- No. 102 Squadron Royal Air Force during the Second World War -
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No. 102 Squadron Royal Air Force
No. 102 Squadron was first formed in 1917 as a night bomber unit and served on the Western Front. It was disbanded in 1919. The Squadron was reformed in 1935 from B Flight of No. 7 Squadron. In 1938 it was initially equipped with the Whitley medium bomber.Airfields at which No. 102 Squadron were based:
- Driffield 1939 to 28 Aug 1940
- Leeming. 28 Aug 1940 to Sep 1940
- Prestwick Sep 1940 to 10 Oct 1940
- Linton on Ouse. 10 Oct 1940 to 5 Nov 1940
- Topcliffe. 5 Nov 1940 to 15 Nov 1941 & 7 Jun 1942 to 7 Aug 1942
- Dalton. 15 Nov 1941 to 7 Jun 1942
- Pocklington. 7 Aug 942 onwards.
3rd Sep 1939 Maintenance
4th September 1939 Leaflet drop
4th Sep 1939 Propaganda
5th Sep 1939 Aircraft Return
6th Sep 1939 Orders
8th Sep 1939 Leaflets
9th Sep 1939 102 Squadron Whitley lost
9th Sep 1939 Leaflets
10th Sep 1939 Aircraft Returns
12th Sep 1939 Flying Practice
13th Sep 1939 Posting
14th Sep 1939 Training
15th Sep 1939 Training
16th Sep 1939 Training
17th Sep 1939 Training
18th Sep 1939 Training
21st Sep 1939 Training
22nd Sep 1939 Training
23rd Sep 1939 Training
24th Sep 1939 Training
25th Sep 1939 Recconaissance
26th Sep 1939 Aircraft Returns
27th Sep 1939 Aircraft Returns
28th Sep 1939 Training
29th Sep 1939 Training
30th Sep 1939 Aircraft
1st Oct 1939 Training
2nd Oct 1939 Training
3rd Oct 1939 Training
4th Oct 1939 Training
5th Oct 1939 Training
6th Oct 1939 Aircraft Returns
7th Oct 1939 Posting
9th Oct 1939 Training
12th Oct 1939 Training
13th Oct 1939 Training
14th Oct 1939 Orders
15th Oct 1939 Aircraft Lost
16th Oct 1939 Accident
17th Oct 1939 Training
18th Oct 1939 Bad loading causes fatal accident
21st Oct 1939 Aircraft Returns
22nd Oct 1939 Aircraft Returns
24th Oct 1939 Aircraft Arrives
25th Oct 1939 Aircraft Test
26th Oct 1939 Training
29th Oct 1939 Re-Equipping
30th Oct 1939 Posting
31st Oct 1939 Training
26th April 1940 Shot down over Denmark
30th Apr 1940 Aircraft Lost
1st May 1940 Bomber lost
12th May 1940 Bombing Raid on Germany
12th May 1940 First bomber raid on Germany
20th May 1940 Bombers lost
21st May 1940 Bomber lost
22nd May 1940 Bomber lost: crew safe
12th June 1940 First attack on Italy
12th June 1940 Operation Haddock
19th June 1940 Bomber lost
7th Jul 1940 102 Squadron Whitley lost
11th July 1940 Raid
15th August 1940 Attacked on the Ground
25th August 1940 Relocation
28th August 1940 Killed in training
1st September 1940 Transfer to Coastal Command
10th October 1940 Back to bomber command
24th Oct 1940 Whitley Shot Down
28th October 1940 Bomber lost
13th November 1940 Damaged
15th November 1940 On the move
27th November 1940 Bomber lost
12th Mar 1941 Night Ops
7th April 1941 Aircraft Lost
16th Apr 1941 Aircraft Lost
17th Apr 1941 Eleven Aircraft Lost
7th May 1941 Squadron Reformed
9th May 1941 Aircraft Lost
12th Jun 1941 Aircraft Lost
13th Jun 1941 Aircraft Lost
27th Jun 1941 Aircraft Lost
30th Jun 1941 Aircraft Lost
3rd July 1941 Aircraft Lost
4th Jul 1941 102 Squadron Whitley lost
25th Jul 1941 Aircraft Lost
14th Aug 1941 Aircraft Lost
15th Aug 1941 102 Squadron Whitley lost
21st Aug 1941 Aircraft Lost
29th Aug 1941 Aircraft Lost
31st Aug 1941 Aircraft Lost
2nd Sep 1941 Aircraft Lost
6th Sep 1941 Aircraft Lost
8th September 1941 Air Gunner killed
11th Sep 1941 Aircraft Lost
29th Sep 1941 Aircraft Lost
12th Oct 1941 Aircraft Lost
16th Oct 1941 Aircraft Lost
1st Nov 1941 Aircraft Lost
7th November 1941 Aircraft Lost
8th Nov 1941 Aircraft Lost
15th November 1941 New operating base
30th Nov 1941 Aircraft Lost
16th Dec 1941 Aircraft Lost
5th Jan 1942 Aircraft Lost
31st January 1942 Conversion
17th June 1942 Three Halifax lost
26th June 1942 Halifax lost
6th July 1942 Two bombers shot down
5th August 1942 Bomber lost
7th August 1942 Moved
9th Sep 1942 102 Squadron Halifax lost
10th November 1942 Bomber lost
4th December 1942 Two Halifax lost
8th December 1942 Bomber lost
23rd Jan 1943 Operations
11th February 1943 Crash on take-off
26th February 1943 Halifax lost
13th March 1943 102 Squadron Halifax lost
16th April 1943 Halifax lost
21st April 1943 19 Aircraft lost
5th May 1943 Halifax exploded
12th May 1943 Halifax lost
24th May 1943 Shot down
25th June 1943 Two bombers lost
10th July 1943 102 Squadron Halifax shot down
14th July 1943 Wing Commander killed
24th Jul 1943 Aircraft Lost
28th Jul 1943 102 Squadron Halifax lost
27th Jul 1943 Aircraft Lost
9th August 1943 Halifax lost
18th August 1943 Peenemunde Raid
23rd Aug 1943 Lost in the North Sea
31 August 1943 Raid on Berlin
22nd September 1943 Crash at Garrowby Hill
23rd Sep 1943 Aircraft Lost
5th October 1943 Attack on Aachen
23rd October 1943 Two bombers lost
12th November 1943 Shot down
22nd Nov 1943 Mid-air collision
29th Dec 1943 Aircraft Lost
21st January 1944 Seven bombers lost on one raid
22nd January 1944 Four more bombers lost
29th January 1944 2 Halifax lost
16th February 1944 Two Halifaxes lost
21st February 1944 Two Halifax lost
26th February 1944 Lost over the sea
23rd Mar 1944 Aircraft Lost
23rd April 1944 Lost when minelaying
28th April 1944 Halifax lost
28th May 1944 102 Squadron Halifax lost
9th June 1944 Aircraft lost minelaying
11th June 1944 Bomber lost over France
16th June 1944 5 Lost on raid over Germany
25th June 1944 Bombs fall on bomber
28th June 1944 Five Halifax lost
23rd July 1944 Halifax lost
25th July 1944 Halifax shot down
30th July 1944 Halifax lost
13th August 1944 Halifax lost
17th August 1944 Lost over Kiel
12th September 1944 Halifax lost
17th September 1944 Mystery loss
15th Oct 1944 Aircraft Lost
3rd November 1944 Two bombers lost
5th November 1944 Halifax lost
21st November 1944 Halifax missing
24th December 1944 Two bombers lost
1st January 1945 Crash landing
5th January 1945 Three bombers lost
16th January 1945 Halifax lost
8th February 1945 Road transport attacked
5th March 1945 Lost over Czechoslavakia
19th March 1945 Halifax lost
September 1945 Transfer to Transport CommandIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Do you have a WW2 Flying Log Book in your possession?If so it would be a huge help if you could add logbook entries to our new database. Thank you.
View Logbook entries
Those known to have served with
No. 102 Squadron Royal Air Force
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Adams Alan.
- Adams Alan.
- Adamson P. H.. Sgt.
- Adamson R. H.. Sgt.
- Albrecht V. M.. P/O
- Alderton E.. Sgt.
- Almond G. S.. Sgt.
- Anderson C. T.R.. Sgt.
- Anderson E. G.M.. P/O
- Anderson F.W.. Sgt.
- Archibald William Bruce.
- Atkinson W. V.. Sgt.
- Baldwin Conrad Thomas Frederick. Sgt (d.14th June 1941)
- Banyard Clifford William. P/O.
- Barclay Owen Kidd. Sgt. (d.9th Sep 1942)
- Barr C. R.. Sgt.
- Behan Thomas Fraser. Sgt. (d.2nd/3rd Jan 1941)
- Bell-Towers W.. P/O
- Bennett N. J.. P/O
- Berndsson N. D.. Sgt.
- Bird Peter Drury. Sgt.
- Boddy David. Sgt. (d.3rd June 1942)
- Bond DFC. Wallace William Sydney. P/O.
- Booth P.. Sgt.
- Borsberry Eric J.. Sgt.
- Bourne John Norman. Sgt. (d.5 Oct 1942)
- Bowden Ken.
- Bowden L. M..
- Bowes M. R.. Sgt.
- Boyle T. C.. Sgt.
- Bozer D. M.. Sgt.
- Brabin Harold William. W/O
- Bradbury R. F.. Sgt.
- Bradley R. F.. Sgt.
- Brain L. A.. P/O
- Braybrook F. A.. Sgt.
- Braybrook F. A.. Sgt.
- Bretherton Francis Joseph. Flt. Sgt.
- Brett P. G.. Sgt.
- Brooks J. C.. Sgt.
- Brown Peter William.
- Brown R.. Sgt.
- Bruckshaw James. Sgt. (d.1st July 1941)
- Buchannan A. B.. Sgt.
- Bush D. J.. Sgt.
- Cameron A. H.. Sgt.
- Campbell Robert Hugh. Flt.Sgt. (d.12th November 1943)
- Carr Clifford. Sgt.
- Carr L. W.. Sgt.
- Carreau P.. Sgt.
- Carruthers K. E.. Sgt.
- Carter N. C.. Sgt.
- Ceyler R.. Sgt.
- Chambler R. E.. Sgt.
- Champion P. A.. Sgt.
- Chapman J.. Sgt. (d.13th June 1941)
- Cheshire VC, OM, DSO & Two Bars, DFC. Geoffrey Baron Cheshire. Gp.Capt.
- Cheshire VC, DSO, DFC. Leonard Geoffrey. Grp Capt.
- Cheshire Leonard. Grp.Capt.
- Childs R A. Pilot Officer (d.15th April 1941)
- Clack K.. Sgt.
- Clemett John Alfred. Sgt. (d.15th Dec 1940)
- Clifford-Reade Alfred Pearsall. Flight Sergeant (d.15th April 1941)
- Cole G. W.. P/O
- Cooke Ed M.. Sgt.
- Cooke Ed.
- Cotton Basil Arthur.
- Craig R. K.. Sgt
- Cramp D.. Sgt
- Crosby L. H.. P/O
- Croucher J. R.. P/O
- Croucher John Rhodes. P/O (d.7th Sep 1941)
- Cubitt Eaton Geoffrey. F/O (d.13th Mar 1941)
- Cullis Graham. Warrant Officer
- Davidson G. R.. Sgt
- Davies G. C.. F/Lt.
- Davis Richard.
- Deavin A. H..
- Delaney David Bernard. P/O
- DeMattos E. R.. Sgt
- Demille W. H.. Sgt
- Denton I. P.B.. F/Lt.
- Denvin A, H.. Sgt
- Dobson A. O.. P/O
- Dower John Cyril. Sgt.
- Drearey D. K.. Sgt
- Dudley John. Sgt. (d.25th Feb 1943)
- Duguid D. C.. Sgt
- Duncan . Sgt
- Dunkley F. J..
- Ellwood John. LAC. (d.30th Apr 1940)
- Eyre Philip Colmer. Sgt./Pilot (d.7th Sep 1941)
- Eyre T. C.. Sgt
- Fackley S.. Sgt
- Farrell Francis Haorld John. Flt.Sgt. (d.9th Sep 1942)
- Fisher R.. Sgt
- Fraser J A. Sgt
- Frost Frank Arthur. Sgt. (d.6th Aug 1942)
- Gaskell P.. P/O
- Gayler Ronald. Sgt
- Gibson .
- Gillies W. A.. Sgt
- Glover J.. Sgt
- Golding F.. Sgt.
- Golding W.. Sgt
- Gowing R. P.. Sgt.
- Grieve D. C.. Sgt.
- Griffin J. W.. Sgt
- Griffiths J.. Sgt.
- Griffiths M. R.. P/O
- Groom J. A.. Sgt.
- Haddow John. F/O. (d.26th November 1943)
- Hain Noel Clive. Sgt (d.6 August 1942)
- Haithwaite Norman. Sgt (d.26th April 1940)
- Halsey A. L.. Sgt.
- Hamilton S J B. P/O
- Hamiton S. B.J.. P/O
- Hampson D. E.J.. Sgt.
- Hardy Sydney John. F/Sgt.
- Hartle E. A.. Sgt.
- Hartley J. M.. P/O
- Harwood-Smith K.. Sgt.
- Harwood-Smith Kenneth. Sgt. (d.8th Nov 1941)
- Hawkes A. W.. Sgt.
- Hay I. G.. Sgt.
- Haycock N. W.. Sgt.
- Hayes John Francis. Sgt (d.26th April 1940)
- Higson C.. Sgt.
- Holden G. F.. Sgt.
- Horrigan Owen. F/O (d.26th April 1940)
- Howes C. V.. W/Cdr.
- Humphrey M.. Sgt.
- Hurle Cecil Herbert. Sgt. (d.13th May 1943)
- Jackson S. H.. Sgt.
- Jaggers Alec F.. Sgt.
- Jennings P. J.. Sgt.
- Johnson Harold.
- Jones G. M.. Sgt.
- Jones J. R.. Sgt.
- Kibble Donald K.. Sgt.
- King A. E.. Sgt.
- Kirkwood J. V.. Sgt.
- Kitchener Harry Richard. Sgt. (d.20th Dec 1943)
- Kuebler F. G.. Sgt.
- Lakin Ron.
- Land G.. Sgt.
- Laylor J. O.. Sqd Ldr.
- Leedham John. Sgt. (d.14th May 1943)
- Leftley E. M.. Sgt.
- Lewis K. G.. Sgt.
- Lindeman G. M.. Sgt.
- Lindsay L. E.D.. F/Sgt.
- Lord D. R.. Sgt.
- Losh George Albert. WO. (d.19th April 1945)
- Malkin H.. Sgt.
- Mann Reginald. Cpl.
- Marlow K. P.. Sgt.
- Marquis William. (d.1945/11/08)
- Martle E. A.. Sgt.
- Mason Jeffrey. Sgt.
- Masters A. R.. Sgt.
- Matthews R. C.. Sgt.
- McCarter William.
- McDonald G. W.. Sgt.
- McHendry D. C.J.. Sgt.
- McIlquham A. G.. Sgt.
- McIlquham Thomas. F/Sgt.
- McKendry D C J. Sgt (d.15th Jan 1945)
- McLaren A. M.. Sgt.
- Meagher D. K.. Sgt.
- Miller Charles. Sgt.
- Modeland S. T.. Sgt.
- Moon A. E.M.. Sgt.
- Moore H. E.. Sgt.
- Morgan S. E.H.. Sgt.
- Morphett H. L.. Sgt.
- Mountney DFC. Kingsley. PO.
- Mourton D.. P/O
- Murray G. A.G.. Sgt.
- Mylrea F. H.. Sgt.
- Nethersole Alfred Nathanial. Sgt
- Neveu C. S.. Sgt.
- Newell H. J.W.. Sgt.
- Newnes H J W. Sgt (d.15th Jan 1945)
- Nicholas A.. Sgt.
- Nicholl W.. Sgt.
- Nisbet T. B.. Sgt.
- Nixon J. C.. P/O
- Noble John Eric. LAC
- Norris James Arthur. Sergeant (d.15th April 1941)
- O'Connelley K..
- Oliver DFC, DFM. John Piercy. F/Lt.
- Ollerhead George. F/Sgt.
- Ollerhead George.
- Peak James. Flt.Sgt. (d.26th Feb 1943)
- Pearce Norman. Sgt. (d.24th April 1944)
- Penn F. W.. Sgt.
- Perriam R. C.. Sgt.
- Petersen William Joseph. F/O
- Philip R. T.. Sgt.
- Phillips John Goodson. Sgt. (d.9th Sep 1942)
- Pike E. P.. Sgt.
- Potts F.. Sgt.
- Powell G. K.. Sgt.
- Rahaley Leonard Keith. F/Lt.
- Rainer P. S.. Sgt.
- Ralston I.. P/O
- Ralston J. W.. Sgt.
- Reid J.. Sgt.
- Renolds L. B.. P/O
- Richards L. W.. P/O
- Ridley Andrew. Sergeant (d.7th Sep 1943)
- Riley D. N.. Sgt.
- Robson W.. Sgt.
- Rocks J. G.S.. Sgt.
- Roe J. R.. Sgt.
- Rogers T.. Sgt.
- Ross H N. F/L (d.15th Jan 1945)
- Ross H. N.. F/Lt.
- Rowes M. R.. Sgt.
- Roy B. B.P.. P/O
- Rushton Thomas.
- Sampson D. N.. P/O
- Scott N. W.J.. Sgt.
- Selley Robert Thomas. Sergeant (d.15th April 1941)
- Sharp Ernest Desmond. WO.
- Sharpe MID. John Charles. L.A.C
- Sharpe MID. John Charles. Cpl.
- Shove N. L.. P/O
- Sills D..
- Silverman Alexis Louis. Ft Lt. (d.28th April 1944)
- Smiddy P.. P/O.
- Smith D.. Sgt.
- Smith E. W.. Sgt.
- Smith E. R.. Sgt.
- Smith J. I.. Sgt.
- Smith J. R.. Sgt.
- Smith N. R.. Sgt.
- Smith William J.. LAC.
- Spires L. G.. Sgt.
- Spirit J.. Sgt.
- Stanton P. H.. Sgt.
- Starbuck L.. Sgt.
- Stein I.. Sgt.
- Stein K.. Sgt.
- Stell J. W.. Sgt.
- Stevens Elwood Leroy. P/O. (d.5th January 1945)
- Stock L. A.. Sgt.
- Stockton Tommy.
- Streeves J. A.. Sgt.
- Sumpton J. E.. Sgt.
- Swain W.. Sgt.
- Tackley S.. Sgt.
- Taggart Victor. Sgt.
- Taylor Philip Anthony. Sgt. (d.30th Nov 1941)
- Teasdale-Smith J. B.T.. Sgt.
- Thompson G. E.. Sgt.
- Thomson R. K.. Sgt.
- Thomson S.. Sgt.
- Thomson S.. Sgt.
- Thorley T. H.. Sgt.
- Trehearn Philip L.N.. Sgt.
- Tugman John Richard. Sgt. (d.7th September 1941)
- Vermiglio T. A.. Sgt.
- Wainwright Wilfred.
- Walker S. G.. Sqd Ldr.
- Watchorn R. C.. Sgt.
- Weightman W.. Sgt.
- Welch W. J.J.. P/O.
- Welch W. J.J.. P/O.
- Whipple S. R.. P/O.
- Whisken . P/O.
- White J. D.. Sgt.
- Wickham H. W.. Sgt.
- Wigham DFC. William. F/O
- Williams D. R.F.. Sgt.
- Williams H. M.. P/O.
- Williams L.. Sgt.
- Williams N. G.. Sgt.
- Williams R.. Sgt.
- Williams R.. Sgt.
- Williams Robert John Wyndham. Pilot Officer (d.15th April 1941)
- Williamson D. G.. Sgt.
- Willrich Vernon McKay. F/O.
- Wilson . Sgt.
- Wilson J. H.M.. Sgt.
- Wilson DSO, AFC, DFC. Louis. Wmg.Cmdr.
- Wilson W. J.. Sgt.
- Winter Philip. Sergeant
- Withyman K. P.. Sgt.
- Wood J. R.. Sgt.
- Wood T. H.. Sgt.
- Woodroffe George Percy. Flt.Sgt. (d.30th July 1943)
- Worden Harry. F/O. (d.2nd Nov 1944)
- Wragg G.. Sgt.
- Wrigley F.. Sgt.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of No. 102 Squadron Royal Air Force from other sources.
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Want to know more about No. 102 Squadron Royal Air Force?
There are:2179 items tagged No. 102 Squadron Royal Air Force available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
George Ollerhead 102 Squardron
George Ollerhead served with 102 Sqdn and 194 Sqdn from 1941 to 1945, if anyone remembers him I would be very glad to hear from you.Mark Haselden
Pilot Officer R A Childs 102 Squadron (d.15th April 1941)
I am trying to find out some information about my uncle, Pilot Officer Robert J W Williams who was killed in action on April 15th 1941. I understand that he was shot down over Boulogne on his third mission with 102 Squadron. I presume he would have flown Whilteys at that time, based out of Topcliffe.I have visited his war grave in Bourthes, France and those of his crew. The Pilot was 741381 Sergeant J A Norris, Gunners 701654 A P Clifford-Reade and 755097 RT Selley, and Pilot Officer R A Childs.
The crew:
Sergeant Robert Thomas Selley, RAF VR 755097. Killed 15/03/1941, age 29 (Bourthes Churchyard) Sergeant James Arthur Norris, RAF VR 741381. Killed 15/03/1941 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer Robert John Wyndham Williams, RAF VR 87359. Killed 15/03/1941, age 23 (Bourthes Churchyard) Flight Sergeant Alfred Pearsall Clifford-Reade, RAF VR 701654. Killed 15/03/1941, age 21 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer R A Childs
Flight Sergeant Alfred Pearsall Clifford-Reade 102 Squadron (d.15th April 1941)
I am trying to find out some information about my uncle, Pilot Officer Robert J W Williams who was killed in action on April 15th 1941. I understand that he was shot down over Boulogne on his third mission with 102 Squadron. I presume he would have flown Whilteys at that time, based out of Topcliffe.I have visited his war grave in Bourthes, France and those of his crew. The Pilot was 741381 Sergeant J A Norris, Gunners 701654 A P Clifford-Reade and 755097 RT Selley, and Pilot Officer R A Childs.
The crew:
Sergeant Robert Thomas Selley, RAF VR 755097. Killed 15/03/1941, age 29 (Bourthes Churchyard) Sergeant James Arthur Norris, RAF VR 741381. Killed 15/03/1941 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer Robert John Wyndham Williams, RAF VR 87359. Killed 15/03/1941, age 23 (Bourthes Churchyard) Flight Sergeant Alfred Pearsall Clifford-Reade, RAF VR 701654. Killed 15/03/1941, age 21 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer R A Childs
Sergeant James Arthur Norris 102 Squadron (d.15th April 1941)
I am trying to find out some information about my uncle, Pilot Officer Robert J W Williams who was killed in action on April 15th 1941. I understand that he was shot down over Boulogne on his third mission with 102 Squadron. I presume he would have flown Whilteys at that time, based out of Topcliffe.I have visited his war grave in Bourthes, France and those of his crew. The Pilot was 741381 Sergeant J A Norris, Gunners 701654 A P Clifford-Reade and 755097 RT Selley, and Pilot Officer R A Childs.
The crew:
Sergeant Robert Thomas Selley, RAF VR 755097. Killed 15/03/1941, age 29 (Bourthes Churchyard) Sergeant James Arthur Norris, RAF VR 741381. Killed 15/03/1941 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer Robert John Wyndham Williams, RAF VR 87359. Killed 15/03/1941, age 23 (Bourthes Churchyard) Flight Sergeant Alfred Pearsall Clifford-Reade, RAF VR 701654. Killed 15/03/1941, age 21 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer R A Childs
Sergeant Robert Thomas Selley 102 Squadron (d.15th April 1941)
I am trying to find out some information about my uncle, Pilot Officer Robert J W Williams who was killed in action on April 15th 1941. I understand that he was shot down over Boulogne on his third mission with 102 Squadron. I presume he would have flown Whilteys at that time, based out of Topcliffe.I have visited his war grave in Bourthes, France and those of his crew. The Pilot was 741381 Sergeant J A Norris, Gunners 701654 A P Clifford-Reade and 755097 RT Selley, and Pilot Officer R A Childs.
The crew:
Sergeant Robert Thomas Selley, RAF VR 755097. Killed 15/03/1941, age 29 (Bourthes Churchyard) Sergeant James Arthur Norris, RAF VR 741381. Killed 15/03/1941 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer Robert John Wyndham Williams, RAF VR 87359. Killed 15/03/1941, age 23 (Bourthes Churchyard) Flight Sergeant Alfred Pearsall Clifford-Reade, RAF VR 701654. Killed 15/03/1941, age 21 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer R A Childs
Pilot Officer Robert John Wyndham Williams 102 Squadron (d.15th April 1941)
I am trying to find out some information about my uncle, Pilot Officer Robert J W Williams who was killed in action on April 15th 1941. I understand that he was shot down over Boulogne on his third mission with 102 Squadron. I presume he would have flown Whilteys at that time, based out of Topcliffe.I have visited his war grave in Bourthes, France and those of his crew. The Pilot was 741381 Sergeant J A Norris, Gunners 701654 A P Clifford-Reade and 755097 RT Selley, and Pilot Officer R A Childs.
The crew:
Sergeant Robert Thomas Selley, RAF VR 755097. Killed 15/03/1941, age 29 (Bourthes Churchyard) Sergeant James Arthur Norris, RAF VR 741381. Killed 15/03/1941 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer Robert John Wyndham Williams, RAF VR 87359. Killed 15/03/1941, age 23 (Bourthes Churchyard) Flight Sergeant Alfred Pearsall Clifford-Reade, RAF VR 701654. Killed 15/03/1941, age 21 (Bourthes Churchyard) Pilot Officer R A Childs
Sergeant Philip Winter 102 Squadron
Sgt Philip Winter, my uncle, served in 102 Sqd during May/June 1941 as second pilot in Whitley DY-R. On the night of 12/13th June he was badly wounded by flak on a mission to the marshalling yard at Schwerte.Jon Lovesay
William Marquis 227 Squadron / 102 Squadron (d.1945/11/08)
I have been researching my family history and have obtained the personnel records for my half-brother William Marquis.The record shows that he was assigned to 227 Squadron on 12th April 1945 after discharge and appointment to RAF VR. There is a further entry for 227 Squadron dated 18th June 1945 which is some 10 days after 227 Squadron either moved from RAF Strubby or was disbanded. The next entry is at RAF Snaith dated 17th September 1945 followed by what seems to be an entry for 102 Squadron dated 20th or possibly 26th September 1945. He was with 102 Squadron based at RAF Bassingbourn when he was killed on active service at Abington Piggotts on 08/11/1945 when his plane crashed shortly after take off.
I know it is a long shot but any information anyone may have on William would be appreciated.
Keith Marquis
Sgt John Francis Hayes 102 Squadron (d.26th April 1940)
My uncle, Sgt John Francis Hayes, flew with the 102 Sqduadron. His crew mates were Sgt V H Barr, Sgt. Norman Haithwaite and F/O Owen Horrigan. They were flying over Denmark and were shot down on 26th April 1940. The aircraft they were flying was listed as: 2248 ( Whitley N1383 102 Sqn) Sgt Barr managed to bail out but all remaining crew were killed and are all buried in Vadum, Denmark. Irene LloydIrene Lloyd
F/O. Vernon McKay Willrich 102 Squadron
Vernon Willrich served as a Pilot with 102 Squadron, Royal Air Force.Christopher Miller
Recomended Reading.
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The free section of the Wartime Memories Project website is run by volunteers. We have been helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items. The website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources and we currently have a huge backlog of submissions. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small
to help with the costs of keeping the site running.
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