- No. 635 Squadron Royal Air Force during the Second World War -
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No. 635 Squadron Royal Air Force
No. 635 Squadron was formed on the 20th March 1944 from B Flight of No 35 Squadron and C Flight of No 97 Squadron. The aircraft they flew were: Lancaster MkI, MkIII and Mk VI and operational trials of Lancaster Mk VI. The Squadron was disbanded 1st September 1945 Airfields at which No. 635 Squadron were based:
- Downham Market. 20th March 1944 to 1st September 1945
22nd May 1944 635 Squadron Lancaster lost
20th March 1944 Flight transferred to new squadron
30th Mar 1944 Aircraft Lost
31st Mar 1944 635 Squadron Lancaster lost
4th Jun 1944 Lancaster Lost
27th Aug 1944 635 Squadron Lancaster lostIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Do you have a WW2 Flying Log Book in your possession?If so it would be a huge help if you could add logbook entries to our new database. Thank you.
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Those known to have served with
No. 635 Squadron Royal Air Force
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Bazalgette VC, DFC. Ian Willoughby. Sqd.Ldr. (d.4th August 1944)
- Beresford Douglas Harold. Sgt (d.5th June 1944)
- Boyland John. F/Lt.
- Campbell DFM. James Munro. Fl/Sgt.
- James DFC. Leslie Stuart. F/Lt.
- Jones John Hugh.
- Mansbridge . Capt. (d.20th April 1944)
- Newman DFC Cecil. W/O
- Pethard William. P/O (d.7th Jan 1945)
- Riches DFC & Bar Wilfred Cyril. Sqd.Ldr. (d.6th July 1944)
- Westhorp Ronald Kenneth. F/Lt.
- White MiD G D. Flight Sgt
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of No. 635 Squadron Royal Air Force from other sources.
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Want to know more about No. 635 Squadron Royal Air Force?
There are:2005 items tagged No. 635 Squadron Royal Air Force available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
F/Lt. John Boyland 635 (Pathfinder) Squadron
When the Second World War commenced, Jack Boyland joined the RAAF and served between 1942 and 1946. He was seconded as a Navigator to the 635 Pathfinder Force Squadron of the RAF, based at Downham Market in the UK, during 1944-45. Jack held the commissioned rank of Flying Officer and served as a Navigator - Observer. He wore the Observers Wing (badge). The Squadron was involved in the bombing of Germany.Bernard G. Boyland
Fl/Sgt. James Munro "Jock" Campbell DFM. 9 Squadron
James Campbell served with 9, 97, and 635 Squadrons of Bomber Command.Hamish Campbell
Sgt Douglas Harold Beresford Pathfinders 635 Squadron (d.5th June 1944)
Douglas Beresford was my Father whom I never knew. He was killed in June 1944 and I was born in December. My wish would be to speak to someone who knew him. I realise that the age group is small now but I run an Age UK club and we have 5 members who are over 90 so I am taking some encouragement from this. He was the Flight Engineer on Lancaster 111 ME621 F2-R and he was killed over Wizernes while attacking the V-2 site. His aircraft went down without traceJo
Capt. Mansbridge 635 Squadron (d.20th April 1944)
Since two years, I have been interested by the Railways Ottingies station bombing in Belgium on April 20th, 1944. I also find out the crash of the Lancaster III ND 826 F2-W with the crew of Captain Mansbridge. I succeeded to identify the crash location close to Ottignies : Bois des chauweres; we collected small aircraft fragments but not enough for a complete identification. That is why, I look for further information about the crash: Flak or nightfighter; how was the impact ?; description of the impact etc. I have contact with the niece of the pilot navigator Cruywys. Are there other family relatives of the crew members? Is it possible to collect "souvenirs" document about the crash announcement? The aim of this search is to implement a video film and to organize together with the town authorities a monument in honour of the crew pilot heroes. It is important to get fragments with real identification.Alain Libert
John Hugh Jones 635 Squadron
My Grandfather John Hugh Jones served in the RAF as an Armourer in 635 Squadron in 1944. My grandfather has just turned 90 in May of this year and I am looking for something really special as a gift for him, and dont honestly know where to start looking for a special plaque or print of Downham Market. I can get photographs of Lancasters etc but would like something a bit more personal if anyone has any ideas or can be of any help it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.Sarah Louise Bullock
W/O Cecil Newman DFC 50 Sqd.
My Uncle, Cecil Newman, was a rear gunner with 50 and 635 squadrons, he was decorated with the D.F.C. He survived the war but passed away several years ago whilst living in Marsden near South Shields. Any information and further contacts would be gratefully received.Vaughn Dearling
F/Lt. Leslie Stuart "Jimmy" James DFC. 635 Squadron.
My father, Flight Lieutenant Leslie S. James, was awarded the D.F.C on the 31st of October 1944. He has an excellent war record. As a Wireless Operator he became a Flight Lieutenant and he completed 66 operations from North Africa and England. Those in England being 33 with a Pathfinder crew on 635 Squadron.I am one of four children, me being the eldest daughter, and three brothers, who are all so very proud of his achievement, and who we will always miss. My mother's name was Vera and they had a very special lifetime together. So glad I have been able to add to this information.
Linda Korte
P/O William Pethard 635 Squadron (d.7th Jan 1945)
These are photos of the 635 Squadron crew of the Lancaster who were on Pathfinder duties and who collided with another Lancaster of 405 squadron on the 7th of January 1915. The crew is photographed in July 1944, and Pilot Officer Bill Pethard is in the single photo. He was the best friend of my Dad, William Robert Kenrick, also RAF Far EastJo Phleps
Sqd.Ldr. Wilfred Cyril Riches DFC & Bar 635 Squadron (d.6th July 1944)
My uncle Wilfred Riches served with the Pathfinders of 635 Squadron and was shot down during the raid on one of the 'doodlebug' sights in Northern France.Mrs.Gillian Lloyd
Flight Sgt G D White MiD navigator 635 squadron
Flight Sgt G D White is still alive and the father of my friend. He was "mentioned in a despatch for distinguished service", he cannot recall what for, would anybody have any idea. He trained in Canada in 1941, went to 76 squadron and then to 635 squadron as a navigator. Any help or pointers would be appericated.Neville Morrow
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