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Those who Served - Surnames beginning with B.

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Capt. Robert MacGregor Bowen-Colthurst

British Army 1st Btn. Leinster Regiment

from:Layer de la Haye, Essex

(d.15th Mar 1915)

Robert Bowen-Colthurst was the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. T. Bowen-Colthurst, late of Oakgrove and Dripsey Castle, Co. Cork and husband of Winifred Bowen-Colthurst, of The Gable House, Layer de la Haye, Essex. Robert was killed in action age 31 at St. Eloi, he is remembered on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial.


Pte Joseph William Bower

British Army 183rd Coy Machine Gun Corps

from:39, Avenue Rd, Seaton Delaval, Northumberland

(d.3rd Dec 1917)

Bower, Joseph, William. Private, 5661, Killed in action on 3rd December 1917. Aged 24 years.

Remembered on the Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, Nord on Panel 12 and 13.

The 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers records show that Pte Bower was previously in the 19th Btn with service number 19/1207. killed in action whilst serving on Attachment to the 183rd Coy, Machine Gun Corps, his new service number suggests that he had transferred.

Son of Adam and Matilda Bower, of 39, Avenue Rd, Seaton Delaval, Northumberland.

From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.


Pte. Samuel Henry Bower

American Expeditionary Forces 115th Trench Mortar Battalion

from:California, Missouri

Daddy, Samuel Bower fought in WWI. He was trained in California near LaJoya. He served in the Infantry. He went by ship to France in 1918 and served in the 115th Trench Mortar Division. He return to the US on the Powhattan, a ship. He marched everywhere he went and carried half a tent with him. His tentmate carried the other half. He was in Paris part of the time.


Pte. James Bowerman

British Army 6th Btn. Northamptonshire Rgt.


(d.7th August 1917)

James Bowerman joined the RASC as a baker in 1915, and transferred to 6th Btn Northamptonshire Regiment in May 1917. He was killed in action on 7th August 1917.

Private Bowerman is commemorated on the Menin Gate in Ypres, on the Preston, Lancs Harris Museum Roll of Honour, and within Preston Remembers and on Lives of the First World War websites.


Pte. William Bowerman

British Army 1st Btn. Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment

(d.24th Mar 1917)

William Bowerman was executed for desertion on 24/03/1917, aged 38 and his name is on the Loos Memorial in the Dud Corner Cemetery, Loos, France.


Capt. A. H. M. Bowers

Army 2nd Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Pte. George David Bowers

British Army 11th Btn Suffolk Regiment

from:Dunstable, Bed

(d.24th Oct 1918)

George Bowers was the son of David Bowers, of 34, Edward St., Dunstable, Beds.


Harry Bowers

British Army


Harry Bowers was my grandfather, I know he was a mature soldier who served in the first world war and as he was from Salford I would love to know if he was in the Salford Pals. I have tried contacting the National Archives but his records were destroyed during the second world war. His date of birth was 16th August 1884, his Mother was Margaret Bower and his father was Tippo Dalton Bower. Any information you could please provide would be very much appreciated All that I know was he had a soldier's uniform and came back to Salford after the war with frostbite. He sadly committed suicide at the age of 46.


Gnr. Robert Bowers

Australian Imperial Force 54 Siege Battery (1st Aust Siege Battery) 36th (Australian) Heavy Artillery Group

from:Fremantle, Australia

Robert Bowers served with 54th (Australian) Siege Battery, 1st Australian Siege Battery, 36th (Australian) Heavy Artillery Group.


Lt. Thomas James Bowers

British Army 3rd Btn. Nottinghamshire and Derby Regiment

from:Rathgar, Dublin

(d.7th Nov 1916)

Lt. Thomas Bowers was killed in action outside the trenches at Grandcourt, France on the 7th of November 1916.



Army 7th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Pte. Christopher Bowes

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers


(d.30th July 1917)


Pte. Edward Whittaker Bowes

British Army 6th Btn. Lancashire Regiment

from:1 Lubbock Street, Burnley, Lancashire

(d.7th April 1917)

Edward Bowes died of wounds on the 7th of April 1917, aged 21. He is buried in the Basra War Cemetery in Iraq.


Pte. Edward Whittaker Bowes

British Army 6th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment

from:Burnley, Lancashire

(d.7th April 1917)

Edward Bowes died of wounds on 7th April 1917, aged 21 and is buried in in the Basra War Cemetery in Iraq. He lived at 1 Lubbock Street, Burnley, Lancashire.


Pte. Harry Bowes

British Army Durham Light Infantry

from:Nawton Beadlam

Harry Bowes was wounded twice, once in the face and again in the arm. We think he was in the DLI but are unsure. He is pictured in the middle of the front row in hospital blues at Welburn Hall (Convalescent Hospital), Kirkbymoorside. The photo is dated 1918.


Lt Col Hugh Bowes

British Army 18th Btn Durham Light Infantry

from:Old Elvet, Durham

On August 8th, Lieutenant Colonel R E Cheyne, 29th B Lancers took over from Lieutenant Colonel H Bowes who returned to England.' []

Hugh Bowes is recorded as "Bowes, H. Lt. Col. Elmhurst, Commanding 18th DLI" in the Roll of Honour held in Darlington Library, believed to have been complied by the Town Council in the 1920s.


Pte. James B. Bowes

British Army 3rd Btn. Monmouthshire Regiment



Pte. John Bowes

British Army 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment

(d.12th Aug 1915)

John Bowes was born in Dublin and enlisted Mosney Camp, Co. Louth.


Dvr. John Bowes

British Army Royal Field Artillery


(d.4th Oct 1914)

John Bowes died of wounds at home in Dublin


Pte. John Bowes

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers

from:Durham City

John Bowes was discharged to become a Munitons Worker


Pte. John Bowes

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers

from:Durham City


Pte. Leonard Bowes

British Army 4th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment

from:Beeford, East Yorkshire

(d.1st Oct 1916)

Leonard Bowes was the son of William and Emma Bowes, of Beeford, Driffield, Yorkshire. He was killed in action aged 21, and is buried in the Bazentin-Le-Petit Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme.


Matthew Bowes

British Army 22nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry

from:Framwellgate, Durham

William George Bowes a Framwellgate miner served with Durham Light Infantry He left behind his wife and three children and joined the Durham Light Infantry in 1915. He arrived in France during 1917 as part of the 22nd battalion. Also in his battalion was his younger brother Robert, aged just 19. William was killed in action on the 26th of March 1918 at the Battle of the Somme. His younger brother was killed just four days later on the 30th of March. Both men are commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial in France and on Saint Cuthbert's Church, Durham, Lychgate on the Durham Town Hall plaque and on the Durham City Comrades Club, plaque (now missing)

I would like to know more about them three but I would like to know what happen to Matthew Bowes?


Pte. Matthew Elijah Bowes

British Army Norfolk Regiment

from:Elsing, Norfolk,

(d.23rd February 1918)


Pte. Matthew Elijah Bowes

British Army 7th Btn. Norfolk Regiment

from:Elsing, Norfolk

(d.23rd February 1918)


Rflm. Michael Bowes

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Irish Rifles


(d.25th Sep 1915)


Pte. Norman Bowes

British Army 9th Battalion Highland Light Infantry


Norman Bowes must have been in the Territorials, probably just before the war broke out. I was told as a child that he was wounded in the hand, at the battle of Loos and invalided out. He spent the remainder of his life, as far as I am aware, as an accountant, and died in the 70s. His 1914/15 star and the two war medals (Pip, Squeak and Wilfred?) are still extant.


Pte. Patrick Bowes

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Irish Regiment

(d.26th Mar 1918)

Patrick Bowes was born in Dublin and enlisted in Manchester. Formerly 30820, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, he died of wounds.


Cpl. Robert Bowes

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Cpl. Roper E. Bowes

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry

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