- The Reconnaissance Corps during the Second World War -
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Those known to have served with
The Reconnaissance Corps
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Adams James Henry. Tpr.
- Alexander Aaron. Cpl.
- Anderson J.
- Andrews William George. Sgt.
- Atkinson Jack. Trpr.
- Balfour TL.
- Banks Harold. (d.11th September 1944)
- Barber William Henry. Tpr.
- Barker Sydney. Tpr.
- Bedell W.
- Belcher Philip Rodney Sykes. Pte.
- Bellshaw A.
- Berman T.
- Bestwick Arthur. Cpl.
- Beswick C.
- Bevan RE. Tpr.
- Bickerstaff C.
- Birch E.
- Birrell MR.
- Birt R. Tpr.
- Black R.
- Blackburn R.
- Blacker Alan James.
- Bladen William George.
- Blaxley GE.
- Blumer A.
- Blundell J.
- Blyth Ernest. Pte.
- Boardman EJ. L.Sgt.
- Bollington S.
- Boocock W.
- Booth A.
- Booth C.
- Bowen AE.
- Bowman G.
- Bowyer George Francis Charles. Pte,
- Bowyer JH.
- Boyd T.
- Brace AJ. Tpr.
- Bradburn James. L/Cpl. (d.3rd Nov1943)
- Bradbury J.
- Bradshaw A.
- Brant WG.
- Brayford J. Tpr.
- Brazendale Arthur. Pte.
- Brazier GE.
- Brearley R.
- Briant Frank Herbert. Sgt
- Bright Stanley Sidney. Trp. (d.4th Sep 1944)
- Bright Stanley Sidney. Tpr. (d.4th Sep 1944)
- Brooke D.
- Brown Edwin. T.Capt
- Bruce AL.
- Bunce SW.
- Burke Joseph. Tpr. (d.10th Aug 1944)
- Butcher H .
- Byrne John Christopher.
- Campbell R.
- Cawser Eric George. Tpr
- Clare Sydney. Sgt.
- Clark R W. Cpl.
- Clark Ronald. Sgt. (d.6th June 1942)
- Clephine J.
- Coleman Arthur David. Tpr.
- Coleman John. Pte.
- Collier G.
- Connaughton S.
- Cooper NM.
- Cotterill A.
- Courtenay A. Tpr.
- Cowan H.
- Cowie CH.
- Cox DH.
- Cox JS.
- Cox TH.
- Coxhead WJ.
- Craggs AE.
- Craig Joseph Bains.
- Craig Thomas Dunbar. Sgt.
- Craik RR.
- Crane CH.
- Crawford RB.
- Crawley CE.
- Crawshaw J.
- Crew William Alfred. Tpr. (d.14th Sep 1944)
- Cripps AT.
- Croft J.
- Crofts H.
- Crofts R.
- Crofts Reg.
- Cross G.
- Crutch Albert John Loos. L/Sgt.
- Culliney JT.
- Culliss Kenneth. Sgt.
- Cullum TE.
- Cunningham BJ.
- Curran J.
- Dadson F.
- David Leonard Peter. Tpr.
- Davie L.
- Davies DF.
- Davies DH.
- Davies R.
- Davis G.
- Dawson E.
- Dawson T.
- Day EN.
- Deakin A.
- Dean Harold John.
- DeAngeli Frank. Tpr.
- Deardon E.
- Deasy Patrick F.
- Dellow RFR.
- deRusett John Duncombe. 2nd Lt.
- Dickens WDN.
- Dickie WJ.
- Dickinson K.
- Dicksee Richard Frank. Cpl.
- Dixon Godfry J.R..
- Dixon John B. Lt.
- Dolan TEG.
- Dove H.
- Downie George. W/CPL
- Drake MF.
- Drake RO.
- Driscoll J.
- Drummond AY.
- Duke CR.
- Duke L.
- Duke LR.
- Duncan R.
- Dunn J.
- Dunn Leslie Charles. Sgt.
- Dunn Peter Basil. Sgt.
- Dunn TF.
- Eady HF.
- Earl J.
- East WR.
- Edmonds DJM.
- Edmunds LR.
- Ellis Norman Peter. Cpl. (d.2nd Sep 1944)
- Ellis S.
- Elphick James.
- Emblin HF. Sgt.
- Embling JA.
- Emerson JR.
- Evans E.
- Evans JA. Sgt.
- Everitt G.
- Fairbrother FV.
- Faircloth B.
- Falla Edwin. Cpl.
- Fauschleger JD.
- Fawcett Jack. Tpr
- Fawcett Jack. Trooper
- Fearn WA.
- Fewell JS.
- Finch EJ.
- Finlayson TB. Sgt.
- Finn Leslie James. Pte
- Firbank GB.
- Firth Sidney. Sgt.
- Fisher R.
- Fisher RJ.
- Flack William Reginald.
- Flatley Mark. Tpr.
- Fleming W.
- Fletcher GH.
- Fletcher SH.
- Florence George. Tpr.
- Fluijt Cornelis. 2nd Lt.
- Ford John Henry Terry. Lt.
- Ford RS.
- Foster Percival Arthur. Sgt.
- Fowler Ernest. Tpr.
- Fowler J.
- Fowles B .
- Fox JL. L/Cpl.
- Fraser T .
- Fuller WB.
- Gallimore JHJ.
- Galtress RA.
- Gardiner Peter. Sgt.
- Gardner John Alexander.
- Gardner John Alexander. Trpr.
- Garraway Thomas Alfred. Pte.
- Garrett Norman. Tpr
- Geddes RCI.
- Gelder LD.
- Gibb AJ.
- Gibbings Thomas . Sergeant
- Gibbons Stanley. Trooper
- Gibson Howard P.. Sgt.
- Glew Jack. Tpr. (d.19th Apr 1945)
- Gordon CF.
- Gough R M C L.
- Graham C.
- Graham JB.
- Greaves F.
- Green GW.
- Greenhough F .
- Gregson C.
- Gregson M .
- Griffiths RW.
- Griffiths WJ.
- Grimwood FJ.
- Grindley H.
- Gurr GH.
- Gutteridge LE.
- Gwilliam WA.
- Gwynne E. J..
- Hagger Albert James. Tpr.
- Haigh Donald. Trpr.
- Haines Arthur Patrick. Cpl. (d.25th Jun 1944)
- Hall AP. L/Cpl.
- Hall R.
- Hall Sidney Thomas. Tpr.
- Hall W .
- Hamilton J.
- Hamilton W.
- Hammond N.
- Hampton F E. L/Cpl.
- Hannaby H.
- Hardie HG. L/Cpl.
- Harris F.
- Harris Frederick Fitzherbert. Sgt
- Harris John Dayment. Capt
- Harris R.
- Hart Alan. Trpr. (d.29th February 1944)
- Harvey Samuel Dennis Henry . Cpl.
- Hatfield John William Roan. Sgt.
- Haxton WI. Sgt.
- Heald N.
- Heath DA. L.Sgt.
- Hedges Garfield Desmond. Tpr.r
- Hemmingway Clifford Charles. Tpr. (d.3rd December 1943)
- Henderson N.
- Henry J.
- Herring AJ.
- Hetherington R.
- Heyworth F.
- Hickman J.
- Hickmott Alfred James. Sgt.
- Hill CE .
- Hill EC.
- Hill George Edwin. Tpr.
- Hill George Edwin. Tpr.
- Hill George Edwin.
- Hill JL.
- Hindle JC.
- Hird A.
- Hoddy Herbert . Cpl. (d. )
- Hogg HR. Tpr.
- Holmes JH.
- Hooper Kenneth Samuel Charles. Tpr.
- Hornby J.
- Horwood WJ.
- Howard Albert Walter Reginald. Tpr.
- Howells David John. Tpr. (d.25th September 1944)
- Howorth John Arthur. Cpl.
- Hudson Gilbert.
- Hudspeth R.
- Hughes TG.
- Hume A.
- Humphrey H.
- Hunt CF.
- Hunter A.
- Hunter DR.
- Hunter W.
- Hutchinson D.
- Imrie DW.
- Ingram FD.
- Inman Ronald Marsden. Tpr. (d.3rd Mar 1945)
- Install HW.
- Jacks E.
- Jackson H.
- Jackson RR.
- James GJG.
- Jarvie W.
- Jefferey R.
- Jenkins BMT.
- Jenkinson H.
- Jinks JT.
- Johnson K.
- Johnson WMD.
- Johnston TS.
- Jolleys JL.
- Jones A.
- Jones KR. Cpl.
- Jones R .
- Jordan Ferdinand Peter. 2Lt.
- Jordan Ferdinand Peter. Lt.
- Katzovitz Louis. Pte.
- Kay J.
- Kay JC.
- Keith DG.
- Kelly L.
- Kemp GW.
- Kemp H .
- Kemp JA.
- Kemp RG.
- Kenyon Frank. Tpr.
- Kerr AG.
- Kerrigan J.
- Kew Douglas. S/Sgt.
- Kincaid G.
- King CD. L/Cpl.
- Kinghorn DMR.
- Kircher F.
- Kirk L. Sgt.
- Kitchen G.
- Kyte Ernest Reginald John. Cpl. (d.24th Jun 1944)
- Ladds DN. A.Sgt.
- Laing AWL.
- Lamb J.
- Lambert . Sgt.
- Lambert M.
- Landells W.
- Lapish JC.
- Larkman William. Tpr.
- Laurie AK.
- Lavis WJ.
- Lawley Walter.
- Lee AG.
- Lee Bryan.
- Legg WJ.
- Leiper A.
- Lewis WF. Tpr.
- Liddle JE.
- Liddle W.
- Lindsay R. Tpr.
- Little A. Cpl.
- Lomas Frank.
- Longson J.
- Low A.
- Luke J.
- Lyall D.
- Lynch RV.
- Lyne FG.
- Lynn SM.
- Macaulay A.
- Macdonald JR. Cpl.
- Macgibbon D.
- Machin WA.
- Maddock E.
- Mallett William John. Capt.
- Marrion J.
- Marsh E.
- Martin RH.
- Martin S.
- Mason CR.
- Mason J.
- Matthewson AJK.
- Mcclelland JSTP.
- McClure Roy. Cpl.
- McKeon Thomas Peter. Sgt. (d.2nd September 1943)
- Mcmanus R.
- Mcwilliams CG. L/Cpl.
- Miller James Douglas.
- Moody AC. L/Cpl.
- Moody DT.
- Moore NA.
- Moore William Jesse. Cpl. (d.24th June 1944)
- Moran Patrick. Tpr. (d.15th Feb 1942)
- Morgan Ernest. Trooper
- Morris AE.
- Mortimer N. Tpr.
- Moss PF.
- Moss William Richard. Sgt. (d.6th June 1944)
- Mouland WC.
- Mould RE.
- Mount WE.
- Murty Thomas Taylor. Sgt.
- Myers E.
- Myers SB.
- Neilson David John. Sgt.
- Nesbit J.
- Newboult FV.
- Newman RH.
- Newman Ronald Harold. (d.10th Feb 1944)
- Newton Herbert Leonard. Tpr.
- Newton John. Tpr. (d.12th June 1945)
- Newton John. Tpr. (d.12th June 1945)
- Nicholls Hugh. Pte.
- Noakes Robert Henry. Tpr.
- Nock B.
- Norris Kenneth Raymond.
- North J.
- Nursaw Gordon F.
- O'donnell RH.
- O'hara FW.
- O'shea JP.
- Oakley T.
- Oldfield J.
- Oldham G.
- Ollerenshaw A.
- Olpin Francis Arthur Edward.
- Ormerod F.
- Osman Charles Arthur George. L/Sgt.
- Owens T.
- Page Ron.
- Pankhurst WL.
- Parkinson P .
- Parsons Eric Carl. Trpr. (d.25th June 1944)
- Pascoe WG.
- Passmore W C. L/Cpl.
- Paterson AG.
- Paterson EAB.
- Paterson I.
- Patrick AW.
- Pavey Robert.
- Payne A.
- Payne GR.
- Pearman Arthur Edward. Tpr.
- Peel Peter Frederick. L.Sgt.
- Peers Owen. Pte.
- Pegg Frederick Albert. Sgt. (d.13th Feb 1944)
- Pennington Harold. Pte.
- Perry RG.
- Pester JW.
- Pickford Gordon Maitland. Sgt. (d.16th August 1944)
- Pilling SH.
- Plant Charles Dennis. Pte.
- Plews William Arthur. Sgt.
- Plunkett T. Sgt.
- Porter JA. Cpl.
- Powell AH.
- Powell David George. Sgt.
- Price William George Reginald. Capt.
- Pring Thomas John. Sgt. (d.18th Oct 1943)
- Prior Thomas. Sgt. (d.31st May 1943)
- Pritchard Albert Edmond. Sgt. (d.14th August 1944)
- Protheroe RG.
- Randall John. Tpr.
- Rankin F. L.. Lt.Col
- Readman F.
- Reid G.
- Reid JS.
- Reynolds Harry. L/Cpl.
- Richards JG. A.WO2
- Richards JG.
- Richardson Edward. L/Cpl. (d.24th May 1944)
- Rightford Bernard Edward. Capt.
- Riley E.
- Rimmington A.
- Ritchie AM.
- Ritchie AW.
- Ritchie DBA.
- Robertson G.
- Robinson Arthur Wilfred. Pte.
- Rockett Francis William C..
- Rodgerson EJ.
- Rodwell JEA.
- Roe William Nicholas. (d.21st August 1943)
- Rolfe Henry James. Trpr.
- Rollinson Ernest Arthur John. Cpl.
- Rosser T.
- Rubbins Geoffrey. Tpr. (d.23rd Nov 1942)
- Rutter Cyril Charles.
- Salter William Frederick George. L/Cpl
- Sancto HW.
- Sanderson John Joseph.
- Sanderson R.
- Scoble W.
- Scott TG.
- Selby J.
- Sellman Ernest Leonard. Tpr. (d.24th June 1944)
- Shaw JJ.
- Shedwick E.
- Sheret T.
- Simmonds Walter. L/Cpl.
- Simpson George Robert Wilfred.
- Sinclair GWJ.
- Singleton WJ.
- Skelson A.
- Sklair S.
- Slack H.
- Sleet AR.
- Smith A.
- Smith CB.
- Smith Donald Eric. Capt.
- Smith Eric Reginald. Tpr.
- Smith Frank Edward. Tpr. (d.4th Feb 1942)
- Smith FS.
- Smith JD.
- Smith LF.
- Smith N.
- Smith PA.
- Smith R.
- Smith S.
- Smith SG.
- Smith Thomas Gwynn. Tpr.
- Smith Thomas. Tpr.
- Snook Herbert Sidney. Capt. (d.21st April 1945)
- Snowball EH.
- Somerfield EP.
- Spence Arthur.
- Stackhouse WR. Cpl.
- Stalley MA.
- Stanley E. Cpl.
- Stanley JF.
- Steele F.
- Steele G.
- Stevens Adam Topping. Tpr.
- Stevenson J.
- Stewart J. L/Cpl.
- Studley Alan Vernon. Sgt.
- Sugden L.
- Sutcliffe BT.
- Sweeting EW.
- Taylor Frank Verdun . L/Cpl.
- Taylor H B.
- Taylor Jonathan. Trpr. (d.8th May 1943)
- Templeman W. Tpr.
- Thomas Arthur. Tpr.
- Thomas JA.
- Thompson RM.
- Thorpe Arthur. Sgt.
- Todd AE.
- Tovey FA. Tpr.
- Trask EJ.
- Trawley Sidney Henry. L/Cpl.
- Treacher OA.
- Tune RM.
- Turner AB.
- Turton W.
- Urquhart JD.
- Wade Frederick William. Sergeant
- Wade Frederick Francis William. Sgt.
- Waite Harry F. RSM
- Walker E.
- Walker FG.
- Walker J.
- Wallace Ronald. Tpr. (d.27th Sep 1944)
- Walls IG.
- Walmsley J.
- Walton James.
- Ward JP.
- Ward ND.
- Watson JJ.
- Watson S.
- Weller Arthur William. Cpl.
- Westwall AB.
- Wheal Frederick Francis. Trpr.
- Wheatley Leonard. (d.15th March 1943)
- White JC.
- Whiteoak J.
- Whitling GW.
- Whitmore S.
- Williams JA. Tpr.
- Williams William Henry. Sgt. (d.31st Jan 1945)
- Wilson J.
- Womersley D.
- Woodgate Thomas Mark. Tpr
- Yeadon N.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Reconnaissance Corps from other sources.
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