Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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L/Cpl. Henry James Johncocks MM.

British Army Y Company The Buffs

from:28 Ruskin Road, Belvedere, Kent

(d.31st May 1944)

I have only the telegram and account of Henry's death at age 19 years in support of his award of the Military Medal which reads as follows:

On 31st May, 1944, 'Y' Company, acting as advance guard, had just reached their objective, CLE CANNUCCIE, and were in the process of consolidating when the enemy opened up with Scheimzer fire and sniping. Two sergeants were killed instantaneoulsy. Lacne-Corporal Johncocks, regardless of the fact that the ground was swept by fire, crawled forward and with his first rifle shot and killed one of the enemy.

A few minutes later two Germans having worked their way round to aflank rushed at Lance-Corporal Johncocks. Undeterred he remained at his post and succeeded in wounding both of them with his rifle.

By his prompt action and great coolness and devotion to duty, Lance-Corporal Johncocks inspired all the men in his Platoon and gave his Platoon Commander valuable time to re-organise the Platoon and consolidate the position.

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