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Those who Served - Surnames beginning with H.

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Pte. W. Harrison

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


W Harrison is buried in Dioch Farm Cemetery


Pte. Walter Harrison

British Army 1st/7th Btn. Manchester Regiment

from:Burnley, Lancs.

(d.15th Aug 1918)

Walter Harrison was killed in action on the 15th of August 1918, aged 23 and is commemorated on the Vis-en-Artois Memorial in France. He was the son of Mrs. Margaret Harrison, of 25, Ada St., Burnley, Lancs.


Pte. Walter Edward Harrison

British Army 14th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

(d.4th Feb 1917)

In Feb 2018, a photo of Walter Harrison's original grave marker, and a letter were discovered, they had been hidden away in the wall of a home for over 101 years.


Sgt. William Curry Harrison

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Sgt. William Herbert Harrison

British Army Tank Corps


Sgt. William Harrison

British Army C Bty. 190th Brigade Royal Field Artillery


(d.24th Sep 1916)


Pte. A Harriss

British Army C Coy. 1st/23rd Btn. London Regiment

from:Tulse Hill, London

(d.10th November 1915)

Private A. Harriss, son of Arthur and Frances Harriss, of 21, Perran Road, Tulse Hill, London. At the time of his death he was serving with C Company, 1st/23rd Battalion London Regiment. On the 4th of November 1915 the 23rd London Regiment of the 142nd Brigade, 47th Division, were relieved from the front line near Loos in Northern France and moved back to the reserve trenches. From there they moved to Philosophe, Mazingarbe, France. On the 10th November a shell landed on one of the billets occupied by C Company, 23rd Battalion London Regiment killing seven men outright including Private Harriss, he was aged 27 years. He is buried in the Philosophe British Cemetery, Mazingarbe, Pas de Calais, France. The personalised inscription on his headstone simply says "In Loving Memory".


Pte. Frederick George Harriss

Australian Imperial Force 49th Btn.

from:Ravensbourne, Queensland

(d.13th Sep 1918)

Frederick George Harriss died on 13th September 1918 and is buried in the Roisel Communal Cemetery Extension in France. He was born at Crows Nest, Queensland Australia on 14 Sept 1893 son of Amos and Virginia Harriss of Ravensbourne, Queensland.


Spr. Frederick James Harriss

British Army 23rd Field Coy. Royal Engineers

from:Aintree Road, East Ham, London

(d.10th Jun 1918)

Sapper Frederick Harriss was gassed at Ypres in 1917 then badly wounded at Nouelles in 1918 he was taken to 73rd General Hospital at Trouville and died on 10th of July 1918. We as a family have the commemorative plaque that was sent to his parents.


Lpcl. John Harrold

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers

from:Grange Villa

(d.1st July 1916)

John Harrold took part in the 25-26th of June trench raids. He is named on the Thiepval Memorial


Private William Harrold

Australian Imperial Force. 11th Brigade 41st Btn.


My Great Grandfather William Harrold Served in France and was shot twice. He was repatriated back to Australia. He passed away in 1959 at Morisset NSW.


Pte. Frederick James Harrop

British Army 6th Btn. South Lancashire Regiment

(d.25th May 1917)

James Harrop was killed in Mesopotamia and is buried in Basra.


Sgt. Charles Ernest Harrott

British Army 4th Btn. Gordon Highlanders

from:Ontario, Canada

(d.23rd July 1916)

Charles was the son of Arthur Joseph Harrott (who was born in Paris, France 1860 and died in 1942 in Ontario, Canada) and Florence King (who was born in England 1866 and died in Scotland in April 1911).

Charles Harrott was born in June 1886 in Leicestershire. His father was the manager of a hosiery factory, Harrott & Co Ltd in Aberdeen, Scotland where the family lived. He travelled back and forth to Canada looking for opportunities to set up a new company and, while away, there may have been a takeover that left him out of business. After the death their mother took all the children to Canada to be with their father. The younger ones were in the care of his sister Annie Louise on the voyage over. Unfortunately, being such a large family (12 children) the younger children were raised by other families which was not uncommon at the time. His sister Annie Louise Harrott married Arthur Wellesley Elliott in January 1915. Annie was three months pregnant when she and her husband were travelling to Ireland aboard the Lusitania when it was struck by a German torpedo. She and the baby survived, but unfortunately Arthur did not and his body was never found. Information about this is to be found on the Lusitania Resource site.

All I know about Charles is that he died on 23rd of July 1916 on the Somme, France as his name is among those listed on the Thiepval Memorial.


Pte. James Harrowell

9 Bn

(d.22nd October 1917)


Pte. Andrew Chichester Hart

British Army 109th Btn. Machine Gun Corps

(d.1st Jul 1916)


Pte. Benjamin A. Hart

British Army 1st/7th Btn. Suffolk Regiment

(d.6th Feb 1917)

Benjamin Hart was executed for desertion 06/02/1917 age 22 and buried in Suzanne Military Cemetery No. 3, Suzanne, France.


Pte. Benjamin John Hart

British Army 20th Btn. Manchester Regiment

from:Measham Leicestershire

(d.23rd Oct 1918)


Sgt. Charles Hart

British Army 6th Btn. Royal Munster Fusiliers

from:London Southwark

(d.15th Aug 1915)

Charles Hart was my Mother's Father, who was born in February 1870. He enlisted in the Army on the 14th of Feb 1884, Height 4ft. 5ins. Weight 68lbs. He was promoted to Corporal on the 18th of July 1899, then to Serjeant on the 1st of Jan 1890. He served in 2nd Boer War and received QSA Medal. Having completed 21 years and 116 days service with Royal Munster Fusiliers, he returned to Southwark.

Charles was recalled for WW1 and was killed in action on the 15th of August 1915 at Gallipoli. He left a wife and 10 children.


Sgt. David Hynd Hart DCM.

British Army 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders

from:Lanarkshire, Scotland

(d.2nd Mar 1916)

David Hart was my mother's grandfather and was from Mossend, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He was of the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, S/2506. I can see from his medal card that France was the first theatre of war served in, and he first entered on the 18th of December 1914.

David was killed in action at 22 years old on 2nd of March 1916, in 'The Actions of the Bluff' in Ypres. He was awarded the DCM for saving the life of his commanding officer. He was also awarded the 1915 star, British War Medal and the Victory Medal.


Sgt. Ernest M. Hart

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry

Commissined to DLI 3rd Feb 1919


Sgt. Frank Hart

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers

from:Wheatley Hill

Frank Hart was wounded in 1917


Pte. Harry Hart

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry

served with 18th, 22nd & 10th & 15th DLI


Pte. Henry George Rueben Hart

British Army Att. 1/20th Bn. London Regiment Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)

from:Marylebone, London

(d.1st Sep 1918)

Henry Hart died on the 1st Sep 1918, aged 19 and is commemorated on the Vis-en-Artois Memorial in France. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hart, of 41 Baventry St., Lisson Grove, Marylebone, London.


Lpcl. Henry Hart

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


(d.20th April 1918)

Henry Hart took part in the trench raids of June 1916


Pte J Hart

British Army 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers

from:41, Garden Terrace, Earsdon, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

(d.10th Oct 1916)

Hart, J. Private, 19/1242. Killed in action on 10th October 1916. Aged 30 years.

Buried in Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras, in grave I. G. 56.

Husband of Eveline May Hart (nee Digman), of 41, Garden Terrace, Earsdon, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.


Pte. Jack Hart

British Army 8th Btn Kings Royal Rifle Corps


(d.4th December 1917)


Able Seaman. James Robert John Hart

Royal Naval Division A Company Benbow Battalion



Cpl. James Edward Hart

British Army 10th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


(d.23rd Aug 1917)

James Edward Hart died aged 23. Born in Jarrow in1894, he was the son of James Edward and Sarah A. Hart (nee Malloy) of 386 High Street Jarrow. On the 1911 census he is listed as James Edward Hart age 17 Apprentice Plumber in Shipyard is with his parents James Edward and Sarah A. Hart and family at 386 High Street, Jarrow

James is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial and is commemorated on the Triptych in St. Paul's Church, Jarrow.


Pte. James Hart

British Army 4th Battalion Middlesex Regiment

from:Wood Green

(d.28 April 1917)


2nd Lt. Richard George Hart

British Army 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

(d.30th Jul 1916)

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