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1208098Lascar Abdul Qadir
Royal Indian Marine
(d.8 Mar 1915)
Qadir Abdul served in Remembered at . WW1
1208182Stoker Abdul Qutbuddin Qadir
Royal Indian Marine
(d.7 Jun 1921)
Qadir Abdul served in Remembered at . WW1
1208101Lascar Abdul Qasim
Royal Indian Marine
(d.28 Feb 1916)
Abdul Qasim served in Remembered at . WW1
207416Pte. Henry James Qualtrough
British Army Royal Army Ordnance Corps
from:Port St. Mary, Isle of Man
My Father, Henry Qualtrough, served France, Belgium and Dublin between 1917 and 1919. He was invalaided to Netley with Typhoid and also had his foot run over by a gun carriage.
210765Rifleman James Arthur Quarmby
British Army 7th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps
from:Stalybridge, Cheshire
(d.15 Sep 1916)
221951Pte. Alfred Quartly
British Army Labour Corps
(d.5th Oct 1918)
Alfred Quartly was born in 1897, son of Frank and Ellen Elizabeth (nee Dascombe) a family of farmers. He enlisted as Private 21288 in the Royal Berks Regt. Alfred was killed in action whilst serving with the Labour Corps on the 5th of October 1918, he is buried in Queant Road Cemetery, Buissy in France.
219548Pte. Albert Quick
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment
(d.9th May 1918)
Albert Quick served with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and died on 9th May 98. This is the transcript of Albert's only remaining letter home (possibly his last) to his wife Alice. spellings,etc. are as he wrote them:
Church Army Recreation Hut or TentWard 13
18 General Hospital
a.p.o. S18
BEJ France
Dear Alice, Just a line to tell you I am having a rest i need it i can assure you after so many weeks in the line I have a billet wound in the shoulder from the back I had a shovel stuck down my back and the billet went through that first so it saved me been hurt very much so I am glad to be here for a bit to have a rest my legs for my legs need it they have done their bit i could hardly walk and they are painful so hope to be here for some little time before I shall be able to go back again but the weather is so cold here this two days i have been here I am froze with no fire in our ward hope it will soon get warmer it is snowing as I write this
well dear did you write me since you had my letter and did you send me anything if so must send to our qr.m [quarter master?] to send it on for me because I can do with it for when I got wounded I dump all I got and run for dear life I can tell you when we get here we have new rig out and a bath to get rid of the lis I was in a state shall have a job to get my shin rgiht again I left visline and Harrisons etc behind in my pack I have to buy all I want to go on with but I do not mind that as long as I have a rest I should like to have been sent to a camp in blighty for a month or two it would have been alrightf or us but it is not my luck to have that but must be pleased my case is not bad enough for that I am pleased to say it did not go through my blade bone thanks to the shovel for that. Well dear how are you going on with it all at home do you have many in the house now [Alice was a pub landlady and took in lodgers to make ends meet]how do you go on for beer how many men have you now how do you get on with the ration I expect you have a job with it now should be glad if it was all over so that we could live in peace once more hope this will find you well and in the pink remember me to all at home must close with best wishes for you love may we soon be together again for a peaceful life at home is better than this camp life so goodbye for the present with fondest love
from your affectionate husband Bert
244601Pte. Charles Cornelius Quick
Canadian Army 21st (Reserve) Btn. A Coy
from:Whitlaw, Alberta, Canada
Charles Cornelius Quick was born in La Salle, Illinois 8th of December 1893. His father Ernest Alexander Quick and mother Theressia Jeffery Quick were originally from Kingsville, Ontario. Charles' siblings were Ernest Jr., Effie, Betta, Thomas and Maurice.
He was enlisted in Calgary, Alberta on the 22nd of February 1918 with the First Depot Battalion 13th MD Alberta Regiment. He embarked from Halifax, Nova Scotia on 9th of April 1918 on the HMS Metagama and arrived in Liverpool on 20th of April 1918 (upon there joined the Canadian 21st Reserve Btn., A Coy). In his records it indicates that he was hospitalized at the 12th Canadian Bramshott Hospital as he acquired the Mumps.
Charles was later transferred to the 10th Battalion on 3rd of October 1918, and arrived in France 4th of October 1918. He acquired influenza on on 2nd of December 1918. (His brother Maurice Quick in Monarch, Alberta died on 25th of November 1918 of influenza, his obituary stated that he had a brother Charley who was in France). He was with the 10th Battalion when he left for Canada on the Empress of Britain on 26th of April 1919.
231373Gnr. Stuart Henry Quick
Canadian Expeditionary Force 5th Battery Royal Canadian Artillery
from:Newmarket, Ontario
On September 26, 1914, just six weeks after Britain had declared war on Germany, Stuart, a printer working with the Newmarket Era newspaper in Newmarket, Ontario, had voluntarily enlisted in the Canadian Army in Quebec City, Quebec. One of the first group of Canadian soldiers (known as the First Contingent) to be sent to Flanders, Gunner Quick as he became, was assigned to the 5th Battery, 2nd Brigade of the 1st Division Canadian Field Artillery. He sailed for Europe with the Canadian Expeditionary Force on October 3 on the Cunard liner RMS Ivernia, amongst an armada of 31 transport ships carrying 83,000 troops from the Dominion, the largest military force that has ever crossed the Atlantic at one time.
After disembarking at Plymouth on October 20th, he travelled to Amesbury by train the next day, thence on to Westdown North Camp, to undergo training in England, at the Canadian military training base on Salisbury Plain. There, in canvas tents, they spent one of the worst winters on record in England. In early February, Stuart's regiment was sent to France and in March took part in his first action in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle. Soon after he took part in the Battle of Ypres and experienced the horror of the Germans chlorine gas attacks. Somehow he managed to survive this and for the next 15 months, he was up to his neck in mud and gore in the trenches of Flanders exchanging high-explosive shells with the German troops who probably didn't want to be there either.
Early in the morning of 6th of May 1916, Stuart's luck ran out. Whilst out on a night-time reconnaissance patrol at the front with two comrades, a German shell exploded a few feet from them, killing Stuart instantly and badly wounding his friend Sid Williams. His other chum, Signaller George Arthur McClintock escaped with a hole in his cap, a rip in his coat sleeve and minus part of his trousers. All of these three were First Contingent men, who up until then had managed to come through some serious action, including, without a scratch. Today, Stuart's remains are buried in the Reninghelst New Military Cemetery, Reninghelst, a short distance from where he was killed.
2611032nd Lt. Henry Quicke
British Army 1/4th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
from:59 Plymouth Street, Swansea
(d.23rd Mar 1918)
Harry Quicke died on the 23rd of March 1918 on the Somme. The following is transcribed from the War Diaries of the 4th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Pioneers), Sep 1915 ā€“ May 1919)
...Orders for the 47th Division to withdraw came at 6.30am on 23ed of March. 140th and 142nd Brigades would retire first whilst 141st Brigade would cover the retreat. At 8.30am the 1/4th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers moved back a short distance to a point about 900 yards north of Fins. At this time too a party from the battalion, under Major Marshall, lost touch and was diverted to Neuville, here they formed a defence flank battalion. This soon became untenable and they withdrew to positions near to Vallulart Wood (Map D). The main body of the battalion moved back through Bus Rocquigny and to Le Transloy. Marshallā€™s party retired that night and would rejoin the battalion on 25th of March. Casualties were Second Lieutenant H Quicke and 3 ORs Killed in action. 3 officers (Captain CB Christopherson, Captain PR Foulkes-Roberts and Lieutenant EF Chettle) and 231 ORs wounded or missing.
214310L/Cpl. James William Quickmire
6th Btn. Durham Light Infantry
from:Main St. Staindrop
233090Pte. P. Quigg
British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers
244917Christopher Quigley
British Army 12th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment
from:117 Grafton Street, Bradford
(d.26th September 1915)
Christopher Quigley is my great grandfather. I would love a picture of some kind. He was killed in action his memorial is at Loos memorial in France.
2557932nd Lt. George Arthur Quigley MM.
British Army 12th Btn. Sherwood Foresters
from:Bradford, Yorkshire
George Quigley was from Bradford, Yorkshire. He served with the West Yorkshire Regiment, then the 3rd Manchesters and finally with the 12th Sherwood Foresters. He gained a Military Medal.
207693Driver Hugh Quigley
British Army 9th Divisional Ammunition Column Royal Field Artillery
from:Govan, Glasgow
Dedicated to my great grandfather, Hugh Quigley, born in Govan, Lanarkshire on 29th September 1883 and died in Glasgow on 29th October 1955. On the 23rd June 1915 Hugh enlisted with Royal Field Artillery - Regimental Number: 96527 - Rank: Driver. On the 20th November 1915 Hugh was sent with the British Expeditionary Forces to France. On the 21st March 1918 Hugh suffers mild gunshot wound to face and is taken to hospital in Le Treport then to a hospital in Havre. On the 28th May 1918 Hugh is transferred to the Labour Corps - Regimentall Number: 580865 - Rank: Driver. On the 18th April 1919 Hugh is demobilized with a Class 5 Pension. Disability: Gunshot Wound to Face and Neurasthenia (shell shock). Before enlisting Hugh was employed as an Iron Forge Furnaceman and also a Dock Labourer, when he left the Army one of his first jobs was a Ship Stoker onboard SS Nortonian at Vercruz in Mexico the ship belonged to the Leyland Steamship Company.
214894Cpl. John Edward Quigley
British Army 9th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
(d.25th Feb 1916)
John Edward Quigley Corporal 10586 enlisted at Newburn and served in the 9th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers. He died on the 25th February 1916 aged 25. He is buried in Reninghelst New Military Cemetery
John Edward Quigley was born in Jarrow 1890 (known as Eddy to those who knew him) Son of Hugh and Ann Quigley (nee Long) of 53 Coniston Avenue, Newburn. On the 1911 census he is 20 years old, single and working as a labourer in a steelworks. He is living at 17 Victoria Terrace, Newburn. With his father Hugh aged 56 His mother Ann aged 50 having been married for 22 years. John has two brothers Patrick Clement (18) and Hugh (13) There are two sisters Mary Josephine (15) and Margaret Ann (8) John's uncle James Quigley (36) is a boarder with the family.
233091Pte. Joseph Quigley
British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers
(d.1st July 1916)
Jospeh Quigley is named on the Thiepval Memorial
233092Pte. Joseph Quigley
British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers
Jospeh Quigley was wounded in Jan.1917
252691Sister. Mary Eva Quigley RRC.
Canadian Red Cross
Nursing Sister Mary Quigley was awarded the Royal Red Cross 2nd class.
2371752nd Lt. W. G. Quigley
Indian Army Reserve of Officers Officers School of Instruction
from:United Kingdom
(d.2nd November 1918)
Second Lieutenant Quigley is buried in the Sabathu Cemetery in India, Grave 110.
249211Pte. William James Quigley
Royal Welsh Fusilliers 13th Battalion
(d.8th April 1917)
William Quigley served with 13th Royal Welsh Fusilliers. The only thing I know is that he was attached to the 254th Tunnelling Company. He was married to Catherine Quigley (nee Ward) of Bradley, Derbighshire. His son, Albert James Quigley, was MPK on the HMS Glorious on the 8th June 1940 when it sunk. He was a first class stoker in the Royal Navy
229094L/Sgt. Fredrick Richard Quilty MID
British Army 13th Battalion Rifle Brigade
(d.8th May 1918)
462Pte. H. Quin
Army 6th Btn. Durham Light Infantry
214920Pte. John Edward Quin
British Army 18th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
(d.15th Oct 1918)
John Edward Quin enlisted on the 16th October 1914 at Newcastle. He was 19 years old and a grocer by occupation. John joined the 18th Battalion (Tyneside Pioneers) the Northumberland Fusiliers and died on the 15th October 1918 - age 21. His medal card shows an entitlement to the British War and Victory Medals but does not show a qualifying date.
A further search of military records show that he served as a private in Home and France theatres. He was recommended for a commission and transferred from 14th Dec 1917 as a Cadet and eventually to No 2 Aerial Fighting School at Marske where he died in an aero training accident. I think by the date of his death he may be the 2/Lt J.E. Quin buried at Hebburn Cemetery and is commemorated at St Paul's Church.
239724Pte. Reginald Roy Quin
British Army 3rd Signal Company Royal Engineers
from:Islington, London
(d.6th June 1918)
Reginald Quin died on 6th of June 1918 and is interred at Pernes, Pas-de-Calais, France.
238962Pte. John Quinane
Australian Imperial Force 45th Btn. Infantry
from:Warrini, Victoria, Australia
(d.19th June 1918)
Private Quinane was the son of Elizabeth Quinane, of Warrini, Victoria, and the late Michael Quinane.
He was 29 when he died and is buried South-West of the ruins on the West boundary of the Glenkeen Old Graveyard, Glenkeen, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
208446Cpl. George Henry Quincey
British Army 101st Machine Gun Company Machine Gun Corps
My great grandfather, George Henry Quincey, was a British conscript from 1916 until 1920 and was a corporal in 101st Machine Gun Corps which joined 34th Division upon embarkation to France on 3rd January 1916. I don't know the complete details but I do know that he went AWOL during his time on the front line after hearing that his younger brother, Cyril Quincey, had arrived only a couple of miles away. The pair used contacts on and behind the front line to meet up at a French ale house and spent the night getting tanked up and enjoying each others company, for all they knew, this could have been the last time they ever saw each other (Fortunately this wasn't the case as they both lived well past the 2nd World War). Upon arrival back at his post, my great grandfather was temporarily demoted as punishment but due to the lack of experienced and compitent soldiers left in the company, this demotion wasn't to last long.
George H Quincey remained in 101st MGC until the end of the war but unfortunately saw close friends killed before him. One of these friends was a close companion from back home in Scunthorpe. My great grandfather took it upon himself to bring back his friend's belongings to the soldier's parents personally. This I am told, earned him a place in the family's heart until the day he died as they knew that their son had spent his last few moments with a man that he trusted and in a way, loved.
227952Pte. Anthony Quinn
British Army 276 Brigade, C Bty. Royal Field Artillery
My Grandad enlisted in August 1915. He arrived at Bolougne on the 4th of April 1916. He was part of D Battery 3rd West Lancashire Brigade, RFA. This merged into C Battery 278 Brigade on 24th of May 1916. Then A battery on 6th of October 1916. My grandad was posted to C/276th Brigade on 13th of February 1917.
He was wounded in action on 25th of June 1917. It looks like he was in the battles of Messines, but need some further evidence of this. He got transferred back to the UK on the 16th of July 1917 for treatment for a gunshot wound to the chest. His medical records show he got shot in the back with an exit wound through his chest. He was disembodied from the Army in 1919. He also served with 78th Coy. Labour Corps.
221429Rflmn. Bernard Thomas Quinn
British Army 9th Battalion Rifle Vrigade
(d.25th Sep 1915)
Tommy Quinn ran away to join the Army at 15. He lied about his age and said he was 19. He died in 1915 aged just 16.
241677Spr. Charles Quinn
British Army 250th Tunnelling Company Royal Engineers.
from:Co, Sligo
(d.16th Oct 1918)
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