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243695Sgt. Agostino Pace
Royal Malta Artillery No. 1 Heavy Bty.
from:Casal Zebbug, Malta
(d.5th Oct 1915)
Serjeant Pace was the Son of Lorenzo Pace, of Casal Zebbug; husband of Maria Anna Pace, of 49, Strada Reale, Casal Zebbug, Malta.
He was 38 when he died and is buried in the Casal Zebbug Church in Malta.
217777Rifleman Arthur Pacey
British Army 2nd tBn. Kings Royal Rifles Corps
from:Elston, Newark, Notts
(d.12th Sept 1916)
Arthur Pacey served with the Kings Royal Rifles Corps 2nd Battalion. Married with three young children, in 1911 he was living in Newark - I think he had served with KRRC in the Boer War too. He died on 12th September 1916 and shares his grave at Heilly Station near the Somme with Alex Mole another man with a young family, Alex served with the Northumberland Fusiliers and died the day before Arthur.
207921L\Cpl. Ernest Pacey
British Army 1st Btn. Cheshire Regt
from:111 Taylor Street, Gorton
Ernest joined the Cheshire Special Reserves on 26 Aug 1909, he attended annual training camp and qualified skills in musketry. Training camps 09,10,11,12,13 and 14. Ernest was promoted to L\Cpl in 1914 and later Mobilized on the 8 Aug 1914 to France.
He was posted to 1st Bn on the 20 Aug 1914, but was reported missing in action on the 22nd of October 1914. His wife, Rachel, who lived with their 2 children, Lucy and Lillian, was informed he was missing. On the 3rd of Apr 1915 it was unofficially reported he was a POW, on the 9th of October 1916 the War office was informed Ernest Pacey was a POW in Slammlaga. After the end of the war Ernest was repatriated on the 9 Jan 1919 and later discharged on the 31 Mar 1921.
243263Gnr. Lancelot Pacey
British Army 135th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
from:Market Harborough, Leicestershire
100640Private Edward Pack
British Army Royal Fusiliers
from:67 Spa Rd, Thornton Heath
1924Capt. Edward Alexander Packe
British Army Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
238853Bmbdr. Albert Edward Farvis Packer
British Army 173rd Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
(d.27th Dec 1917)
Albert Packer enlisted on the 6th of June 1916, he served in France from 30th October 1916 until 11th December 1917. He died of pneumonia whilst on leave to get married on 17th December 1917. Albert died on 27th of December 1917 at 2nd Southern General Hospital (Military Wing), Bristol. His father was Francis Edward Packer, and his mother was Eliza Septima Farvis. Dorothy Beatrice Flower was his wife.
206212L/Cpl William Job Packer
British Army 8th Btn. A Coy. Royal West Kent Regiment
(d.6th April 1916)
William was my Great Uncle and I discovered him through family research. According to his army records he was a L/Corp but was disciplined by a court-martial. The basics were that he was demoted due to 'behavior unbecomming'. No exact details which I'mm sure would make an interesting read! The Company records show that no entry was ever made of his death nor were there records in the attached field hospital attached to the Division. William was billeted in a barn at Dranoutre with other Corporals and Sergeants and during the early hours the first shell of the day scored a rather unfortunate direct hit on the barn. He was one of 6 to die as a result and I have not been able to find details of the other casualties. All I know is that they are not buried in the same place.
254178Dvr. William John Saunders Packer
British Army Royal Field Artillery
from:Vale Cottage, High St, Uffington, Oxon
William Packer was my grandfather, I still have his identity bracelet.
243195Pte. E. Packham
British Army 19th Btn. Middlesex Regiment
(d.2nd December 1917)
Private Packham is buried in the Montagnana Town Cemetery in Italy.
227501Pte. Edward Packham
British Army 220th MG Coy Machine Gun Corps
from:Marden, Kent
(d.25th October 1917)
241651Ldg Tel Robert James Packham
Royal Navy HMS Marigold
Robert James Packahm served on HMS Marigold 03 July 1918 to 18th December 1919.
233049Pte. John Padden
British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers
(d.1st July 1916)
J Padden is named on the Thiepval Memorial
236502Pte. Thomas Paddison
Brush Army Royal Engineers
from:Crowland, Lincolnshire
142824L/Cpl. John William " " Paddock MM & Bar.
British Army 173rd Tunnelling Company Royal Engineers
from:Tyldesley, Lancashire
John Paddock was my Granddad, he survived the war but was discharged because of his wounds, he was blinded in one eye. He was decorated but would never say why. He always maintained that his medals really belonged to the lads that never came home. He was a bit of a lad and was relieved of his stripe on a couple of occasions, or so I am led to believe. I would appreciate any light anyone could throw on his military escapades I do not expect there is much you could tell me but we live in hope.
My granddad died many years ago I loved him dearly but was in awe of him he told me many stories sadly the passing of the years as dimmed my memory of these.However I do remember him rolling up at our house at the time of the Suez crisis. He was in full battle dress and had his old army rucksack on his shoulder. He was slightly the worse for drink but had called in to say bye bye as he had to get to Egypt to save the Suez as he put it. He was deadly serious and rather annoyed that although in his seventies the army considered him to old to join in the current fighting.
254126Pte Thomas Paddon
British Army 1st/4th Btn. Devonshire Regiment
from:Tiverton, Devon
(d.17th July 1917)
Tom Paddon was born 1877 in Tiverton, Devon and died in Iraq in 1917 He was husband to Selina. Father to 5 children Ellen b. 1901, William b. 1903, Tom b. 1905, James b. 1909 and Harold b. 1911. Before the war he was a Coal Merchants Yardman in Tiverton, Devon.
He started the War in the 1st/4th Devonshire Regiment, finding himself in the Middle East. On 3rd of February 1917 the 1/4th Devons and 1/9th Gurkhas led a dazzlingly successful attack on the Hai Salient in the Turkish line south of Kut. Victory came at a price, of 15 officers and 403 men who attacked, only 5 officers and 186 men emerged unscathed. The survivors of the 1/4th spent the rest of the war in Amara and Baquba (north of Baghdad) building roads, guarding prisoners and administering refugee camps.
Tom was transferred to the 2nd Garrison Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers in Mesopotamia. He is buried in the North Gate Cemetery in Baghdad, Iraq.
210251Pte. Edwin John Padfield
British Army 8th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry
from:Brislington, Bristol
(d.30th Jun 1918)
Edwin Padfield was a member of the Church Lads Brigade based at St Lukes Church, Brislington. Edwin lies buried beside his fellow CLB member John Pike (40124 Pte) in Couin New British Cemetery. They both died on the same day. I am researching all members of the CLB from Bristol who fell during WW1 and I plan to produce a booklet in 2014.
238532CSM Herbert Padgett DCM
British Army 9th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment
(d.30th September 1916)
242923CSM. Herbert Padgett DCM.
British Army 9th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment
(d.30th September 1916)
260854CSM. Herbert Padgett DCM.
British Army 9th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment
(d.1st Jul 1916)
244585Pte. Harry Padmore
British Army 2nd Battalion Hampshire Regiment
(d.29th September 1918)
Harry Padmore served with the 2nd Btn. Hampshire Regiment.
1205982Sgt. Alfred Charles Page
British Army 1st (City of London) Btn. Royal Fusiliers
from:St. Pancras, London
(d.16th June 1917)
Alf Page was born St Pancras, London. He was my great uncle, the brother of my grandfather. He originally joined the army in 1892, serving in the York and Lancaster Regiment. Alf was based in Colchester, Essex where he met his wife Alice. He rejoined the army in 1915 when he was living back in St Pancras, this time serving with the 1st Battalion (City of London), Royal Fusiliers.
He died on 16th June 1917, having been gravely wounded. His name is commemorated on the Arras Memorial as Serjeant, A. C. Page.
246725Pte. Arthur Page
British Army 4th Btn. Middlesex Regiment
Arthur Page, along with his wife, were family friends. They didn't have any children. Arthur used to talk to me about the war when I was a young man. I now know he left a lot of the bad things out and having read the history of the Middlesex Regiment on this website I now have a greater understanding of just what they went through. I have his medals and also his brother's who was in the Kings Royal Rifle Corps along with his death plaque that was always on their sideboard highly polished in tribute.
Arthur arrived in France on the 14th of August 1914. I believe he was under age at the time. Arthur never stopped being a soldier always upright, his shoes polished, even the vegetables in his garden stood to attention in straight lines. Arthur and his wife Nellie retired to Devon where he passed away in 1969 They were great men!
236732Sgt. Carey Foster Page
British Army 7th (Service) Btn. Lincolnshire Regoment
Carey Page received a bullet wound to the right buttock on the 27th of August 1918.
215081Spr. Charles William Page
British Army 228th Field Coy Royal Engineers
(d.25th Mar 1918)
Charles Page was my grandfather, he is buried in Beaulencourt British Cemetery. He and my grandmother wrote to each other during his time away We have these in the family, I have transcribed these as they are hard to read.
1899L Cpl Edward Stanley Page
British Army 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers
from:5, Cromwell Terrace, North Shields
(d.29th Aug 1916)
Page, Edward, Stanley. Lance Corporal, 19/542, Killed in action on 29th August 1916. Aged 21 years.
Buried in Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval, Somme, in grave XXXI. I. 1.
Son of Mrs. A. J. Page, of 5, Cromwell Terrace, North Shields, and the late Arthur S. Page.
From the 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Roll of Honour.
252007Pte. Ernest Page
British Army C Coy. 1/1st Btn. Hertfordshire Regiment
from:Watton Road, Ware, Herts
Ernest Page was a Territorial Force member. He had joined in 1912 in Ware and volunteered for Imperial Service at the very start of the war. He arrived in France in early November 1914 and took part in the Mons Canal, Cuinchy and Loos combats.
When his time as TF came to a close in 1916 the New Conscription Law had been past and he was given the choice of being demobbed, going home and being recalled or staying on and choosing in which unit he would serve. Having taken part in the battles that cost huge numbers of losses, spent 2 winters in wet, cold trenches he decided to join the Artillery. However, the casualty numbers were so large that experienced men were needed with the newer recruits. And 6 months later he was transferred to an infantry unit with the Northumberland Fusiliers, at first in the 26th Battalion, then in the 23rd Battalion of 34th Division (4th Tyneside Scottish)
He took part in most major battles until 11th of April 1918 when his group was taken prisoner near Armentieres. During the night of the 10th the Germans had managed to cross the River Lys and cause a wedge between 22nd and 23rd Brigades. Ernest's unit was over-run it only had one remaining officer who advised they surrendered to the enemy, in this case a German Cavalry Unit, You have fought well, lads, and we can now only surrender.
He spent the remainder of the conflict in the Gardelegen Camp. Saxony. He was awarded the 1914 star, British War Medal and Victory Medal
205603CSM. George Page
British Army 1st Battalion East Lancashire
from:Woking, Surrey
(d.1st Jul 1916)
My Grandfather Company Sergeant Major George Page 9261 was killed on the 1st July 1916 at Redan Ridge nr Beaumont Hamel the first day of the battle of the Somme. He joined the 1st Battalion East Lancashire Reg in 1907 and served 5 years, He was called back to the battalion on the 22nd of August 1914 on the outbreak of the Great War and sent to France and was in action on the 26th August.
He saw action in the Battles of the Marne; the Ainse and the retreat from Mons. He was wounded on the 15th February 1915 at Pleogsteert Wood, Belguim and spent 5 months in hospital recovering from shrapnel wounds to the head. He rejoined the Battalion in September and was in the Beaumont Hamel area when he was killed.
He was married to Edith and they had four children George, Mary, Cecil, and Charlie. His name is engraved on the Theipval Memorial as he was never found.
211122Cpl. George Clarence Page
British Army Northumberland Fusiliers
from:Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire
George served in the Durham Light Infantry in West Ridge Rawalpindi, India, before been transferred to the 28th Division in 1914. He was posted to the area between Bailleul and Hazebrouk. In 1915 he took part in the second battle of Ypres and the Battle of Loos. In Oct 1915 he was posted to Salonoka. On the 2nd Oct 1916 he was at the occupation of Mazirko and on the 31st Oct was at the capture of Barakli Jum'a. on the 15th May 1917 was at the capture of Ferdie and Essex trenches and 16th Oct 1917 was at the capture of Barakli and Kumli. In 1918 he was transferred back to France and on 18-19 Sept 1918 was at the Battle of Dorian, on 22-28 Sept 1918 he was at the pursuit to the Stumica Valley. He had been wounded 4 times during the war and and he caught Malaria and Dysentry while fighting the Turks. He left the army in 1920 after 11 years service.
211405George C. Page
British Army 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
My Grandfather, George C. Page, served with the 2nd Battn Northumberland Fusiliers. They were stationed at West Ridge Barracks, Rawalpindi, before being posted to France.
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