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Those who Served - Surnames beginning with B.

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment


Bdn. William Henry Bodill

British Army 10th (Prince of Wales' Own Royal) Hussars

from:Saunders Foot, Pembrokeshire

(d.10th Oct 1916)

William Bodill was born in Dublin and enlisted in Cardiff. He died of wounds on the 10th of October 1916.


Pte. Joseph John Bodimeade

British Army 13th Battalion Middlesex Regiment

from:9 Alma Cottages, Harrow Weald, Middlesex,


Spr. Charles Edgar Bodinner

Australian Imperial Forces 1st Australian Tunnelling Coy.

(d.29th Oct 1918)


Pte. G. Bodle

British Army 11th Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

(d.1st Jul 1916)


Bmbdr. Richard Bodsworth

British Army 83rd Brigade Royal Field Artillery

from:Hucknall, Nottingham

(d.25th Oct 1917)


VAD. Bertha Body

British Red Cross Kent 20 Voluntary Aid Detachment

Bertha Body from Gibbets Oak Farm, Tenterden nursed Jim Barr, a Canadian soldier at Tenterden VAD Hospital. She married him in 1919 and moved to Canada.


Gnr. Frank Body

British Army 256 Bde. Royal Field Artillery

from:Winscombe, Somerset

(d.26th October 1918)


Col. John Body DSO, MID.

British Army 5th Battalion East Kent Regiment

from:Wittersham Court, Wittersham, Kent

John Body became Lt-Col in October 1916 and was awarded Companion of Distinguished Order of the 5th Buffs East Kent Regiment, Territorial Force 1916 at St. James London. He was instrumental in sending The Buffs' memorial Window to Baghdad to be placed in the Mesopotamia Memorial Church to commemorate the part by the 1st Buffs in the near East Campaign. He was made Battalion Colonel of the 5th Buffs on the 21st March 1922.

John was mentioned four times in dispatches, he entered Baghdad at 09.00 hrs on the 11th of March 1917. After defeating the Turks 9 Miles away, Capt. G K Harrison hoisted the Union Jack on the Citadel. The flag was bought back and now hangs in Canterbury Cathedral.

John was Deputy Lt. of the County of Kent in 1945 and opened the Tenterden War Memorial Kent where two of his cousins, once removed were named having given their lives in First World War. He died suddenly at Wittersham Court.

Col.Body's Stained Glass Window

Col.Body's Stained Glass Window


Pte. Vernon Aubry Body

British Army 1st/4th Btn. Leicestershire Regiment

from:Cardiff, Wales

(d.18th Oct 1915)

Vernon Body (also spelt Boddy) was one of six sons. His father Harold Hermon Leopold also served in the war as did his older brothers Harold Valentine and Wilfred Reginald. His two youngest brothers, Clarence (my Grandfather) and Norman were too young to enlist.

A twin, Vernon and his brother Alwyne Victor signed up when they were sixteen, claiming they were nineteen. Vernon joined the army, Alwyne, the navy. Vernon enlisted with the 1st/4th Leicestershire Regiment on 12th November 1914. He was sent over to France 25th June 1915.

In September he was admitted to a field hospital with influenza. He was discharged 23rd September 1915 and three weeks later his battalion was given the task of attacking the Hohenzollern Redoubt, a German strongpoint near Bethune, France.

400 of the Battallion were killed and wounded, among them was Vernon who had gun shot wounds to the abdomen. He was admitted to the field hospital at Forquieres and he died from his wounds on 18th October, 1915.

He is buried at the Chocques Military Cemetery, memorial reference I.G.74 he had just turned 17 years.


L/Cpl. James Boe

Australian Imperial Force 4th Battalion


(d.20th Jul 1916)

James Boe was born at Stranraer, Scotland and immigrated to Australia. He worked in Sydney as a plumber and was a keen footballer. He was 29 years old when he volunteered to join the Australian Imperial Force at Liverpool, New South Wales on 18th January 1915. Boe departed Sydney aboard HMAT Kyarra with the 4th Battalion on 13th April 1915. He served in Egypt, Gallipoli and France. James Boe was killed in action at Pozieres, France on 20th July 1916.


Gnr. Thomas Patrick Boggan

British Army Royal Field Artillery


(d.27th Jul 1917)

Thomas Boggan lived in Dublin and enlisted in Birmingham. He was the son of John and Mary Boggan, of 57, North Brunswick St., Dublin. Thomas was killed in action in Flanders aged 21 and is buried in Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery .


Sepoy Bogha

British Indian Army 74th Punjabis

from:Kangra, Punjab.

(d.28th June 1918)

Sepoy Bogha was the Son of Bir-Bal, of Balak Rupihar, Palampur, Kangra, Punjab. He was cremated and his name is recorded on a white granite obelisk in the Hong Kong Hindu and Sikh Cremation Memorial in Hong Kong.


Cpl. Hugh Stirling Bogie

British Army Manchester Regiment

from:Ashton under Lyne


Spr. George L. Bogle

British Army 219th Field Coy. Royal Engineers


(d.2nd February 1916)

There is no other information relating to my mum's relative, George Bogle, and what he was doing at the time of his death, aged 33. All we know is he was a sapper. We are not sure if he was engaged in tunnelling work or not. My mum vaguely remembers having his service photograph in her possession but which has gotten lost over the years. She always remembers the family never having spoken much about George but she does remember as a child being taken to visit a woman who she believed to be George's wife at that time.

We want to find out bit more about what George was doing at the time of his death as we know he was a sapper though don't know any more about his background regarding whether he was an engineer in civvy street or what.


Pte. R. Bohan

British Army Royal Army Service Corps

Private Bohan was 27 when he died on the 13th of April 1919 and is buried south east of the ruin in the Danestown Graveyard, Co. Meath, Ireland.


Pte. William George Bohannan

British Army 7th Battalion East Kent Regiment

from:Stratford, Essex

(d.23rd Oct 1918)


Gnr. Percy Bohill

British Army Royal Garrison Artillery

from:4 Springfield Place, Leeds

My Grandfather, Percy Bohill, served for two years with the Royal Garrison Artillery in the UK. He was 30 when he was called up and was invalided out with a duodenal ulcer on the 11/07/1918.


Sgt. William Boiling

British Army 2/4th Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment

(d.19th April 1918)

William Boiling was born in Thame, Oxfordshire in 1889. After a very brief stint with the Royal Navy in 1907, he enlisted with the Royal Berkshire Regiment, and served with the 2nd Battalion in India. When they were recalled to England at the start of the Great War, he embarked with them to France, before being posted to the 2/4th Battalion. This was a second line territorial unit, needing men with experience to help with their preparation for war. They want to France in May 1916. In April 1918 William Boiling died of wounds received when the battalion were on the front line near Robecq in northern France. He is buried in Aire Communal Cemetery.


John Allan Boiston

Royal Navy



John Allan Boiston was born 30th June 1888 in Bellingham Northumberland, the son of Robert and Jane Ann Boiston (nee Roberts) of Monkton, Jarrow. He married Rachel A.S. Poyner of Kent.

John had formerly served as an Engine Room Artificer with the Royal Navy. He died age 29 in 1917 at Milton Medway Kent. He is commemorated on the Monkton Memorial, Monkton Village in Jarrow with 19 other names of Servicemen who died WW1.

John Allan Boiston must have been medically discharged from the Royal Navy before he died as a civilian in 1917. Commonwealth War Graves Commission have no record of him and do not class him as one of the Commonwealth War Dead. On the 1911 census he is recorded as: John Allan Boiston age 22 Engine Room Artificer on Torpedo boat No. 8 is at The Salvation Army Naval and Military Home at Brook Chatham. His parents Robert and Jane Ann Boiston are at 48 Wood Terrace, Jarrow on the 1911 census.


Pte. Edward Norman Bolam

British Army 1st/5th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers


(d.26th Oct 1917)

Edward Norman Bolam died on 26th October 1917 at the age of 28 whilst serving with the 1st/5th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers. He was the son of John and Isabella Bolam (nee Moses) of 50 Wood Terrace Monkton, Jarrow. Born in Monkton, Jarrow, the 1911 census lists him as: Edward Norman Bolam age 22 Railway Shunter living with his parents John and Isabella Bolam and family at 7 Coquet Street, Jarrow. He enlisted in Newcastle.

Edward is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial, he is commemorated on the Triptych in St. Paul's Church Jarrow and on the Monkton Memorial at Monkton Village.


Pte. John Bolam MM.

British Army 2nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


John Bolam is my great granddad. He was a regular soldier before the Great War and was posted to Hilsbrough Barracks in Sheffield were he met my great grandma Jessie around 1910.

Not 100% sure on what happened during the war years as he changed battalions with in the Northumberland Fusiliers around 6 times, my guess is because of the heavy losses. He was also a military medal winner and it was published in September 1917 in the news paper. From 3rd party information family it was for taking out a gun position on his own because everyone was killed on the journey.

I'm currently researching information on him to build up is journey Would be great to find the whole truth and his journey on the western front I'm also a soldier and have served in the recent wars and I have a lot of respect for these guys my experiences are nothing compared to these guys.


L/Cpl. John Bolam MM.

British Army 9th Btn., D Coy Northumberland Fusiliers

John Bolam was with D Coy, 9th Northumberland Fusiliers. He was shot at the Battle of Lys in mid April 1918 which lead to his discharge for gun shot wounds


Pte. Matthew Bolam

British Army 2nd/4th Btn. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)


(d.7th Nov 1918)

Matthew Bolam served with the 2nd/4th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) He was the son of George and Margaret Bolam (nee Laverick) of 13 Newmarch Street Jarrow. He was born in Heworth, lived in Jarrow. On the 1911 Census Matthew Bolam age 12 at School is with his parents George and Margaret Bolam and family at 13 Newmarch Street, Jarrow. Mathew enlisted Newcastle. He died aged 19 on 7th November 1918 and is buried in Maubeuge-Centre Cemetery. He is commemorated on the Palmer Cenotaph (plaque on west face) Jarrow and on the Triptych in St. Paul's Church, Jarrow.


Pte. Christopher Boland

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.9th May 1915)


Pte. David Boland

British Army 9th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.17th Aug 1917)


L/Cpl. Harold George Boland

British Army 2nd Btn South Lancashire Regiment


I am trying to find information about my Grandfather, George Harold Boland, he was killed in France, His name is on a monument in Arras. Any information would be greatly appreciated

Update: CWGC Lists George Harold Boland as being killed 20th Sept 1914 who is remembered on the La Ferte-sous-Jouarre Memorial, which commemorates nearly 4,000 officers and men of the British Expeditionary Force who died in August, September and the early part of October 1914 and who have no known grave.


Pte. James Boland

British Army 8th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.9th Sep 1916)


Cpl. James Boland

British Army 1st Btn. Royal Irish Rifles


(d.20th July 1918)

James Boland was the son of Sarah Boland, of 9, Bishop St., Dublin. He was killed in action in France age 24 and is buried in Godewaersvelde British Cemetery.


L/Cpl. John Boland

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.27th Aug 1914)

John Boland was the brother of Mrs. M. Smith, of 23, Upper Dorset St., Dublin He was killed in action aged 20 and is buried in Honnechy British Cemetery.


Rflm. Patrick Boland

British Army 1st Btn. Royal Irish Rifles


(d.23rd July 1915)

Patrick Boland was the son of Patrick and Katherine Boland, of 2, St. Helen's Terrace, Golden Bridge, Inchicore, Dublin. He Died of wounds in France aged 28 and is buried in Etaples Military Cemetery.

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