- Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers during the Second World War -
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Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- No.2 Advanced Base Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- No.2 Base Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- No.8 CRU, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 12th Advanced Base Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 23rd Beach Recovery Section, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
- 31st Tank Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 39 Workshop
- 44th Brigade Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 46th Brigade Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 71st Line of Communication Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 227th Brigade Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 307th Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 660 Tank Support Service, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 693rd Base Manufacturing Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- 829th Tank Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
28th Apr 1942 Exercise
29th Apr 1942 Exercise
Oct 1942 Maintenance
28th of June 1943 Orders
19th May 1944 Vehicles
22nd May 1944 Inspection
24th May 1944 Orders
29th May 1944 Preparations
30th May 1944 Preparations
31st May 1944 Preparations
1st Jun 1944 Orders
1st Jun 1944 Preparations
1st Jun 1944 Preparations
2nd Jun 1944 Orders
2nd Jun 1944 Postings
2nd Jun 1944 Preparations
3rd Jun 1944 Orders
3rd Jun 1944 Preparations
4th Jun 1944 Forming up
4th Jun 1944 Preparations
5th Jun 1944 Orders
5th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 In Action
6th Jun 1944 Landings
7th Jun 1944 Waterproofing
7th Jun 1944 Postings
7th Jun 1944 Unloading Commenced
8th Jun 1944 Ammunition
9th Jun 1944 Postings
9th Jun 1944 Unloading
10th Jun 1944 Postings
10th Jun 1944 Move
11th Jun 1944 Transport
11th Jun 1944 Shelling
12th Jun 1944 Aircraft Downed
13th Jun 1944 Visit
14th Jun 1944 Transport
14th Jun 1944 Air Raids
15th Jun 1944 Quiet
16th Jun 1944 Postings
16th Jun 1944 Visit
17th Jun 1944 On the Move
17th Jun 1944 Quiet
18th Jun 1944 Report
19th Jun 1944 Message
20th Jun 1944 Enemy Aircraft
21st Jun 1944 Orders
21st Jun 1944 Shelling
22nd Jun 1944 Difficult Conditions
23rd Jun 1944 Briefing
23rd Jun 1944 Enemy Aircraft
24th Jun 1944 Preparations
24th Jun 1944 Quiet
25th Jun 1944 Preparations
26th Jun 1944 Move
26th Jun 1944 On the Move
26th Jun 1944 Quiet
26th Jun 1944 Orders Issued
27th Jun 1944 On the Move
27th Jun 1944 Quiet
28th Jun 1944 Orders
28th Jun 1944 On the Move
28th Jun 1944 Supplies
29th Jun 1944 On the Move
29th Jun 1944 Supplies
30th Jun 1944 Awards
1st Jul 1944 Detachment
1st July 1944 Orders
2nd July 1944 Reliefs
3rd Jul 1944 Locations
3rd July 1944 Relief Complete
4th July 1944 Conference
5th Jul 1944 Posting
6th Jul 1944 Paswords
6th Jul 1944 Postings
6th July 1944 Passwords
7th Jul 1944 Reliefs
7th Jul 1944 Move
8th Jul 1944 Posting
9th Jul 1944 Posting
11th July 1944 Conference
12th Jul 1944 Posting
13th Jul 1944 On the Move
13th July 1944 Orders
14th Jul 1944 Orders
14th Jul 1944 Posting
14th July 1944 Orders
15th Jul 1944 Orders
15th Jul 1944 Detachment
15th July 1944 Orders
16th Jul 1944 Shelling
16th July 1944 Air Raid
17th Jul 1944 Bombs
17th July 1944 Air Raid
18th Jul 1944 Orders
18th Jul 1944 Arrivals
18th July 1944 Orders Issued
19th Jul 1944 Minefields
19th Jul 1944 Moves
19th July 1944 Instructions
20th Jul 1944 Arrivals
21st Jul 1944 Orders
21st July 1944 Orders
23rd Jul 1944 Reliefs
23rd Jul 1944 HQ Moves
23rd Jul 1944 On the Move
23rd July 1944 Divisional HQ Moves
24th Jul 1944 Reliefs Completed
24th Jul 1944 Conference
24th July 1944 Conference
25th Jul 1944 Patrols
25th Jul 1944 Minefields
25th July 1944 Minefields
26th Jul 1944 Orders
26th Jul 1944 Reinforcements
26th July 1944 Orders
27th Jul 1944 Posting
28th Jul 1944 Orders
28th Jul 1944 Orders
28th Jul 1944 Postings
28th July 1944 Instructions
30th Jul 1944 In Action
30th Jul 1944 HQ Moves
30th Jul 1944 On the Move
30th July 1944 Divisional HQ Moves
31st Jul 1944 Advance
31st Jul 1944 Attack Made
31st Jul 1944 HQ Moves
31st Jul 1944 Postings
31st July 1944 Orders
1st Aug 1944 In Action
1st Aug 1944 Move
2nd Aug 1944 Digging in
3rd Aug 1944 Forward
3rd Aug 1944 Shelling
4th Aug 1944 Attacks Made
4th Aug 1944 Move
5th Aug 1944 Ready to Move
6th Aug 1944 Attacks
6th Aug 1944 Attack Made
6th Aug 1944 Section rejoins
7th Aug 1944 On the Move
8th Aug 1944 In Action
9th Aug 1944 Counter Attacks
10th Aug 1944 Patrols
11th Aug 1944 No Change
11th Aug 1944 Shelling
12th Aug 1944 Reliefs
12th Aug 1944 Attachment
12th Aug 1944 Anti Tank Mine
13th Aug 1944 Withdrawal
13th Aug 1944 Landing Craft
14th Aug 1944 On the Move
14th Aug 1944 Shelling
15th Aug 1944 Inspection Team
15th Aug 1944 Fire
16th Aug 1944 Shells
17th Aug 1944 Inspection
17th Aug 1944 Inspection
18th Aug 1944 Enemy Aircraft
19th Aug 1944 Equipment
19th Aug 1944 Mine
20th Aug 1944 On the Move
20th Aug 1944 Quiet
21st Aug 1944 Bad Weather
22nd Aug 1944 Bad Weather
23rd Aug 1944 Orders
23rd Aug 1944 Gun Fire
24th Aug 1944 Quiet
25th Aug 1944 On the Move
25th Aug 1944 Quiet
26th Aug 1944 On the Move
26th Aug 1944 On the Move
27th Aug 1944 Recovery Point
28th Aug 1944 On the Move
29th Aug 1944 Workshops
1st Sep 1944 On the Move
1st Sep 1944 Move
2nd Sep 1944 Attachment
2nd Sep 1944 Reorganisation
3rd Sep 1944 Bridges Clear
3rd Sep 1944 Preparations
4th Sep 1944 On the Move
4th Sep 1944 Awards
5th Sep 1944 On the Move
7th Sep 1944 On the Move
8th Sep 1944 Recovery Point
9th Sep 1944 On the Move
10th Sep 1944 On the Move
13th Sep 1944 Recovery Point
14th Sep 1944 Vehicle
15th Sep 1944 On the Move
17th Sep 1944 On the Move
22nd Sep 1944 On the Move
28th Sep 1944 On the Move
14th Oct 1944 Instruction
20th Oct 1944 Accidental explosion
30th Oct 1944 Reliefs
30th Oct 1944 Guns
31st Oct 1944 Concentration
8th Nov 1944 Orders
26th of January 1945 Orders
24th March 1945 Attack Made
24th Mar 1945 ReportIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Abrahams James Michael. Pte.
- Alderton William. Sgt.
- Arbon Lionel George. L/Cpl
- Ashwood Alfred Colin. Cpl.
- Auburn Douglas Herbert Courtenay. Sgt.
- Baldry Kenneth. Cpl.
- Bannister Sherrard.
- Barber Alfred Henry George. ASM.
- Barton Neil Carroll.
- Bashford Nowell Royson Rex . S/Sgt.
- Bates Cyril. Pte.
- Bates Cyril. Cftsmn.
- Bean William. SSgt.
- Beer Albert Edward John. Sgt. (d.5th Jun 1943)
- Bethell Robert Henry. Pte.
- Biddle Harold Arthur Frank. Pte.
- Biggs CdeG. Ernest Henry Wetton. Lt.Col.
- Brooke Harold. WOII.
- Brown Charles Frederick.
- Burns William Gordon.
- Carpenter Frederick Stanley. Pte.
- Carr Norman Frederick.
- Cave John James.
- Cavender Francis William.
- Charman Stanley.
- Clark John. Sgt.
- Cocking Ronald. CFMN
- Congalton Joseph. Craft. (d.7th Jan 1943)
- Cook Arthur Frederick. (d.4th July 1945)
- Copley Arthur. Crfmn. (d.1st Oct 1944)
- Corrall Gordon Alan. S/Sgt. (d.17th Aug 1943)
- Cresswell Francis. Sgt.
- Cunliffe John.
- Cunningham William. WO1
- Daly Edward Joseph. L/Bdr
- Davie Cecil John. L/Cpl.
- Dean MM. George Chambers. Pte.
- Dickens John Henry. L/Cpl.
- Dickinson Maurice Francis. Lt
- Dolman Eric. Cfn.
- Eglin Kenneth.
- Eglin Tom.
- Elvin Ernest Arthur. Pte.
- Elvin Ernest Arthur. Pte.
- Errington John Gilbert.
- Fegan Christopher Edward. Cpl.
- Field Reginald Leonard George. Cpl.
- Fisher Tom Mathew. Spr.
- Foot Henry Frank. Sgt.
- Francis John Charles. Sgt.
- Gibbs William Edmun. Sgt.
- Gibson Samuel. Dvr.
- Gillies Colin Emrie. Spr.
- Harmer Henry Alfred.
- Harris MM. Wally. Sgt.
- Harrison Robert. Craftsman
- Hart Thomas Osmond. Cfn. (d.27th November 1944)
- Harvey George Arthur. Cpl.
- Haydon John William. L/Cpl.
- Hayes Victor John. L/Cpl.
- Henderson Joseph Boyd. Sgt.
- Hes Joseph. Pte.
- Heslam James William. L/Cpl.
- Heywood Norman Leonard. Cpl.
- Hill Samuel Theodore.
- Hill William Albert Edgar. WO2.
- Hodgson John.
- Honychurch Jack Leslie. Maj.
- Hood Benjamin Arthur Kitchener. L/Cpl.
- Humphrey Harold Richard. S/Sgt.
- Jackson Leslie. S/Sgt.
- Jeeves Kenneth. Sgt.
- Johnson Peter. Corporal
- Jones John Leslie. Dvr. (d.11th Dec 1942)
- Jordan Thomas Eli. L/Cpl.
- Kelly Samuel Albert.
- Koomans Hermus. Sgt.
- Lavall Frederick George. Pte.
- Leak George Matthew. Capt.
- Leppard William.
- Lightfoot George Thomas. Sgt.
- Lintern Leonard John.
- Lockley William. Cfn.
- MacAra James Douglas. Lt.
- Marston Joseph.
- Matthews Alfred Ernest Frank. Gnr.
- Mccullagh William.
- McPherson MBE, MID. Dougal Campbell. Brig.
- McQuitty William Herbert. L/Cpl.
- Meagher Bernard Peter. WO1.
- Merritt Allan Geoffrey. Pte.
- Millington Jim.
- Molloy Edward Monaghan. L/Cpl.
- Monk Leslie Winstone. Cpl.
- Moore Richard Louis Bertram. Pte.
- Morris James.
- Munro James Ernest. Pte. (d.29th March 1943)
- Murland J. R.W.. Lt.Col.
- Murphy James William. Cpl. (d.25th-26th Sept 1944)
- Norfolk Harry. Pte.
- Nourish Frank Edward. L/Cpl.
- Oliver Desmond Stuart. Sgt.
- Orchard. Peter. WO.
- Osborne Will.
- Osman Peter.
- Palmer Edward Frank. Staff Sgt.
- Patrick James. Cftsmn.
- Peach George. S/Sgt.
- Pester Fedrick George. Cfn.
- Phillips George William. L/Cpl. (d.4th April 1943)
- Prendergast Joseph. Sgt. (d.31st May 1943)
- Prendergast Joseph. Sgt. (d.31st May 1943)
- Price Edward Roy. Cfn.
- Pye Eric Norman. A/QMS.
- Rankine George Ferguson. Sgt.
- Rawnsley Ronald. Stf. Sgt.
- Reay Kenneth. R.Mech.
- Rees Glyndwr Howell. Cpl.
- Rees Henry Morgan.
- Richman Henry George. Craftsmn.
- Richmond Alfred Derek. WO1.
- Rickwood Horace Alfred Thomas. Sgt.
- Ridings Walter.
- Robb Henry James. Spr.
- Robinson William Matthew. Drv.
- Rossiter William. Pte.
- Rothery Fred Victor. Pte.
- Rowlands Samuel Joseph. Pte.
- Sanderson Henry William. Craftsman
- Scott Robert Innes. L/Cpl.
- Sharp Albert Richard. Pte.
- Sion Gabriel. Spr. (d.9th Apr 1946)
- Skellett William Noel. S/Sgt.
- Smith Alfred George.
- Smith Arthur Reginald.
- Smith John Blackie. Capt.
- Smith Rowland Kenneth. Cftsmn.
- Smith Stanley.
- Soutar Ronald Lindsey. Capt
- Squibb William Herman. L/Cpl.
- Swanborough Geoffrey. SSgt.
- Tarvin Frank Robinson. S/Sgt
- Taylor Harold. Pte.
- Taylor William .
- Tebbett John Thomas. QMS.
- Thacker George David. Lt. (d.25th February 1943)
- Thompson Fred Douglas. Pte.
- Threlfall Peter Maurice. Lt.
- Tierney Frank. Pte.
- Turner Thomas Henry. Cpl.
- Village William Henry.
- Wadsworth Lewis Arthur. L/Cpl.
- Walker Leslie. Pte.
- Ware Harold John Ambrose. Pte.
- Webster Robert Ernest. Sgt
- Williams Leonard Melbrourne .
- Williamson Jack.
- Willis Walter William Frederick. WO1
- Wood Kenneth Henry. Craftsman
- Woods George Richard. Spr.
- Woods Norman Russell. Dvr.
- Woodward Sidney George.
- Wray Cyril.
- Wyles Frank Raymond. Sgt.
- Yeo Claude.
- Young Thomas Henry. WO11
- Zahra Nicholas. Pte. (d.20th May 1943)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers from other sources.
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Want to find out more about your relative's service? Want to know what life was like during the War? Our Library contains an ever growing number diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text.
Wanted: Digital copies of Group photographs, Scrapbooks, Autograph books, photo albums, newspaper clippings, letters, postcards and ephemera relating to WW2. We would like to obtain digital copies of any documents or photographs relating to WW2 you may have at home.If you have any unwanted photographs, documents or items from the First or Second World War, please do not destroy them. The Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes.
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Want to know more about Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers?
There are:1651 items tagged Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Sidney George Woodward Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
My father Sidney George Woodward was a member of the REME and was on board SS Anselm when she was sunk. Most of the personnel on board were RAF. They were on their way to West Africa at the time. He told me that he was in his hammock when there was a huge explosion, he rolled out and was immediately up to his chest in water,and rising, he was able to dive under the water to get out of their compartment. He managed to make his way to the deck in total darkness and was on the stern, which by this time was rearing up, and dived off into the sea. He clung onto some floating debris for quite a long time. He was eventually picked up by a RN escort vessel, he thought it was a converted trawler. He was the only one to get out from his mess deck.They were taken to Nigeria where he was sent to Kano where he was involved in equipment used in the Western Deserts of North Africa. News of the sinking was kept secret at the time and my mother did not find out about it until about Christmas 1941.
Michael Woodward
Sgt. William "Sonny" Alderton Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
My Uncle served in Dunkirk I was told it was with the REME. His name was Sgt William "Sonny" Alderton. I would love to know some more about his service in Dunkirk.Janet Thorup
Pte. Ernest Arthur Elvin R.E.M.E.
I have in my possession over 100 letters my father, Ernest Elvin, sent home to his wife and son during his time as a POW in Stalag XXB. These have given us a marvellous insight into the happenings and life experience as a POW. Some of the stories he recalls about the way they entertained themselves really were quite ingenious. Lots of fun, dressing up and acting, singing and sharing in Church Services together. He spoke of the way they were so very grateful for the Red Cross parcels they received, and that they kept them going foodwise. Clearly they were very hungry at times, although he never actually voiced this, but spoke of looking forward to roast dinners and mum's cakes again. He also spoke of the good comradeship experienced between the men, how they would share their letters from home, just to help each other feel nearer to Blighty. He also spoke of the beautiful countryside around the camp, the spring flowers and the joy of laying on the grass in the summer and even being allowed to swim in a nearby river.Last year I was privileged to visit the memorial to the Prisoners of Stalag XXB in Marlbork Municipal Cemetery. It was a tremendous experience, and one I was so very glad to have had.
Valerie Jones
Francis William Cavender Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Francis Cavender died when my wife's mother was 13 years old, leaving a wife and 6 children. She has very little knowledge of her father, but did have the photo attached and that he was at Dunkirk. We believe it is a REME uniform, we are currently sourcing his death cert' so we can gain his war record from the MOD. Some folks claim the uniform was pre WW2, but he was too young to be in WW1 and looks too old in photo. Died in 1948 - after war death record period. We would be grateful for any info' and to confirm his REME connection.Jim and Clare Higgins
Will Osborne Dance Orchestra REME
My father, Will Osborne, was with the REME Dance Orchestra and went out to Cairo and Alexandria. He returned in 1946 aboard the SS "Caroloinen" (Caroliner?). If anyone has any information please do send me an email. Thanks in Advance.Terence Osborne
William Leppard Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
My father, Bill Leppard, was in the REME and celebrated his 30th birthday on D Day. He remembers being transported in an old collier and when the guns started firing he says, 'It was as though every grain of coal dust was dislodged and we were covered in the stuff. It was particularly annoying as we were next to a naval vessel where the sailors all looked so spic and span!'Bill Leppard is trying to trace 'Jock' Horne who was in the 27th Armoured Division - not very tall, polite gentleman who was very proud of coming from Stirling Scotland and who played the harmonica.
Margaret Leppard
Crfmn. Arthur Copley 21st LAA Regiment Workshop Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (d.1st Oct 1944)
Arthur Copley was captured on 8th of March 1942 at Garot, Java He departed Java on the ship Nagara Maru, on 22nd of September 1942 to Singapore, he was on Java party no 2. He departed Singapore on the ship Hiteru Maru on 9th of October 1942 to Borneo from there he was at Sandakan camp. He died on or shortly after 1st of October 1944 in BorneoArthur Copley was my great uncle.
Cfn. Eric Dolman Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers
Eric Dolman served with REME attached to 53rd Welsh DivisionKeith Dolman
Sgt. Albert Edward John Beer Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (d.5th Jun 1943)
Albert Beer served and died in India during WW2. Believed to have died of heat stroke, he is buried in Kirkee War Cemetary, India.Victoria Coxon
Cftsmn. Rowland Kenneth Smith 156th Coy. Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Rowland Smith served with 156th Coy. REME attached to 4th Para. He was captured at Oosterbek, sent to Stalag 12A and remained there until liberated.Barrie Smith
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
Craftsmen Of The Army: The Story Of The Royal Electrical And Mechanical EngineersBB Kennett & J A Tatman
More information on:
Craftsmen Of The Army: The Story Of The Royal Electrical And Mechanical Engineers
The free section of the Wartime Memories Project website is run by volunteers. We have been helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items.
The website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources and we currently have a huge backlog of submissions.
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