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World War 2 Two II WW2 WWII 1939 1945

H. H. Chalder .     Royal Air Force 41 Squadron

Barbara Elizabeth Chalkley .     Women's Land Army   from The Hollies, Commercial Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset

My Mum, Barbara Chalkley joined the Women's Land Army in September 1941 and was working on Church Knowle Farm, Nr Corfe Castle, Dorset on 1st October 1941. She stayed with Miss Grace in the little cottage beside the bend in the road as you descend from the Creech hilltop (t'other side of the ridge from Creech Grange). Her sweetheart was Richard (Dicker) Williams who was working in the Intelligence Section, HQ company, 70th Dorsets, Branksome, Dorset, at the time. Unfortunately after three weeks she was 'invalided out', I think with bronchitis. Mum was in later the A.T.S. from January 1943

Mum passed away in 2004 but I am researching her wartime life and would love to hear from anyone who could tell me more about her brief spell in the Land Army.

F/O. Frank Douglas Chalkley .     Royal Air Force No. 196 Squadron   from Hastings

(d.19th Sep 1944)

Christmas Challenger .    

My grandfather served in North Africa in WWII. If anyone remembers Christmas Challenger, please could they let us know. He never spoke of the war, that is why we have no information.

William Challenger .     British Army 17th Indian Div.,48th Bgde. 14th Army

I am looking for anyone who fought with or knows my grandfather, William (Bill) Challenger. He was with the 14th Army, 17th Division, 48th Brigade, fighting alongside the Gurkhas in Burma. For as long as I can remember he has spoken about his time in Burma and talks fondly of the Gurkhas. I would love to get in touch with anyone who thinks they might know my grandpa or anyone who has a relative who fought with him.

Col Challis .     Royal Air Force 460 Sqd.

Col Challis flew as a mid upper gunner with 460 Squadron

Alexander Chalmers .     Royal Navy HMS Bedouin   from Johnstone

Sandy Chalmers, my grandfather, was posted to the Bedouin on 15th March 1939 (the day it launched) and served as a stoker until sank on 15th June 1942. My grandmother, having been informed by telegram that he was missing in action, learned that he had been captured by the Italians after a Catholic Cardinal visited the prisoners, noted addresses and followed through on his promise of a postcard.

Spr. Charles Chalmers .     British Army 663 Artisan Works Company Royal Engineers (d.17th Jun 1940)

Charles Chalmers of 663 Artisan Works Company, Royal Engineers lost his life in the sinking of the Lancastria.

F/Sgt. D. Chalmers DFM..     97 Squadron

Flt.Sgt. Ivor Frederic Chalmers .     Royal Australian Air Force 207 Squadron (d.29th Jan 1944)

Ivor Chalmers served with 207 Squadron.

Marion "Minnie" Chalmers .     Women's Land Army   from

My Mother-in-Law. Marion Chalmers, served with the Land Army in East Lothian, Scotland at a farm called Ballencrieff during the 1939-1945 war. She met my William Tait and they married in 1947. I would love to find out more about her time there. We have some photos of her, in uniform, and from the re-union they had many years later. I wonder if anyone who served with her are still around and remember her? My husband remembers only one surname of someone who served with her - Hood (possibly Bertha?).

RM Chalmers .     British Army

RM Chalmers served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

Chf. Off'r Robert Lowson Chalmers .     Merchant Navy SS Criton   from South Shields

Chief Officer Robert Chalmers (previous ship rank 'Benvenue'), was signed as crew onto the Criton (a French prize ship) with a cargo of 6000 tons of iron ore.

The Criton with a crew of 52, was in a convoy aiming to return home. The Criton struggled to keep pace with the convoy - believed to have been sabotaged, and after several stops for repair the convoy went ahead and the Criton was left to return to Freetown. On 21st June 1941 the Criton was ordered to stop by two un-flagged war ships (Edith Germaine and Air France 4). The Criton (unarmed itself) was under attack and, after refusing to follow turn-around orders, after intense machine gun fire and shell attack the Criton was abandoned, the crew disembarking into life boats. Confidential records were thrown over board in weighted bags. Survivors were taken to Conakry. The crew and executive officers were singled out and interrogated. The crew were forced to sign statements stating the Criton had been scuttled as the Vichy French were embarrassed they had attacked and sunk their own ship and also charged with piracy and frank-tireurs.

On 26th September 1941 Chief Officer Robert Chalmers alongside the crew of the Criton was moved to Timbuctoo (Kankan) by train from Conakry, arriving on 7th October 1941. Conditions in Timbuctoo were reported as worse than experiences in Conakry, poor sanitation with no sewage systems, heavy rain, high humidity, limited food consisting of grain sometimes soaked in goats milk, often one bowl a day and some days none. He remained here until 14th December 1942. It is reported the crew of the Criton received far worse treatment than any other British prisoners of the Vichy French.

Lt W. G. Chalmers MC..     Army 5th Btn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

A Chamberlain .     British Army

A Chamberlain served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

Pilot Officer C J E Chamberlain .     RNZAF/ RAF(SSC) 59 Squadron

C Chamberlain .     British Army

C Chamberlain served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

Lt. Charles Paulet "Paul" Chamberlain .     British Army Royal Artillery

Charles Chamberlain aka Paul was born on 4th of October 1917 at The Vineries, Aldborough, Boroughbridge North Yorkshire. He was the middle child of Charles Reginald Chamberlin and his wife Annie Weston Wadsworth. He was twin to Margaret Mary, younger brother of Reginald Arthur and older brother of Elliott Percival, and my paternal Uncle. Charles was educated at the Royal Grammar School Clitheroe and aged 11, he was awarded the following books: “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. In 1933, and aged 16, he was awarded “The three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas, for success at the school certificate examination of the Northern Universities. In 1934, aged 17, he was awarded “The Count of Monte Cristo” Volumes I & II by Alexandre Dumas, for success in the Matriculation Examination of the Northern Universities 1934. He then went to Keble College at Oxford University.

After the war in 1949 Charles was a Lieutenant, Acting Major in the Territorial Army. He went back to Keble House, Oxford, where he gained an honours degree in Geography part 1, Bachelor of Arts in 1947 and part 2 Geography in 1948. He was Assistant Master at Merchiston Castle School in Edinburgh and was promoted to House Master. Charles married Sheila Prosser Mackintosh, daughter of Lord and Lady MacIntosh in 1955 in St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh.

Many years later, his widow, Sheila, told me that, During World War II, Charles was a Second Lieutenant, Royal Artillery in 1940, then became a Lieutenant in 1941. He spent the first year of his war career in India, via Middle Eastern countries, to North Africa, back and forth across the desert before General Montgomery arrived. He served in the Royal Tank Regiment in the Indian Army in India, Iraq, Persia and North Africa. Charles was thought missing in action but was later found to be a Prisoner of War between 1942 to 1945. He was captured by Italians who threatened to set fire to the tank, with the men inside, if they didn’t surrender. A tank crew member said, "there was no point in being burnt alive" so they surrendered and were taken prisoner, sent to camp number 75, Torre Tresca in Italy via Crete or Rhodes.

In 1942, Charles and his men escaped and were on the run for 3 weeks, hoping to make contact with the allies as they made their way north in Italy. Unfortunately, progress was slower than expected and Charles and 2 others were recaptured, this time by Germans and were packed off to the prisoner of war camp Oflag 79 in Germany where he was held for 3 years before being liberated by the Americans in 1945.

Charles died August 1986 and was cremated at Morton Hall Crematorium, Edinburgh, where his ashes were buried.

Doris Chamberlain .     Land Army

Joan Kathleen Chamberlain .     Womens Land Army

My Grandmother Joan Chamberlain was in the Womens Land Army and served on a farm. she was born in Woodford, her parents were Frederick & Ethel Chamberlain. Shortly after the war Joan married a service man from the Canadian military and moved to Canada where she lived to the age of 91.

Paul Dennis Chamberlain .     Royal Air Force 166 Squadron   from Croydon

Paul Dennis Chamberlain .     Royal Air Force 166 Squadron   from Croydon

R Chamberlain .     British Army

R Chamberlain served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

George Alfred Chamberlin .     Royal Navy

F/L A. Chambers DFC..     97 Squadron

Chief Stoker. Alfred Chambers .     Royal Navy HMS Spartiate (d.20th Aug 1943)

Alfred Chambers served in HMS Spartiate. He was the son of Horace and Anna Chambers of Ramsholt, husband of Elsie Chambers.

Pte. Charles Chambers .     British Army 8th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (d.3rd Apr 1944)

Charles Chambers was my mothers uncle and she is looking for some background into his service record. He was married and was sent to war but was killed within 3 months. His grave is at Monte Casino, he was killed 3rd April 1944 aged 27.

Sgt. Colin Frederick Chambers .     Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 138 Squadron (d.15th March 1943)

Colin Chambers served with 138 Squadron.

CPO Douglas Haig Chambers .     Navy HMS Electra

My late father, CPO Douglas Haig Chambers, was an engineer aged 23 aboard HMS Electra when it was torpedoed. He did survive, and was one of the crew who got the General Verspeck steamed up to travel to Fremantle, Australia. Dad died in 1994.

E. D. Chambers .    

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