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- Royal Horse Artillery during the Great War -

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Royal Horse Artillery

Want to know more about Royal Horse Artillery?

There are:926 items tagged Royal Horse Artillery available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Royal Horse Artillery

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Adlard John Evan. Lt.
  • Archbold James. Dvr. (d.7th Apr 1918)
  • Archdale DSO MID. Theodore Montgomery. Lt.Col. (d.10th October 1918)
  • Archer William Frederick. Gnr. (d.26th of August 1914)
  • Armand Ernest Worrell Gustave.
  • Baker Thomas Edward. Gnr. (d.26th Jun 1916)
  • Barker DCM.. Arthur Samuel. RSM (d.24th July 1916)
  • Bateman Herbert. Bmdr. (d.3rd Dec 1917)
  • Beecroft William. L/Bmbdr.
  • Bell Richard. Cpl. (d.17th Mar 1915)
  • Benfield MM & Bar.. Joseph. Gnr.
  • Best Arthur Charles. Dvr.
  • Bevis Frederick G.. Gnr. (d.13th Sep 1916)
  • Blay Thomas. Gnr. (d.25th Apr 1918)
  • Boggan Thomas Patrick. Gnr. (d.27th Jul 1917)
  • Bolton William. Dvr. (d.11th May 1916)
  • Bond William. Gnr. (d.28th Oct 1917)
  • Border Harry. Gnr.
  • Bott Arthur. Gnr. (d.12th Oct 1916)
  • Bowes John. Dvr. (d.4th Oct 1914)
  • Bradbury VC. Edward Kinder. Cpt. (d.1st September 1914)
  • Brady William. Gnr. (d.12th Mar 1916)
  • Bregan Francis. Dvr. (d.27th Apr 1916)
  • Bregan Francis. Dvr. (d.27th Apr 1916)
  • Bregan James. Gnr. (d.13th Jan 1917)
  • Brennan MSM.. March. Gnr. (d.15th Dec 1918)
  • Brennan Patrick Joseph. Gnr. (d.25th Mar 1915)
  • Briars Frank. Bmdr.
  • Briscoe Edward. Drv. (d.23rd Oct 1918)
  • Buck Frederick William. Cpl.
  • Bull CdeG.. Charles. SM.
  • Burkett Edward John. Gnr.
  • Bursey Edward Henry. Dvr.
  • Cockbill Frederick. Pte.
  • Collins William. Gnr.
  • Cooke Richard. Sgt.
  • Corddell William George Hunsden. Cpl.
  • Deacon Arthur Augustus. A/Cpl.
  • Deacon . John William . A/Sjt.
  • Dickinson William James. Sgt.
  • Dines Hubert Ernest. Dvr. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Driscoll Albert. Gnr.
  • Eastman George Thomas. Sgt.
  • Ferrett George Ivord. Dvr.
  • Field Charles H.. Gunner.
  • Forster George Noble Oliver. Gnr.
  • Gerrard Edward Aloysius. Lt.
  • Gill Richard. Drvr. (d.26th Oct 1918)
  • Glenister Ernest Alfred.
  • Godber Bernard. Bdr.
  • Goodacre Ernest. Dvr.
  • Greaves Norman. Bmbdr.
  • Green Charles Frederick William. Pte.
  • Gurney Albert Frank. Pte.
  • Heald John William. Gnr.
  • Hicks John E.. Act. Bmbdr. (d.26th October 1918)
  • Hubert Joseph William. Pte.
  • Humphrey DCM.. Thomas. Sjt.
  • Hussey Thomas Joseph. Gnr.
  • Hussey William Henry. Gnr.
  • Hussey William Henry. Gnr.
  • Keane Patrick.
  • Kellam Cyril Claude. Sgt.
  • Keller Charles Robert. Dvr.
  • Keywood John.
  • Knox . Richard . Capt.
  • Lane Thomas. Dvr. (d.9th Aug 1918)
  • Leetch MM.. Ernest A.. 2nd Lt.
  • Maitland Alec. Gnr
  • Mander George Devonshire.
  • Mason Leonard.
  • Matthews Robert George. Boy
  • Matthews Robert George.
  • McNamara Michael.
  • Mole Alfred. Sgt
  • Moulding Edward John. Sgt.
  • Neill Thomas Alexander. BSM.
  • Orchard William Frederick. Gnr.
  • Page DCM. Walter E.. Gnr.
  • Pearson Thomas Petch. 2Lt.
  • Pollard Walter. Bdr.
  • Rackstraw Robert Baxter. Dvr.
  • Read Ezra. Cpl. (d.1st Sep 1917)
  • Ritter George Edward. Dvr.
  • Rose Fred.
  • Sewell George.
  • Sheppard James. Capt.
  • Southam Henry James. Drvr.
  • Stanley Thomas William. Sgt.
  • Stringer John.
  • Sutton Cecil Glendy. Gnr.
  • Taylor George Wilfred.
  • Taylor Harold. Sdlr. (d.1914)
  • Turnbull Thomas.
  • Walker George. Brig. (d.22nd October 1918)
  • Wallace Robert.
  • Wheatley R.. Lt.Col.
  • White William Harper. Pte
  • Williams Charles M.. Sgt.
  • Winn William John. Dvr.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of Royal Horse Artillery from other sources.

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Cpt. Edward Kinder Bradbury VC L Bty. Royal Horse Artillery (d.1st September 1914)

Edward Bradbury died on 1st September 1914, aged 33 and is buried in the Nery communal cemetery in France. He was the son of Judge James Kinder Bradbury and Grace Bradbury, of Altrincham, Cheshire

An extract from The London Gazette, dated 24th Nov., 1914, records the following:- For gallantry and ability in organising the defence of "L" Battery against heavy odds at Nery on 1st September.

s flynn


Drvr. Richard Gill "K" Bty. 4th Bde. Royal Horse Artillery (d.26th Oct 1918)

Richard Gill died on the 26th of October 1918, aged 27. He is buried in the Etaples Military Cemetery, son of James and Elizabeth Gill, of 27 Longfield Terrace, Cliviger, Burnley. Native of Cliviger.

s flynn


Gnr. Arthur Bott 71st Battery Royal Field Artillery (d.12th Oct 1916)

Arthur Bott was born in Brereton to Thomas and Mary (Maria), who ran The Miners Arms pub in the village, which still stands to this day. Before the war he was a horse driver in one of the local coal mines. He joined firstly the Royal Horse Artillery then The Royal Field Artillery being posted to 71st Battery. He landed in France on 19th of May 1915. He died of wounds 12th of October 1916.

Gary Paterson


Sgt. George Thomas Eastman 52nd Brigade Royal Horse Artillery

George Eastman enlisted 28th of October 1905. He joined E Battery RHA on the 20th of March 1914 as a Bombadier. Promoted to Corporal on 5th of August 1914 he went to France with the Battery later that month. He served with the Battery until posted to C Battery, 52nd Brigade, RFA. he survived the war and died in 1947.

Ray Eastman


Gnr. William "Lotte" Collins Royal Horse Artillery

William Collins, Royal Horse Artillery, 1915

My grandfather William Collins was born in 1900 in Chichester, Sussex. He ran away from home and joined the Army in 1915. He signed up with the Royal Horse Artillery, but I'm not sure where he enlisted or specifically which RHA unit he was assigned to. I know he was in the trenches in France and ended up in Cairo, where his regiment fired the gun salute at the birth of King Farouk in 1920.

I cannot find any record of him online, so I hope someone can give more information from the photos. On the back of photo 3 is written "Lotte, Darky, and Charlie". William, on the left, was called Lotte after Lotte Collins, a music hall star at the time.

William Collins in khaki

William Collins on left, with friends

William Collins_with busby

William Collins in Cairo

Bryan Olpin


A/Cpl. Arthur Augustus Deacon 15th Btn. Sherwood Foresters

Initially, Arthur Deacon was in the South Nottinghamshire Hussars and then 307th Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. He was wounded and gassed sometime during service. His Lt. Colonel's remarks on his discharge papers were that he was a first-class shot on the Lewis gun and very capable.

Janet Kilbourne


Gnr. Albert "Tubby" Driscoll O Battery Royal Horse Artillery

Farriers of O Battery, RHA

Albert Driscoll served with O Battery, Royal Horse Artillery.

Alex Driscoll


Gnr. William Henry Hussey B Battery Royal Horse Artillery

William Hussey in police uniform

William Hussey was born abt 1892, he was a police constable at Watford, Herts when he enlisted in 1915. He married Teresa Florence Buck on the 9th of April 1917 at the Parish Church of St Michaels and All Angels in Watford. William was taken POW on the 30th of November 1917 during the Battle of Cambrai France. He was taken to Dulmen prison camp. He was a police officer before and after WW1.


Fred Rose Royal Horse Artillery

Fred Rose served with Royal Horse Artillery.

Josephine Clinch


Dvr. Ernest "Goody" Goodacre 1/1st Ayrshire Battery Royal Horse Artillery

My grandfather Ernie Goodacre joined the Territorial Force prior to the start of the Great War snd served in Sinai and Palestine from 1916 to 1918. His service record does not exist and as a family we believe he also saw action on the Western Front at the end of the war.

Gregory James Merryfield


Sgt. Charles M. Williams Royal Horse Artillery

Charles Williams served with the Royal Horse Artillery.

Debbie Banham


Cpl. Frederick William Buck Q Battery Royal Horse Artillery

My grandfather, Fred Buck on his horse in full service dress.

My grandfather Fred Buck served in the RHA for the full duration of the Great War. He received the Pip, Squeak and Wilfred medals for full service.

Graham Le Bas


Capt. James Sheppard Royal Horse Artillery

James Sheppard served in the Transvaal and WW1 before returning to Sheffield after the war where he became a police officer.



Gnr. Edward John Burkett S Battery Royal Horse Artillery

After some research I have discovered that my grandfather, Edward Burkett, signed up in 1915 aged 19. He was assigned to S Battery, RHA. I have found that he was deployed to Mesopotamia. He survived the war and died peacefully in 1978.

Ian Pauley


Dvr. William John Winn Royal Horse Artillery

My Grandfather, William Winn served in France with the Royal Horse Artillery during World War 1.

Gary Pooler


Pte. Frederick Cockbill 157th Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery

Fred Cockbill is my paternal grandfather. He was a telegraphy boy living at 21 Prospect Hill, Leicester in 1911. He joined the Leicestershire RHA and fought in Egypt and Palestine.

Post war, he became a grocer and sub-postmaster in Thurmaston. I knew him well as we lived with my grandparents above the shop. He was a very kind and gentle man who served his community in WW2 as a Civilian Defence Volunteer and was also a local councillor into his early 80's. I have very fond memories of him.

Fred in Egypt

Stephen Cockbill


Patrick Keane Royal Horse Artillery

Patrick Keane joined the Royal Horse Artillery on the 20th of October 1905. It is believed he saw active service at the Somme but no other information is available.



Bmbdr. Norman Greaves 106th Battery Royal Horse Artilliary

I hold a collection of postcards from and to my great grandmother, Sarah Alder of Middlesbrough, starting in 1911 through the Great War and finishing in 1919.

The postcards relate to 65466 Bdr Norman Greaves, 106 Battery RHA, 7th Division. XXII Brigade and cover the period of his military service (taken from the postcards)

  • Oct 1911 Cahir Barracks, Tipperary (assumption that he was regular Army)
  • Jun 1913 Catonment, Transvaal
  • Sep 1914 Ashurst, Southampton
  • Oct 1914 Embark for France
  • Oct 1914 Arrive Zeebrugge
  • Oct 1914 Ypres

Postcards via Field Post Office T7 during period of the following battles: Neuve Chapelle, Festubert, Givenchy, Loos, The Somme

  • Mar 1918 Italy
  • Apr 1918 Libya (scene on card)
  • Oct 1918 Folkstone
  • Dec 1918 Malmedy, Belgium
  • Jan 1919 Call (photo postcard with text "Gruss aus Call" might be Callenelle?)

Record ends here,Norman Greaves does not appear in the records of the War Graves Commission so it must be assumed that he returned to the UK. His home town is not known nor how he came to be in correspondence with my great grandmother, Sarah Alder nee MacFadyen of Middlesbrough, then in the North Riding of Yorkshire.

Ian Hall-Dixon


Dvr. George Ivord Ferrett 9th Battery Royal Field Artillery

George Ferrett was born in Devon in 1893. As a young boy he worked with horses on the farm. In 1914 he joined the Royal Horse Artillery, later incorporated in to the R F A. He was the lead driver on the horses taking the guns up to the front lines. He was fortunate enough to survive the war and died in 1950 of heart failure.

Anthony Ferrett


Gnr. William Henry Hussey Royal Horse Artillery

  • Recorded in the International Committee of the Red Cross book.
  • By whats recorded took part in the Battle of Cambrai in France.
  • Lived in Watford, Hertfordshire.
  • Date of Birth : 27/08/1894.
  • Married to Teresa Buck.
  • Enlistment papers can be found on
  • Captured 30th November 1917

Letter from his wife

Info prsoner of War

Info prisoner of War

Certificate of Identity

Chris Hussey

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.


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