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- 1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) during the Second World War -

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World War 2 Two II WW2 WWII 1939 1945

1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)

   The 1st Battalion was despatched to France in May 1940 and forced, under the assault of the German blitzkrieg, to withdraw to Dunkirk. Along with most of the 51st Highland Division, it was ordered to surrender at St Valery.

In August 1942 the re-formed 1st Battalion along with the 5th and 7th Battalions arrived in North Africa as part of 51st Highland Division in time to take part in the battle of El Alamein, the turning point in the war. This was followed by pursuit across North Africa with hard-fought victories at Mareth and Wadi Akarit, and the entry into Tripoli. Still under the 51st Highland Division, the 1st Battalion Black Watch was part of the invasion of Sicily. After heavy fighting by the 1st Battalion at Gerbini and by all at Sferro, Sicily was conquered.

The 1st, 5th and 7th Battalions, still in the 51st Highland Division, were all landed in Normandy on or shortly after D Day, 6 June 1944. All three battalions were employed in the operations to stem the last German offensive into the Ardennes in January 1945. It then fought in the battles of the Reichswald Forest on the Dutch-German? border, with the 1st Battalion being the first Allied troops on German territory.


27th of September 1939 Kings Visit

27th of September 1939 Kings visit

16th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength

24th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength

4th January 1940 Orders  location map

6th January 1940 Postings  location map

7th of April 1940 Battlefield tour  location map

16th Apr 1940 On the Move

1st May 1940 Reliefs

15th May 1940 Orders

20th May 1940 Withdrawal

22nd May 1940 Threat

23rd May 1940 In Reserve

24th May 1940 Orders

25th May 1940 On the Move

26th May 1940 Moves

27th May 1940 On the Move

28th May 1940 On the Move

11th Jun 1940 Orders

12th May 1942 Training  


1st Battalion, The Highland Regiment leap over an obstacle on an assault course, Dundee, 12th of May 1942 © IWM (H 19616)

12th May 1942 Training

22nd May 1942 Competition

23rd May 1942 Competition

30th of May 1942 Movement Instruction No. 1.

1st Jun 1942 Royal Visit

1st of June 1942 Royal visit

2nd Jun 1942 Exercise

7th of June 1942 Training Instruction No.3

7th of June 1942 Appendix 'A' Block Programme

7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 1 - Appendix 'B'

7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 2 Appendix 'C'

7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 3 Appendix 'D'

7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 4 Appendix 'E'

7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 5 Appendix 'F'

7th of June 1942 Champion Platoon Competition Appendix 'G'

10th of June 1942 Visit

11th of June 1942 Movement Instruction No: 2

11th of June 1942 Movement Instruction No 2, Appendix "A"

12th of June 1942 Preparations for move

13th of June 1942 Movement Instruction No. 3

13th of June 1942 More preparations

14th of June 1942 Addendum No. 1 to Movement Instruction No. 3  location map

14th of June 1942 Rail Table - Appendix "A"

14th of June 1942 Train Staffs - Appendix "B"

15th of June 1942 Move

19th of June 1942 Sailing

20th of June 1942 Stopover

21st of June 1942 Sailing on

21st of June 1942 At Sea

1st of July 1942 Stopover

4th of July 1942 At Sea

5th of July 1942 Training

17th of July 1942 Arrival Cape Town

19th of July 1942  March

20th of July 1942 March

21st of July 1942 At sea

21st of July 1942 At Sea

19th of September 1942 Move

22nd of September 1942 Exercises

1st of October 1942 Tragic loss

4th of October 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

4th of October 1942 Field Return of Officers

9th of October 1942 Notes

9th of October 1942 1 Black Watch Op Order No 1. Exercise "Rothes"  location map

10th of October 1942 Amendments and Additions to O.O. No. 1 Exercise "Rothes"

11th of October 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

11th of October 1942 Field Return of Officers

13th of October 1942 Move

13th of October 1942 Quiet Period

18th of October 1942 Movement Timetable  location map

18th of October 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

18th of October 1942 Field Return of Officers

18th of October 1942 Movement Order

18th of October 1942 Relief

19th of October 1942 Relief

20th of October 1942 Preparation for attack

21st of October 1942 Preparation

21st of October 1942 Move to attack

22nd of October 1942 Action

22nd of October 1942 Schedule of Tasks for Evening

23rd Oct 1942 In Action

23rd Oct 1942 Led by the Pipers

23rd of October 1942 Action

23rd of October 1942 In battle

24th Oct 1942 In Action

28th Oct 1942 Barrage  location map

29th of October 1942 Shelling

30th of October 1942 Liaison with Tank Regiment

31st of October 1942 Consolidation

1st of November 1942 Relief

2nd of November 1942 Move

3rd of November 1942 Under fire

4th Nov 1942 In Action

4th Nov 1942 Out of Action

4th of November 1942 Battalion's involvement in El Alamein ends

5th of November 1942 Reorganisation

9th of November 1942 Move

10th of November 1942 Reorganisation

11th of November 1942 Inspection

15th of November 1942 Field Return of Officers

16th of November 1942 March

17th of November 1942 March continues

18th of November 1942 New base

19th of November 1942 Stock taking

19th of November 1942 Stocktaking Questionnaire

22nd of November 1942 Field Return of Officers

22nd of November 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

22nd of November 1942 Operational Order No. 11. Appendix B  location map

22nd of November 1942 Instructions  location map

23rd of November 1942 Administrative Situation Report up to 23 Nov 42

24th of November 1942 Additions and Amendments to 42nd O.O. dated 24 Nov 42.

24th of November 1942 Instructions

25th of November 1942 Move

25th of November 1942 Orders

28th of November 1942 Routine

29th of November 1942 Reorganisation

29th of November 1942 Organization

29th of November 1942 Field Return of Officers

30th of November 1942 Preparation for move

1st of December 1942 Move

1st of December 1942 Operation Order No. 12.  location map

1st of December 1942 Orders  location map

1st of December 1942 Orders

1st of December 1942 Orders

2nd of December 1942 Move

5th of December 1942 Work

6th of December 1942 Op Order No. 13 Appendix B  location map

6th of December 1942 Op Order No. 13 Appendix "A" - March Table - 7 Dec 42.

6th of December 1942 Tpt for Move 7 Dec 42 - Appendix C

6th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers

6th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

6th of December 1942 Draft 152 Bde. Operation Instruction No. 1.  location map

7th of December 1942 Recce

7th of December 1942 Patrols

8th of December 1942 Relief

8th of December 1942 Relief  location map

8th of December 1942 Move Order No. 1  location map

9th of December 1942 Shelling

10th of December 1942 O.C. C Coy killed

10th of December 1942 Orders  location map

11th of December 1942 Raid

12th of December 1942 Advance

13th of December 1942 Patrol casualties

13th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers

13th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

13th of December 1942 Move planning

14th of December 1942 Reorganisation

15th of December 1942 Rest

15th of December 1942 Congratulatory messages

15th of December 1942 Orders  location map

16th of December 1942 Rehearsal

17th of December 1942 Rest

18th of December 1942 Training

18th of December 1942 Training Forecast

18th of December 1942 List of Bn Personnel killed in action and died of wounds

18th of December 1942 Bn HQ Group - Battle Equipment

18th of December 1942 "Battle Duties" - Battalion H.Q. Group

18th of December 1942 Appx M. - Battle Procedure - Bn. HQ Group

19th of December 1942 Exercise

20th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

20th of December 1942 Church parade

20th of December 1942 Field Firing Exercise

20th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers

20th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks

21st of December 1942 Training

21st of December 1942 Appx J - Training Instruction No. 3.

21st of December 1942 Training Programme, 23 Dec - 5 Jan

22nd of December 1942 Training

22nd of December 1942 Christmas Fare

23rd of December 1942 Discussion

24th of December 1942 Eighth Army News

24th of December 1942 Movement Order No 1.  location map

25th of December 1942 Christmas day

25th of December 1942 Message

26th of December 1942 Changes in personnel

26th of December 1942 Field Return of Other ranks

27th of December 1942 Move

27th of December 1942 March Table Appendix 'A' Movement Order No 1.  location map

27th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers

28th of December 1942 Training

30th of December 1942 Move

30th of December 1942 Training Schedule

31st of December 1942 Training

16th Jan 1943 Advance

5th Feb 1943 Inspection

6th Mar 1943 In Action

16th Mar 1943 In Action  location map

6th Apr 1943 Attack Made

6th Apr 1943 In Action  location map

19th Apr 1943 In Action  location map

5th May 1943 In Action  location map

9th Jul 1943 In Action

29th Jul 1943 In Action  location map

17th Jan 1944 Exercise

18th Jan 1944 Exercise

19th Jan 1944 Exercise

10th April 1944 Exercise   location map

10th April 1944 Exercise

21st April 1944 Exercise  location map

22nd April 1944 Exercise  location map

22nd April 1944 Orders  location map

23rd April 1944 Exercise   location map

23rd April 1944 Exercise Notes  location map

24th April 1944 154th Brigade Instructions  location map

25th of April 1944 Intelligence Log - Appendix 'B'  location map

12th Jul 1944 Rest

18th July 1944 In Action

7th Aug 1944 In Action

16th August 1944 Reorganisation

16th Oct 1944 Enemy Positions Targetted  location map

23rd Oct 1944 Attack Made  location map

3rd May 1945 Orders

If you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.

Those known to have served with

1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)

during the Second World War 1939-1945.

  • Ball George.
  • Barty John. Pte. (d.9th May 1940)
  • Beattie James Francis. Pte.
  • Black James N.. Pte. (d.24th June 1940)
  • Cairns Walter. L/Cpl. (d.20th May 1940)
  • Crabb John Wilson. Pte.
  • Cunliffe Jack. Pte. (d.9th July 1944)
  • Dalby Harry.
  • Dalby Harry.
  • Draine James. L/Cpl. (d.23rd March 1945)
  • Freeman Arthur Charles. Pte. (d.22nd Nov 1944)
  • Furlong William. Pte. (d.20th May 1940)
  • Gibson Norman. Pte.
  • Grant Ernest Gavin. Pte.
  • Gray John. W/O
  • Harrison Norman.
  • Hunter Henry. L/Cpl. (d.11th June 1940)
  • Kinross John. Pte.
  • Kirk Robert Gourdie. Pte.
  • McNamee Donald. Pte.
  • Moore Peter Havers.
  • O'Neill Gilroy. CSM.
  • Ryan Gerald J.. Cpl. (d.22nd Jul 1944)
  • Sharp MM. James Low. Cpl.
  • Todd Ian Menzies. Lt.
  • Waddell George. Pte. (d.27th Mar 1945 )
  • White Denis. Cpl. (d.19th Oct 1944)

The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from other sources.

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Want to know more about 1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)?

There are:1532 items tagged 1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.

Pte. John Barty 1st Btn. Black Watch (d.9th May 1940)

My late mother was Ann Hay Barty and 2 of her brothers - John and Robert were in the Black Watch Regiment. John appears in several Rolls of Honour and I have seen him appear in records at Edinburgh Castle, The Black Watch Museum in Perth and the City of Dundee. Robert appears to have died in 1940 in Glasgow from a heart condition. I intend to visit the Choloy Cemetry in the next couple of years.

I am attaching photographs of both of them in uniform (don't know who is Robert and who is John) but can find no trace of Robert having served in the Black Watch. I also have a photograph of my grandfather John Barty in uniform but I do not know the regiment he was in. Is anyone able to help identify the regiment from the photo? I am researching my Scottish Ancestry now and would dearly love to know more about my relatives and the roles they played in the British Army

Neil Tarry

Harry Dalby 1st Battalion The Black Watch, 51st Highland Division

My late grandfather Harry Dalby was a POW in Stalag XXA. I have had his prisoner of war records translated and they give 2.K Batlingen, Batlingen 20 and Reigersfeld as work camps.

My grandfather, while in one of the camps, had what can only be described as a large hankie or part of a sheet with his Battalion's badge and two soldiers in highland dress on either side of it. This was drawn in ink we were told. It also has HE YDEBRECK written on the top of it which I believe is Batlingen. We have no idea who made this for him so if anyone has any idea or info I would be very greatful.

He was in the 1st Battalion The Black Watch, 51st Highland Division captured St.Valery 16/6/40.


Pte. Arthur Charles Freeman 1st Btn. Black Watch (d.22nd Nov 1944)

Arthur Arthur was my uncle and lived in Liverpool all his life. I remember the telegram coming to tell us of his death when I was 10 years old. He was a very shy young man and didn’t talk a lot, though he seems to have made some good Scottish friends in the army. He had two older brothers, one in the British Army and one in the RAF. Both of them came home from the war. Sadly, Arthur did not. I am 85 and the last living relative to remember him. He was my mother’s brother, and I lived with the family from birth, so he was very close to me as a child. I will be going to Arnhem on the 22nd November with my daughters to visit his grave. He will live on in my family.

Joyce Johnson

Pte. James N. Black 1st Btn. Black Watch (d.24th June 1940)

James Black served with the 1st Battalion, Black Watch in WW2. He died 24th of June 1940 aged 28 years and is buried St Valery-en-Caux Franco-British Cemetery in France. His medals were part of my late brother's collection.

David N Harris

CSM. Gilroy O'Neill 1st Btn. Black Watch

Gilroy O'Neill is great grandfather but I do not have a lot of information to share. All I can provide is his rank and name. He served for 18 years to reach the rank of CSM. He was a part of the Bren Gun carrier unit in India. Also had taken part in the fighting in Italy.

Pte. Norman Gibson 1st Btn. Black Watch

Norman Gibson served with the 1st Battalion, Black Watch part of the 51st Highland Division. He was stationed at Dover then posted to France in September 1939. Their deployment was to the Maginot Line. He was captured on the 12th of June 1940 at St. Valery-en-Caux. General Fortune had no option but surrender the Battalion to Rommel. Norman was a POW for 5 years in Mulhausen, Germany, he was liberated from Stalag IXC in 1945.

Norman Gibson

Pte. John Kinross 1st Btn. Black Watch

My grandfather John Kinross was a prisoner of war in Stalag 20b, Marienburg, Germany. He was a private in the Black Watch Royal Highlanders and captured in France in 1940. He was reported missing from July 1940 until he was registered as a POW in October 1940.

Jennifer Mckay

Pte. Donald McNamee 1st Btn. Black Watch

Donald McNamee was originally conscripted to Lancashire Fusiliers in 1944 but subsequently transferred to 1st Battalion, Black Watch, prior to seeing active service in the Ardennes, and then into Germany, including Hartz Mountains area and Hanover.

At the end of the War Dad spent time as a prison guard at the former Sandbostel Concentration Camp which was being used to detain captured German SS soldiers. The Captive Heart film starring Michael Redgrave, Jack Warner and other well known British actors of the period was filmed at the camp, and Dad along with many of his comrades was used as extras.

David McNamee

W/O John Gray 1st Battalion Black Watch

My father, John Gray, was a bandsman, trumpet, in the Black Watch Band. He joined as a boy soldier in 1930. First stationed in the Black Hole of Calcutta in India as boy soldier, then travelled all over world with the Band.

He was captured at Dunkirk and spent 5 years in German prison camps. My father was one of the prisoners who had to march 600 miles under Germans when the war was coming to an end.

Sandra Cohen

Pte. George Waddell 1st Btn. Black Watch (d.27th Mar 1945 )

George Waddell is the nephew of my grandfather Alexander Dutton, son of Lilly Dutton.

Rachel Tadier

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