd Battalion Irish Guards

from:Mullingar, Ireland

(d.14th Oct 1915)

Private Michael Beglan died in in action in France. The news was learned in Mullingar with deep regret. Michael who was a son of Mr Thomas Beglan, of Austin Friars, Mullingar, was well known and highly popular in the town.

Before enlisting, less than four months earlier, he was employed as an assistant on the licensed premises of Mr Hugh Fallon, Mount Street, Mullingar. The particulars of the manner in which he met his end make very sad reading. It appears he was being carried from the trenches, having received a wound in the side, when a shell burst close to the stretcher bearers. A piece of shrapnel struck Michael on the head, killing him almost instantaneously. The stretcher-bearers were knocked down, and had themselves to be attended to. It is probable that it was in the vicinity of the fighting near Loos during the great attack, when the Germans were completely vanquished, that Michael Beglan met his end.


Gnr. Denis Francis Begley

Royal Marine Artillery HMS Good Hope

(d.1st Nov 1914)

Denis Begley was born in Dublin, son of Denis O'Brien Begley, of 63, North Grove, St. Ann's Rd., South Tottenham, London; and of Elizabeth Begley. He was killed in action at the Battle of Coronel off the coast of central Chile in November 1914, aged 32. His name appears on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial in Hampshire.


Pte. Henry Frederick Begley

British Army 1st Btn. Connaught Rangers


(d.27th Jul 1919)

Henry Begley, son of William and Agnes Begley, of 23 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin, was born in Birr, County Offaly, Ireland. He was living in Dublin when he enlisted at Marybro. Private Begley was killed in action in North Russia aged 27, and is buried in The Archangel Allied Cemetery (Obozerskaya Burial Ground).


L/Cpl. Thaddeus Richard Begley MM.

British Army 6th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.8th Oct 1918)

Thaddeus Begley was the son of Bedelia Maria Begley, of 387 North Circular Road, Dublin, and the late Thaddesis Begley, was born in Dublin. Leading up to the war he was a Medical Student, and before joining Royal Dublin Fusiliers he was a member of Royal Army Medical Corps. Thaddeus Begley was killed in action in France on the first day of the Battle of Cambrai, and is buried in Beaurevoir British Cemetery.


Pte. William Begley

British Army 1st Btn. Royal Scots


(d.21st Mar 1915)

William Begley died of wounds aged 23. He was the youngest son of Robert and Catherine Begley of Coatbridge. William is buried in Etretat Churchyard.


Rfm. James Behan

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Irish Rifles


(d.25th Sep 1915)

James Behan, son of Christina English, of 13 Russell Street, Dublin, was born in Dublin and later enlisted there. He was aged 22 when he was killed in action fighting the 2nd Attack on Bellewaarde. He is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial.


Pte. John Behan

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.25th May 1915)

John Behan served with the 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers and died of wounds on the 25th May 1915.


Sgt. John Behan

British Army 1/1st Btn. Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars


(d.23rd Apr 1916)

John Behan was born in Kingstown (now Dún Laoghaire), Ireland, and was living in Dublin when he enlisted in Worcester. He was killed in action in Egypt as a result of a dawn attack from Turkish troops. He is commemorated on the Jerusalem Memorial located in the Jerusalem War Cemetery.


Cpl. John Joseph Behan

British Army 2nd Btn Royal Irish Rifles

(d.23rd Apr 1916)

John Behan was killed in action on 23rd April 1916. He is buried at Ecoivres Military Cemetery at Mont St Eloi


Pte. Michael Behan

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.3rd Dec 1916)

Michael Behan served with the 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers. He was killed in action in Flanders on the 3rd December 1916.


CQMS Michael William Behan

British Army 1st Btn. Hampshire Regiment


(d.8th Oct 1917)

Michael William Behan served with the 1st Battalion The Hampshire Regiment and died from his wounds on the 8th October 1916 aged 42 years. He is buried in Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Poperinge. Michael was the son of Hannah Behan, of 15, Upper Stephen St., Dublin.


Pte. Patrick Behan

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers


(d.15th Jul 1915)

Patrick Behan served with the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers and died from his wounds on the 15th July 1915 aged 24. He is buried near the south boundary in Houtkerque Churchyard. Patrick was the son of Patrick and Lottia Behan, of Dublin.


Pte. Patrick Behan

British Army 8th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers

from:Chapelizod, Co. Dublin

(d.28th Apr 1916)

Patrick Behan died of wounds and is buried in Lillers Communal Cemetery.


Pte. Patrick Behan

British Army 2nd Btn Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.12th Oct 1916)

Patrick Behan was born and lived in Dublin but enlisted in Glasgow. The son of Thomas and the late Mary Ann Behan, of 70, Church Rd., Dublin, Republic of Ireland, he was killed in action in Flanders age 18 and buried in London Cemetery And Extension, Longueval.


Pte. Patrick Behan

British Army 9th Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers


(d.9th Apr 1918)

Patrick Behan was killled in action in Flanders.


Pte. Thomas Behan

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.21st Mar 1918)

Thomas Behan was the son of Andrew and Mary Behan, of 19, Great Longford St., Dublin. He was killed in action aged 21 and is remembered on the Pozieres Memorial.


A/Cpl. Patrick Beirne

British Army 1st Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers


(d.11th Apr 1917)

Patrick was born in Balbriggan, Co. Dublin in 1890. At the time of his death he was Acting Corporal. His Battalion first mobilised for war in August 1914, landing in Boulogne, France. They were then engaged in the Battles of Cateau, Marne, Aisne and Messines. The following year they were fighting in the Second Battle of Ypres. In 1916 the Battle of Albert and Transloy, and in the year of Patrick's death they were involved in the First Battle of The Scarpe.


2nd Lt. William Beirne

Royal Air Force 89th Squadron


(d.18th Aug 1918)

2nd Lt. William Beirne was the son of Patrick and Teresa Beirne, of 17 Castlewood Avenue, Rathmines, Co. Dublin. He served with the Royal Air Force and died in August 1918 aged 22. He is buried in St. Albans Cemetery, Hertfordshire.


Archibald Stansfeld "Grey Owl" Belaney

Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force 13th (Montreal) Battalion



Sgt. Edward Francis Belcher

British Army East Surrey Regiment

(d.31st Mar 1918)

Edward Belcher was my Paternal Grandfather. His son, my Father, was 11 months old on 31 March 1918, when he died in the Military Hospital at Etaple sur Mer, France. He was a regular soldier who, I believe, enlisted in 1908. He is buried in the Military Cemetary at Etaple in France, in plot XXXIII,IIIB, which I managed to visit last year. His wife, Adeline, my grandmother, married again, and had 4 more children, the youngest of whom is still alive.

My Father, who died in 2010, aged 93, spent three and a half years as a Japanese POW just outside Hiroshima. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of my predecessors.


Pte. Walter Rose Belcher

British Army 2nd Btn. Leicestershire Regiment


Walter Rose Belcher was a coal miner, but joined the army and served as batman to Lt-Col Ernest Clive Atkins during the First World War.


Pte. Thomas Belford

British Army

(d.21 March 1918)


Company Sjt Mjr. Bell

Army Durham Light Infantry


Pte. Thomas Bell

British Army 1st Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment


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