- No. 162 Squadron Royal Air Force during the Second World War -
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No. 162 Squadron Royal Air Force
There were plans to form no.162 Squadron, to be equipped with the DH9A bomber, in May 1918, for a deployment to France in October, but these plans were suspended and finally cancelled on 17 August.No. 162 Squadron was formed at Kabrit, Egypt, on 4th January 1942, flying the Wellington. They undertook radio calibration flights across the Middle East for Air Ministry and Army Radio stations, and also reconnaissance flights to detect enemy radio and radar installations. They were also pressed into service as a bomber unit attacking enemy supplies and shipping. During the second battle of El Alamein the squadron was used over the battlefield to jam enemy tank radios. In 1944 they were used to destroy magnetic mines in harbours and coastal waters in North Africa. The Squadron was disbanded on 25th September 1944.
162 Squadron re-formed at Bourn in No 8 (Pathfinder) Group, on 17th December 1944, flying the Mosquito light-bomber with the Light Night Striking Force. No 162 Squadron flew a total of 913 operational sorties with the Pathfinders.
In July 1945 the squadron transferred to Transport Command and operated a mail service to bases in Europe.
Airbases where 162 Squadron was based:
Signals Squadron:
- 4th January 1942: Kabrit
- 6th January - 12th April 1942: Shallufa
- Detachment to Aqir from 16th - 28th March 1942
- 12th April 1942 - 9th April 1943: Bilbeis
- Detachment to Cyprus from 22nd April - 18th May 1942
- Detachment to Shallufa from 17th July - 16th August 1942
- Detachment to Habbinaya from 31st July - 21st August 1942
- Detachment to Lydda from 25th August - 10th September 1942
- Detachment to Cyprus from 15th September - 14th October 1942
- Detachment to Malta from 22nd September - 1st October 1942
- Detachment to Rayak from 1st - 27th October 1942
- Detachment to Aqir from 1st - 11th November 1942
- Detachment to Habbinaya from 8th - 18th November 1942
- Detachment to Shaibah from 8th November - 17th December 1942
- Detachment to Hurghada from 19th - 22nd November 1942
- Detachment to Western Desert (Mersa Matruh, Bengazi and various Landing Grounds) from 21st November 1942 - 26th March 1943
- Detachment to Gambut from 23rd November 1942 - 26th February 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 28th November - 14th December 1942
- Detachment to Malta from 27th December 1942 - 9th January 1943
- Detachment to Lydda from 9th - 29th January 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 18th January - 25th February 1943
- Detachment to Miserata from 29th January 1943
- Detachment to Mellaha (Bengazi) from 1st March - 9th April 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 10th - 26th March 1943
- 9th April - 27th August 1943: Benina
- Detachment to Gardabia from 3rd - 18th April 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 11th - 30th April 1943
- Detachment to Cyprus from 14th - 25th April 1943
- Detachment to Gambut from 18th - 25th April 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 9th - 15th May 1943
- Detachment to Gambut from 13th - 22nd May 1943
- Detachment to Aqir & St Jean from 15th - 30th May 1943
- Detachment to Mellaha (Bengazi) from 21st May - 7th June 1943
- Detachment to Cyprus from 1st - 12th June 1943
- Detachment to Western Desert (Mersa Matruh, Bu Amud and various Landing Grounds) from 1st - 10th June 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 5th - 18th June 1943
- Detachment to Gambut from 7th June - 5th September 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 20th - 25th June 1943
- Detachment to Western Desert (Mersa Matruh and various Landing Grounds) from 11th - 27th July 1943
- Detachment to Aqir & Beirut from 13th - 28th July 1943
- Detachment to Savoia (Tripoli) from 25th July - 8th August 1943
- Detachment to Lydda from 9th August - 27th September 1943
- Detachment to Malta from 14th - 24th August 1943
- 27th August 1943 - April 1944: LG.91
- Detachment to Cyprus from 5th - 27th September 1943
- Detachment to Gambut from 14th - 19th September 1943
- Detachment to Benina from 1st October - 12th December 1943
- Detachment to Mersa Matruh from 11th October - 9th November 1943
- Detachment to Gambut from 10th November 1943 - 18th January 1944
- Detachment to Lydda from 14th November - 3rd December 1943
- Detachment to Cyprus from 3rd - 24th December 1943
- Detachment to Benina from 29th December 1943 - 31st January 1944
- Detachment to Mersa Matruh from 6th - 31st January 1944
- Detachment to Lydda from 10th January - 2nd March 1944
- Detachment to Malta from 20th - 28th January 1944
- Detachment to Gambut from 25th January - 27th May 1944
- Detachment to Cyprus from 27th January - 10th March 1944
- Detachment to St Jean from 2nd - 23rd March 1944
- Detachment to Lydda from 23rd March - 28th April 1944
- Detachment to Benina from 4th - 25th April 1944
- 25th April-September 1944: Idku
- Detachment to Cyprus from 10th May - 12th July 1944
- Detachment to Benina from 19th - 25th July 1944
- Detachment to Cyprus from 3rd - 27th August 1944
- Detachment to St Jean from 27th August - 1944
- Disbanded at Idku 24th September 1944.
Pathfinder Squadron:
- Reformed 17th December 1944-July 1945: Bourn.
Transport Command:
- from July 1945: Blackbushe
4th January 1942 New Squadron formed in Egypt
6th January 1942 Six aircraft but no personnel
7th January 1942 No accommodation
8th January 1942 First operation of new signals squadron
12th January 1942 Radio jamming tests
15th January 1942 Calibration
17th January 1942 Operation over Crete
11nd January 1942 Personnel transferred to new Squadron
23rd January 1942 Wireless operators posted
24th January 1942 Technical talk
31st January 1942 Reconnasance over Crete
1st February 1942 Still under canvas
3rd February 1942 Operation abandoned in bad weather
5th February 1942 Additional aircraft arrive
6th February 1942 New aircraft and staff
7th February 1942 Calibration and reconnaisance
10th February 1942 New postings
12th February 1942 More postings
15th February 1942 Engine failure
17th February 1942 Testing, training and posting
19th February 1942 Miscellaneous flying duties
24th February 1942 Night flying practice
1st March 1942 New Squadron designation
1st March 1942 Blenheims delivered
7th March 1942 Wellington lost on radar detection
9th March 1942 General flying duties
12th March 1942 Postings
12th April 1942 Signals Squadron relocated
20th April 1942 Detachment to Nicosia
29th April 1942 Blenheim crashed in Egypt
1st May 1942 Operations over Greece
3rd May 1942 Operations
8th May 1942 Search for missing Blenheim
9th May 1942 Operations
12th May 1942 Missing Blenheims located
18th May 1942 Detachment returns from Cyprus
24th May 1942 Operations
30th May 1942 Court of Enquiry
1st June 1942 Situation Report
3rd June 1942 Successful operation to Libya
6th June 1942 New aircrew posted
11th June 1942 Mathematics Classes
16th June 1942 Operations
21st June 1942 Operations on Greece and Crete
24th June 1942 Postings
29th June 1942 Move planned
1st July 1942 Blenheims transferred
2nd July 1942 Secret records destroyed
3rd July 1942 Blenheims dismantled
4th July 1942 Bombing ops
5th July 1942 Railway bombed
6th July 1942 Ops
7th July 1942 Tobruk bombed
8th July 1942 Move cancelled
9th July 1942 No operations
10th July 1942 Tobruk bombed
11th July 1942 Tests and Operations
15th July 1942 Tobruk bombed
16th July 1942 Night ops
17th July 1942 Unreliable aircraft
20th July 1942 Enemy aircraft engaged
22nd July 1942 Killed in road accident
24th July 1942 Postings
26th July 1942 Ships bombed
27th July 1942 New aircraft arrive
29th July 1942 Absconder returned to squadron
31st July 1942 Detachment to Habbiniya
1st August 1942 Situation Report
2nd August 1942 Tobruk bombed
3rd August 1942 Operations abandoned
4th August 1942 Calibration and bombing flights
8th August 1942 Routine operations
11th August 1942 Flights from Cyprus planned
13th August 1942 Bisley crew killed carrying aircraft spares for Churchill
14th August 1942 Concert Party visit to desert airbase
16th August 1942 Bomber detachment returned
18th August 1942 Search for R.D.F. Installation
20th August 1942 Crete bombed
21st August 1942 Poor cooperation
23rd August 1942 Enemy convoy reported
25th August 1942 Detachment to Lydda
26th August 1942 New air personnel arrive in Egypt
27th August 1942 New enemy landing ground discovered
29th August 1942 Tobruk bombed
31st August 1942 Reconnaissance over Athens
1st September 1942 Situation Report
4th September 1942 Detachment
6th September 1942 Air Raid
7th September 1942 Aircrew injured by flak
9th September 1942 Radio mast installed for tests
10th September 1942 Radio beacon test flights
12th September 1942 Detachment to Malta for RDF investigations
13th September 1942 Recce over Sicily and Tunisia
15th September 1942 Detachment to Cyprus
22nd September 1942 R.D.F. Investigations from Malta
23rd September 1942 Raid on Crete
24th September 1942 Dental inspections
28th September 1942 Shortage of serviceable aircraft
1st October 1942 Situation Report
6th October 1942 Attack on Crete
8th October 1942 Mysterious red ball of fire
13th October 1942 Court Martial
14th October 1942 Detachment returns from Cyprus
16th October 1942 Sand storm halts operations
18th October 1942 Stand-by for tank radio jamming operations
22nd October 1942 Good Report on R.D.F Calibration Flights
23rd October 1942 Tank R/T jamming operations begin
26th October 1942 Tand R/T jamming operations
27th October 1942 Malaria control
1st November 1942 Situation Report
2nd November 1942 Wellington lost on bombing raid
5th November 1942 Instruction to move received
6th November 1942 Postings
7th November 1942 Instructions to move
8th November 1942 Aircraft and aircrew move to 40 Squadron
10th November 1942 Wellington crews posted to 40 Squadron
11th November 1942 Signals Squadron loses last Wellington bomber
19th November 1942 Signal Squadron Detachments
22nd November 1942 Wellingtons returned to Signals Squadron
23rd November 1942 Detachments
28th November 1942 Enemy RDF installation discovered
1st December 1942 Squadron status uncertain
14th December 1942 Detachment returned from Malta
17th December 1942 Anti-submarine patrol
20th December 1942 'A' Flight reformed
23rd December 1942 Parade and Operations
24th December 1942 Concert
25th December 1942 Christmas Festivities
27th December 1942 Back to Malta
30th December 1942 Test flight reveals limited capability of enemy RDF
31st December 1942 Taranto Harbour bombed
1st January 1943 Promotions
9th January 1943 Detachments
29th January 1943 Bisley Lost
5th February 1943 Photo recce
12th February 1943 Postings and Operations
31st March 1943 Summary for March 1943
4th April 1943 Move in progress across Libya
9th April 1943 Squadron arrives at new base
11th April 1943 Detachments
13th April 1943 Showers provided
14th April 1943 Operations
15th April 1943 Wellington destroyed by fire
16th April 1943 Visit by A-O-C 212 Group
23rd April 1943 Aircraft movements
30th April 1943 Maintenance Problems
9th May 1943 To Malta
18th May 1943 Special Ops
31st May 1943 Continuing maintenance problems
14th June 1943 Preparation for paratroop attack
18th June 1943 Sabotage
30th June 1943 Aerodrome Defence Scheme
11th July 1943 Detachments
13th July 1943 Detachment
15th July 1943 Reconnaissance
17th July 1943 Reconnaissance
21st July 1943 Replacement aircraft
25th July 1943 Detachment
27th July 1943 RDF Reconnaissance
3rd August 1943 Additional ground crew support
9th August 1943 Relocation of Detachments
14th August 1943 Detachment
20th August 1943 RDF Recce flights
27th August 1943 On the move
31st August 1943 Recce
2nd September 1943 Replacement crew
5th September 1943 Detachment
5th September 1943 Detachment withdrawn
15th September 1943 Low level recce
26th September 1943 Air sea rescue search
30th September 1943 Situation Report
18th October 1943 Baltimore aircraft arrive
29th October 1943 Accident on Ground
31st October 1943 Situation Report
1st November 1943 Mosquito Trial
10th November 1943 Detachment for RDF investigations
17th November 1943 Mosquito trials
30th November 1943 Situation Report
12th December 1943 Final Duties for Blenheim V's
23rd December 1943 RDF Investigations from Gambut
24th December 1943 Return to base for Xmas
29th December 1943 Aircraft unserviceable
31st December 1943 Situation Report
15th January 1944 Successful recce with the Mosquito
25th January 1944 A Flight detachment to Gambut
29th January 1944 Crashed into the Med
31st January 1944 Situation Report
17th February 1944 Aircraft lost over Crete
29th February 1944 Situation Report
March 1944 GRU transferred to 162 Squadron
31st March 1944 Situation Report
31st March 1944 Summary of operations
6th April 1944 Fiighter affiliation exercises
30th April 1944 Situation report
27th May 1944 Detachment returns
31st May 1944 Situation Report
30th June 1944 Situation Report
10th July 1944 Mosquito transferred away
11th July 1944 Wellington lost on RDF investigation
19th July 1944 New Aircraft destroyed
31st July 1944 Situation Report
31st August 1944 Monthly Report
24th September 1944 Signals Squadron disbanded
18th December 1944 New Pathfinder Squadron formed
22nd December 1944 New Squadron into action
7th January 1945 Aircraft abandoned over the Netherlands
March 1945 Mosquitos fitted for Pathfinder role
June 1945 Air Mail Service
11th June 1945 Air Mail service crashesIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
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Those known to have served with
No. 162 Squadron Royal Air Force
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Bareham DFM. Harold John William. Sgt.
- Hornell VC David Ernest. F/Lt. (d.24 June 1944)
- Mandelson Norman. Flt.Lt. (d.9th Nov 1945)
- McGown DFC and Bar William Lachlan. Flying Officer
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of No. 162 Squadron Royal Air Force from other sources.
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Want to know more about No. 162 Squadron Royal Air Force?
There are:2208 items tagged No. 162 Squadron Royal Air Force available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Flying Officer William Lachlan McGown DFC and Bar 514 Squadron, 162 Squadron
Flying Officer William Lachlan McGown was pilot of Lancaster DS822 of 514 Squadron that came down at Le Celles Les Bordes in France on the night of 7th of June 1944. He parachuted down along with 3 colleagues and evaded capture. My wife's cousin flew with him on the fateful night when the Lancaster came down. He too was killed and laid to rest in Le Celles Les Bordes. France with a further two colleagues. F/O McGown returned to Britain and moved onto 162 Squadron.I understand he left the RAF in 11th April 1946 and return to his native Scotland where he passed away in 1984 aged 70 years, a true hero. I would like to hear of anything from living relatives of his second crew at 162 Squadron.
Sinclair T Ronald
Sgt. Harold John William "Bish" Bareham DFM. 82 Squadron
Harold Bareham was commonly called Jack to his family and friends but "Bish" to his R.A.F. friends at Watton, he was my Father.He joined the R.A.F. as an apprentice in 1930 and was a Navigator for the Earl of Bandon, with 82 Squadron serving out of R.A.F. Watton at outbreak of WWII in 1939. Having survived the heaviest losses where twice the whole squadron was lost. Once he had to turn back because of fuel guage problems and the second time he made it back having the whole perspex front blown off and all maps and charts lost. He left 82 Squadron in July 1940 being one of only 3 crew remaining who were there on 3rd September 1939. He was awarded the DFM for two citations earned at R.A.F. Watton as a Sergent Navigator.
Subsequently in 1941 Jack converted to Pilot and got his Wings having done a quick conversion on of all aircraft, The Blenheim! He then went on to fly Mosquitoes on the Ball-Bearing businessman run up to Scandinavia. Then in 1941 he volunteered to go back onto Ops and was transferred to Squadron 162 flying Hampdens.
He was shot down over Rotterdam in January 1942 after losing his tail and rear-gunner to flack! Ordering a bailout, the Naviator ended up in the sea and was drowned, the second pilot landed on the beach and Jack hit a house the town and slid down the snow on the rooftop and ended up in a snow drift. His war was over.
He spent 3.5 years in Stalag III and was a digger of the tunels in the Great Escape. Whilst he suffered 2 cave-ins during this process, he was numbered in the 200 due to escape, I believe number 143 or 147? After the cave-ins he was put in charge of "Soil distribution in the gardens" and a keen horticulturalist, the internees grew much produce under his stewardship!
He was instrumental in getting the first operational radio set operational in the camp and was responsible for semaphoring the "News from London" to the American Camp next door. Later they used an unscrewable cricket ball which he threw to a Mr Cody from California, as he had arrived at Stalag III at roughly the same time and they had made friends.
Jack spent time in the camp building a clock out of gramophone needles and cocoa tins! It took 18 months to build and kept better time than officer's Rolexes which they ordered and had delivered from Swizerland! The movement took 8 hours to wind down, and was wound up at lights out at 10pm and rewound before stopping at Revallie!
The weights were coffee tins and the pendulum a potato! It kept time within a minute every 3 weeks. it struck every hour on a bell from a pushbike! designed and built from tins and needles. The balanstaf was made from half a razorblade. On its first performance on Christmas Day 1943, the apparatus was suspended between two tables and it made its first continuous "tick-tock" to raputuous applause and thumping on the tabletop! Whereupon the whole thing colapsed into a heap of pieces and another 2 weeks work to reassemble for it to chime in the New Year on January 1st 1944.
When leaving the camp on the forced march in Febuary 1945, Jack was asked if he was taking his clock? He said to friends and collegues that a tin of Bully Beef was worth more to carry than an old clock! So it was wound up for the last time. Everyone in Jack's hut checked their Rolexes (If they had them) Saluted the clock and closed the door behind them. It was left for the Russians who liberated the camp to make of it as they would!?
Jack decided on the forced march, that whilst others might take tins of food with them from Red Cross Parcels, Jack would take little food but many tins of coffee and cigarettes with which he could trade for food and which were light on the sledge. It was February 1945 and the snow was thick on the ground. Carrying too much weight was a problem. Warm clothes were a must and Jack made a sledge from the back of a chair (as depicted in his painting) which was towed behind them. This Jack stacked high with coffee and cigarettes as useful currency at the time.
When arriving at a chateau from where they were liberated, a truck overtook them on the approach road to the castle, loaded with swedes. One fell off the back of the truck and was snapped up by a POW. That fellow POW was billetted with Jack and shared bunk beds, Jack on top. This POW shared the raw swede with Jack and both agreed it was the best food ever. That fellow POW who pocketed the swede that fell off the back of the lorry, was no other than Anthony Barber, the now Late Sir Anthony Barber, who became the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the 1970s.
After the war, Jack trained on Spitfires and then Vampires and Meteors, serving in UK and Germany. He rose to rank of Squadron Leader before retiring from the R.A.F. in 1953. He then joined B.O.A.C. in 1954, now British Airways as a Pilot Instructor. Firstly on Link Traniners, then Boeing 707 436s, then V.C.10s then back to Boeing 707 336s until his retirement in 1979 after 24 years service.
He died on 15th May 1992 aged 78 years, leaving a wife, a son, two daughters and three grandchildren.
I enclose a picture of the three surviving crew from one of the missions that suffered the worst mission casualty record of any R.A.F. Squadron during WWII having lost the whole squadron nearly twice over, and Jack's crew being the only crew to survive from beginning of WWII to July 1940.
I am in the process of putting together all documentation and his first hand recollections as well as stories he told both to my late mother and myself, regarding his life's work. I will make available a copy for anyone who wants it for historical research purposes only and not for commercial gain whatsoever!
There is much more than written here. However, in the late 1980s and 90s there was a museum set up at R.A.F. Watton to which my father contributed a substantial amount of memorabelia and photographs. The Museum closed in 1997/8 and since then I've not been able to trace the whereabouts of all the contents of the Museum. I believe a Mr Julian someone or other was running it, but what happened to him or the contents of the Museum including R.A.F. Watton's Role of Honour Wall-board, where my father's name and his D.F.M. are recorded, remains a mystery!!
Julien Bareham
Flt.Lt. Norman Mandelson 162 Squadron (d.9th Nov 1945)
Flight Lieutenant (Pilot) Norman Mandelson was the son of Samuel and Rose Mandelson, of Mold, Flintshire. He was 26 when he died and is buried in the Marsa Jewish Cemeterty in Malta.S Flynn
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