- HMS Warspite during the Second World War -
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HMS Warspite
21st January 1940 Battleships sighted
19th Mar 1940 Departures
20th Mar 1940 Raft
21st Mar 1940 Training
22nd Mar 1940 Tanker
23rd Mar 1940 Refuelling
25th Mar 1940 Guns Fired
26th Mar 1940 Rejoined
27th Mar 1940 Poor Weather
12th Apr 1940 Bombing
13th April 1940 In Action
13th April 1940 2nd Battle of Narvik
17th August 1940 Attack on Navy fleet
31st Mar 1942 Orders
1st Apr 1942 Search
8th Apr 1942 On the Move
9th Apr 1942 On the Move
Sep 1942 Preparations
5th July 1943 Convoy Duty
10th July 1943 Protection
6th June 1944 Smokescreen
6th Jun 1944 Under Fire
7th Jun 1944 Assault Made
1st Nov 1944 AssaultIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Those known to have sailed in
HMS Warspite
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Arnold Thomas Charles. Mar. (d.23rd May 1941)
- Bender Harold Thomas.
- Bilbe Charles Victor Lenard.
- Bird Henry John.
- Bishop Allen Harold.
- Blake George Douglas. Able Sea.
- Braithwaite Stanley. Stkr1.
- Chapman Stephen Henry. Sea.
- Dutton Dennis William. Decoder
- Greenwood Thomas. L.Sea.
- Harding Albert Edward. Cmmd.Boatswain. (d.22nd May 1941)
- Harris George Edward Joseph . Gnr.
- Heath Joseph. L/Sea.
- Higgins Stanley Augustus. Stokr.
- Hopkins Samuel Edward. Able Sea (d.2nd August 1943)
- Hughes DSM Roderick Ivor. CPO.
- Hull Maurice. Able Sea.
- Knight Vincent.
- McCarten Edward. Ord.Sea.
- Mestern Warwick Fredrick Orton.
- Nunn Frederick Theodore. Gnr. (d.22nd May 1941)
- Pharoah DSM. George Charles Matthias. CPO Gnr.
- Phillips Cyril Claude. Leading Stoker.
- Philpott Donald James. L.Sea.
- Pike William Jordan. Able Sea. (d.15th Nov 1942)
- Riddle Andrew. Sea.
- Rogers George Edward. Able Sea
- Routley John Richard. CPO.
- Rowe Reginald.
- Sheridan Philip. (d.1941)
- Shimmons Eric Bert. Pte.
- Sims Frederick. AB.
- Skipper Charles Thomas. Stoker
- Sore Charles H.. (d.22nd May 1941)
- Spriggs Clifford Gordon Weetman. Ldg.Sea,
- Walsham John Scarlett Warren.
- Ware Henry Sydney. PO.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of HMS Warspite from other sources.
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Want to know more about HMS Warspite?
There are:27 items tagged HMS Warspite available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Ldg.Sea, Clifford Gordon Weetman Spriggs HMS Warspite
Clifford Spriggs joined HMS Warspite at the outbreak of war. I believe he joined her in Malta. He served as a gunner from joining, through to the Battle of Crete. Returned to Chatham via South Africa. He later joined HMS Loostrife. He served nearly three years on the North Atlantic convoys and was present on D Day. He was posted to Cuxhaven at the end of the war. He left the Royal Navy after fifteen years service in 1948. He died in 2008 at the age of ninety. As his son, I grew up with tales of HMS Warspite, especially of the second Battle of Narvick, Matapan, Taranto and Crete and then of the Battle of the Atlantic. What heroes these men were.Alan Spriggs
Reginald Rowe HMS Warspite
My Pap, Reginald Rowe served on HMS Warspite from 1942. He was 16 when he joined the Navy and did his training in Portsmouth. While on board he was an electrician and when he saw action he would load the shells into the guns on the deck. He would tell us tales of a bomb dropping through the deck but not exploding - this was in the Med. He also told me about supporting fire over Norway. He was an artist and I have all of his original drawings from when he was on board.My pap was my hero and we miss him terribly
Clare Sherwood
AB. Frederick Sims HMS Warspite
My dad Fred Sims served as a Radar Operator in HMS Warspite during WW2 and was on board when struck by a guided missile and also during the D Day landings and when the ship hit a mine sailing back up the Channel.Alan Sims
Sea. Stephen Henry "Chappy" Chapman HMS Warspite
My father, Stephen Chapman who served as a gunner in HMS Warspite was at the D Day landings.Julie Stokes
Allen Harold Bishop HMS Warspite
My dad, Allen Bishop served on the Warspite. Does anyone recall him?
Stokr. Stanley Augustus Higgins HMS Dorsetshire
After completing his basic training following his call up on 27th of February 1940, Stanley Higgins was posted to HMS Dorsetshire on 5th of June 1940 at Devonport, where she was completing a refit.During the Bismarck action, Stanley was off watch from the boiler rooms, and was at his action station in a damage control party. Part way through the action he was allowed to go "up top" to see what was happening, and witnessed the smoke shrouded wreck of Bismarck before its sinking. After being stood down from action stations, all available hands were called to "man the sides" and assist in the rescue of Bismarck survivors. Stanley took part and after assisting in the rescues, one particular survivor, called Friedrich Junghans, gave Stanley his "erkennungsmarke" or ID tag. It is currently on display in the Merseyside Maritime Museum in Liverpool.
Eleven months later, at the time of the Dorsetshire's own sinking, Stanley was again off-watch and again called to action stations, at this time he was a leader of a damage control party up near the Dorsetshire's bows adjacent to the ships paint locker. Very shortly after the commencement of the Japanese air attack, all comms in the ship were lost, though it was soon apparent that the Dorsetshire was receiving a heavy pounding, with the ship heeling over and quaking from the impact of the Japanese bombs.
One concussion dislodged a length of suction hose, known as an elephant's foot, which hit Stanley and he was concussed for a few seconds. On regaining his wits, and sensing that the ship was starting to list heavily, Stanley shouted for the party to get on the upper deck via a ladder leading to a hatch in the compartment roof. The first man up the ladder shouted that he couldn't unlatch the hatch dogs. Stanley used a crowbar to release the latches and the party crawled out onto the rapidly inclining bow deck. One party member, a South African, couldn't swim and went down with the ship, the rest all survived.
Stanley went on to serve on the battleships Warspite, Valiant and Malaya, and ended the war in Fremantle, Australia onboard the submarine tender, HMS Adamant.
After demobilisation, Stanley was a bus driver in Liverpool until retirement in 1984, and passed away on 4th July 2013, aged 93.
Stkr1. Stanley Braithwaite HMS Warspite
In WW2, Stan Braithwaite served on HMS Warspite as a Stoker. Whilst Warspite was in America for refit, he and a couple of pals hitchhiked to Hollywood where they met some of the film stars of the day, including Anne Sheridan. He served on the Landing Craft on D-Day.D. Rockliffe
L.Sea. Thomas Greenwood HMS Warspite Royal Navy
Tom Greenwood joined HMS Warspite on the 28th of March 1941. He was involved in the Battle of Cape Matapan, where the Italian fleet cruisers Zara, Four and Poland were sunk. He was part of the Malta convoy work and took part in the Battle of Crete, assisting the 8th Army bombardment off the North Africa Coast. The ship was attacked by Stuka Bombers off Crete and was damaged, the Warspite was taken to America for repairs.
Gnr. George Edward Joseph "Cabby" Harris HMS Warspite
My dad George E J Harris was Royal Marine gunner and was on HMS Warspite on D Day.M Brazier
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