- Dorsetshire Regiment during the Second World War -
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Dorsetshire Regiment
- 1st Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 4th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 5th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 6th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 7th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 8th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 30th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 50th (Holding) Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
- 70th (Young Soldier) Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
18th Jan 1940 Reliefs
14th Feb 1940 Inspection
Rifle inspection for men of the 2nd Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment at Rumegies, 14th of February 1940. © IWM (F 2572)
11th of April 1940 5 Inf Bde Adm Order No 10 Part 1
25th of April 1940 Pipe band playing
30th of April 1940 Recce
2nd May 1940 Warning
16th May 1940 Orders
20th May 1940 Move
27th May 1940 Hard Fighting
8th Jun 1940 Search
10th Jun 1940 Defences
10th June 1940 Defence
11th June 1940 Air Raid
6th Jul 1940 Air Raid
10th Jul 1940 Aircraft Downed
12th Jul 1940 Deaths
23rd Jul 1940 Moves
7th Aug 1940 Reorganisation
30th Sep 1940 Reinforcements
21st October 1940 Quiet Day
31st Oct 1940 Strength
24th Nov 1940 Divine Service
30th Jun 1941 HQ
26th October 1942 Three air raids on Malta but no losses
3rd Apr 1944 In Action
8th Apr 1944 Advance
11th of April 1944 On the March
12th of April 1944 Patrol
14th Apr 1944 Break Through
14th Apr 1944 Rain
15th Apr 1944 Break Through
16th Apr 1944 Attacks
17th Apr 1944 Attacks
18th Apr 1944 Attack Made
18th Apr 1944 In Action
19th Apr 1944 Reliefs
20th Apr 1944 Reliefs
13th May 1944 In Action
1st Jun 1944 Strength
1st Jun 1944 Waiting
4th Jun 1944 Poor Weather
5th Jun 1944 Intelligence
5th Jun 1944 Orders
5th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 Almost to Plan
6th Jun 1944 Heavy Swell
6th Jun 1944 In Action
6th Jun 1944 Objectives Taken
6th Jun 1944 1st Dorsets land in Normandy
6th Jun 1944 Rough Sea
6th Jun 1944 Difficult Landing
6th Jun 1944 Difficulties
6th Jun 1944 Into Position
6th Jun 1944 Behind Schedule
7th Jun 1944 Advance
7th Jun 1944 Objectives
7th Jun 1944 Objectives Taken
7th Jun 1944 Attack Made
7th Jun 1944 In Action
8th Jun 1944 Consolidation
8th Jun 1944 In Action
9th Jun 1944 Attack Made
9th Jun 1944 Counter Attack
9th Jun 1944 Advance
9th Jun 1944 In Action
10th Jun 1944 Counter Attacks
11th Jun 1944 Attack Made
11th Jun 1944 Counter Attack
12th Jun 1944 Sport and Entertainment
12th Jun 1944 Reliefs
13th Jun 1944 Patrols
14th Jun 1944 Attack Made
15th Jun 1944 Improved Positions
17th Jun 1944 Enemy Aircraft
18th Jun 1944 Quiet
19th Jun 1944 Advance
19th Jun 1944 In Action
20th Jun 1944 Under Fire
21st Jun 1944 Patrols
22nd Jun 1944 Patrols
23rd Jun 1944 Patrols
24th Jun 1944 Strong Point
25th Jun 1944 Patrols
26th Jun 1944 Patrols
27th Jun 1944 Attempt to Push Forward
28th Jun 1944 Straffing
29th Jun 1944 Artillery in Action
30th Jun 1944 Air Raid
1st Jul 1944 Shelling
1st Jul 1944 Return
2nd Jul 1944 Enemy Positions
3rd Jul 1944 Shelling
4th Jul 1944 Prisoners
5th Jul 1944 Patrols
6th Jul 1944 Reliefs
6th Jul 1944 Attack Made
7th Jul 1944 Reliefs
7th Jul 1944 Reliefs
7th Jul 1944 Orders
8th Jul 1944 Reliefs Complete
8th Jul 1944 Orders
8th Jul 1944 Artillery Active
8th Jul 1944 Reliefs
9th Jul 1944 Orders
9th Jul 1944 New Position
10th Jul 1944 In Action
10th Jul 1944 Orders
10th Jul 1944 Attack made
14th Jul 1944 Reliefs
25th Jul 1944 Reliefs Completed
10th Aug 1944 Orders
11th Aug 1944 Hard Day
12th Aug 1944 Advance
13th Aug 1944 Attack Made
14th Aug 1944 Attack Made
1st Sep 1944 Move
2nd Sep 1944 Reorganisation
3rd Sep 1944 Preparations
4th Sep 1944 Awards
16th Sep 1944 Planning
17th Sep 1944 On the Move
18th Sep 1944 Enemy Aircraft
19th Sep 1944 Orders
20th Sep 1944 On the Move
21st Sep 1944 Reports
22nd Sep 1944 Moves
23rd Sep 1944 Mortars
24th Sep 1944 Orders
25th Sep 1944 Withdrawal
25th Sep 1944 Assault
25th Sep 1944 In Action
25th Sep 1944 Withdrawal
26th Sep 1944 Withdrawal
26th Sep 1944 On the River Banks
26th Sep 1944 In Action
26th Sep 1944 In Action
26th Sep 1944 First Aid and Rest
27th Sep 1944 Contact Lost
28th Sep 1944 Returnees
29th Sep 1944 Orders
29th Sep 1944 Patrols Push Forward
30th Sep 1944 Civilians
1st Oct 1944 Advance
4th Oct 1944 Orders
7th Oct 1944 Orders Cancelled
8th Oct 1944 Moves
11th Oct 1944 Orders
13th Oct 1944 Reliefs Completed
15th Oct 1944 Very Wet
16th Oct 1944 Orders
2nd Nov 1944 Reliefs
19th Nov 1944 In Action
27th Nov 1944 Reliefs
13th Feb 1945 Advance Continues
14th Feb 1945 Quiet
15th Feb 1945 Counter Attack
16th Feb 1945 In Action
28th of February 1945 Nominal Roll of Officers on Posted Strength
31st Mar 1945 Advance
31st of March 1945 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
30th of April 1945 Nominal Roll of Officers on Posted Strength
31st of May 1945 Nominal Roll of Officers on Posted StrengthIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Dorsetshire Regiment
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Baalham Gorge Henry. Cpl.
- Bagnall MID David Ernest. WOII.
- Baker Edward Benjamin. Cpl
- Barlow Joseph Dominic. WOII/CSM (d.2nd December 1940)
- Barnes . Cpl.
- Batt Henry Albert. Pte. (d.12th Jul 1944)
- Bealing Edward William Robert.
- Benfield Charles Edmund.
- Berry Dennis Lionel. Cpl. (d.27th Apr 1944)
- Billingham Norman.
- Blake Charles Albert. Sgt.
- Bond CH.
- Bowles Thomas Joseph. Pte.
- Brooks John Richard. Pte.
- Broom Edward George. Pte. (d.11th Jun 1944)
- Brown Ivan Henry James. Pte. (d.11th Jul 1944)
- Burke George William. Pte. (d.10th July 1944)
- Butcher Edward. Pte. (d.29th Jun 1944)
- Carter Perce. Cpl. (d.6th Jun 1944)
- Champion Walter Jack. Pte.
- Clarabut Robert William . Pte. (d.6th Jul 1943)
- Clark Frank Allen. Pte. (d.27th Apr 1944)
- Cole Henry Thomas. Sgt.
- Collet William P.G.. Lt.
- Connolly John. Spr
- Connor Peter Anthony. Pte. (d.30th Jul 1944)
- Crookes .
- Crossley DH.
- Cuthbertson Malcolm.
- Dale Peter Ernest. 2nd Lt. (d.12th July 1941)
- Davies Joseph. Pte.
- Deathridge HA.
- Eades George Arthur. Pte.
- Eames George William John. Cpl. (d.11th Jul 1944)
- Eary James Richard. (d. )
- Eary James Richard .
- Ellis Owen Bertram. Pte.
- Ellwood Thomas. Pte.
- Ewer A.
- Forder Harold. Pte. (d.15th June 1944)
- French AJ.
- Fry Horace Nelson.
- Fryer Wilfred Frank. Pte.
- Gammage EG.
- Gatehouse Leonard Charles. L/Sgt (d.30th July 1944)
- Gibson Derrick Paul. Pte.
- Gobby Edgar Warren. Pte.
- Godwin Harry.
- Gordon John Andrew. Pte.
- Goring LH.
- Green John Charles. Pte. (d.11th Jun 1944)
- Green John Charles. Pte. (d.11th Jun 1944)
- Harris William Ralph. Pte.
- Hart Joseph. Pte.
- Hazell Laurence Edward. Pte.
- Hermitage Frederick Robert John. Pte.
- Hibbs Cecil Geoffrey . Pte.
- Hindes William Cyril. Pte. (d.9th February 1945)
- Hook Jack Pitts. Cpl.
- Hughes Edward William. Pte. (d.10th May 1940)
- Hutton Harry. L/Cpl. (d.10th July 1944)
- Hyder Henry Thomas. Cpl.
- Kapp Walter George. Cpl.
- Kerle Frank Tom.
- Kilcar Stephen. L/Cpl. (d.19th Nov 1944)
- Kirby Fredrick. Pte. (d.14th Nov 1943)
- Lawrence Michael. Pte. (d.19th November 1944)
- Leach MM. Kenneth Victor James. Pte.
- Leech William Norbert. Cpl. (d.25th September 1944)
- Leftley William Victor. Lt.
- Lewington William Bert. L/Cpl.
- Lloyd Frederick Charles. Cpl. (d.28th February 1945)
- Lord TE.
- Lovell Cecil George. Cpl.
- Macpherson Donald. Pte. (d.19th April 1942)
- Meredith MiD. Kenneth Evan. T/Majr. (d.11th July 1944)
- Milner Ronald M.. Cpl.
- Murphy William Patrick. Pte. (d.5th June 1942)
- Nurse Bryan Leonard. Cpl.
- O'Brien Gerald. Pte. (d.10th July 1944)
- Pagett Frederick. Pte.
- Palmer WJ.
- Pope Joseph. Pte.
- Porter MID. Frank Edward. CSM.
- Potter Ernest Alfred. Pte.
- Pratt Stephen Henry.
- Purser Richard Lydmar Moline. Capt. (d.7th June 1944)
- Rice James Napier. Sgt.
- Rice James Napier. L/Sgt,
- Richards Vincent Lewis. Pte. (d.30th July 1944)
- Rockett Francis William C..
- Sellick Ernest George Henry. Pte.
- Sellick Ernest George Henry. Pte.
- Sellick Ernest George Henry. Pte
- Shrubshall William Stevens. Pte. (d.12th June 1944)
- Skeggs Walter Thomas George. Pte.
- Slaney Charles Austin. Pte, (d.3rd Aug 1944)
- Smale William John. Pte.
- Smith BG.
- Stamp WC.
- Stocks Charles Isaacs. L/Sgt. (d.30th Jul 1944)
- Stone Reginald Thomas.
- Suart Joseph Anthony . L/Cpl. (d.26th Sep 1944)
- Sweet Albert James. Cpl (d.29th April 1945)
- Taylor Arthur Gordon. Pte.
- Taylor John William Thomas. A/Cpl. (d.20th May 1944)
- Tett Lesley Frank. Pte.
- Thomas Thomas. Cpl.
- Townsend Frederick Charles. Pte. (d.3rd August 1943)
- Trimarco Henry Joseph. Sgt
- Turner William Francis. Pte. (d.29th June 1944)
- Varley Cecil William. Sgt. (d.1st May 1944)
- Vernon Jesse Norman.
- Vernon Rowland.
- Watt Robert. Captain (Chaplain)
- Watts Wilfred Charles. Sgt.
- West Cyril Henry. Pte.
- White Edward. Pte.
- White George Edwin Leslie. Pte. (d.12th Jul 1944)
- Whymark George Roy. Pte. (d.10th July 1944)
- Wickings Frederick William. Pte.
- Williams Richard.
- Wray Raymond. Pte. (d.21st Jul 1943)
- Wray Raymond. Pte.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Dorsetshire Regiment from other sources.
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Want to know more about Dorsetshire Regiment?
There are:1510 items tagged Dorsetshire Regiment available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
WC Stamp Dorsetshire Regiment
WC Stamp served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
BG Smith Dorsetshire Regiment
BG Smith served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Francis William C. Rockett 44th Regiment Reconnaissance Corps
Francis Rockett served with the 44th Regiment Reconnaissance Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WJ Palmer Dorsetshire Regiment
WJ Palmer served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
TE Lord Dorsetshire Regiment
TE Lord served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
LH Goring Dorsetshire Regiment
LH Goring served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
EG Gammage Dorsetshire Regiment
EG Gammage served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
AJ French Dorsetshire Regiment
AJ French served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
A Ewer Dorsetshire Regiment
A Ewer served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
HA Deathridge Dorsetshire Regiment
HA Deathridge served with the Dorsetshire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
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