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Pte. John Heaton

British Army 2/5th Btn. A Coy. No 1. Pltn. Manchester Regiment

from:22, Hothersall, Lower Broughton, Salford, Lancs.

(d.14th Apr 1917)

John Heaton was killed on the 14th of APril 1917, he was 19 years old and had written to his parents, John and Jane just the previous day. He lies in Cambrin Military Cemetery, France.


Rfmn. John Henry Heaton

British Army 8th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps


(d.21st Sep 1915)

I have no other information about my great great uncle John Henry Heaton but would like him to be remembered on this website.


Pte. John Thomas Heaton

British Army 1st Btn. Coldstream Guards

from:Padiham, Lancashire,

(d.16th Aug 1915)

My great uncle John Heaton enlisted in the Coldstream Guards in November 1914 and was sent to the front on 4th of June 1915. He was killed at 2 am in the morning of 16th of August 1915 while engaged in 'special work' in no mans land.

John was the son of Mr and Mrs. Heaton, Thompson Street, Padiham, Lancs. He was a footballer and played for Padiham F.C. and Burnley F.C. He is remembered on the Padiham war memorial and on the Burnley F.C. Memorial plaque. He is buried in Vermelles cemetery, aged 21.


Pte. Joseph Copley Heaton

British Army 12th Btn. Prince of Wales West Yorkshire Regiment


(d.11th July 1916)


2nd Lt. Lionel James Heaton

British Army 3rd Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers


(d.29th Aug 1918)

Lionel Heaton was the son of Bernard and Lilian Gertrude Heaton of Trefeirian, Denbigh.


Margaret Mary Heaton

British Red Cross

from:112 Brook Street, Macclesfield


Vice Admiral. Edward Henry FitzHardinge Heaton-Ellis

Royal Navy HMS Inflexible

Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Henry FitzHardinge Heaton-Ellis was captain of H.M.S. Inflexible during the Battle of Jutland.


L/Cpl. Harry Robert Heaver

British Army 7th Btn. King's Royal Rifle Corps

from:Barking, Essex

(d.15th Sep 1916)

Harry Heaver is listed as wounded in December, 1915. He died in Epping, Essex on 15th September 1916, very likely in St Margaret's Hospital and probably from wounds sustained in France or Belgium.


S/Sgt. Joseph William Heaver

Canadian Army Artillery

I am doing my family tree and trying to find all the information I can about Joseph William Heaver. On his son's birth certificate his occupation is 'Staff-sargent Canadian Artillery (train conductor)'. This is very confusing, as his son was born in Folkestone, Kent, in 1916 to my great-grandmother. Can anyone explain this puzzle.


Pte. Percy Charles Heazelton

British Army Royal Army Services Corps


(d.27th Mar 1919)

My Great Uncle Percy Heazelton was the son of George and Mary Ann Heazelton, born 15th October 1889. It seems he was part of the Italian Expeditionary Force when he died and is buried at Arquata Scrivia (Grave reference 11.A.13)


Pte. Nathan John William Hebb

British Army 19th Btn. D Coy. Durham Light Infantry

(d.27th May 1918)

In researching my family history, I discovered that this gentleman is my great uncle. I know nothing about Nathan Hebb except I have discovered that he was killed in action on 27 May 1918 age 24. His is remembered with honour at Hedauville Communal Cemetery Extension.

A long shot but it would be lovely to find out more both about him and the battle in which he took part on that day. I have looked on but I couldn't work out where the 19th Btn. were on the day of Nathan's death.


Lt. C. J. Hebblethwaite

British Army and 1st Bn. Nigeria Regiment, W.A.F.F. General List

(d.7th April 1915)

Lieutenant Hebblethwaite is buried in the Maio Kalei Military Grave in Nigeria.


L/Cpl Timothy Hebron

British Army 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers

(d.28th March 1918)

Hebron, Timothy, Lance Corporal, 19/1200, Killed in action on 28th March 1918,

Remembered on the Pozieres Memorial panel 16 to 18.

From the Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour


Pte. Joseph Wilson Hebson

British Army 5th Btn. Border Regiment


(d.23rd March 1918)

Joseph Hebson worked as a porter and signalman at Threlkeld Station on the CKPR. He was killed on the Somme in 1918 and is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial and on the CKPR tablet on the south side of the war memorial in Keswick.


Lt. James Lawrence Hedding

British Army 3rd Battalion Hampshire Regiment

from:East London, South Africa

(d.28th Mar 1916)


Sgt. Alfred Howard Heden

British Army 13th (Kensington) Btn. C Coy. London Regiment

from:Barnes, London

(d.25th July 1915)

Alfred Heden served with the 13th Battalion London Regiment in WW1. He joined the UK Territorial Force in 1911 while still in education and became a clerk in civilian life. War broke out while he was his on summer training camp and he volunteered for active service.

He trained at Abbots Langley and then went to France from Southampton on 3rd of November 1914. He saw action at Neuve Chapelle in March 1915 and on 9th of May 1915, at Aubers Ridge, he was seen to fall, shot through the lungs. He was reported killed in action on this day but, in fact, he had been taken prisoner, alive but wounded. His family learnt of this nearly 2 months later when they received a letter from him to say that he was still alive but wounded and a POW. Tragically he died of his wounds whilst in captivity on the 25th July 1915, a short time after his family received the letter, at the age of just 20. He is buried in Valenciennes (St Roch) Communal Cemetery. in France. Son of Alfred and Hannah Heden of 11 Grove Rd., Barnes, London.


Pte. B. Hedge

British Army 1st Btn. Royal Munster Fusiliers

from:Baylin Rd., Wandsworth, London

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Pte. Wallace Hedge

British Army 7th Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

from:Kilburn, London,

(d.16th Aug 1917)

Wallace Hedge served with 7th Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and is remembered at Tyne Cot.


2nd Lt. Frederick William Hedges VC.

British Army 6th Btn. Bedfordshire Regiment

from:Godmanchester, Huntingdonshire.


Pte. John Hedges

British Army 8th Btn. East Surrey Regiment

from:Kingston on Thames

John Hedges was my grandfather. All I know is that he served with the 8th East Surrey Regiment. We always had a photo of him in uniform holding two grey horses by the reins. We do know he was in France on the Somme, also that he was gassed at some point. Records show he suffered afterwards from it. We think maybe he took part in the football advance (again, not confirmed). Unfortunately, he died during WW2 of peritonitis (not in service). As far as I know, he never discussed the war, and although he has two survivors still alive, little is known. The picture of him is being hunted down as I write this and, if found, could be of significance.


Pte. John Hedges

British Army Manchester Regiment

from:Clayton, Manchester

John Hedges served with the Manchester Regiment and the Labour Corps.


Pte. Chales Price Hedley

British Army 6th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment


(d.24th Nov 1915)


Pte. Edward Hedley

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


(d.29th Aug 1917)

Edward Hedley is buried in Roisel Cemetery


Pte. Reginald Hedley

British Army 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry


Cpl Thomas Hedley

British Army 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers

from:Dene House, Chow Dene, Low Fell, Gateshead

(d.1st June 1918)

Hedley, Thomas. Corporal, 19/972, Killed in action Aveluy Wood on 1st June 1918. Aged 41 years. Member of "Z" Coy.

Buried in the Martinsart British Cemetery Somme, in grave I. B. 33.

Son of Eliza Hedley, of Dene House, Chow Dene, Low Fell, Gateshead, and the late Thomas Hedley.

From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.


Pte. W. Hedley

British Army 76th Field Ambulance Royal Army Medical Corps

(d.7th Jun 1917)


Cpl. Edgar Heeds

British Army 1st Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment


(d.13th Apr 1915)

Edgar Heeds was the son of John and Jane (Marshall) Heeds of 40 Ollerton Road Retford Notts.


Pte. Leonard Stanley Heeley

British Army 6th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment

(d.27th April 1916)


Rflmn. Joseph H. Heely

British Army 2/8th (2nd Post Office Rifles) Btn. London Regiment

from:Pontefract, Yorkshire

(d.20th July 1917)


Pte. Lawrence Heenan

British Army 10th Battalion Argyll and Sunderland Highlanders

from:Denny, Stirlingshire, Scotland

(d.15th October 1915)

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