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Those who Served - Surnames beginning with G.

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment


Pte. John Thomas Gibson

Canadian Army 8th Battalion

from:Winnipeg, Manitoba

(d.18th August 1918)

John Gibson began his tour of duty on 3rd of January 1918. Ten months later he died after being wounded on the 2nd day of the Battle of Amiens. He was 21 years old.


Gnr Lionel Henry Gibson

British Army Royal Garrison Artillery

from:United Kingdom

Gunner Gibson died on 15th June 1920


Pte. Malcolm Gibson

British Army 18th Btn.(4th Glasgow) Highland Light Infantry

from:24 Kirkpatrick street, Camlachie, Glasgow

(d.18th Jul 1916)

Private Malcolm Gibson No 5287, 18th Battalion Highland Light Infantry [4th Glasgow] was my great grandfather, born 18th July 1887 in Camlachie Glasgow, Lanarkshire. His parents were David Gibson and Janet Gibson Nee Allan, Malcolm was the middle child of Six children. His siblings are:

  • David Darling Gibson born 1873
  • Janet Gibson born 1886
  • William Allan Gibson born 1890
  • Georgina Gibson born 1898
  • Christian Gibson born 1901

Before Malcolm went to war, Malcolm married Jessie Fyfe on 29th October 1909, at Greenhead Court Hall Glasgow. When Malcolm first married he was working for the council lighting department as a street lamp lighter in the days of gas lighting. Then he did various labouring jobs until about 1913 when he was then working as an Engineer’s machinist.

Malcolm and his wife Jessie had at least 4 children

  • Marion Gibson Born 1910
  • Mary Gibson Born 1912
  • Jane H Gibson Born 1913
  • David Gibson Born 1914 –

{David was my grandfather who later joined the Highland Light Infantry as a cook and survived the D Day landings in WW2}

The last address that Malcolm and Jessie lived in before the war was 24 Kirkpatrick Street, Camlachie, Glasgow.

Malcolm went off to war and never returned because he died in action in on the 18 July 1916, this saddened me because the day he was killed was his 29th birthday. Malcolm Gibson is remembered with honour at the Thiepval Memorial, Departement de la Somme, Picardie, France. I think this means his body was not located to be buried in a grave. The medals he had earned included the Victory and British medals. Roll D104 B4 249

When my grandfather was 4 years old the family moved to Liverpool. We grew up hearing stories of my great grandfather dying a hero in WW1 we had been told his name was on a memorial in St Cyprian’s church, Edge Lane, Liverpool. Now its derelict. We asked about what happened to the memorial stones in October 2013 and my dad’s cousin Jimmy Powell asked a minister who used to be vicar at St Cyprian’s he remembered it and tracked it down to Liverpool cathedral vaults my cousin took a photo of the relevant stone to my great grandfather Malcolm Gibson.

It appears family nominated their relatives and the church had these names put on their memorial stones. I cannot be certain this is the case but my family adopted the stone with M Gibson on it. This kept his memory alive and I started my family tree with Malcolm Gibson. There are 5 memorial stones. A new home is now being sought for these memorial stones.

I am proud to share my great grandfather’s story, another brave man who died for his country and our freedom. He was never forgot him but much his history was lost now I have found him again I want to share him to be remembered for all time, with gratitude and love from his family.

Unfortunately we don't have a photo of Malcolm or the 18th Battalion of Highland Light Infantry [4th Glasgow ] I did have one of his father so I wonder did they look alike. If anyone has photo's of his colleagues please share them we would all get joy from them.


Capt. Matthew Henry Gibson MC & Bar

British Army 12th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles

(d.29th October 1918)

Matthew Gibson died, aged 28, while serving with the 12th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. He was buried in Duhallow ADS Cemetery. Matthew was the son of David and Annie E. Gibson of 1 Chestnut Gardens, Cliftonville, Belfast.


Pte. P. D. Gibson

British Army 19th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers

from:South Shields

(d.29th Aug 1916)

Pte P D Gibson, 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers was killed in action on 29th of August 1916. Aged 24 years. He is buried in Bronfay Farm Military Cemetery, Bray-Sur-Somme. He was the son of Fanny Lawson (formerly Gibson) of 21 Aged Miners Homes, Harton, South Shields, and the late Matthew Gibson.

From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.


Pte. R E Gibson

British Army 19th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers

(d.28th Jul 1916)

Pte RE Gibson British Army 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers (d.28th July 1916)

Gibson, RE, Private, 19/1272, Killed in action on 28th July 1916. Age unknown.

Buried in Carnoy Military Cemetery, Somme, in grave C. 15.

From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.


Pte. Samuel Gibson

British Army 1st Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment


(d.9th June 1917)


L/Cpl. Stephen Gibson MM.

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Cpl Thomas J Gibson

British Army 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers

from:38, Dene Row, Bates Cottages, Seaton Delaval, Northumberland

(d.30th Jul 1916)

Gibson, Thomas. Corporal, 19/818, Killed in Action on 30th July 1916. Aged 25 years.

Remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 10 B 11 B and 12 B.

19th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers records show that he was known as T. J Gibson. killed in action and buried by 1/4 Lancshire Regt near Maltzhorn trench, Somme.

Son of Frances Gibson, of 38, Dene Row, Bates Cottages, Seaton Delaval, Northumberland, and the late Anthony Gibson.

From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.


Rflmn. Thomas Gibson

British Army 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own)

from:Wallsend, Northumberland

(d.15th June 1918)

Thomas Gibson was my great uncle, my grandfather's brother. Unfortunately, he was never talked about when I was a child, it was only when my grandparents died that I saw a photograph of a cross marking his grave. I have done some research and found out he is buried at Le Vertannoy British Cemetery, Hinges.


Pte. Thomas Henry Gibson

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Cpl. Thomas Gibson

British Army 8th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment



Pte. Thomas William Gibson

British Army 8th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment

from:Kingsley, Staffordshire

Thomas Gibson was my grandfather, he was born at Moorside Farm on Kingsley Moor, Staffordshire in 1899. We know that he lied about his age and joined up at the age of 15 and he was sent to France early in the War and carried out duties as a despatch rider, carrying information between command posts on his bicycle. We believe he transferred to the 6th Dorsets some time in 1918. At some point, Tommy was wounded by flying shrapnel but appears it was not serious enough to be sent home.

After the War, Tommy took apprenticeship as a carpenter and wheelwright before inheriting the farm from his father. In later life Tommy was plagued by the experiences and injuries from his time in France. Although he handed over the running of the farm to his youngest son, he continued his carpentry work up to the period just before his death in 1979.


Pte. Walter Young Gibson

British Army 1st Battalion Royal Scots


(d.20th May 1915)

Walter Gibson age 29, was killed in fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium. He was the husband of Jane Gibson of 54 South Bridge, Edinburgh. and is buried in Sanctuary Wood Cemetery.


Rflmn. Walter David Gibson

British Army 14th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles

(d.20th August 1917)


EAII. Walter Gibson

Royal Navy HMS Blake

Walter Gibson was born in September 1879. He served on many ships but HMS Blake seems to be the longest from 1913 to 1918. He was an Electrical Artificer.


Pte. William Gibson

British Army 11th Btn. Border Regiment

from:Braithwaite near Keswick.

William Gibson enlisted on the 10th Dec 1915, he was severely wounded on 1st July 1916 at the Somme and was medically discharged on the 26th April 1917.


Pte. William Riddel Gibson

British Army 9th Btn. Cheshire Regiment

from:Prince of Wales Hotel, Jarrow

(d.29th Sep 1918)

William Riddel Gibson, aged 23, died on 29 September 1918 and is buried in Bethune Town Cemetery. He was born in Heppburn, son of Charlton and the late Agnes Gibson (nee Russell) of Prince of Wales Hotel Jarrow. On his War Medal card it states he also served with Northumberland Fusiliers. Service No: 422. England and Wales Census 1911 states he was aged 16 and a pupil to an architect. His father, Charlton was aged 46 and a widower who was a licensed victualler and was born in Tantobie, Langfield Parish, Durham.


Pte. William Gibson

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


(d.20th March 1917)

William Gibson is buried at Bailleul


Pte. William Oliver Gibson

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Lt. Archibald Charles Gibson-Craig MID

British Army 2nd Btn. Highland Light Infantry


(d.14 September 1914)

Sir Archibald Charles Gibson-Craig of Riccarton, 4th Bt. was mortally wounded in the Battle of Aisne.


Cpl. Authur Maurice Gidden

British Army 24th Btn. Welsh Regiment


My Grandfather Cpl Arthur Gidden saw service in Egypt between 1916 - 1918 as part of the Glamorgan Yeomany and then as part of the 24th Welsh Regiment. I have read that they were then sent to France during 1918 I cannot find out if he did go to France or was sent back to the UK I would be interested to hear what if any battles he took part in. After the war he when back to his old job as an Electric Tram Driver with Cardiff Tram Company. He died in 1938


Pte. Leonard Morton Kitchener Giddings

British Army 2nd Btn. Essex Regiment


(d.2nd July 1916)


Pte. Harry Giddins

British Army D Coy 6th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment

from:Whitewell Bottom, Rossendale Lancashire

(d.9th Apr 1916)


Eng.S.Lt. Edwin Gidney

Royal Navy Reserve HMS Empress of Russia


(d.10th June 1915)

Edwin Gidney, aged 38, died on 10 June 1915. He was born and lived in Jarrow. He was son of Charles and Isabella (nee Aitcheson). The England and Wales Census 1911 states he was aged 34 and a boarder living at 16 Hanby Road, Bootle and his occupation listed as a refrigerating engineer for cold meat stores. Edwin is remembered on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.


Pte. Frederick W. Gifford

British Army 25th Company Machine Gun Corps


(d.4th July 1917)


Pte John Williamson Gilbank

British Army 10th Btn Sherwood Foresters

from:Walkington Beverley Yorkshire

(d.6th August 1916)

John Gilbank served with the 10th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters in WW1. He died 6th of August 1916 aged 22 years. He is buried Delville Wood Cemetery Longuevalin. France. Son of Matthew and Mary Jane Gilbank, of Belby, Howden, Yorks. Native of Walkington, Beverley.


Pte. Alexander Thomas Gilbert

British Army 8th Btn. Somerset Light Infantry

from:17 Vartry Road, Stamford Hill, London

(d.25th September 1915)


Rfmn. Charles Thomas Gilbert

British Army 2nd Batt Kings Royal Rifle Corps

from:Ashted, Birmingham

(d.31st Oct 1914)

Charles Gilbert was a pre-war regular solder who was time expired in November 1913 after 7 years and was placed on the Reserve. He was recalled in August 1914 and landed in France on August 26th 1914. He fought with the 2nd Battalion until being killed in action near to Ghelvelt on Oct 31st, he has no known grave and is remembered on the Menin Gate.

His brother Walter was also a prewar regular - wounded in 1915 and again 1918 and captured in March being a POW until the wars end. The plan is to be at the Menim Gate on October 31st 2014 to remember him and we can also remember his colleagues who were killed with him during this time.


Cpl. Edgar James Gilbert

British Army 16th Btn. Welsh Fusiliers


(d.7th July 1916)

Edgar Gilbert was my great uncle, my maternal grandmother's brother. His body was never found after the first day of fighting at Mametz Wood. His name is on the memorial at Thiepval.

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