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Those who Served - Surnames beginning with B.

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment


Pte. Charles Joseph Henry Bennison

British Army 12th (Bristol's Own) Battalion, B Coy. Gloucestershire Regiment


(d.3rd Sep 1916)

Charles Bennison was born in 2 Clare Cottage, Kew Place, Cheltenham in 1891 to Benjamin and Alice Sarah A. Bennison (nee Lewis). From 1901 to 1911 the family was living at Lewis Villa, Teewell Hill, Staple Hill. By 1911 Charles was working as a store manager in a motor works.

He enlisted in Bristol and served as Private 14242 in B Company, 12th (Bristol's Own) Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment and left for France on 21st. November 1915 and was killed in action on Sunday 3rd of September 1916 during the latter stages of the First Battle of The Somme when aged 25 years. He has no known grave but is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.

Charles's father Benjamin was sent his son's personal effects - £2.4s.10d. - on 20th March 1917 with a War Gratuity of £9.0s.0d following on 10th November 1919. He was posthumously awarded the 1914-15 Star, the Victory medal and the British War medal


Pte. Herbert Edward Benns MiD.

British Army 12th Btn. London Regiment

from:East London

My grandfather Herbert Edward Benns served with the Beckton Company, 12th London Regiment, he was wounded twice in action as far as I am aware he was a sniper and was mentioned in despatches.


Lt. George Courtney Benson

Australian Imperial Force 3rd Field Artillery Brigade


George Courtney Benson began documenting the First World War well before he was commissioned as an official artist in April 1918. He enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in September 1914 with the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade. Soon after, Benson embarked for service with the advance guard; he was one of the first enlisted Australian artists to reach the Dardanelles. Prior to the Allied landing at Gallipoli, Benson made sketches from the deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth. His panoramic drawings included Turkish trenches and strategic features of the terrain.

Benson's artistic pursuits began in Melbourne at the National Gallery School in 1903, studying under such luminaries as Bernard Hall and Fredrick McCubbin. He subsequently found work under the well known poster designer Harry J Weston, accompanying him to Sydney to work on the Bulletin for a year. Upon returning to Melbourne, Benson further established himself as a deft illustrator and cartoonist by working on publications Sporting and Dramatic News and Punch.

Benson made topographical sketches of the salient landmarks of the Gallipoli Peninsula prior to the Allied landing and later served with the British Expeditionary Forces in France, before taking up his commission as Officer in Charge of Camouflage with the 4th Division in London. Following war's end, Benson worked for the Australian War Records Section in London, sharing space at the St John's Wood studio with other official artists Frank Crozier, Will Longstaff and James F. Scott. Benson returned to Australia in 1919 to complete a number of commissioned paintings for the Memorial.

During the First World War, Benson avidly documented his travels and experiences; from his military training at Broadmeadows, Victoria, to the 'Egyptian types' he encountered in Cairo; his time at sea and at Gallipoli, in France and Belgium. After the war, he collated a selection of sketches into a comprehensive scrapbook comprising of over 140 drawings, now held in the Memorial's collection (ART03605).

Benson vied for a second commission with the Australian War Memorial at the beginning of the Second World War, by then in his mid-50s, but his age was seen by the Memorial as a 'handicap'. Despite not being appointed, he enlisted in the Citizen Military Forces and worked as a camouflage officer until 1943. He undertook a number of further commissions in Western Australia and worked as an art critic for the 'West Australian ' newspaper before his death in 1960.


Pte. George Henry Benson

British Army 15th Battalion Cheshire Regiment

(d.28th March 1918)


CSM Harold Stamp Benson DCM

British Army 1st Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment

from:Normanton, Yorks.


Pte. Henry Walker Benson

British Army 1/8th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment


(d.19th Aug 1917)

Henry Walker Benson died on 19th August 1917 at the age of 41 whilst serving with the 1/8th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. He was formerly 242289 Norfolk Regiment. Born in Jarrow, son of William and Mary Ann Benson (Anderson) of Southampton, he lived Brighton and enlisted in Southampton.

Henry is buried in Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No. 3.


Pte. J. D. Benson

British Army 7th Btn. Cheshire Regiment

from:4, Union Street, Egremont, Cheshire.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Able Sea. Jacob Benson

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Howe Battalion

from:Longtown Cumberland

(d.4th Jun 1915)


L/Cpl. Joseph Benson

British Army 11th Battalion Manchester Regiment


(d.9th Jan 1917)

As yet I do not have a lot of information on Joe. He is buried in Hamel Military Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel, Somme in France. He is on the war memorial in Audenshaw Cemetery and was on the Gate Street Memorial in Dukinfield.


Nurse May Benson

Voluntary Aid Detachment

from:9 Granville Road, Sevenoaks

My distant Aunt May Benson was a Cornwall Hall Hospital in Sevenoaks. Many injured soldiers left poems and sketches in her autograph book.


Pte. Richard Benson

British Army 13th Btn King's Liverpool Regiment


(d.15th Nov 1918)

Pte. Richard Benson was born in Dublin and enlisted in Liverpool. He was killed in action in Flanders in November 1918.


Pte. Thomas Benson

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.3rd Oct 1918)

Thomas Benson was the son of Mr. E. Benson, of 6, Railway St., Talbot St., Dublin. He was killed in action in October 1918 and is buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gouy, France


Pte. Thomas Benson

British Army 1/4 Btn. King's Own Scottish Borderers


(d.12th Jan 1918)

Pte. Thomas Benson served with the King's Own Scottish Borderers and died of wounds in Flanders in January 1918.


W. A. Benson

Army Durham Light Infantry


S/Lt. William Francis Benson

Royal Navy Drake Btn.


(d.8th Oct 1918)

William Benson was the son of Mary Jane Benson, of 46, Reuben Avenue, South Circular Rd., Dublin, and William Benson. He served with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve's Drake Battalion. He was killed in action at Niergnies (Cambrai) in October 1918 aged 23, and is buried in Cambrai East Military Cemetery.


L.Cpl William Benson MM

British Army 16th Btn. Kings Royal Rifle Corps


Grandfather, William Benson won the Military Medal during 1915, as cited in the London Gazette, but never spoke of it, he passed away in 1965, and there are no details of why he was awarded the medal.


2nd Lt. Gerald Bensted

British Army 45th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery

from:60 Buckland Road, Maidstone

2Lt. Gerald Bensted manned the Forward Observation Post for the unit from around April 1918 to at least August 1918, observing the accuracy etc of shelling for the Left Section, 45th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery and other units in the area, as well as observing and reporting on troop movements and activity on land and in the air. He kept a diary of each days' observations and reported these back to the adjutant of the 72nd Brigade RGA to which the battery was attached.

He survived the war and returned home to his wife and children. Amongst my grandfather's (RSM Robert Buckingham Dimmock, RFA) belongings I have found the diary of Lt. Gerald Bensted from 100 years ago. This is titled 'Sick Report' on the outside, and contains the alternate pages of the notepad with the carbon copy writing. The original handwritten sheets presumably having been removed and sent back as his regular report, leaving the copies in the notepad. Some of the writing is consequently rather faint, but most is readable. It also has map references relating to his observations. The content of this observation post diary matches entries in the War Diary for the unit held in the National Archives, Kew. Lt. Gerald Bensted appears in the War Diary where he made the entries for earlier months e.g. January 1918


Pte. Frederick George Bent

British Army 13th (Kensington) Btn. London Regiment


(d.10th August 1916)


CSM. John Bent VC, MM

British Army East Lancashire Regiment


L/Cpl. John William Bent

British Army 12th Btn. Cheshire Regiment

from:Hyde, Cheshire

(d.19th September 1918)


Lt.Col. Philip Eric Bent VC DSO.

British Army 9th Btn. Leicestershire Regiment

from:Halifax, Nova Scotia

(d.1st Oct 1917)

Lt. Colonel Philip Eric Bent VC DSO served with the 9th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment during WW1 and was killed in action on the 1st October 1917, Age: 26. He is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial. He was native of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30471, dated 11th Jan., 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery, when during a heavy hostile attack, the right of his own command and the battalion on his right were forced back. The situation was critical owing to the confusion caused by the attack and the intense artillery fire. Lt. Col. Bent personally collected a platoon that was in reserve, and together with men from other companies and various regimental details, he organised and led them forward to the counter-attack, after issuing orders to other officers as to the further defence of the line. The counter-attack was successful and the enemy were checked. The coolness and magnificent example shown to all ranks by Lt.Col. Bent resulted in the securing of a portion of the line which was of essential importance for subsequent operations. This very gallant officer was killed whilst leading a charge which he inspired with the call of 'Come on the Tigers'."


Gnr. James Bentham

British Army 12th Company Royal Garrison Artillery


(d.16th Apr 1916)

James Bentham Gunner 58836 of the 12th Company Royal Garrison Artillery, died age 27 on 16th April 1916 at home. He was the son of Matthew and Mary Bentham (nee Cain) of 61 Buddle Street Jarrow. Born around 1889 and living Jarrow, he enlisted in Gateshead. On the 1911 census, he is recorded as James Bentham age 22 Gunner, with 87th Company, Royal Garrison Artillery stationed at Hong Kong

James is buried in Jarrow Cemetery and is commemorated on the Triptych in St. Paul's Church Jarrow. His brothers Robert and Thomas Bentham were also of the fallen.


Pte. James Bentham

British Army 21st Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

from:Dent, Nr Sedbergh, Yorkshire

James Bentham served with the 21st (Wool Textile Pioneers) Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment. He was injured in October 1917 from gun shot wounds and was sent to the 8th Stationary Hospital at Wimereux.


Cpl. John Bentham

British Army 2nd Btn. East Lancashire Regiment

from:Barnoldswick, Yorks.

(d.30th July 1916)

John Bentham was killed in action on the 30th of July 1916, aged 22 and is buried in Bethune Town Cemetery in France. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Bentham, of 52 Esp Lane, Barnoldswick, Yorks.


Sapper Robert Bentham

British Army Royal Engineers


Robert Bentham who served with the DLI and Royal Engineers died on 1st January 1920 age 38. He was born and lived Jarrow. Son of Matthew and Mary Anne Bentham (nee Cain) of 61 Buddle Street Jarrow and husband of Beatrice Bentham (nee Jackson) of Jarrow. His brothers James and Thomas were also of the fallen. On the 1911 census he is listed as Robert Bentham age 28 Ship Plate Rivetter at Cammel Lairds and is lodging at 19 Broughham Street, Birkenhead Robert is buried in Jarrow Cemetery.


Pte. Thomas Bentham

British Army 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry


(d.22nd Aug 1916)

Thomas Bentham died on 22nd August 1916 at the age of 25 whilst serving with the 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry. He was the son of Matthew and Mary Anne Bentham (nee Cain) of 61 Buddle Street Jarrow and husband of Annie Bentham (nee Welsh) of 259 High Street Jarrow. His brothers Robert and James were also of the fallen.

On the 1911 census Thomas Bentham age 20 General Labourer in Shipyard is living with his parents Matthew and Mary Anne Bentham and brother Matthew at 16 Queens Road, Jarrow. Born and living Jarrow, Thomas enlisted in South Shields. He is buried in Couin British Cemetery and is commemorated on the Palmer Cenotaph (plaque on west face) Jarrow and on the Triptych in St. Paul's Church Jarrow.


Mjr. Henry Duncan Bentinck MID

British Army Coldstream Guards

(d.2nd Oct 1916)

Henry Duncan Bentinck died on the 2nd of October 1916 at age 35, from wounds received in action in the Battle of the Somme.


Admiral. Rudolf Walter Bentinck MID.

Royal Navy

Admiral Sir Rudolf Walter Bentinck fought in the Battle of Jutland on 31st May 1916, where he was Chief of Staff to Vice-Admiral Beatty.


Pte. Alfred Bentley

British Army 9th Btn. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)

from:Rope & Anchor Hotel, 35 Eagle St, Todmorden, Yorkshire

(d.25th April 1917)

Alfred Bentley was killed in action during the Second Battle of the Scarpe within the Battle of Arras, aged 38. His name appears on the Arras Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens British Cemetery, Arras, France, and in the Todmorden Garden of Rememberance, Todmorden, Yorkshire.


Sgt. Cecil Bentley

British Army Royal Army Observer Corps

from:Burnley, Lancashire.

(d.4th Jun 1919)

Cecil Bentley died of Bubonic Plague on the 4th June 1919, aged 24 and is buried in the Basra War Cemetery in Iraq. He was the son of George and Mary Bentley of Barrowford Road, Fence, Burnley, Lancashire.

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