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- Womens Royal Naval Service during the Second World War -

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World War 2 Two II WW2 WWII 1939 1945

Womens Royal Naval Service

Those known to have served with

Womens Royal Naval Service

during the Second World War 1939-1945.

  • Agnello Carmela.
  • Allen Connie.
  • Ashburner Joan Margaret. Ldg Wren (d.9th Jun 1944)
  • Bailes Olive Winifred.
  • Ballard Ivy Edna.
  • Barclay Madeline. First Offcr.
  • Bartlett Eileen Alice.
  • Batchelor Margaret Elsie Claire. Ldg Wren (d.9th Jun 1944)
  • Bishop Dorothy Mary. Wren.
  • Brain Edna Gwyneth.
  • Buckley Pamela Phoebe. 3rd Officer.
  • Burford Doris Lilian. Ldg Wren.
  • Canning Gertrude. Wren (d.30th Jun 1942)
  • Canning Gertrude. Wren. (d.30th Jun 1942)
  • Casey-Smith Elizabeth Violet. Wren
  • Clarke Margaret Marion. Wren (d.28th Jan 1941)
  • Clough Jeannie. Ldg Wren.
  • Cram Elizabeth Laidler.
  • Cunliffe Pauline.
  • Darvill Inez Theresa. L/Wren.
  • Dellar-Davey Anita.
  • Dickinson Dorothy Patricia.
  • Dowding Joyce Ethel.
  • Duncan Joan Ruth. Wren. (d.18th June 1944)
  • Farmer Edith Anne. Wren. (d.18th June 1944)
  • Giblin Edna Hilder. Wren
  • Gompers Pauline Mary. Petty Officer Wren (d.27th Jul 1945)
  • Hamnett Sheila.
  • Harvey Pearl Daphne.
  • Hoadley Doris.
  • Hulin Joan Mary. PO(Wren).
  • Jackson Thelma Daphne. 3rd Officer (d.23rd Jul 1944)
  • Lamb Christian.
  • Lees Lily. Ldg.Wren.
  • Lewis Frances Barbara. 3rd Off. (d.29th Jul 1945)
  • Ludford Peggy Elsie.
  • Martin Lillian. L.Wren. (d.26th October 1943)
  • McAteer Annie.
  • Nickless Phyliss.
  • Owen Edna Grace.
  • Pearson Evelyn. L/Wren
  • Peters Gwendoline Alice. Ldg.Wren.
  • Pinkney Gertrude Lilian Lauretta. Ldg Wren.
  • Rodgers Emelia.
  • Samme Sylvia Lilian.
  • Smith Betty Eileen. Wren.
  • Squires Isobel Florence. Petty Officer Wren (d.27th Jul 1945)
  • Stewart Christina Masson.
  • Tansley Pamela Annette. Ldg Wren (d.7th Jul 1942)
  • Taylor Isabella Caldwell Adamson.
  • Thorpe Ina. PO.
  • Walker Melita Joan. Wren.
  • Wallace Vera Shaw. Leading Wren.
  • West Priscilla Rose.
  • Wilson Catherine.
  • Wright Dorothy May.

The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of Womens Royal Naval Service from other sources.

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Want to know more about Womens Royal Naval Service?

There are:1322 items tagged Womens Royal Naval Service available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.

Christian Lamb

Christian Lamb wrote the book "I only joined for the hat" about her experiences as a wren.

Susan Vivian

Dorothy Patricia Dickinson

My mother Dorothy Patricia Dickinson was in the Wrens. She married my father Frederick John Cole of 57 Sqd RAF on the 10th April 1944. Read his story

Susan Vivian

3rd Officer Thelma Daphne Jackson HMS Shrike (d.23rd Jul 1944)

Daphne Jackson was the daughter of Charles Trench Stewart and Norah Eileen Trench Stewart, of Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland. She was married to Sub-Lieut.(A) Arthur Myles Jackson, R.N.V.R. who lost his life at H.M.S. Shrike

Doris Hoadley HMS Pembroke

My Mum, Doris Hoadley was an Officers Cook at HMS Pembroke, Chatham. She loved the Wrens and said they were the best days of her life. She met my Dad who was a Coldstream Guard stationed nearby on a blind date. They married in December 1944 in Crowborough Sussex then moved to Birmingham which was Dad's home town. They were both very proud of their time in the services and would fondly watch the march past at the Service of Remembrance and The trooping of the Colour, particularly if the Coldstream Guards were taking part.


Ldg Wren. Gertrude Lilian Lauretta "Laurie" Pinkney HMS Collingwood

Laurie Pinkney and friends

Laurie Pinkney served in HMS Collingwood.

Angela Thomas

Wren. Dorothy Mary Bishop

Dorothy Bishop served with the WRNS from 27th January 1943 to 19th April 1946. She served on HMS Beaver II from 27th January 1943 to 23rd April 1944, the HMS Badger from 24th April 1944 until 8th April 1945. She then served in HMS Pembroke III (RNC Greenwich) from 10th April 1945 to the 22nd February 1946. She finished her service on HMS Pembroke III serving there from 23rd February 1946 until her discharge on 19th April 1946. She earned the WW2 War Medal for her services.

Connor Bishop

Ldg.Wren. Lily Lees

Lily Lees was a Leading Wren in the Royal Navy. She completed her training at Mill Hill and after finishing her first posting achieved her rank of Leading Wren. She spoke often of her postings, the friends she made and her role as a writer having served in a number of Royal Navy posts including:HMS Bruce, HMS Drake2, HMS Ferret, HMS Jackdaw and HMS Pembroke.

At the date of writing, Lily Lees is 93 years old, but sadly very ill in a nursing home. Personal effects covering Lily's naval career have been recently re-discovered and the information shared.

Heather McDonald

L/Wren Evelyn Pearson Womens Royal Naval Service

Evelyn Pearson served as a Leading Wren Cook.

Wren. Melita Joan Walker HMS Drake

Wren Melita Walker married Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander(D) Stanley Albert Quarterman, LDS, RNVR in Plymouth during World War 2. They were childless and I am their only nephew.

Lt. Col. Tim Underhill

Ivy Edna "Vicki" Ballard

My mother was Ivy Ballard, born in 1923. She enlisted in the WRNS and was stationed in India, maybe Ceylon. My father was from the U.S. was also stationed in India. This is where they met and married. All we know of my mother’s military career is what I’ve written here. We have no information on date of enlistment, service number, awards, rank, or date of discharge. She and my dad were married on 6th of May 1945 and she came to this country after being discharged in 1946. His name was William G. MacKenzie. We have his records which show he was in Burma, so I would think she would have been around that area.

Jane MacKenzie Batteiger

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

I Only Joined for the Hat

Christian Lamb

A wonderfully evocative illustrated memoir that gives the reader a rare account in close-up of what life was truly like for World War II Wrens, as they were catapulted into the drudgery and deprivation, mayhem and maelstrom, and the tribulations and triumphs of war. In 1939, the young Christian Lamb felt she had to 'do her bit' for the war effort. Her comfortable life was about to be turned upside down. With a Naval background, the Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS) was the obvious choice, besides it had by far the most attractive uniform - topped by the splendid tricorne hat. On joining as a lowly Wren rating she found that this crowning glory was not for her but strictly for officers only. It was to be the first of many nasty surprises. In "I Only Joined For The Hat", the author wittily describes how class and snobbery had no place in a world of girls from all social backgrounds, suddenly plunged into life together. From scrubbing floors and squad drill to coding and catering, Christ
More information on:

I Only Joined for the Hat

Bellbottoms and Blackouts

Louisa M Jenkins

'The big day had arrived and after only three weeks' intensive training Susan passed out and mustered on the parade ground--a fully fledged Wren in the much sought after Communications branch of the service, proudly boasting the Naval flags on the badge on the sleeve of her jacket. There was a gabble of excited noise as the young Wrens, sounding like their feathered namesakes, jostled and pushed each other around the drafting board...' The author tells it like it was, the trials, the tribulations, and the fun--her detailed and humorous account of her experiences as Wren in World War II is both historically informative and delightfully entertaining.
More information on:

Bellbottoms and Blackouts

British Women's Uniforms in Colour Photographs (World War 2)

Martin Brayley & Richard Ingham

This reference book contains the uniforms of the women's services during World War II. Nearly 200 colour photographs of rare, original uniforms from private collections are featured with detailed explanatory text. This really is an extraordinarily good book if you're looking for details of women's uniforms from the WWII period. Every page has a large, clear photograph of a uniform (worn by a modern model, but with 40s styling), plus detail shots of shoes, insignia, berets and so on.

The 1940s Look: Recreating the Fashions, Hairstyles and Make-up of the Second World War

Mike Brown

"The 1940s Look" tells you everything you need to know about the fashions of wartime Britain and the impact that rationing, the Utility scheme, changing tastes and the demands of everyday life had on the styles people wore. People had to 'Make Do and Mend' - with varying degrees of ingenuity and success. Hair styles, glasses, jewellery, and tattoos were essential in creating your own fashion statement. Women's magazines advised readers on the difficulties of dressing growing children, offered instructions for making clothes and accessories, and hosted debate over whether by dressing up, women were helping or hindering the war effort. Thoroughly researched and lavishly illustrated, "The 1940s Look" tells you how civilian men, women and children dressed - and why they looked the way they did during the Second World War. It draws on contemporary sources including government advice, periodicals and books, and benefits from an entertaining narrative by author Mike Brown.

Voices of The Codebreakers: Personal Accounts of the Secret Heroes of World War II

Michael Paterson

a comprehensive look at the undercover war, revealing just how much of WWII was won away from the battlefields and how each side desperately tried to get into the 'mind set' of their enemies' code makers.From the British cryptologists to the Navajo Indians whose codes helped win the war against Japan, this book reveals the stories of extraordinary people and their chance finds, lucky accidents, dogged determination and moments of sheer brilliance, to expose how the war was really won.It includes an intriguing glimpse of the early history of the computer - its spectacular uses and subsequent development. It features vivid first-hand accounts from the staff of Bletchley Park, French and Dutch resistance fighters, the American secret agents and members of the Services Liaison Unit who passed on vital coded information to field commanders. It also includes a 16 page plate section with rare archive photographs.

Wartime: Britain 1939-1945

Dr Juliet Gardiner

Juliet Gardiner's 'Wartime' provides a marvellously rich, and often entertaining, recreation of life on the Home Front, 1939-45, drawing on an enormous range of oral testimony and memoir.
More information on:

Wartime: Britain 1939-1945


    The free section of the Wartime Memories Project website is run by volunteers. We have been helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items.

    The website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources and we currently have a huge backlog of submissions.

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