- Battle of France and The Low Countries 1940 during the Second World War -
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Battle of France and The Low Countries 1940
The Battle of France began on the 10th of May 1940 when the German forces invaded France and the Low Countries and began to push back the British Expeditionary Force which had spent the first months of the war quietly in France. The British were pushed back to the French coast with the loss of many troops and all equipment. Those remaining were evacuated from Dunkirk and the nearby beaches. The German forces reached Paris on the 14th of June 1940 and the agreement for the surrender of France was signed a few days later.
21st May 1940 In Defence
27th May 1940 Return
May 1940 Holding the Line
On the Somme Front, May 1940, A soldier of the 4th Battalion, Border Regiment stands by his requisitioned and well camouflaged lorry. © IWM (F 4542)
May 1940 Holding the Line
8th May 1940 Farmers
8th May 1940 Construction Work
9th May 1940 Alert
10th May 1940 Invasion of Low Countries announced
9th May 1940 Orders Issued
9th May 1940 Exercise
10th May 1940 Operation Luxembourg
10th May 1940 Reconnaissance
10th May 1940 Success in combat
10th May 1940 12 Squadron Battle lost
10th May 1940 Two 57 Squadron Blenheims lost
10th May 1940 Attack
10th May 1940 150 Squadron Battles lost
10th May 1940 105 Squadron Battle lost
10th May 1940 Into action
10th May 1940 Holland and Belgium invaded
10th May 1940 German invasion of Belgium
10th May 1940 Seven Aircraft Shot Down
May 1940 Enemy Engaged
10th May 1940 Invasion
10th May 1940 First bombing sortie
10th May 1940 Aircraft lost
10th May 1940 Move to Belgium
10th May 1940 On the Move
10th May 1940 Detachment
10th May 1940 Alerts
10th May 1940 To France
May 1940 On the March
1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers marching through Gavrelle near Arras. © IWM (O 159)
May 1940 On the March
10th May 1940 On the Move
Bren gun carriers of the 1st Battalion, Border Regiment move through Orchies near the Franco-Belgian border.
10th May 1940 On the Move
10th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
10th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
10th May 1940 Air Raids
10th May 1940 On the Move
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 On the Move
10th May 1940 Move
10th May 1940 Enemy Active
10th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Air Raid
10th May 1940 Air Raids
10th May 1940 Artillery
10th May 1940 On the Move
10th May 1940 Germany invades Holland
10th May 1940 Alert
10th May 1940 In Action
10th May 1940 German Advance
10th of May 1940 Photographic reconnaissance
10th May 1940 3rd Division H.Q. Operation Instruction No 11.
10th May 1940 Advance
10th May 1940 In Reserve
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Air Raid
10th May 1940 News
10th May 1940 Alert
10th May 1940 Destruction Planned
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Attack Expected
10th May 1940 Invasion
11th May 1940 Airfield bombed
11th May 1940 Airfield attacked
11 May 1940 218 Squadron Battle lost
11th May 1940 88 Squadron Battle lost
11th May 1940 18 Squadron Blenheim lost
11th May 1940 Crashed on landing
11th May 1940 On the Move
11th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
11th May 1940 Orders
11th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
11th May 1940 Ready
11th May 1940 Bombardment
11th May 1940 Bombers intercepted
11th May 1940 Parachute escape
11th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
11th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
11th May 1940 Bridges attacked
11th May 1940 Troop Movements
11th May 1940 On the Move
11th May 1940 Defence Work
11th May 1940 On the Move
11th May 1940 In Defence
11th May 1940 On the March
11th May 1940 114 Squadron put out of action
11th May 1940 Defence Work
11th May 1940 Move
11th May 1940 Orders
11th May 1940 Prepararations
11th May 1940 Line Established
11th May 1940 Recce
11th May 1940 Preparations
11th May 1940 On the Move
11th of May 1940 Reconnaissance duty
11th of May 1940 Strategic reconnaissance
11th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
11th May 1940 Bombardment
11th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
11th May 1940 Preparations
11th May 1940 Air Raid Warnings
12th May 1940 Sweep over the Netherlands
12th May 1940 150 Squadron Battle lost
12th May 1940 Seven 139 Squadron Blenheims lost
12th May 1940 18 Squadron Blenheim lost
12th May 1940 2 Battles of 103 Squadron lost
12th May 1940 Airfield bombed
12th May 1940 Losses on Bombing missions
12th May 1940 On the March
12th May 1940 Breaking Through
12th May 1940 Bombing Raid on Germany
12th May 1940 Parachutes
12th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
12th May 1940 Bridge Attack
12th May 1940 Quiet
12th May 1940 Preparations
12th May 1940 Stand By
12th May 1940 Bomber lost
12th May 1940 Move into Belgium- Rooborst
12th May 1940 Defence
12th May 1940 Holding the Line
12th May 1940 Defence Work
12th May 1940 Orders
12th May 1940 Parachutists
12th May 1940 In Defence
12th May 1940 On the Move
12th May 1940 Orders
12th May 1940 Petrol
12th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
12th May 1940 HQ Established
12th May 1940 Messages
12th May 1940 Orders
12th May 1940 In Position
12th May 1940 Recce
12th May 1940 First bomber raid on Germany
12th May 1940 Bridges Prepared
12th May 1940 3rd Division H.Q. Operation Order No.12.
12th May 1940 On the Move
12th May 1940 Defence
12th May 1940 On the Move
12th May 1940 On the Move
12th May 1940 Air Raids
12th May 1940 Attack Made
12th May 1940 Preparations
13th May 1940 Dogfight over Holland
13th May 1940 Aerodrome bombed
13th May 1940 On the March
13th May 1940 Captured
13th May 1940 Night Ops
13th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th May 1940 Three aircraft lost
13th May 1940 Three aircraft lost
13th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th May 1940 Enemy Active
13th May 1940 Bridges Demolished
13th May 1940 Guard
23rd May 1940 In Action
13th May 1940 St Antelinxe
13th May 1940 Transport
13th May 1940 Gaps
13th May 1940 Evacuation
13th May 1940 Contact
13th May 1940 In Defence
13th May 1940 Defence Work
13th May 1940 Transport
13th May 1940 In Defence
13th May 1940 Movement
13th May 1940 Recce
13th May 1940 Bombardment
13th May 1940 Orders
13th May 1940 Recce
13th May 1940 Rumours
13th May 1940 On the Move
13th May 1940 Detachment to France
13th May 1940 Air Raid
13th May 1940 Withdrawal
13th May 1940 Refugees
13th May 1940 Into Position
13th May 1940 Air Raid
13th May 1940 Demolition
13th May 1940 Preparations
13th May 1940 Order Received
14th May 1940 218 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 Six Blenheims lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft lost
14th May 1940 21 Squadron Belnheim lost
14th May 1940 Fairey Battle lost
14th May 1940 218 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 218 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 226 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 226 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 226 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 12 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 88 Squadron Battle lost
14th May 1940 Holding the Line
14th May 1940 Invasion Plans
14th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th May 1940 Operation Sedan
14th May 1940 Aircraft lost
14th May 1940 Three aircraft lost
14th May 1940 Enemy Active
14th May 1940 Under Fire
14th May 1940 Move
14th May 1940 Fighters shot down
14th May 1940 Aircraft lost
14th May 1940 Overwhelming losses
14th May 1940 Four Battles lost
14th May 1940 Four Blenheims lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th May 1940 Progress to Brussels via Alost
14th May 1940 Contact
14th May 1940 Bridges Blown
14th May 1940
14th May 1940 Exchange of Fire
14th May 1940 Defences
14th May 1940 Patrols
14th May 1940 Shelling
14th May 1940 Orders
14th May 1940 In Action
14th May 1940 On the Move
14th May 1940 Contact
14th May 1940 In Action
14th of May 1940 Orders
14th May 1940 Three Aircraft lost by 103 Squadron
14th May 1940 Seven Fairey Battles lost
14th May 1940 Shelling
14th May 1940 In Action
14th May 1940 On the Move
14th May 1940 On the Move
14th May 1940 Four Battles of 150 Squadron lost
15th May 1940 Nght ops
15th May 1940 Moved back
15th May 1940 German troops attacked
15th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
15th May 1940 On the Move
15th May 1940 Reconnaissance
15th May 1940 On the move
15th May 1940 Aircraft lost
15th May 1940 Pilots safe
15th May 1940 Orders
15th May 1940 On the Move
15th May 1940 Defence
15th May 1940 Patrols
15th May 1940 Shelling
15th May 1940 In Action
15th May 1940 Orders
15th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
15th May 1940 Enemy Breaks Through
15th May 1940 Orders
15th May 1940 In action
15th May 1940 Civilians
15th May 1940 Orders
15th May 1940 In Action
15th May 1940 Tanks Arrive
15th May 1940 In Action
15th May 1940 In Action
15th May 1940 Digging in
15th May 1940 Aircraft Downed
15th May 1940 Civilians Evacuated
15th May 1940 On the Move
15th of May 1940 Enemy Advance
15th May 1940 Air Attack
15th May 1940 In Defence
15th May 1940 On the Move
15th May 1940 Recce
15th May 1940 Recce
15th May 1940 Local Defence Planned
16th May 1940 18 Squadron Blenheim lost
16th May 1940 Last action by 139 Squadron in France
16th May 1940 226 Squadron Battle lost
16th May 1940 On the Move: aircraft abandoned
16th May 1940 Detachment to Strike Force
16th May 1940 On the Move
16th May 1940 Shot down
16th May 1940 Squadron Leader killed
16th May 1940 On the Move
16th May 1940 Relocated
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Defence
16th May 1940 Mission to Paris
16th May 1940 Defence
16th May 1940 On the March
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
16th May 1940 Orders
16th May 1940 Defence of France
16th May 1940 Reliefs
16th May 1940 Fighting Wthdrawal
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 On the Move
16th May 1940 In Flames
16th May 1940 On the Move
16th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Orders
16th May 1940 More Hurricanes sent to France
16th of May 1940 Bombing standby
16th of May 1940 Anti-Aircraft fire
16th of May 1940 Bombing detail
16th of May 1940 Ant-Aircraft fire
16th May 1940 Defence
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Defences
16th of May 1940 Orders Recieved
16th May 1940 On the Move
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 New Positions
16th May 1940 Positions
16th May 1940 Defences
16th May 1940 Vehicles
16th May 1940 Defences
16th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 In Action
17th May 1940 Moving Back
17th May 1940 Defences Prepared
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 Lysander lost in France
17th May 1940 Aircraft damaged
17th May 1940 Airfield bombed
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 PoW
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 On the March
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 Bridges
17th May 1940 Orders
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 Enemy Breaks Through
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 In Action
17th May 1940 Refugees
17th May 1940 On the March
17th May 1940 Congested Roads
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 Croix de Guerre awarded
17th of May 1940 Standby
17th of May 1940 Bombing detail
17th May 1940 Defence
17th May 1940 Sortie to France
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 Orders
17th May 1940 In Position
17th May 1940 Orders
17th May 1940 Bridges
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 New Positions
17th May 1940 Defensive Positions
17th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 Exchange of Fire
17th May 1940 Under Fire
18th May 1940 Hurricane pilots killed in France
18th May 1940 A New Line
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Four aircraft destroyed
18th May 1940 Bomber mission
18th May 1940 Aircraft lost
18th May 1940 Aircraft lost
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Withdrawal
18th May 1940 Enemy Active
18th May 1940 In Defence
18th May 1940 Orders
18th May 1940 Consolidation
18th May 1940 Under Attack
18th May 1940 Patrols
18th May 1940 In Defence
18th May 1940 Aircraft Active
18th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Enemy Penetrate
18th May 1940 Withdrawal
18th May 1940 Covering Approaches
18th May 1940 Digging gun positions
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Into Action
18th of May 1940 Poix & Amiens bombed
18th of May 1940 Aircraft lost
18th of May 1940 Move
18th May 1940 Withdrawal
18th May 1940 Battle of France
18th May 1940 Heavy Fighting
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 In Position
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Defence Works
18th of May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Good Positions
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Defensive Positions
18th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Under Fire
18th May 1940 Aircraft lost
19th May 1940 Three aircraft of 142 Squadron lost
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Sweeps oiver the Low Countries
19th May 1940 Moved back to Britain
19th May 1940 Operation Order No. 5
19th May 1940 A New Line
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Evacuation
19th May 1940 On the Move
19th May 1940 Retreat
19th May 1940 Lost on reconnaissance
19th May 1940 Bridge Crossed
19th May 1940 Bombers lost
19th May 1940 Aircraft damaged
19th May 1940 Two aircraft lost
19th May 1940 On the Move
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 In Defence
19th May 1940 Bombers brought down
19th May 1940 Retreat to Britain
19th May 1940 Two 150 Squadron Aircraft Lost
19th May 1940 Missing
19th May 1940 Relief crew
19th May 1940 In Defence
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Bombing
19th May 1940 In Defence
19th May 1940 Air Raids
19th May 1940 Moves
19th May 1940 Recce
19th May 1940 New tactics
19th May 1940 Hurricanes lost
19th May 1940 Orders
19th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
19th May 1940 On the Move
19th May 1940 On the Move
19th May 1940 Recce
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Instructions No. 1
19th May 1940 Code Names Operation Order No. 5
19th May 1940 Air Raids
19th May 1940 New Positions
19th May 1940 Coy arrived Forges-les-Eaux
19th of May 1940 On the Move
19th May 1940 Defense of the West Bank
19th May 1940 Combat
19th of May 1940 Evacuation of Airfield
19th of May 1940 Reconnaissance duty
19th of May 1940 Strategic reconnaissance
19th May 1940 Missing Pilot turned up
19th May 1940 Retreat
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Guns Damaged
19th May 1940 Bridges
19th of May 1940 Defences
19th May 1940 Company rejoins
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Planning
19th May 1940 Defensive Positions
19th May 1940 Bridge Protected
19th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 In Support
20th May 1940 Return to Britain
20th May 1940 March Table Movement Order No. 1
20th May 1940 Digging In
20th May 1940 Defensive Positions
20th May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 Forced landing
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 Evacuation
20th May 1940 Withdrawal from France
20th May 1940 Five ground crew killed in explosion
20th May 1940 Three aircraft lost
20th May 1940 Died of wounds
20th May 1940 Under Shellfire
20th May 1940 Demolition
20th May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 Withdrawal
20th May 1940 Retirement
20th May 1940 In Defence
20th May 1940 Under Shellfire
20th May 1940 In Defence
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
20th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
20th May 1940 Air Raids
20th May 1940 No Withdrawal
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
20th May 1940 Orders
20th May 1940 Movement Order No. 1
20th May 1940 Message to YINA
20th May 1940 Road Blocks
20th May 1940 Preparations of bridges for demolition
20th May 1940 Orders
20th of May 1940 Reports
20th May 1940 Exodus from St. Maur
20th May 1940 Withdraw to Britain
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th of May 1940 Escape to England
20th of May 1940 Take cover
20th of May 1940 Long road to Cherbourg
20th of May 1940 Cherbourg or bust!
20th May 1940 Contact
20th May 1940 Shelling
20th May 1940 Retreat
20th May 1940 Supplies
20th May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 Reorganisation
20th May 1940 Bridges
20th of May 1940 Orders
20th May 1940 On the March
20th May 1940 Under Pressure
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 Position Strengthened
21st May 1940 226 Squadron Battle lost
21st May 1940 Aircraft Lost
21st May 1940 Aircraft Lost
21st May 1940 Under Fire
21st May 1940 Stuka attack
21st May 1940 Commander's Assistant Killed
21st May 1940 Ship Sunk
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 Lysander lost
21st May 1940 In Action
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 In Defence
21st May 1940 Aircraft lost
21st May 1940 Counter Attacks
21st May 1940 Supplies
21st May 1940 Air Raid
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 In Defence
21st May 1940 In Defence
21st May 1940 Shelling
21st May 1940 Bomber lost
21st May 1940 First night operation
21st May 1940 In Action
21st May 1940 Composite Squadron abandoned
21st May 1940 Move
21st May 1940 Shot down over Belgium
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Supplies
21st May 1940 Hard Fighting
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Air Attacks
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Shelling
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Intelligence
21st May 1940 Message
21st May 1940 Battle of Arras
21st May 1940 Digging in
21st May 1940 In Action
21st May 1940 Heavy Shelling
21st May 1940 Railway bridge blown, all demolition preparations complete, men killed and wounded
21st of May 1940 Road Blocks
21st May 1940 Counter Attack
21st of May 1940 Rest
21st of May 1940 Strategic reconnaissance
21st May 1940 Battle of France
21st May 1940 Enemy Advance
21st May 1940 In Action
21st May 1940 In Defence
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 Defensive Positions
21st May 1940 On the March
21st May 1940 Withdrawal
21st May 1940 Planning
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Shelling
21st May 1940 Guns Move
21st May 1940 Counter Attack
22nd May 1940 Friendly Fire
22nd May 1940 110 Squadron Blenheims lost
22nd May 1940 Foul weather disrupts attacks
22nd May 1940 Blenheim ditched
22nd May 1940 Flight to the west
22nd May 1940 In Support
22nd May 1940 Withdrawal
22nd May 1940 Aircraft Lost
22nd May 1940 On the Move
22nd May 1940 Supplies
22nd May 1940 Aircraft lost
22nd May 1940 Withdrawal
22nd May 1940 Recce
22nd May 1940 Shot down
22nd May 1940 Recalled to England
22nd May 1940 On the March
22nd May 1940 Shelling
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Stragglers
22nd May 1940 Threat
22 May 1940 Shot down over France
22nd May 1940 Counter Attack
22nd May 1940 Under Fire
22nd May 1940 Tanks attacked
22nd May 1940 Shelling
22nd May 1940 Bombing
22nd May 1940 Two Wellingtons lost
22nd May 1940 Ammunition in Short Supply
22nd May 1940 Under Pressure
22nd May 1940 On the Move
22nd May 1940 On the Move
22nd May 1940 In Position
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Heavy Shelling
22nd May 1940 Recce
22nd May 1940 Proceed to Houppeville
22nd of May 1940 Message
22nd May 1940 A Methodical Bombardment
22nd May 1940 Attack
22nd of May 1940 Reconnaissance and reorganisation
22nd of May 1940 Escape to England
22nd of May 1940 Tactical reconnaissance
22nd May 1940 3rd Division H.Q. Operation Order No.16.
22nd May 1940 Enemy Activity
22nd May 1940 Back to England
22nd May 1940 Three sorties over France
22nd May 1940 Withdrawal
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Defences
22nd May 1940 Attacks
22nd May 1940 German Advance
22nd May 1940 Bridge Blown
22nd May 1940 Recce
22nd May 1940 In Billets
22nd May 1940 Attacks Repulsed
22nd May 1940 Defensive Positions
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Orders Issued
22nd May 1940 River Crossings
22nd May 1940 Enemy Advance
22nd May 1940 Heavy Shelling
23rd May 1940 40 Squadron Blenheim lost
23rd May 1940 88 Squadron Battle lost
23rd May 1940 Aircraft Lost
23rd May 1940 On the March
23rd May 1940 Rescue
23rd May 1940 In Defence
23rd May 1940 On the Move
23rd May 1940 Aircraft lost
23rd May 1940 Navigation error
23rd May 1940 On the Move
23rd May 1940 In Action
23rd May 1940 Defence Work
23rd May 1940 In Defence
23rd May 1940 Crash
23rd May 1940 Recalled to Britain
23rd May 1940 Village taken
23rd May 1940 Attack in France
23rd May 1940 Withdrawal
23rd May 1940 Air Raid
23rd May 1940 Defence Work
23rd May 1940 On the Move
23rd May 1940 In Reserve
23rd May 1940 Hold at All Costs
23rd May 1940 On the March
23rd May 1940 Aircraft lost: crews safe
23rd May 1940 Enemy Advance
23rd May 1940 In Defence
23rd May 1940 Trains Arrive
23rd May 1940 Surrounded
23rd May 1940 Orders
23rd May 1940 On the Move
23rd May 1940 Withdrawal
23rd May 1940 New Positions
23rd May 1940 Holding the Line
23rd May 1940 New Positions
23rd May 1940 Orders
23rd May 1940 In Action
23rd May 1940 Bridges Morville blown
23rd of May 1940 Withdrawal
23rd May 1940 Withdrawn from the Escaut
23rd of May 1940 Return to England
23rd May 1940 Patrols
23rd May 1940 Civilian supply aircraft crashed
23rd May 1940 Train
23rd May 1940 Enemy Advance
23rd May 1940 New Positions
23rd May 1940 Attack
23rd May 1940 Advance
23rd May 1940 Attacks
23rd May 1940 Under Fire
23rd May 1940 Moves
23rd May 1940 Withdrawal
23rd May 1940 Shortening the Front
23rd May 1940 In Action
23rd May 1940 On the Move
23rd May 1940 Bridge Blown
23rd May 1940 Enemy Advance
23rd May 1940 Orders
23rd May 1940 Withdrawal
24th May 1940 Platoon Under Fire
24th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
24th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
24th May 1940 Bombardment
24th May 1940 In Action
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 In Defence
24th May 1940 In Action
24th May 1940 Shot down
24th May 1940 In Action
24th May 1940 Defence Work
24th May 1940 Orders
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 On the March
24th May 1940 In Billets
24th May 1940 Congested Roads
24th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
24th May 1940 Hard Fighting
24th May 1940 Short Rations
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 Transport
24th May 1940 In Action
24th May 1940 Attack Made
24th May 1940 In Action
24th May 1940 Bridges Pont de Leon blown
24th of May 1940 Situation
24th May 1940 Night bombing success
24th May 1940 Gather the Butchers
24th of May 1940 Reconnaissance and convoy
24th of May 1940 Aircraft lost
24th of May 1940 Aircraft badly damaged
24th May 1940 Bombardment
24th May 1940 Ammunition Low
24th May 1940 In Positions
24th May 1940 In Defence
24th May 1940 Moves
24th May 1940 Rear Guard
24th May 1940 Hide
24th May 1940 Air Raids
24th May 1940 Orders
24th May 1940 In Defence
24th May 1940 Last Stand
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 Withdrawal
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 Revised Orders
25th May 1940 15 Squadron Blenheim lost
25th May 1940 21 Squadron Blenheim lost
25th May 1940 40 Squadron Blenheim lost
25th May 1940 Bomber lost
25th May 1940 Dunkirk
25th May 1940 Quiet Day
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 Bombardment
25th May 1940 In Action
25th May 1940 In Position
25th May 1940 Shot down
25th May 1940 Anti-aircraft fire
25th May 1940 Air Raids
25th May 1940 Anti-Tank Guns
25th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
25th May 1940 Situation Unclear
25th May 1940 HQ Established
25th May 1940 Rescue
25th May 1940 Retired for repairs
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Air Raid
25th May 1940 Reliefs
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 In Defence
25th May 1940 On the March
25th May 1940 Holding the Line
25th May 1940 Shot down and walked back
25th May 1940 Evacuations
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Line Held
25th May 1940 Prisoners Taken
25th May 1940 Cellars
25th May 1940 Congestion
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 In Action
25th May 1940 Reorganisation
25th May 1940 Shellfire
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 Flank Exposed
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
25th May 1940 Sections detailed for road blocking
25th of May 1940 Patrol
25th May 1940 Parachute Flares
25th of May 1940 Standby & transfer
25th of May 1940 Reconnaissance duty
25th May 1940 Mid-air collision
25th May 1940 In Action
25th May 1940 In Positions
25th May 1940 Reliefs
25th May 1940 Air Raid
25th May 1940 Rear Guard
25th May 1940 Positions Held
25th May 1940 Under Fire
25th May 1940 Marking the Occasion
25th May 1940 Conference
25th May 1940 Defence
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 Last Stand
25th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 In the Line
25th May 1940 Accident
25th May 1940 Defences
25th May 1940 Enemy Sighted
26th May 1940 Pilot lost
26th May 1940 88 Squadron Battle lost
26th May 1940 Road Blocks 2nd Battalion, Royal Norfolk Regiment were holding Le Paradis, Le-Cornet Malo and Riez-du-Vinage in an attempt to block the enemy's road to Dunkirk.
26th May 1940 Road Blocks
26th May 1940 In action over Dunkirk
26th May 1940 Quiet Day
26th May 1940 Attack Made
26th May 1940 Operation Dynamo Begins
26th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
26th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
26th May 1940 Protection Duty
26th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
26th May 1940 Another Move
26th May 1940 Friendly fire incident
26th May 1940 Hurricane lost
26th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 In Action
26th May 1940 Recce
26th May 1940 Surrounded
26th May 1940 Pilot killed
26th May 1940 Lufwaffe HQ bombed
26th May 1940 Patrols over Belgium
26th May 1940 Shelling
26th May 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 Moves
26th May 1940 On the March
26th May 1940 Holding the Line
26th May 1940 Escape
26th May 1940 Under Pressure
26th May 1940 In Defence
26th May 1940 Line Held
26th May 1940 Line Held
26th May 1940 Field Ambulances Move
26th May 1940 Bombing
26th May 1940 In Defence
26th May 1940 In Defence
26th May 1940 New Positions
26th May 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
26th May 1940 In Action
26th May 1940 In Action
26th May 1940 Escape corridor
26th May 1940 Quiet
26th May 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 20 ORs to clear debris
26st may 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 Recce
26th of May 1940 Patrols
26th May 1940 Position Modifications
26th May 1940 Shot down over Germany
26th May 1940 Air Raid
26th of May 1940 Aircraft badly damaged
26th of May 1940 Aircraft badly damaged
26th of May 1940 Aircraft hit....Bail out!!
26th May 1940 Quiet
25th May 1940 Rations
26th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 Ammunition Low
26th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
26th May 1940 Move
26th May 1940 Rear Guard
26th May 1940 Counter Attacks
26th May 1940 Disguised as French
26th May 1940 Counter Attacks
26th May 1940 In Action
26th May 1940 Situation Serious
26th May 1940 Into Positions
26th May 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 Overwhelmed
26th May 1940 Ground Strongly Held
26th May 1940 Positions Improved
26th May 1940 Reliefs
26th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
27th May 1940 Two Blenheims lost
27th May 1940 110 Squadron Blenheim lost
27th May 1940 Withdrawal
27th May 1940 Observation
27th May 1940 Massacre
27th May 1940 Troops Evacuated
27th May 1940 Under Attack
27th May 1940 Under Attack
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 First Troops Rescued
27th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
27th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
27th May 1940 Air cover
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 On the Move
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 In Defence
27th May 1940 Enemy Active
27th May 1940 Rescue
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 In Reserve
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Casualties
27th May 1940 Orders
27th May 1940 On the Move
27th May 1940 On the March
27th May 1940 Hard Fighting
27th May 1940 Under Pressure
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Orders
27th May 1940 Orders
27th May 1940 Defensive Positions
27th May 1940 Air Attacks
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Under Attack
27th May 1940 Hard Fighting
27th May 1940 Evacuation
27th May 1940 Driven Back
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
27th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Advance
27th May 1940 Completion of debris clearing
27th May 1940 Withdrawal
27th May 1940 Orders
27th May 1940 On the Move
27th of May 1940 Withdrawal
27th May 1940 Attacks and Counter Attacks
27th of May 1940 Reconnaissance duty
27th of May 1940 Tactical reconnaissance
27th May 1940 Patrols
27th May 1940 New Line Occupied
27th May 1940 On the March
27th May 1940 Salvage
27th May 1940 Withdrawal
27th May 1940 Confusion
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Heavy Fighting
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 On the Move
27th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
27th May 1940 Withdrawal
27th May 1940 Withdrawal
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Holding the Line
27th May 1940 In Action
27th May 1940 Sniper
27th May 1940 Defensive Positions
27th May 1940 In Action
28th May 1940 Pilot lost
28th May 1940 Bomber lost
28th May 1940 On the March
28th May 1940 Patrols
28th May 1940 Dunkirk
28th May 1940 Memorial Defended
28th May 1940 Troops Evacuated
28th May 1940 Consolidation
28th May 1940 In Action
28th May 1940 Ships Lost
12th Jun 1940 Massacre
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Holding Fast
28th May 1940 Aircraft lost
28th May 1940 Orders to Withdraw
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 In Defence
28th May 1940 Aircraft Lost but pilot returned from Dunkirk
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Crashed
28th May 1940 Troops on Board
28th May 1940 In Action
28th May 1940 Move
28th May 1940 On the March
28th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 Move
28th May 1940 Orders
28th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
28th May 1940 Enemy Advance
28th May 1940 Air Attacks
28th May 1940 Transport
28th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
28th May 1940 Air Attacks
28th May 1940 Poor Conditions
28th May 1940 Rear Guard Action
28th May 1940 Equipment
28th May 1940 Operations
28th May 1940 In Action
28th May 1940 In Action
28th May 1940 Under Fire
28th May 1940 Under Fire
28th May 1940 Orders
28th May 1940 1 NCO and 6 ORs sent to Coy HQ
28th May 1940 HQ Moves
28th of May 1940 Further withdrawal
28th May 1940 Visit by Air Chiefs
28th May 1940 Adjusting Dispositions
28th May 1940 Orders
28th of May 1940 Epic convoy
28th of May 1940 Aircraft lost
28th of May 1940 Aircraft lost and casualties
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
28th May 1940 Air Raids
28th May 1940 Salvage
28th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Prisoners
28th May 1940 In Defence
28th May 1940 Orders
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Rear Guard
28th May 1940 Under Attack
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Orders
28th May 1940 In Action
28th May 1940 Guns Lost
28th May 1940 Rumours
28th May 1940 Tanks Lost
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
28th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
29th May 1940 Relocated
29th May 1940 Crash landing
29th May 1940 Evacuation from France
29th May 1940 Confusion
29th May 1940 Orders to Withdraw
29th May 1940 In Support
29th May 1940 Orders to Withdraw
29th May 1940 Town Captured
29th May 1940 Wounded Evacuated
29th May 1940 Crossing the Channel
29th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
29th May 1940 On the Beach
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Three pilots lost
29th May 1940 Reorganisation
29th May 1940 Evacuation
29th May 1940 Embarkation
29th May 1940 Under Attack
29th May 1940 Airmen killed
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Shelling
29th May 1940 Destruction
29th May 1940 On the March
29th May 1940 Orders
29th May 1940 Shelling
29th May 1940 Defences
29th May 1940 Vehicles Destroyed
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Shelling
29th May 1940 Air Raids
29th May 1940 Evacuation
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Orders
29th May 1940 Surrounded
29th May 1940 Roadblocking continuing, lumber shortage
29th May 1940 Situation unchanged
29th of May 1940 Withdrawal and heavy casualties
29th May 1940 Confusion
29th May 1940 Under Fire
29th of May 1940 Aircraft lost
29th of May 1940 Dunkirk burning
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 On the Beaches
29th May 1940 Air Raids
29th May 1940 In Defence
29th May 1940 Evacuation
29th May 1940 Evacuation
29th May 1940 In Action
29th May 1940 On the Move
29th May 1940 Evacuation
29th May 1940 On the March
29th May 1940 Rear Guard
29th May 1940 Positions Held
29th May 1940 Reorganisation
29th May 1940 White Flags
29th May 1940 Reorganisation
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
29th May 1940 Breakthrough
30th May 1940 Holding the Bridges
30th May 1940 Casualties
30th May 1940 Troops Evacuated
30th May 1940 Evacuation
30th May 1940 Evacuation
30th May 1940 Aircraft Lost
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Enemy Advance
30th May 1940 On the Beach
30th May 1940 On the Beach
30th May 1940 On the Beach
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Shelling
30th May 1940 In Action
30th May 1940 Bombardment
30th May 1940 Out of fuel
30th May 1940 On the Beach
30th May 1940 Evacuation
30th May 1940 On the March
30th May 1940 Rear Guard
30th May 1940 Defences
30th May 1940 Delays
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Perimeter Defence
30th May 1940 In Defence
30th May 1940 Evacuation
30th May 1940 Supply of lengths to Road Blocks
30th May 1940 Moves
30th of May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Slit Trenches
30th of May 1940 Fog
30th May 1940 Policy
30th May 1940 On the Beaches
30th May 1940 Air Raids
30th May 1940 Evacuation
30th May 1940 In Action
30th May 1940 Rear Guard
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Reduced Strength
30th May 1940 Pier Constructed
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Machine Guns
30th May 1940 Shelling
30th May 1940 Accident
30th May 1940 Defensive Perimeter
30th May 1940 On the Move
31st May 1940 Return to Tangmere
31st May 1940 Under Fire
31st May 1940 In Action
31st May 1940 Evacuation
31st May 1940 Troops Evacuated
31st May 1940 Back to Britain
31st May 1940 Withdrawal
31st May 1940 Two aircraft lost
31st May 1940 Aircraft lost
31st May 1940 Under Fire
31st May 1940 In the Dunes
31st May 1940 Evacuation
31st May 1940 Evacuation
31st May 1940 On the Beach
31st May 190 Construction Work
31st May 1940 Excellent Organisation
31st May 1940 Action over Belgium
31st May 1940 Withdrawal
31st May 1940 Shelling
31st May 1940 Radio Broadcast
31st May 1940 Improvisation
31st May 1940 Evacuation
31st May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
31st May 1940 Heavy Shelling
31st May 1940 Embarkation
31st May 1940 Embarkation
31st May 1940 Evacuation
31st May 1940 Under Fire
31st May 1940 Heavy Fighting
31st May 1940 Change of Role
31st May 1940 Orders
31st of May 1940 Withdrawal
31st May 1940 Embarkation
31st of May 1940 Movements
31st May 1940 Air Attacks
31st May 1940 Small Boats
31st May 1940 Guns Destroyed
31st May 1940 Orders
31st May 1940 Withdrawal
31st May 1940 Guns Firing
31st May 1940 In Action
1st June 1940 Dunkirk
1st June 1940 First Spitfire 'Ace'
1st Jun 1940 Withdrawal
1st Jun 1940 Troops Evacuated
1st Jun 1940 In Action
1st June 1940 Aircraft lost
1st Jun 1940 On the Move
1st June 1940 Aircraft lost
1st Jun 1940 Shelling
1st Jun 1940 Evacuation
1st Jun 1940 Evacuation
1st Jun 1940 Withdrawal
1st Jun 1940 Embarkation
1st Jun 1940 Evacuation
1st June 1940 Pilot lost
1st Jun 1940 On the Beaches
1st Jun 1940 Under Fire
1st Jun 1940 On the Move
1st Jun 1940 Bridges
1st Jun 1940 Instructions for Last Stand
1st June 1940 Reorganisation
1st June 1940 Road Blocks and Bridges
1st June 1940 Orders
1st of June 1940 On the Move
1st June 1940 Uneventful ops
1st Jun 1940 Heavy Shelling
1st Jun 1940 Heroic Efforts
1st Jun 1940 On the Move
2nd Jun 1940 Aircrews have lucky escapes
2nd Jun 1940 Withdrawal
2nd Jun 1940 Bombed
2nd Jun 1940 On the Move
2nd Jun 1940 On the Beach
2nd June 1940 Spitfire shot down
2nd June 1940 Dunkirk
2nd Jun 1940 Home
2nd June 1940 Big Wing
2nd Jun 1940 Evacuation
2nd June 1940 Road Blocks
2nd June 1940 Code word ‘Adolf’
2nd June 1940 At Dunkirk.
2nd June 1940 Essential equipment destroyed
2nd June 1940 Air Raids
2nd Jun 1940 Magnificent Work
2nd Jun 1940 On the Move
3rd Jun 1940 Operation Completed
3rd Jun 1940 Rescues
3rd Jun 1940 Home
3rd Jun 1940 Evacuation
3rd Jun 1940 Training
3rd June 1940 Sections move out to new line of work
3rd June 1940 C.E. North, Ref. No. S/2
3rd June 1940 Pilot killed
3rd June 1940 Moved back
3rd Jun 1940 Instructions
4th Jun 1940 Attack Made
4th June 1940 Change of Role
4th June 1940 Appendix II – Technical Instruction No. 1
4th June 1940 Technical Instruction
4th June 1940 Minefields
4th Jun 1940 Quiet
5th June 1940 Two Hurricanes destroyed
5th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
5th Jun 1940 Counter Attack
5th Jun 1940 The Chateau Walls
5th Jun 1940 Rescues
5th Jun 1940 Offensive
5th June 1940 Code Word received
5th June 1940 Administrative Instruction
5th Jun 1940 Air Raid
6th Jun 1940 40 Squadron Blenheim lost
6th Jun 1940 40 Squadron Blenheim lost
6th Jun 1940 40 Squadron Blenheim lost
6th June 1940 Reinforcements sent to France
6th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
6th June 1940 Blenheim lost
6th June 1940 Safe behind British lines
6th June 1940 3100 mines placed and fused
6th June 1940 Successful raid
6th June 1940 Force-landed in France
6th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
6th Jun 1940 Conference
7th June 1940 12 Squadron Battle lost
7th June 1940 Ground attack
7th June 1940 Bomber lost
7th June 1940 Attacked by fighters
7th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
7th June 1940 Accident
7th Jun 1940 On the Move
7th June 1940 Defence works continuing
7th June 1940 Lone bomber
7th June 1940 Inconclusive combat over France
7th Jun 1940 Enemy Movement
7th Jun 1940 Orders
7th Jun 1940 On the Move
8th Jun 1940 103 Squadron Battles lost
8th Jun 1940 82 Squadron Blenheim lost
8th Jun 1940 82 Squadron Blenheim lost
8th June 1940 Shot down
8th Jun 1940 21 Squadron Blenheim lost
8th June 1940 On the Move
8th June 1940 Squadron leader killed
8th June 1940 Fairey Battle lost
8th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
8th June 1940 Bombers lost
8th June 1940 Crew safe
8th June 1940 Moved and assembled company to Foret de Beaumont
8th June 1940 Aircraft abandoned
8th June 1940 Escape across France
8th Jun 1940 On the Move
8th Jun 1940 On the Move
9th Jun 1940 Three 107 Squadron Blemheims lost
9th Jun 1940 Held until the Last
9th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
9th Jun 1940 Advance Party
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th June 1940 Company moved again
9th June 1940 Attack on German encampment
9th Jun 1940 Patrols
10th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
10th Jun 1940 On the March
10th June 1940 Withdraw to Le Mans
10th June 1940 Two raids on the Seine bridges
10th Jun 1940 On the Move
11th Jun 1940 21 Squadron Blenheim lost
11th Jun 1940 Surrounded
11th Jun 1940 Furious Fighting
11th June 1940 Aircraft lost
11th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
11th Jun 1940 Movements
11th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
11th June 1940 Three aircraft lost
11th June 1940 Aircraft lost; crew safe
11th Jun 1940 In Action
11th Jun 1940 Under Fire
11th Jun 1940 Orders
11th Jun 1940 Enemy Advance
11th June 1940 Bathing for the first time in 4 weeks
11th June 1940 Orders
11th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
11th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
12th Jun 1940 40 Squadron Blenheim lost
12th June 1940 On the Move
12th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
12th Jun 1940 Situation Hopeless
12th June 1940 Move
12th June 1940 Blenheim shot down
12th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
12th June 1940 Blenheim shot down
12th Jun 1940 Surrounded
12th Jun 1940 Ultimatum
12th June 1940 Refitting and move to Le Cressoniere
12th June 1940 Appendix IV – command change
12th June 1940 Attack on railway bridge
12th June 1940 Orders issued and withdrawn
12th Jun 1940 Orders
13th Jun 1940 142 Squadron Battle lost
13th Jun 1940 82 Squadron Blenheim lost
13th June 1940 Twelve bombers destroyed
13th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th Jun 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th June 1940 Crash
13th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
13th Jun 1940 Arrival in France
13th June 1940 Blenheim shot down
13th June 1940 Rest Disturbed
13th June 1940 Appendix V – 2 Sections under new command
13th June 1940 On the Move
13th Jun 1940 Quiet
14th Jun 1940 226 Squadron Battle lost
14th Jun 1940 21 Squadron Blenheim lost
14th June 1940 Back to Britain
14th Jun 1940 Paris falls
14th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
14th June 1940 Two aircraft lost
14th June 1940 Air-cover for evacuating troops
14th June 1940 Two bomber raids
14th June 1940 Airfield evacuated
14th June 1940 Captured at sea
14th June 1940 Returned to Britain
14th Jun 1940 Move to France
14th Jun 1940 On the Move
14th June 1940 Prepare for demolition of bridges and move to new location
14th June 1940 Appendix VI – Prepare for Recce
14th June 1940 Appendix VII – Recce Report
14th June 1940 Appendix VIII – Prepare to blow bridges
14th June 1940 Appendix IX – Orders to withdraw
14th June 1940 Reconnaissance duty
14th Jun 1940 Under Fire
15th June 1940 Souge airfield abandoned
15th June 1940 Airman escapes from hospital
15th June 1940 Evacuation
15th Jun 1940 On the March
15th Jun 1940 Evacuation from France
15th Jun 1940 On the Move
15th June 1940 Cabourg Bridge blown, company moved to Fontaine Henry
15th June 1940 Appendix X – Cease work
15th June 1940 On the Move
15th June 1940 Final Sortie
15th Jun 1940 Orders
15th Jun 1940 On the Move
16th June 1940 Aircraft Lost
16th June 1940 Back to England
16th June 1940 French government resigns
16th June 1940 Leaving France
16th June 1940 Proceed to Cherbourg
16th June 1940 Appendix XI – Message from C.R.E.
16th June 1940 Appendix XII – Message from C.R.E.
16th June 1940 Appendix XIII – Message from C.R.E.
16th June 1940 Move
16th June 1940 Spitfire seized by the Germans
16th Jun 1940 Orders Received
17th Jun 1940 Ship Sunk
17th June 1940 Enemy Attack
17th June 1940 SS Lancastria sunk
17th June 1940 Completion of road blocks and embarking commenced
17th June 1940 On the Move
17th June 1940 Rouen evacuated
17th June 1940 On the Move
17th June 1940 On the Move
17th Jun 1940 On the Move
17th Jun 1940 On the Move
18th June 1940 Evacuated from France With the enemy vanguard almost within striking distance, No.1 Squadron was evacuated on the 18th June, the last RAF unit to leave France. After a few days at Northolt, it returned to RAF Tangmere.
18th June 1940 Evacuated from France
18th June 1940 Embarkation, all transport destroyed
18th Jun 1940 Evacuation
18th Jun 1940 On the Move
22nd of December 1941 Recommendations for AwardsIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Those known to have fought in
Battle of France and The Low Countries 1940
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Abbott Fred. Pte.
- Adams Charles Walter. S/Sgt.
- Adams Charles William. Trooper (d.29th May 1940)
- Adams Edward Charles.
- Addis MID. DSC.. Richard Graham. Lt. (d.30th March 1944)
- Aitchison Robert. Pte.
- Aitken John. Pte.
- Alcock John. L/Cpl.
- Alcroft Frederick. Cpl. (d.16th October 1944)
- Alderton William. Sgt.
- Aldridge Raymond Vincent. Capt.
- Alexander Benjamin. L/Sgt. (d.22nd May 1940)
- Alker Hodgson Wilson. Pte.
- Allen John William. (d.11th June 1940)
- Allinson Alan George. Sgt.
- Allward Dennis Raymond Stewart. 2Lt.
- Anderson John William. Rfmn. (d.10th-31st May 1940)
- Anderson Stewart. Pte.
- Andrews John Henry. Pte.
- Andrews William George. Sgt.
- Anning W. R.H. Pte.
- Arbon Lionel George. L/Cpl
- Armstrong Francis Jeremy. Pte.
- Armstrong Robert James. Cpl.
- Arnold Arthur. Pte.
- Arnott John. Gnr. (d.29th May 1940)
- Ash B.. Sgt.
- Ashard Ernest Francis. AC2. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Asher Joseph Maurice.
- Ashley Neville Leonard. Sgt.
- Atherton James Ambrose. Cpl.
- Atkinson Eric. Lt.
- Austin William. Pte. (d.11th Jun 1940)
- Ayears Horace Ernest. Cpl. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Badcock John Eric. Pte.
- Bagnall MID. David Ernest. WOII.
- Baker Leonard. Pte.
- Baker Thomas George. Capt.
- Baker MBE.. Thomas Dawson. RSM
- Baldwin Charles Frederick. L/Cpl. (d.28th May 1940)
- Ballinger Robert. Pte. (d.2nd Jun 1940)
- Bannister James Matthew. Pte. (d.21st Oct 1944)
- Barker John James. Pte.
- Barker John James. Pte
- Barker Stanley John. Sgt.
- Barlow James Duncan.
- Barnes Laurence Charles.
- Barnes Leonard Maurice.
- Barnes Sidney. L/Cpl. (d.2nd Jan 1945)
- Barnet Horace. Sig.
- Barnfield Samuel.
- Barr Eric Forrester. WO2.
- Barrett John Denis. Pte. (d.27th May 1940)
- Bartlett James Blake. Sgt.
- Barton George Thomas.
- Baylise Ernest May. Rifleman (d.23rd May 1940)
- Beales Walter.
- Bean William. SSgt.
- Beasley Kenneth Austin. Pte. (d.27th May 1940)
- Beasley Norman. Dvr.
- Beaty Thomas Gordon. Gdsmn.
- Beck Robert. Dvr.
- Beckett Philip William Joseph. Sgt.
- Bell .
- Bemmer John Charles. L/Cpl.
- Bench William. L/Cpl.
- Bennett Albert Ernest Gerald. Pte. (d.30th May 1940)
- Berry William. Pte.
- Betts Harold James.
- Betts MC.. John Francis. Capt.
- Bickerstaff Edwin Walter. Sgt.
- Binyon Margaret Howard. Capt.
- Birkett George William. Gdsmn.
- Birse Robert. Pte.
- Black James N.. Pte. (d.24th June 1940)
- Blackall Sergaent Alfred. Pte. (d.1st Jun 1940)
- Blair Jack. Pte.
- Blane Jack. L/Cpl.
- Blane Jack. L/Cpl.
- Blaney Arthur. Cpl. (d.1st June 1940)
- Blundell John Edward. Gnr. (d.28th May 1940)
- Boden Edward Stanley . Pte.
- Bohannan Wally.
- Bonner Sydney.
- Book W. Pte.
- Booth Robert. Pte.
- Bourne John. Pte. (d.8th June 1940)
- Bowater Frank Leslie. Pte. (d.1st June 1940)
- Bowen William James. Cpl.
- Bowman Albert Henderson. Mne.
- Bowman George Henry.
- Bowsher Henry Earnest George.
- Boyle Andrew.
- Bradley Bernard. LBdr. (d.31st July 1945)
- Bradley Thomas. WO2.
- Braithwaite George.
- Braithwaite John. Gnr.
- Bramley Leonard.
- Breakwell Ernest. Sgt.
- Brett Cyril. Pte.
- Brett Leo. Pte.
- Brewer Victor Joseph. Pte.
- Bridgeman Albert Edward. Able Sea.
- Britten Joseph. (d.30th May 1940)
- Broadbent Arthur. Sgt.
- Broadfoot Archie.
- Brookman John. L/Cpl (d.8th August 1944)
- Brooks Walter. Pte. (d.14th Jun 1940)
- Brown MID. Frank Sidney. Pte.
- Brown Maurice Weston. Pte.
- Brown William McNair. Pte.
- Bryan George Alec. Gnr.
- Buckley George. Sgt.
- Buckley George. Sgt.
- Bunn Reginald Charles Herbert. Gdsm. (d.13th May 1940)
- Burn Edward G..
- Burns Andrew Stirling. Drvr.
- Burns Robert.
- Burton Frederick Macdonald. W/Sgt.
- Burton James. Pte. (d.24th Mar 1944)
- Bégué MC.. Georges.
- Cable Robert Charles. L/Cpl. (d.23rd May 1940)
- Cameron Hugh. Gnr.
- Cameron James MacCowan.
- Campbell James. Sgt.
- Campbell Robert. Fus.
- Canavan Thomas.
- Capstick William. Pte.
- Carden John William. Pte.
- Carey John.
- Carpenter James Frederick. Pte. (d.31st May 1940)
- Carrier George Thomas. Gnr.
- Carter John. L/Cpl.
- Casburn Frederick William Stephen. L/Sgt.
- Cashmore Bernard. Dvr.
- Casper James. L/Sgt. (d.29th May 1940)
- Caton Richard Geddes.
- Caven J. A.. Lt.
- Cavender Francis William.
- Chandler Sidney.
- Chapman MM.. Ted. WO11 CSM (d.31st May 1940)
- Chapman Thomas Barber. RSM.
- Charlton Douglas. Pte.
- Cheall Bill. Cpl.
- Cheese Arthur William. Sgt.
- Chesney Alan.
- Chesterman Arthur Harry.
- Chicken William Horace . Spr
- Christie John. LBdr. (d.18th May 1940)
- Church James. Cpl.
- Clare Sydney.
- Clark Frank. L/Cpl. (d.3rd January 1945)
- Clark Peter Anthony. RSM
- Clarke John. Pte.
- Claydon George Frederick. Pte.
- Clayton Albert Edward. Pte. (d.28th Feb 1942)
- Cleland Alexander Walter. Sgt.
- Cochrane James. L/Cpl.
- Cole Henry Thomas. Sgt.
- Coleman Arthur David. Tpr.
- Comley Albert Edwin.
- Connell William.
- Connon Ernest Arthur. L/Cpl.
- Constable Cyril Norman. Cpl.
- Cook Fred. Pte.
- Cook George. Sgt.
- Cook Henry. Pte.
- Cook John.
- Cooke Edward George. Pte.
- Cooke Paul. 2Lt. (d.28th May 1940)
- Cooke Ronald. Pte.
- Cooper Edgar Roy. Pte. (d.12th Feb 1944)
- Cooper Thomas Gary. Gnr.
- Costall John Joseph Allen. Pte. (d.29th May 1940)
- Cotterill James Patrick. Pte. (d.23rd May 1940)
- Craig Samuel. Rfm. (d.2nd June 1940)
- Cramp Henry Leslie. Pte.
- Crawford Allan Warren. L/Sgt.
- Cresswell Kenneth Snow. Pte.
- Crofts Jim.
- Cross Ronald William. Pte.
- Crowter Alfred. Drill Sgt.
- Cumming James Hamilton. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Cunningham John Leslie. Pte.
- Curnow Ford Beverley. Pte. (d.31st May 1940)
- Curtis Tom Alfred.
- Cuthbert George.
- Dafforn MC. Hargrave John. Lt.
- Daly Martin Oliver.
- Damsell George Henry.
- Davies Les.
- Davies Thomas Henry. Cpl. (d.29th May 1940)
- Davis Alfred. Pte.
- Davis Frank. F/O. (d.8th May 1942)
- Davis Frederick Lloyd. Cpl. (d.25th May 1940)
- Davis George Henry. Pte. (d.27th May 1940)
- Davis Joseph Conway.
- Davis Leonard Alec James. Sgt.
- Davis Thomas Richardson. L/Sgt.
- Dawkes MiD.. Timothy. 2nd Lt. (d.10th Sep 1943)
- Day John Francis. Pte. (d.16th May 1940)
- Day Leonard Mark. Cpl. (d.24th Aug 1942 )
- Deane Harold Douglas.
- Dearden Allan. Capt.
- Deponio Joseph Jerome. Gnr.
- Devine James. Pte.
- Devlin Thomas. Gnr.
- Diamond Robert.
- Diver William. Spr.
- Dixon MBE.. George William. RSM.
- Dixon William Frederick. L/Sgt (d.29th June 1942)
- Donkin Thomas. Gnr.
- Doran Francis William. Pte (d.2nd Jun 1940)
- Dorrington Thomas. Pte.
- Douglass Matthew McLeod.
- Down MID. Albert.
- Downie William. Pte.
- Drake Joseph William. Pte.
- Dransfield Thomas. Pte (d.20th May 1940)
- Drax George Henry. Gnr.
- Drew Richard James. Spr.
- Dryden Jim. Sgt.
- Duffy Hugh Herbert White. Lt.
- Duggan Harry. Pte.
- Dunbar Robert.
- Duncan William Morrison. Pte.
- Durkin Charles James Louis. L/Sgt.
- Eagle Leonard Arthur. Cpl.
- Earl John Geofrey Cadman. Bmbdr.
- Earnshaw John K. S.. A/Cpl. (d.21st Sep 1944)
- Eccles Wilfred Richard. Mjr.
- Edwards Raymond. Pte.
- Edwards Robert Comfort. Bombardier
- Elliott Stanley Henry Gordon. L/Cpl.
- Elliott Thomas Wilson. Pte.
- Ellis Owen Bertram. Pte.
- Elphee Douglas Oliver. A/L.Bdr.
- Elvin Ernest Arthur. Pte.
- English Joseph. Fus.
- Entwistle W..
- Evans Charlie Herbert.
- Evans John.
- Evans William Herbert. Pte.
- Evinou Andrew Jeffrey. Tpr.
- Farnden Richard Derwas. Pte.
- Farrar Arthur. Pte. (d.6th June 1944)
- Farrell Archibald Edmund Joseph. Sgt.
- Faulkner William Maxwell. Pte. (d.19th May 1940)
- Fawcett Jack.
- Fergus MM. William.
- Ferguson David Leggatt. Pte.
- Field George Arthur. (d.20th May 1940)
- Findlay James Wilson. L/Cpl. (d.28th May 1940)
- Fisher William. Pte. (d.14th November 1942)
- Fitt Arthur Oswald. Lt.Col.
- Fitzgerald Dan.
- Flood Thomas Michael. Pte.
- Floodgate Kenneth Frederick. Pte.
- Fogell Cecil Charles.
- Forbes John. Pte.
- Forbes William Alexander. Pte.
- Ford Arthur Stanley. L/Cpl.
- Ford George Edgar. Pte. (d.9th Sep 1940)
- Fores Harold. Pte (d.17th May 1940)
- Forteath James Alexander. Pte.
- Francis John Charles. Sgt.
- Francis Roland Wallace. L/Cpl.
- Freeman Fredrick William. L/Cpl.
- Freeman William Fredrick. Cpl.
- Fricker John Henry Bullen.
- Frost Sydney. Sgt.
- Froud William Frederick George. L/Cpl. (d.1st Jun 1940 )
- Furness VC.. Christopher. (d.24th May 1940)
- Gage MID.. Sydney John. Sgt.
- Galloway Andrew. Capt.
- Gardiner Frederick. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Gault Alexander. Signalman
- Gibson Laurence.
- Gibson Norman. Pte.
- Glaister John Charles . Pte. (d.2nd June 1940)
- Goldthorpe Norman. Pte.
- Goodall MBE.. George Albert. Major.
- Goodwin William Horace. SQMS.
- Gordon William Errol Redmile. Cpl/Sgt.
- Gorman Terry. Pte.
- Gosnell Georgs Thomas. Pte.
- Goss James. W/S/Sgt.
- Goss Reginald John.
- Grant Donald. F/O
- Grantham MC&Bar.. Ronald. Capt.
- Grasby John. CSM.
- Gray Alfred. Bdr.
- Gray Andrew. Gnr.
- Green Christopher Robert. Pte.
- Green Ralph Kent. A/Maj.
- Greenaway Thomas Edwin. RSM.
- Greener Robert Cook. L/Cpl.
- Greening Douglas Paul. L/Cpl.
- Griffin Geoffrey Arthur. Pte.
- Griffin MiD.. Wilfred Featherstone. Cpl.
- Griffiths Lemuel Roger. Pte.
- Griffiths Sidney Ellis. Pte.
- Grimmer George. L/Cpl. (d.26th May 1940)
- Guy Walter John.
- Hagger Albert James. Tpr.
- Hagger Albert James. Tpr.
- Hale Ronald Frederick. Gnr.
- Hall Albert William. Pte.
- Hall N. Cpl.
- Halliwell Francis Patrick A.. Sgt.
- Hammond Arthur Charles. Pte. (d.16th May 1940)
- Handley Charles David. Pte.
- Handley Geoffrey. Pte. (d.19th May 1940)
- Hannah Andrew. Dvr.
- Hannan Ernest. Pte. (d.24th Sep 1940)
- Hannan Robert Alphonsus. Drmr.
- Hansell Wilfred. Act/CSM
- Harding Frederick John Pax. Pte.
- Harding John. Pte.
- Harper Henry.
- Harrison Thomas John William. Gnr.
- Harrison William Homer. Pte.
- Harrower Douglas Stewart. Cpl. (d.16th May 1940)
- Hart Joseph. Pte.
- Hart Ronald William. L/Bdr.
- Hartley Jack.
- Harvey George. Dvr.
- Harwood John.
- Haskell Bertram. Pte. (d.30th May 1940)
- Haverson DCM.. William. RSM. (d.17th Dec 1991)
- Hay George. Pte.
- Haye James. Pte.
- Hayes Victor John. L/Cpl.
- Haynes Albert Fredrick James. Pte.
- Haythorne Charles Edward.
- Hazel NA.
- Hazlewood Thomas. Pte.
- Hemblen George. Pte.
- Henderson Albert. A/RSM.
- Henderson Robert.
- Hermon Reginald. L/Cpl.
- Hewison Albert Edward.
- Hewitt John Albert. Pte. (d.27th Jan 1945)
- Hibberd Frank. WO1
- Higgins John Crawford. (d.21st May 1940)
- Hill Edward. L/Cpl. (d.27th May 1940)
- Hines Gordon Leslie. Cpl.
- Hirt Harry.
- Hixon Richard Henry. Sgt.
- Hoddinott John George Percival. Spr.
- Hogan John. Pte.
- Hoggarth Frederick James. CQMS (d.1st June 1940)
- Holdcroft Arthur. Cpl. (d.25th May 1940)
- Holding Wilfred. Cpl.
- Holmes Charles Ernest. Pte.
- Holmes Sidney John.
- Holmes Sydney.
- Holmes William Herbert. Cpl.
- Holroyd Frank. Pte. (d.5th Feb 1943)
- Holt Robert Elder.
- Hooks Victor Robert. Pte.
- Hooper George. Bombardier
- Hooten Arthur. Pte.
- Hope Ronald Arthur. Pte
- Hopkins Stanley Reginald. Pte. (d.21st May 1940)
- Howard William. Pte.
- Howell Arthur Herbert. Pte. (d.12th June 1940)
- Howell William Robert. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Howells John. Pte.
- Howes Stanley.
- Howison Robert Millar. Pte. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hubbard Alfred Velroy. Cpl.
- Hudaly Stanley B..
- Hughes Edward William. Pte. (d.10th May 1940)
- Hughes John Walter.
- Hughes Maurice James. Pte. (d.11th April 1941)
- Hughes Robert. Pte. (d.10th June 1940 )
- Humphrey Kenneth John. Pte.
- Humphries Eric Roy. Pte.
- Hunter Frederick William . Pte.
- Hurd George Edgar. L/Cpl.
- Hurkett William George. Pte.
- Hymer Roger Lee. Pte
- Ibbotson John. 2nd Lt. (d.12th Jun 1940)
- Ireland John Edward. Pte. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Jack James. Pte.
- Jacks Alfred Henry. Pte.
- Jackson James.
- Jackson Ronald Stanley. Pte.
- James Norman Henry. Cpl.
- Jamieson James R.. Pte
- Jeanes Frederick Charles. Sgt.
- Jeffery Ernest Frederic Hope. Cpt.
- Jenkins James Christopher. Sgt.
- Jenkins William John. Bmbdr.
- Jenner Norman. Gnr.
- Jenner Richard Fredrick. Pte.
- Jickling Charles Benjamin Kemp. Capt. (d.14th Apr 1945)
- Johnson Albert. Pte.
- Johnson John Joseph. Gnr. (d.24th May 1940)
- Johnson John Hele. Capt. (d.20th May 1940)
- Johnson Raymond Howard. Sgt.
- Johnson Robert Edward . Pte. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Johnstone James Reith. Spr.
- Jones .
- Jones Cyril. Cpl.
- Jones Ernest.
- Jones Gwilym. Bmdr.
- Jones Harold. Dvr.
- Jones Richard Wyndham.
- Jones Thomas. Cpl.
- Jones William. Pte.
- Judd Ernest Charles. Rfmn. (d.1st Jun 1940)
- Jupp James Edward. Gunner
- Keane Marcus Hugh. Major. (d.21st May 1940)
- Kear MiD.. Osman William Henry.
- Kelly Harry Frederick. Pte.
- Kelly John M.. Pte.
- Kelly Robert. Pte.
- Kerr Matthew. Pte.
- Keslake Charlie J. Gnr.
- Kettlewell Charlie. Flt.Sgt.
- Keyte Eber John. L/Cpl.
- Killeen MID.. James William. Lt.
- King Percy Frederick George. Pte.
- King Percy Frederick George. Pte.
- Kirby Arthur. L/Cpl (d.28th May 1940 )
- Laing Newton Phillips. Pte.
- Lake Charles Arthur. Pte.
- Lancaster Ron F..
- Lancaster Ronald Frank. Gnr.
- Larsen William Glen. Sgt.
- Laville John. Pte.
- Ledger Hugh Hallam. Capt.
- Ledger MM.. William. Pte.
- Lee Herbert. (d.26th May 1940)
- Lee Jack. Rfm.
- Lee Thomas Vincent. Pte.
- Leech James. L/Cpl. (d.25th Dec 1940)
- Lees John.
- Leese John Edward. Pte.
- Lenton Henry. Pte.
- Lewis Norman Edgar. Cpl.
- Lewis Victor.
- Lightbown Frank. Pte. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Lilley Leonard James. Sgt.
- Lillie Wilfred Henry. L/Cpl.
- Lillington Ivor Leonard. WOII. (d.1st Jun 1940)
- Lindsay John Joseph. Pte. (d.18th May 1940)
- Lines John. WO1. (d.10th Jun 1940)
- Linstrum John Wilson. L/Cpl.
- Lintern Leonard John.
- Lintin David Henry. Sgt.
- Lintott Jack. Pte.
- Lisney Joseph Frank. L/Cpl. (d.29th May 1940)
- Little James William George. Pte.
- Locke Elwyn Charles. Spr.
- Lockhart Robert Bowling. Pte.
- Locksmith Dennis George. Tpr.
- Lorraine Herbert Derrick Bell. Capt.
- Loughlin James. Pte.
- Loughlin James. Pte.
- Lovegrove Charles Henry Robert. Pte.
- Lowery Harry Harforth. RSM.
- Luce MID. Leonard. Pte.
- Luff Leslie Howard. Cpl
- Lunn DSM.. Walter Frank. AB.
- Luxmoore Coryndon. 2nd Lt. (d.11th Jun 1940)
- Lyall James. Sgt.
- Lygo William Francis. Pte.
- Lynch James Patrick .
- Lynch John. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- MacDonald Peter. Lt.
- Macfarlane James Robert. Sgt.
- MacKenzie Alexander. Cpl.
- Mackenzie MBE. George. Capt.
- Magee William Henry. RSM.
- Maile Charles Edward. Sgt.
- Malcolm Robert Muir.
- Mallett Archibald. Pte.
- Malloch William John. Pte.
- Mann James.
- Marchant Eric. Pte.
- Marchant Ronald James. Spr.
- Marriott Arthur. Sapper (d.1945)
- Marshall CDG MID. Raymond. Sgt.
- Martin Henry Robert. L/Cpl.
- Martin Thomas George. Pte. (d.Between 21st May and 23rd June 1940)
- Massey Winston. L/Cpl.
- Mather Alban. Sgt.
- Matthew James Archibald Paterson. Cpl. (d.22md May 1940 )
- Matthews Edward. Pte. (d.20th August 1944)
- Maxwell Thomas. Sgt.
- May Frank William John. Mjr.
- May John. CSM.
- Maynard Eric Gordon. L/Cpl.
- McAfee Patrick. Pte.
- McCafferty Cornelius Boyle. Pte.
- McCamley John. Fus. (d.27th May 1940)
- McCarthy Cyril. Pte.
- McChlery Leslie Alexander. Pte.
- McEvoy Ronald James. Sgt.
- McFarlane Robert Breton. Pte.
- McGerty John. Cpl.
- McGougan Andrew Valentine. Pte.
- McGowan Thomas. Sgt.
- McGregor Hugh. Cpl.
- McGuinness Edward Joseph. Gnr.
- McGuirk Albert Henry. LBdr.
- McIntosh James. CSgt.
- McKinley Bill.
- McLaughlan Duncan. Cpl. (d.24th May 1940)
- McMahon John. Pte.
- McMaster Kennedy. Pnr.
- McMullan Alex. Fus.
- McNeill Joseph Malcolm. Tpr.
- McNulty James Patrick. Pte
- McQuitty William Herbert. L/Cpl.
- Medhurst Wilfred Daniel. Sergeant
- Mercer Frank Belgium. Pte.
- Milligan DCM & Bar. John. Cpl.
- Mills Harry William. Cpl.
- Milne John Robert. Pte. (d.29th May 1940)
- Minter Norman Frank. L/Cpl.
- Miskimmin Robert. Fus.
- Mitchell Leslie Herbert. Spr.
- Moeremans . Pte.
- Moffat Frederick. Sgt.Mjr.
- Moll Albert.
- Moore MID. John Henry. Pte.
- Moore Peter Havers.
- Morrish Allenby. Pte.
- Morrison James Mathew. Pte. (d.4th June 1940)
- Mortimer Arthur Henry. Pte. (d.14th Jun 1944)
- Mosley Thomas. Pte. (d.6th Sep 1943)
- Moultrie DCM.. George. CSM.
- Mozley James Campbell. Pte. (d.27th May 1940)
- Murphy John. Pte.
- Mursell Edward Herrington. Pte.
- Mustarde William Crawford. Pte.
- Narry Johnny Welsh. Pte.
- Nash John Alfred. Capt.
- Neal G. Gdmn.
- Neathway Joseph Robert Leslie. Sgt.
- Newman MiD. WJ. Sgt.
- Niblock William Leslie.
- Nicol Malcolm. Pte. (d.21st May 1940)
- Nimmo John Taylor.
- Nolan John Francis. Gnr.
- Norris Anthony.
- Norton James.
- O'Brien George. LAC
- O'Brien Robert. Sgt.
- O'Connell Daniel Peter. Cpl.
- O'Halloran John Joseph. Pte. (d.15th May 1940)
- O'Hara John James. Pte.
- O'Neill Peter Paul.
- OHara John Henry. WO2 (d.8th Mar 1945)
- Oliver Douglas Phillip. Cpl.
- Olsen Alan. Pte. (d.1st Jun 1940)
- Openshaw William. Pte.
- Osbourne Harry. Pte.
- Pace Frederick Arthur. Gnr.
- Pack Harry Edward Clifton. L/Cpl.
- Page MiD.. Harry. Sgt. (d.29th May 1940)
- Palmer DFC.. Cyril Dampier. Sqn.Ldr. (d.27th Oct 1942)
- Parker Frank Norman.
- Parkin Arthur Clifford. Pte.
- Parkin Owen. Pte. (d.9th May 1945)
- Parsons Lewis George. Cslm
- Partridge Thomas. Sgt.
- Patchett Arthur Felsted. L/Cpl. (d.27th February 1945)
- Patching Henry John. Pte.
- Pattison Cecil. Pte.
- Payne Earnest Edwin. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Payne William Harry Edward. Rfmn. (d.25th May 1940)
- Penn Cyril Albert. Pte.
- Pennington Harold. Pte.
- Perreau Jean Paul.
- Perrin John Edwood.
- Peters Frederick. Pte.
- Phillips George William. L/Cpl. (d.4th April 1943)
- Pickett Jack. Bdr.
- Pickup Lewellyn Beaumont. Pte. (d.22nd May 1940)
- Pigg George. L/Bmbdr.
- Platt Alfred. Pte.
- Platt Frederick. Pte.
- Pooler Thomas James. Bmbdr.
- Power William Jospeh. Pte. (d.1951)
- Pratt Stephen Henry.
- Prescott Edward. W/Sgt.
- Preston Percy. Cpl.
- Price Fred J.. Cpl. (d.26th October 1942)
- Prowse John Henry.
- Randall George Douglas. Dvr.
- Raw George Ernest. WO1
- Rayburn Frank. Pte.
- Reid Robert Wark. Pte.
- Reid Robert Fraser. 2nd Lt (d.29th May 1940)
- Rennie Joseph. Pte.
- Reynolds Peter. Pte. (d.11th June 1940)
- Richards Albert Edward. Pte.
- Richards Frank. W/O
- Richardson Fredric Leonard. Pte.
- Richardson Norman Stanley. WO.
- Richardson Peter Herbert. Pte. (d.24th Feb 1944)
- Richardson Ronald. Pte.
- Riddle Leonard William George. Sgt. (d.25th May-4th June 1940)
- Rightford MC, MM.. Bernard Edward. Capt.
- Rishman Percy Charles. Spr. (d.11th Jan 1941)
- Ritchie James Berry. Pte.
- Roberts Benjamin. Pte. (d.10th May 1940)
- Roberts Edmund W.. Sig. (d.13th June 1940)
- Roberts Sydney Thomas. Rflmn. (d.23rd May 1940)
- Robertson Gordon Forbes. L/Cpl. (d.21st May 1940)
- Robinson Thomas Redvers. Pte.
- Robinson William Matthew. Drv.
- Robson William David.
- Robson William.
- Roden Frederick Edward. Pte. (d.27th May 1940)
- Rogers Fred. Cpl.
- Rowland Arthur. Pte.
- Ruddock James Warren. Pte
- Russell Harry James. Pte.
- Russell James Alexander. Trpr.
- Russell Robert. (d.1940)
- Ryan James Charles. AC1 (d.31st May 1940)
- Salmon Philip Sidney. Drmr. (d.31st May 1940)
- Sandalls George Gaston. L/Cpl
- Sanders Harold. Dvr.
- Sanderson John Joseph.
- Sargent George. Bdsm.
- Saunders Charles Richard. L/Cpl.
- Saunders Lesley Arthur. Pte. (d.25th May 1940)
- Scott Frank Leslie. Tpr.
- Scott James Laidler. Cpl.
- Scott Ronald.
- Sellars Frederick Sydney. Cpl.
- Serginson James Walker. Pte.
- Settle Christian. Pte.
- Sharp Robert Henry. Trpr.
- Shaughnessy John. Pte.
- Sheen John Oliver. W/Sgt.
- Sheppard Jack Percival. Pte.
- Shirley Stanley Douglas. Spr.
- Simpson James Alexander. Pte. (d.4th Jun 1940)
- Simpson James Duncan Gowans. Pte.
- Sinclair Donald Sutherland. Cpl.
- Singleton Geoffrey William. Sgt.
- Sinnott Ted. Cpl.
- Skelton Robert Barker. Gnr.
- Slack John Charles. L/Cpl.
- Sly Herbert Randall. Capt.
- Smart Duncan. Pte.
- Smissen James Walter. Cpl.
- Smith Donald Trevelyn Joseph. Gnr.
- Smith Ernest. Pte. (d.27th June 1940 )
- Smith George Alfred. Cpl. (d.31st May 1940)
- Smith John Rheims. Sgt.
- Smith Leonard Albert. Gnr.
- Smith Robert Howard. L/Cpl.
- Smith Robert. Pte. (d.17th June 1940)
- Smith MID. William Robert. WO/2nd Cl.
- Smyth Colin. Pte.
- Smyth John Patrick. Pte. (d.27th May 1940)
- Snook Herbert Sidney. Capt. (d.21st April 1945)
- Soanes James Arnold. Gnr.
- Somerfield Alf. Gunner
- Somerfield Leonard. Dvr. (d.2nd June 1940)
- Sossick Janes Hercules. S/Sgt.
- South Donald Charles. L/Cpl.
- Spall Philip. Pte.
- Spall Stanley Charles George. Pte.
- Spavins Albert Edward. SQMS
- Spittel Frederick George. Pte.
- Standen Albert Sidney.
- Steele William Joseph . Fus. (d.26th May 1940 )
- Stevens Daniel. Gnr.
- Stevenson Alfred John.
- Stevenson John. L/Cpl. (d.7th Apr 1945)
- Steward DFM. George Arthur. Flt/Lt
- Stewart Douglas Haig. Pte.
- Stewart Jacob Augustus. RSM.
- Stewart Jacob Augustus. RSM.
- Stewart James Clark. Sgt .
- Stewart Ronald. Gnr.
- Stingmore Frederick. Pte. (d.10th June 1940)
- Stockwell Frederick Henry.
- Stoker John Mullen. WS/Sgt.
- Stothard James. Pte.
- Stradling Edward Herbert. Sgt.
- Stringer Fredrick William. Pte.
- Strudwick Thomas Frank Henry. Pte.
- Stubley Ernie. W02
- Sturgeon William James. Rfmn.
- Sullivan James Herbert. Sgt.
- Sutherland Willliam. L/Cpl.
- Swan Alexander Fulton. L/Cpl.
- Swatton Leonard Reginald. Gnr.
- Sword MC.. Roderick Dennistoun. Mjr.
- Tannahill MiD.. Anthony J.. A/Sjt. (d.4th Nov 1944)
- Tattersall George Harvey. Pte. (d.5th March 1944)
- Taylor Denis Charles. Pte.
- Taylor George Wilson. Sgt.
- Taylor Harry James. Pte (d.17th June 1940)
- Taylor Leonard Henry. Pte.
- Taylor Robert. CQMS.
- Teasdale John. Pte.
- Thatcher Leonard Walter. Pte,
- Thomas George E.. Rflmn.
- Thomas William. Pte. (d.30th May 1940)
- Thompson Albert. Fus. (d.19th May 1940)
- Thompson Frederick Charles.
- Thompson Jack. Pte.
- Thompson John Walter. Pte.
- Thompson Leonard. Pte. (d.29th May - 2nd June 1940)
- Thomson David Andrew Graham. 2Lt. (d.28th May 1940)
- Thornton David Walter. 2Lt.
- Townsend Albert Edward. RSM.
- Tracey Ralph. Sgt.
- Trimarco Henry Joseph. Sgt
- Troutt Henry William. Dvr.
- Tuff George William. Pte.
- Turner Clifford Edward.
- Turner David Wilson. Pte.
- Turner James. Sgt.
- Upton James. Dvr. (d.27th May 1940)
- Vaughan James Edwin. Pte.
- Vidler Reginald. Pte.
- Vowles MiD.. Kenneth Charles. CSM.
- Wakefield Jack. Pte. (d.22nd May 1940)
- Walker Jonathan. Cpl.
- Wallace James. Pte.
- Walsh John James.
- Walsh Thomas Anthony. Gnr.
- Walton George Geordie. Pte.
- Walton Noble. Sgt.
- Warburton Roland Neville Giddens. S/Sgt.
- Ward AW. Bombardier
- Ward Ben. Pte.
- Ward Lewis Henry. Pte.
- Ward Richard. Pte.
- Ward Thomas Leslie. Mjr.
- Wardle Philip Sidney. Pte. (d.17th June 1940)
- Wareham Reginald. Pte.
- Waters Christopher Dalmahoy. Capt.
- Watson John Lawrence Stuart. Lt. (d.29th November 1944)
- Watson Joseph.
- Watters Willie. Pte.
- Watts Jonathan.
- Wedgbury Francis Maude. Pte.
- Wells Sidney David. Pte.
- Wells William Alfred.
- West Eric Douglas. L/Bmdr.
- West Harold Barker. Gnr.
- West Isaac Frederick Charles. SM
- Westley Edward Harold George. Pte.
- Weston Thomas Albert.
- Westwood James Anthony . Pte. (d.19th May 1940)
- Whitaker Alan. Sgmn.
- White Ronald.
- Whitelock Alfred James. L/Cpl.
- Whittingham Edward Richard . Sgt.
- Whyteside James Albert. L/Cpl.
- Wickham Albert Stanley. Pte.
- Wilkinson Harry.
- Williams Raymond. Pte.
- Williams Richard Thomas. Cpl.
- Williams William O.. Cpl. (d.17th June 1940)
- Wills James Horatio.
- Wilson Colin Lewis. Pte.
- Wilson George Arthur. Pte.
- Wilson George Henry. A/Cpl.
- Wilson Robert Alfred. Pte.
- Winnals Harry Robert. Pte.
- Winstanley Arthur. Pte. (d.10th Jun 1940)
- Winter Cecil Robert. Spr. (d.27th May 1940)
- Winter John Edward. Sgt. (d.21st May 1940)
- Wood Ian Hamilton. Gnr. (d.29th May 1940)
- Wood James William. L/Cpl.
- Wood Leslie Thomas. Pte. (d.1st Jun 1940)
- Woodbridge William Edward Oliver. L/Cpl. (d.21st May 1940)
- Woodhead Leonard. Pte.
- Worthington Douglas Haig. Pte.
- Wray Irving Hallsworth. Trpr. (d.14th Dec 1944)
- Wright Leslie James. Sgt.
- Wylie Ernest. Cpl.
- Yabsley William.
- Yalden Henry.
- Young Albert. Pte.
- Young James Fredrick. Cpl. (d.23rd May 1940)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Battle of France and The Low Countries 1940 from other sources.
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Want to know more about Battle of France and The Low Countries 1940?
There are:4156 items tagged Battle of France and The Low Countries 1940 available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Sgt. WJ Newman MiD Gloucestershire Regiment
Sgt.WJ Newman served with the Gloucestershire Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Gdmn. G Neal 1st Btn. Grenadier Guards
Gdmn.G Neal served with the 1st Btn. Grenadier Guards British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
NA Hazel 4/7th Dragoon Guards
NA Hazel served with the 4/7th Dragoon Guards British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Cpl. N Hall 9th Lancers
Cpl.N Hall served with the 9th Lancers British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Pte. W Book 1st Btn. Border Regiment
Pte.W Book served with the 1st Btn. Border Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Charles Edward Haythorne Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
My father, Charles Edward Haythorne (known as Teddy) was captured at Dunkirk and was taken to the POW camp Stalag XXb. If anyone can tell me anything about him please get in touch.Margaret Haywood
Sgt. William "Sonny" Alderton Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
My Uncle served in Dunkirk I was told it was with the REME. His name was Sgt William "Sonny" Alderton. I would love to know some more about his service in Dunkirk.Janet Thorup
Francis William Cavender Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Francis Cavender died when my wife's mother was 13 years old, leaving a wife and 6 children. She has very little knowledge of her father, but did have the photo attached and that he was at Dunkirk. We believe it is a REME uniform, we are currently sourcing his death cert' so we can gain his war record from the MOD. Some folks claim the uniform was pre WW2, but he was too young to be in WW1 and looks too old in photo. Died in 1948 - after war death record period. We would be grateful for any info' and to confirm his REME connection.Jim and Clare Higgins
Dan Fitzgerald
My father's youngest brother, Dan Fitzgerald, was one of the 350,000 plus British soldiers stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk. Thankfully he was rescued by the amazing fleet of 'little boats'. He was one of many in the hold of the rescue ship. He looked across at another weary soldier who looked at my uncle Dan and said "I know you", my Uncle Dan replied, " you should, you are married to my sister. Rosina."What are those odds, out of the rescued, over 300,000 men that two brother-in-law, from Belfast, were on the same ship? I enclose a photo of uncle Dan's homecoming. This has just come to light and must have been in a local Belfast newspaper, I know not which paper. The photo is very blurry but I would like it to be told. My Uncle Dan is in uniform, my granny, his mother, is beside him. There are other members of the Fitzgerald family including my dad and mum, Charlie and Sadie Fitzgerald
Rosina Fitzgerald
Trpr. Robert Henry Sharp 1st Lothian Edinburgh Horse Yeomanry
Harry Sharp enlisted into the Army in 1938 at the age of 17 years. He lied about his age, joining the 15/19 Hussars in York. On the outbreak of WW2 he was transferred to the 1st Lovian Edinburgh Horse Yeomanry as a tank driver. Went to France in 1939 with the 51st Highland Division which was part of the B.E.F. Was the only survivor after his tank was destroyed by a German Tank. Was captured at St Valery after the surrender of the 51st Highland Division which was the Dunkirk rear guard unit. When taken prisoner Harry was wounded in the ankle/foot. As POW was forced to work in a Polish coal mine. Based at Stalag 8b.Harry before he died, age 91, began to talk of the horrendous times he endured on the march from France to Poland having to cross the River Danube on many occasions. He also stated that the Germans saved his leg when they put maggots on his wound. The British Medics were going to amputate his leg prior to his capture.
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