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AMM3C Matt Wilson
US Navy Fleet Air Wing 7
I was stationed at Dunkeswell, (we called it Mudville) in Devon England. I believe it was April 45 we went to New Havenford West with our B-24 for special Air Work. Three of us were ground crew to service the plane. We made a deal with the pilot to put enough gas in for the afternoon flight and the morning flight so we could go to town. ( I dont remember the name of the airfield but it was aprox 7 or 17 miles to town. We get to town and found a pub then found the Cafe. We went in for a bite and finally managed to get a private room, it was in the storage area and we had to clean it out ,but it was great. We met two girls that was stationed at the Hostel. We had a nice week taking them to the Cafe and dancing. The girl I teamed up with was Ivy Emberton. She was a lovely girl. We found the Welsh people wonderful, we stayed with a private family and took the one cab back to the Base. A few weeks we were back again, doing the same things except we had two Motorcycles to get around with.( the 1st class Hendren had bought them and he sold them before we went back to England) So we had another great week. A few weeks later I returned with another crew. The Hostel was closed, and I did not have Ivy's Address. So I lost contact and I hoped she went on to have a happy life.
This time it wasn't so great. There was a fight started in the Cafe and we ended up getting involved by chance not on purpose. So that was my last trip to Wales. We sensed the war was winding down when we saw the Hostel was closed.
I remember that while the runways surfaced VB-103 also used the airfield at Upottery,
what they did was send a small crew to Upottery and we loaded the planes with armement and a light load of fuel they landed at Upottery and took on a full load of fuel and took off from there then landed at Dunks. after the mission.
I returned to the U.S.A. at the end of the war on the Queen Mary. But went from Bombers to Fighters and Air Craft Carrier, discharged in 1948.
Winter 1944
Matt Wilson AMM3C, checking gas.
Dean Elliott AMM2C. PATSU 7-A.
E.I. Ross AMM1C and Matt Wilson (Front) outside our lovely hut.
Tommy (last name unkown) declares war on the hut deck.
F.F. Ward AMM2C, in deep thought about the next liberty
Winter 1945
Winter 1945
Winter 1945
Sidmouth at low tide.
Mr. Martin AMM3C, based at USAAF Dunkeswell, at play at Sidmouth, the scafolding is part of the beach defences. It was intended to slow down enemy landings by preventing tanks from climbing the low seafront walls.
Mr. Martin AMM3C and I. Nebel AMM2C, based at USAAF Dunkeswell, on the beach at Sidmouth.
Matt Wilson AMM3C. based at USAAF Dunkeswell. Like a good "scotch on the rocks" at Sidmouth.
Matt Wilson AMM3C + Mr. Martin, based at USAAF Dunkeswell, at Sidmouth Beach 1944. The scafolding is part of the anti-landing beach defence.