Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Second World War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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S. Tenente Gaetano Campobasso

Esercito Italiano 110 BTG mitraglieri divisione Fanteria Modena - 11

from:Bari, Itala

Mio Padre fu catturato il 26 settembre 1943 a Cefalonia in Grecia dai tedeschi ed internato in Germania . Ho ritrovato delle lettere da lui spedite o a lui mandate dall'Italia euna che porta la data del 21/02/1944 e indirizzata M.stamm Lager IV B. Muhlberg Elbe. E' una lettera per prigionieri e internati civili di guerra. Il numero di matricola di mio padre era 265095 in data 15 08 1944 lui scrive con un altro indirizzo Offlag VI Obulanger 23 Post Loathen (Ems ) . a me risulta che cambiĆ² molti lager

My father was captured the September 26, 1943 at Kefalonia in Greece by the Germans and interned in Germany. I found the letters from him shipped or to him sent from Italy anda which bears the date 21 /02/1944 and addressed M. stamm Lager IV B. Muhlberg Elbe. It is a letter for prisoners and internees of civil war. The serial number of my father was 265095 Babylon 9

To date 15 08 1944 he writes with another address Offlag VI Obulanger 23 Post Loathen (Ems ) . To me it appears that change many lager

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