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5th April 1942
On this day:
- Recce
- Japanese air raid
- Leave
- Aircraft Downed
- Airfield bombed
- Aircraft lost
- Dorsetshire sunk
- DFM awarded
- Ops
- Attack
- Training Exercise
If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Remembering those who died this day.
- Armstrong Edwin Francis. Telegraphist (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Austin Joseph. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Austin Joseph. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Bell Douglas Stewart. Stkr 1st Cl. (d.5th April 1942)
- Bellis Arthur. Ldg. Stkr. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Bonnici Carmelo. PO (d.5th April 1942)
- Bradley John. AB. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Branagan Charles Stanley. ERA 3rd Class (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Concanon Harold Bernard. Surgeon Lieut. (D) (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Concanon Harold Bernard. Surgeon Lt. (D) (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Dawson Joseph Hugil. Able Sea. (d.5th April 1942)
- Eades William Walter. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Eager Frederick Charles. Able Sea. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Gubb Allan Geoffrey. Tel. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Laborde Denzil. Chaplain (d.5th Apr 1942 )
- Pitt William. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Price Albert Ernest. P.O. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Rule Albert Henry. Stkr. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Sheldon Charles. (d.5th April 1942)
- Sheldon Charles. (d.5th April 1942)
- Stothard Samuel. Canteen Assnt. (d.5th Apr 1942)
- Williams John. Stkr. (d.5th April 1942)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
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Want to know more about the 5th of April 1942?
There are:11 items tagged 5th of April 1942 available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Stories from 5th April 1942
Ldg.Sea. Ernest Houghton. Royal Navy, HMS Cornwall.
HMS Cornwall was sunk by the Japanese in the Indian Ocean on April 5th 1942 alongside HMS Dorsetshire. My father Ernest Houghton was a survivor and recently passed away aged 86. He was a staunch member of the Cornwall 1939-42 Association which I believe has disbanded now.Keith Houghton
Surgeon Lieut. (D) Harold Bernard Concanon. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
My father's cousin, Harold Concanon was the dentist on HMS Dorsetshire when she was sunk in 1942. He and my father were about the same age and effectively grew up together in Ireland. My Father qualified as a doctor in 1941 at the National University of Ireland. Harold qualified as a dentist a year earlier. Both joined the Royal Navy (even though Ireland was neutral). Harold was initially posted to Liverpool but then joined Dorsetshire. My Father went to Portsmouth, initially as a civilian, but then joined the Navy after Harold's death.Tim Concanon
Charles Sheldon. Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th April 1942)
Marine Charles Sheldon served and died on the HMS Dorsetshire. He was my wife’s uncle.Ralph Farrugia
Charles Sheldon. Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th April 1942)
Marine Charles Sheldon served and died on the HMS Dorsetshire. He was my wife’s uncle.Ralph Farrugia
Telegraphist Edwin Francis Armstrong. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Edwin Francis Armstong; RN Telegraphist, died on 5 April 1942 aboard the HMS Dorsetshire. He is remembered by the Plymouth Naval Memorial, Panel 68, Column 2. He is also remembered on the CWGC websiteCathy Reed
ERA 3rd Class Charles Stanley Branagan. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Charles Stanley Branagan, Engine Room Artificer 3rd class was killed 5th April 1942 aboard HMS Dorsetshire. He was the son of Thomas and Nellie Branagan of New Moston, Manchester, and husband of D. Branagan.Robert Brannagan
William Pitt. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
While researching my Family Tree it seems my Dad has a Step Brother who he knew nothing about. His name is William Pitt & he was lost at Sea when the Dorsetshire was sunk but his body was never recovered & from Family Stories seems my Grandmother, William's Mother saw a Medium many times & was told he was still alive. Obviously he will be long gone now but any information however little would be greatly appreciated.Stewart C.Bailey
Joseph Austin. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
My grandfather's uncle, Joseph Austin, served on the Dorsetshire, and went down with her on April 5th 1942. Many thanks for producing such a wonderful website.Mike Austin
William Walter Eades. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
My Grandfather served on HMS Dorsetshire as CPO William Walter Eades, unfortunately he went down with the ship, so I never met him.Richard Eades
Able Sea. Frederick Charles Eager. Royal Navy, HMS Penelope. (d.5th Apr 1942)
My grandfather Frederick Eager was an Able Seaman on the HMS Penelope and I believe he died when the ship was bombed whilst being mended in Malta. He left behind a 3 year old son, who was my late father. I am looking to see where these brave men were buried in Malta, if indeed they were, as I would go to Malta to find him.Editor's Note: Frederick Eager is buried in the Kalkara Naval Cemetery in Malta he was the son of William Henry and Dorothy Eva Eager. The husband of Caroline Ivy Eager, Brighton, Sussex.
Jules Plunkett
Joseph Austin. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Joseph Austin, died on the Dorsetshire, he was my grandmother's brother. He was a professional sailor. I have in my possession a letter written on the Wednesday before the ship sailed on the Saturday. In his letter he writes about starting a 10,000 mile journey home, a trip which we now know was never completed. I have also letters listing his service duties, one of which was to escort the King on his tour of the West Indies.Malcolm Beeston
Surgeon Lt. (D) Harold Bernard Concanon. Royal Navy , Volunteer Reserve. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Harold Bernard Concanon, my mother's first husband, was killed when HMS Dorsetshire was sunk during WWII. He was a South African who had trained as a dentist at Liverpool University. While he was at Liverpool University I understand he was President of the Students Guild. His dental practice was at 60 Rodney Street, Liverpool and my mother lived there during the war. He was a commissioned officer and was the ships dentist.I know that my mother still thought of him until the day she died, although she happily re-married and had me. 'Uncle Bernard', as she referred to him when she talked of him to me, would not consider having a family whilst the war was on, so he has no direct descendants. I suspect that his nephews know little about him as his brother died at an early age as well.
There must be very few survivors still living now, but, I am glad that the internet helps to keep alive the memory of those brave men and women who battled to keep us free.
Update: Harold Bernard Concanon is remembered on the Plymouth Naval Memorial, Panel 76 Column 3 according to CWGC.
David McGuinness
Chaplain Denzil Laborde. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942 )
Denzil Laborde was ship's Chaplain on board HMS Dorsetshire for most of the war and was lost when the ship sank. His young wife had two small girls, the youngest never saw her father, and was only 5 months old when he died. Close to the end of the war, my father, a close university friend of Denzil Laborde, married his young widow. I grew up hearing about the tragedy from both my half-sisters and well remember the small blue book all about this famous ship, which I believe my elder sister still has.Mark Stevens
Stkr. Albert Henry Rule. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Firstly I would like to congratulate you on such a well researched and interesting site. It brings home how much we owe to so many, one of the many being my father, Albert Henry Rule, Stoker 1st class. He was serving on HMS Dorsetshire and went down with the ship on Easter Sunday 1942. He was 24 yrs of age and left a widow of 21yrs and 2 children my brother and myself. He only saw me once when he came home on leave when I was 6 or 7 months old so I do not remember him. My Mother sadly died recently and I now have a photo of him with a couple of his crew mates.Roselyn T. Catterall
Canteen Assnt. Samuel Stothard. NAAFI, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Samuel Stothard was a Canteen Assistant for the Navy Army and Air Force Institute (Naafi) on board HMS Dorsetshire and died on the 5th April 1942 when the Heavy Cruisers Dorsetshire and Cornwall were sunk under attack from Japanese carrier based aircraft in the Indian Ocean about 300 miles from Ceylon.Dawn Taylor
Stkr. John Williams. Royal Navy, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th April 1942)
During recent research into my family history, I have discovered the military history of my Great Uncle, John Williams, who was a Stoker Class 1 on-board HMS Dorsetshire; both during the time when it helped sink the Bismarck, and when it was sank by the Japanese in April 1942, when he sadly lost his life with many others. He was just 22 years of age.I know very little of him other than this but the record books clearly show they all played a major part in such a huge conflict; it would be great to know if he was ever spoken about by survivors from HMS Dorsetshire, or people that knew him.
Michael Williams
PO Carmelo Bonnici. Royal Navy, HMS Cornwall. (d.5th April 1942)
My grandfather was a Petty Officer on board HMS Cornwall when it sank on 5th April 1942. I am still trying to find some information about his whereabouts during the attack on the ship. If anyone can help, please contact me.PO Bonnici was killed in action on 5th April 1942 and is commemorated on Panel 72, Col. 1 at Plymouth Naval Memorial. Capt. A. Bonnici
Stkr 1st Cl. Douglas Stewart Bell. South African Naval Forces, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th April 1942)
Douglas Bell married my step aunt, Dorothy Mabel Page. He served on HMS Dorsetshire and went down with the ship on 5th April 1942.L Peters
Able Sea. Joseph Hugil Dawson. Royal Navy, HMS Cornwall. (d.5th April 1942)
My uncle Joe Dawson was 19 and the ship he was serving on, HMS Cornwall, was bombed by three Japanese aircraft carriers during the Indian Ocean Raid. Its sister ship, HMS Dorsetshire, was also bombed at the same time. There were very few survivors.Josie Dawson
P.O. Albert Ernest Price. Fleet Air Arm, HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
Albert Price was my uncle, a petty officer in the fleet air arm he was the observer in the Farey Swordfish aircraft which used to fly off the deck of H.M.S Dorsetshire. Aged twenty-one and having been married to Daisy just three days before embarkation he was killed in action on Sunday the fifth of April 1942 when some eighty Japanese planes attacked and sank H.M.S Dorsetshire and then H.M.S. Cornwall within fifteen minutes. He was sorely missed and will remain in our family's hearts forever.
AB. John Bradley. Royal Navy , HMS Dorsetshire. (d.5th Apr 1942)
My Great Uncle John Bradley, Jonny, as my family called him, died on the Dorsetshire when it was attacked in April 1942. He was from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was an Able Seaman and he was 37 when he died.
Justine Abbott
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