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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment


Pte. Henry Blooman

Australian Imperial Force 48th Battalion

from:Blairmore,Kulin,East Wickepin,Western Australia

(d.18th Oct 1917)

My Great Uncle Harry Blooman was born 1890 Pancras London Middlesex, in 1901 he was resident in a Childrens Workhouse. He later lived at Balcombe, Brighton, Sussex. In 1911 sailed to Australia, arrived Fremantle port and found work as a farmhand for Mrs E.Onge, Blairmore, Kulin , East Wickepin Western Australia.

Harry enlisted in A.I.F. at Wickepin, Western Australia and joined the 48th Battalion on the Western Front. On the 13.10.1917 he received a bayonet wound to the stomach and on the following day he was transferred from 3rd A.F.A. to 7th General Hospital, St.Omer. Harry died 18.10.1917 from wounds and was at buried ay Longuenesse (St.Omer) Souvenir Cemetery in France. R.I.P. Harry.


Pte James Bloomer

British Army 2nd Dragoon Guards

James Bloomer was my grandfather. He was born 28th of Nov 1897 in Kilkenny, Ireland. He served with the Queens Bays.


L/Corporal Alfred "Alfie" Bloomfield M.M.

Army 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry

from:Fencehouses, Co Durham

I am trying to find out more about my father's army service in WW1 and wonder if anyone can help. I have visited National Records Office at Kew but have found only a record of his award of M.M. Durham Records Office holds war diaries of 2 D.L.I. and my father's name is mentioned as recipient of M.M. in the appendix to the action for which it was awarded.

I still have his medals, the Military Medal, War Medal & Victory Medal plus two citations which read:

1. Your Gallant Conduct in the Field on July 14th 1918 near Dickebusch; by capturing a machine gun and team and thus preventing serious loss to your company, has been reported to me, and I have much pleasure in reading the record of your gallantry. J.G.Crawford, Brigadier General Commanding 18th Infantry Brigade.

2. Your Commanding Officer and Brigade Commander have informed me that you distinguished yourself on the 14-7-18 by conspicuous gallantry and coolness when you rushed a machine gun and captured it. I have read their report with much pleasure. T.O. Marden, Major General Commanding 6th Division Awarded M.M. 29-7-18

I also have a newspaper cutting of a social evening in Burnmoor Parish Hall at which my father was presented with an inscribed gold watch by Lord Durham and a gold chain by Lady Anne as the first employee on Lambton Estates to receive the Military Medal. All the other information I have tends to be anecdotal. Is it possible from his service number to discover when he enrolled or was conscripted and when he was demobilsed? Are there any Battalion disciplinary records and if so, where might these be found? I know from a photograph that he was a full corporal, and from what he did tell me, he was reduced to the ranks for striking a sergeant. I assume that he had been promoted back to L/Cpl before the action on 14-7-1918.

I would be grateful for any help and advice on where I can search further.


Rfm. Arthur Henry Bloomfield

British Army 9th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles

from:East Harling, Norfolk

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Pte. Michael Bloomfield

British Army 9th Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers


(d.3rd Oct 1918)

Michael Bloomfield was the son of Mrs. K. Bloomfield, of 3, Henrietta Lane, Dublin. He had formerly served with the Royal Irish Rifles. He was killed in action in Flanders and buried in Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Moorslede.


L/Cpl. Robert Bloomfield

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.15th Mar 1917)


Capt. William Henry Bloor

British Army Royal Field Artillery

(d.3rd Jan 1918)

I am in the process of writing a history of the Denbighshire Hussars Yeomanry, pricipally during the First World War.

William Henry Bloor was a Sergenat in the Denbighshire Yeomanry, before being commissioned into the Royal Field Artillery. As a Captain he was killed-in-action on 3 January, 1918. His father Reginald Henry Bloor or Rex Bloor also served in the DY. I am looking for any photos of Officers, NCOs and Men who served in the Denbighshire Yeomanry from 1900 to 1921.

I gained my BA in History in 2003 and my thesis was on the DY. Any photos or stories which could be copied/photocopied would be of great help to me.


Pte Arthur Cyril Bloore

British Army South Nottinghamshire Hussars

from:Sileby, Leics

I am trying to find out where my grandfather went and what he did during his service years. I know he joined up 27/04/1915 he had a horse he called Jeanne (Ihave a photo of him on it) and that he was in the middle east. (SERVICE AREA 3)and that he was in the machine gun corps. I would like to know a little more about where he was sent, a bit of a timeline might be a better way to describe what I'm looking for.


William Elize Blore

British Army 32nd Battalion Middlesex Regiment


Pte. A. Blouin

Canadian Infantry 163rd Btn.

(d.25th Aug 1916)

Private Blouin is buried in the Calvary (Prospect) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Bermuda.


Pte. Harry Blow

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Scots

(d.29th May 1918)


Pte. Alfred Blower

British Army 8th Btn. East Surrey Rgt.

(d.30th September 1916)

I am trying to find information about the death of Private Alfred Blower who served with the 8th Btn East Surrey Rgt at the Somme and was killed on 30th September 1916, aged 42.


Pte. Charles Blower

British Army Army Service Corps

I am trying to find out where my grandfather, Pte. Charles Blower, served during WWI. He was affected by mustard gas and came out of the Army due to sickness.


Pte. Charles Blower

British Army 1st Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

from:Kearsley, Bolton

(d.19th Aug 1916)


Gnr. William Benjamin Blowers

British Army 25th Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery



Gnr. Charles Thomas Blowman

British Army 1/1st Northumbrian (North Riding) Heavy Bty. Royal Garrison Artillery

from:2 South Bank Avenue, Bishopthorpe Rd., York.

(d.6th Jul 1917)

I do not know where Charles Blowman was when he was killed, he has no known grave and his name is on the Menin Gate. He was the only son of my great uncle Tom Blowman and was a cousin to my mother. I would love to know where and what he was doing when he was killed.


Pte. E. J. Blows MID.

British Army 11th Coy. Machine Gun Corps

Private E J Blows 25422 was awarded the Croix De Guerre for gallant conduct on the 24th September 1917 where by his knowledge of the ground considerably assisted his company (11th Machine Gun Corps) in tactical operations by his knowledge of Shrewsbury Forest.

He was mentioned in despatches by the Major General Commanding the 39th Division


Gnr. Edwin Charles Bloxham

British Army 40th Brigade, 6th Battery Royal Field Artillery


My grandfather, Edwin Bloxham, born in 1885 was captured whilst serving in the 6th Battery, 40th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery on 26th of August 1914 at Le Cateau. My grandfather spent the whole of the war, after being wounded and captured and taken to Doberitz POW camp.

I am exceedingly grateful and proud for what he did for us as and for the sacrifice he made. I am fortunate to have know him as a small child for just a short while, but only now appreciate what he went through. My grandfather came home and remained in the Army at Aldershot until at least 1925 where my own father was born. He too enlisted in 1945 to serve in Palestine. I am very proud to say my great-grandfather, grandfather and father have all served this country in the forces.


Gnr. William "Scott" Bloxham

British Army 41st Brigade, 9th Bty. Royal Field Artillery

from:Thornton Heath, London

(d.4th November 1918)

William Bloxham was my grandfather, he died when my father was only 4 years old.

I am a family history addict and am constantly looking for records of him so that I could see a photograph of him. Just one photo would make me so happy.


Pte. Alfred Isles Bloy

British Army 18th (4th Glasgow) Battalion Highland Light Infantry


(d.20th July 1916)

Alfie Bloy was twenty when he died during the Battle of the Somme.


Pte Alexander Blue

British Army 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


(d.3rd May 1917)


Pte. Ritchie Blues

British Army 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders

from:Benholm, Kincardine

(d.18th Aug 1916)


Pte. W. R. Blumrick

South African Forces 5th Infantry (Kaffrarian Rifles)

from:East London, Cape Province

(d.10th September 1914)

Private Blumrick was the Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Blumrick, of Macleantown, East London, Cape Province. He was 18 and is buried in the Macleantown Cemetery, Eastern Cape, South Africa


Gnr. Albert Blundell

British Army 110th Brigade Royal Field Artillery


(d.21st June 1917)

Albert Blundell was serving with D Battery, 110th Brigade RFA when he died of wounds.


Pte. William Richard Blundell

Australian Imperial Force. 47th Btn.

from:Brisbane, Queensland.

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Rflm. Robert Blunden

British Army 15th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles


(d.21st Nov 1917)


Bmdr. Frederick William Blute

British Army 156 Bermondsey Brigade, B Bty. Royal Field Artillery

from:Blockhouse Street, Old Kent Road

I came across this letter in my grandfathers war records and thought I would like to share it. My grandmother was expecting my mother when my grandfather went to war, the photo I have attached was the first time he saw his daughter when he came home on leave.


CSM. George Blyth DCM, MM

British Army 1/5 Btn. Manchester Regiment


George Blyth was awarded the DCM for open gallantry at Gallipoli while in charge of a party of snipers.

He was then shipped to Hospital in Sheffield with enteric fever and remained there for a few months.

When he recovered he went back to his unit in France and was mentioned in dispatches and awarded the MM. Part of the 127th (Manchester) Brigade which was composed mainly of battalions of the Manchester Regiments.


Pte. Stephen Blyth

British Army 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers

from:Scremerston, Berwick upon Tweed, Northumberland

(d.26th May 1915)


Thomas Blyth

British Army

My Granda's older brother Thomas Blyth is in this photo, unfortunately we do not know which young man he is. He was killed at the end of WW1. If anyone can help me out with this it would be much appreciated. Thank-you.

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