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Want to know more about the Royal Welsh Fusiliers?
There are:8219 items tagged Royal Welsh Fusiliers available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
Royal Welsh Fusiliers
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Ackers Thomas Owen. Sgt. 23rd Btn. (d.2nd Nov 1918)
- Adams George William. Pte 2nd Battalion
- Adams Percy Harold. L/Sgt. 19th Battalion
- Alabaster John. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.6th May 1918)
- Allen F. G.. Pte. (d.25th November 1919)
- Allies Alfric Euan. Lt. 8th (Service) Btn. (d.16th Aug 1915)
- Anson Walter Frank Vernon. 2nd Lt. 1/6 Btn. (d.6th Nov 1917)
- Arnold James Ernest. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1918)
- Austin Harry. Pte 17th Btn (d.31st Jul 1917)
- Bailey MSM. Samuel. Cpl.
- Barber Norman. Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.28th Nov 1915)
- Barter VC, MC. Frederick. Capt. 1st Battalion
- Battersby G. L.. Mjr. 2/6th Battalion (d.29th Oct 1919)
- Beech John Henry. Cpl. 16th Battalion (d.23rd May 1918)
- Belton John. Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.22nd March 1918)
- Bennett David William. Pte. 1/7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Btn. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Bennett John. Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.1st Sep 1916)
- Benyon William. Pte. 14th Battalion (d.2nd Sep 1917)
- Bevan Bertram George. Pte 17th Btn (d.22nd Jul 1916)
- Black Samuel. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.15th Mar 1918)
- Blackwell Thomas. 8th Btn.
- Bond MM. Francis. WO2. 17th (Service) Btn.
- Bonnett John. Pte. 19th Btn (d.12th June 1916)
- Bosley Albert. Pte 13th Btn
- Bould George. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Sep 1916)
- Bowles Thomas. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th February 1916)
- Boyes Alfred. Sgt. 25th Btn. (d.30th November 1917)
- Breeze John Stephen. 4th (Denbighshire) Battalion (d.3rd April 1915)
- Bricknell Harold. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.20th Jun 1918)
- Brooker Cuthbert Howard. Pte.
- Brown Edwin. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.22nd Apr 1918)
- Brown Richard William. A/Sgt. 17th Btn. (d.4th Sep 1918)
- Brown Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1915)
- Burke Patrick Joseph. Pte 19th Battalion (d.24th November 1917)
- Burnell Edward Owen. L/Cpl 1/6th (Carnarvonshire & Anglesey) Bn
- Cadwallader Charles Henry. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.20th September 1917)
- Carter George Sidney. Sgt. 16th Btn. (d.2nd Dec 1916)
- Cartwright Robert. Pte. 8th Btn.
- Catherall DSM. Edwatd. A/Sgt.Mjr. 5th Btn. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Ceshion James. Pte. 16th Battalion
- Chantler Henry. Pte.
- Coates Joseph. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.2nd Aug 1917)
- Connors Patrick. Pte 9th Btn
- Cooke Thomas. Pte. Coy. A, 16th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1918)
- Cord Robert. Sgt. 8th Btn (d.27th Oct 1915)
- Costall MM George . Cpl
- Courtney MM. Ernest. Sgt. 2nd Btn. (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Cox Arthur Howard. Pte. 15th (1st London Welsh) (d.7th Sep 1918)
- Cranmer Charles Thomas. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.31st Oct 1918)
- Craven Francis. Pte.
- Crawford William. Cpl. 9th Btn.
- Crompton James Issac. Pte. 7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion (d.7th July 1919)
- Curtress Charles Thomas. Fireman
- Darran Frederick George. Pte B Coy
- Davies Arthur. Sgt. 1st/4th Btn. (d.11th May 1915)
- Davies Arthur. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.11th May 1915)
- Davies David Morris. L/Cpl. 16th Battalion (d.7th August 1917)
- Davies MM. Edward. L/Cpl 9th Btn.
- Davies Francis Walter. Pte 18 Btn (d.Mar 1965)
- Davies Hugh Herbert. Pte. 1/5th Battalion
- Davies J.. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
- Davies VC James Llewellyn. Cpl. (d.31 July 1917)
- Davies John. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
- Davies John. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.15th March 1918)
- Davies Joseph. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.15th November 1918)
- Davies Richard Lewis. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.1917)
- Davies Richard Llewellyn. Cpl. 9th Btn.
- Davies Richard John. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.28th Aug 1916)
- Davies Robert Owen. Pte. 6th Battalion
- Davies Robert Edward. 16th Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
- Davies Robert Edward. Pte. 19th Battalion (d.3rd February 1918)
- Davies Thomas Albert. Sgt. 14th Btn. (d.18th Sept 1918)
- Davies Thomas Pryce. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.6th October 1916)
- Davies Thomas. Pte 2nd Bn. (d.17th May 1915)
- Dean John Charles. A/Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Nov 1918)
- Dean John Charles. A/Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Nov 1918)
- Deeble Arthur. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.18th Sep 1918)
- Deeble Arthur. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.18th Sept 1918)
- Dickie George McCrovie. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.24th April 1918)
- Dodd Martin Henry. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.14th June 1917)
- Doherty Charles Leonard. 5th Battalion, C Company
- Donegan Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn (d.20th March 1918)
- Donne Edgar George. Pte. 16th Btn.
- Doughty-Wylie VC, CB, CMG Charles Hotham Montague. Lt.Col. (d.26th April 1915)
- Doughty-Wylie V C, C B, C M G, MID Charles Hotham Montagu. Lt.Col. (d.26th April 1915)
- Ducatel James Charles . Pte 17th (2nd North Wales) Battalion (d.30th October 1918)
- Dundon Christopher Joseph. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
- Dunkley William Christopher. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.8th April 1917 )
- Dunnicliffe William Henry. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.27th Sep 1917)
- Dykes William. Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.18th April 1918)
- Eaton John. Pte. 2nd Btn (d.25th Apr 1917)
- Ebbrell Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Eddies John. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.11th Aug 1915)
- Edmundson James. Pte. 21st Btn. (d.21st Aug 1918)
- Edwards David Thomas. Pte. 1/4 Btn. Territorials
- Edwards Edward. Pte. 24th Denbighshire Yeomanry Btn. (d.9th March 1918)
- Edwards Edward. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.16 August 1916)
- Edwards Edward. 10th Btn (d.16th Aug 1916)
- Edwards Enoch. Pte. 9th Btn.
- Edwards Hugh Owen. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.8th October 1918)
- Edwards Thomas. Pte. 12th Btn.
- Edwardson Frederick Charles Henry. Lt. 4th Btn.
- Elliott MM. S.. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Elliott William Henry. Pte. 6th Battalion
- Ellis Evan. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Sept 1916)
- Ellis John. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.20th Sep 1917)
- Emmerick Albert Edward. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.30th Aug 1918)
- Evans David Owen. Lt 17th Btn (d.12th Feb 1916)
- Evans David. Sgt. 16th Btn. (d.24th Apr 1918)
- Evans MM. Evan. CSM. 13th Btn.
- Evans James. Pte. 2nd Btn., D Coy. (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Evans John. Pte. 19th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
- Evans John Ernest. Pte.
- Evans MC. Richard Bertram. A/Capt.
- Evans Richard Idris. Fus 5th (Flintshire) Battalion
- Evans Stanley. Lance Corporal 1st Btn. (d.1st October 1917)
- Evans Thomas. L/Cpl. 1st Battalion (d.9th Jul 1916)
- Evans William. L/Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.9th May 1915)
- Evans William. Pte. 26th Battalion
- Farmer Valentine. Pte. 17th Btn.
- Ferrissey Cornelius Denis . Pte. 9th Btn. (d.1st Aug 1917)
- Fisher DCM. George Humphrey. Pte. 9th Btn (d.30th May 1918)
- Forshaw DCM. William Henry. Pte. 9th Btn.
- Foster Harry. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.17th Feb 1917)
- Fox Richard. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th Nov 1917)
- Fulford Thomas. Pte.
- Gardner David Milne.
- George David. 14th Btn. (d.4th Aug 1917)
- George Thomas. 2nd Lt. 16th Btn.
- Gilbert Edgar James. Cpl. 16th Btn. (d.7th July 1916)
- Gladden George Henry. Pte. 15th Battalion
- Gladwin William. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.22nd March 1918)
- Goddard Arthur Stanley. Pte. 3rd Btn.
- Gott William. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.16th Feb 1917)
- Griffiths David. L/Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.24th August 1918)
- Griffiths Rhys. Pte. 9th Btn (d.24th Jul 1918)
- Griffiths Richard Rowland. L/Cpl. 14th Btn. D Coy. (d.31st January 1917)
- Griffiths Robert Owen. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.22nd April 1918)
- Groom William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.27th April 1917)
- Groves Robert Henry. Pte 16th Btn. (d.2nd August 1917)
- Gunning John. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.28th October 1917)
- Gunter Frederick Somerton. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
- Hall Samuel Joseph. Pte 3rd Btn
- Hammond Thomas James. Cpl. 3rd Btn.
- Hammonds Albert Edward. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.2nd September 1918)
- Hardy William James. L/Cpl. 17th Btn (d.13th July 1916)
- Harwood Hubert. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.22nd Jun 1917)
- Heatly Charles Frederick. 2nd Lt. 16th Battalion (d.17th April 1918)
- Heaton Jesse. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Heaton Lionel James. 2nd Lt. 3rd Bn (d.29th Aug 1918)
- Heys Fred. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.29th Nov 1917)
- Heys Fredrick. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.29th Nov 1917)
- Higham Frank. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.25th Dec 1918)
- Holden Albert. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.25th Nov 1917)
- Holt Joseph. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.5th April 1918)
- Hopkins Herbert Rueben. Sgt 16th Btn. (d.18th September 1918 )
- Hornby Gordon. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.2nd Mar 1916)
- Horrocks Jack. 6th Garrison Battalion
- Howe Claude Arthur. Capt. 1/5th Btn. (d.30th November 1917)
- Hughes David William . Pte. 14th Btn. (d.25th Aug 1918)
- Hughes Edward. Pte. 16th Btn. D Coy (d.11th April 1916)
- Hughes Evan John. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.12th July 1916)
- Hughes George Brookes. Pte. 14th Btn.
- Hughes Horatio Clement. Second Lieutenant 1st Bn (d.18th Sep 1918)
- Hughes Hugh Elias. Pte. 10th Battlion
- Hughes John. Pte 1st Btn (d.3rd Sept 1916)
- Hughes John Richard. Pte 1st Btn (d.20th July 1917)
- Hughes John Thomas. L/Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.25th September 1915)
- Hughes John Thomas. L/Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
- Hughes Lewis. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.27th Jul 1916)
- Hughes DCM, MM & Bar. Morris. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Hughes Robert Thomas. Pte. 4th Btn (d.25th Sept 1915)
- Hughes Robert John. Cpl 14th Btn. (d.18th Sep 1918)
- Hughes William Owen. L/Cpl. 1st Btn (d.16th May 1915)
- Hughes William. Pte. 13th (1st North Wales) Btn. (d.23rd Sept 1918)
- Hughes William Owen. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.2nd October 1917)
- Humphreys Charles Henry. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.19th May 1915)
- Humphreys Thomas Humphreys. Pte. 1st/6th battalion (d.6th November 1917)
- Humphreys William. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.13th September 1918)
- Hussey MM. Hector. Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.18th Aug 1916)
- Ingman Aneurin. Pte. 15th Btn (d.4th Sep 1917)
- James James. L/Cpl 15th (1st London Welsh) Battalion (d.11th July 1916)
- James Thomas. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
- Jasper Henry Lesie. Pte.
- Jasper Henry Leslie. Pte.
- Jenkins MM. Frank Mason. L/Sjt. 9th Battalion (d.8th May 1918)
- Jenkins William Henry. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.4th Nov 1918)
- Johns Bernard Digby. Capt. 10th Btn. (d.17th Feb 1916)
- Johnson Charles Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.26th Oct 1914)
- Johnson Robert Ellis. Pte. 1/5th Btn. (d.22nd Sep 1915)
- Jones MM Alfred. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.30th Jan 1919)
- Jones Benjamin. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.23rd March 1918)
- Jones Charles. Sgt. 24th Btn. (d.27th August 1918)
- Jones Daniel. Pte 9th Battalion, C Coy. (d.28th Jun 1918)
- Jones David. Pte. 12th Bn (d.11th Sep 1915)
- Jones David Chambers. Pte. 1st Btn (d.14th Sep 1917)
- Jones David D. Pte. 17th Bn (d.4th August 1916)
- Jones David William. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.22nd April 1918)
- Jones Edward. Pte. 4th Bn (d.19th April 1918)
- Jones Edward Stanley. Pte. 4th Bn (d.3rd December 1917)
- Jones Elias. Pte. 1st Btn (d.23rd Aug 1915)
- Jones Elias A.. Cpl. 4th Btn (d.9th April 1917)
- Jones Evan. Sgt. (d.29th September 1918)
- Jones Evan Maengywn. 7th Btn
- Jones DCM. Frederick Vickers. Pte. 16th Btn.
- Jones Griffith Owen. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1918)
- Jones MID. Harold Madoc. Lt. 17th Battalion, C Coy. (d.31st July 1917)
- Jones Jack. Pte. (d.25th Oct 1918)
- Jones James. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.11th Nov 1917)
- Jones John Allen. Sgt. 10th (Service) Battalion
- Jones John Frederick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Jones John. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.10th July 1916)
- Jones John Milton. Pte. 4th Btn. G Coy. (d.10th Mar 1915)
- Jones John William. Sgt. 10th Btn.
- Jones John Frederick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Jones John. Pte. 19th Btn. A Coy. (d.21st Apr 1917)
- Jones Lewis Thomas. Pte. 7th Btn.
- Jones Llewelyn. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.6th July 1916)
- Jones Owen. Cpl 13th (1st North Wales) Battalion
- Jones Owen. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.27th Jun 1917)
- Jones Owen. Pte 10th Btn (d.27th Jun 1916)
- Jones Richard. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.23rd August 1918)
- Jones Robert. Pte. 10th Bn (d.13th May 1917)
- Jones Robert Thomas. Pte. 1st Bn (d.16th May 1915)
- Jones Robert. Pte 9th Battalion
- Jones Thomas Arthur. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.20th Jul 1916)
- Jones Thomas Edward. Pte. 1/4 (Denbighshire) Btn.
- Jones Thomas Owen. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.27th Aug 1918)
- Jones Thomas William. Pte. 13th Bn (d.10th October 1916)
- Jones W.. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.25th Oct 1917)
- Jones William. Pte. 5th Battalion
- Jones William. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.25th Apr 1916)
- Kavanagh Henry. Pte. 6th Garrison Btn. (d.20th Sep 1917)
- Keepfer William Robert Cyril. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn (d.4th Nov 1918)
- Keylock Alfred James. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.29th Sep 1919)
- Kimber William . Pte. 10th Btn. (d.26th Sept 1917)
- King Albert. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.31st May 1917)
- King Thomas William. Sgt. 189th "Hackney" Bty.
- Knight Charles W.. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.15th Nov 1915)
- Knowles Thomas Reginald. Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Lakey William John. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Sept 1916)
- Langton DSO John Henry. Major 1/4th Btn.
- Larwood MM. Ernest. Sgt. 25th Batallion (d.8th Sept 1918)
- Leadbeatter John Victor. Pte. 15th (1st London Welsh) Btn.
- Lewis David James. Sgt 10th Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
- Lewis David John. Pte 11th (Service) Btn
- Lewis Edward. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.3rd October 1917)
- Lewis Edward. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1918)
- Lewis MM. George. Pte. 5th Btn
- Lewis Reginald. 4th Btn
- Lloyd MM. Charles. Sgt. 2nd Btn.
- Lloyd Edward. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.9th August 1915)
- Lloyd Evan. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.22 June 1916)
- Lloyd Evan. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.11th April 1917)
- Lloyd Harry. Pte. 10th Btn. C Coy.
- Lloyd Norman Lewis. Cpl. 1/1st
- Lloyd Owen. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.22nd September 1915)
- Lloyd Robert. Pte. 24th (Denbighshire Yeomanry) Btn. (d.8th Nov 1917)
- Lloyd Robert. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
- Lloyd Robert Griffth. 16th Btn.
- Lloyd Thomas. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.23rd September 1917)
- Lucas Percy. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.26th February 1915)
- Lucas William. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.5th February 1917)
- Lund Walter William. Pte. 2/4th (2nd Denbighshire Yeomanry) Btn. (d.31st Oct 1918)
- Lynch Charles. Cpl. 1st Btn.
- Maddocks Joe. Sgt. 17th Btn. (d.26th Feb 1919)
- Marrow David. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.24 January 1916)
- Marshall Elias. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.14th May 1917)
- Martin George. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.10th June 1916 )
- Martin DCM. William Charles. A/CQMS. 9th Btn.
- Mason Samuel. Pte. 13th Battalion
- Mason Samuel. Pte. 13th Btn.
- Mason (John Davies) Thomas Milton. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
- Matthews Jack. Pte. 1st Battalion, C Company. (d.16th May 1915)
- Matthews Joseph Thomas. Sgt (d.22nd April 1918)
- Mayger Albert Edward. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1917)
- McDermott John Thomas. Pte. A Coy.2nd Garr.Btn. (d.12th November 1918)
- McLaren James Davie. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.6th Oct 1916)
- McLaren Thomas. Pte. (d.24th Dec 1917)
- McMillen Hamilton. Col.Sjt. 11th Btn
- Meyler Enoch William. Pte. 23rd Btn.
- Mills Joseph James. Pte. 15th (London Welsh) Btn.
- Monks James. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.16th May 1915)
- Monnelly Francis. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.21st Sep 1917)
- Morgan Edward. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.25th Jan 1915)
- Morris David Robert. Cpl. 24th (Denbighshire Yeomanry) Btn. (d.4th Sept 1918)
- Morris John Herbert. 2Lt. 6th (Carnarvonshire & Anglesey) Battalion (d.21st September 1916)
- Morris Michael. Pte. 14th Btn.
- Morris Thomas. Sgt. 13th Btn. (d.4 November 1918)
- Morris Thomas. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.10th Apr 1917)
- Moss Samuel. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.26th March 1917)
- Mules Arthur George. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Mulliniex Harry. L/Cpl. 8th Btn. (d.24th Jul 1915)
- Nicholls DCM. John Thomas. Sergeant 9th Btn.
- Nurse Fred A.. Pte. 13th (1st North Wales) Btn. (d.30th May 1916)
- O'Brien Peter. Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.12th Apr 1918)
- O'Neill Matthew. Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.18th Apr 1918)
- Oliver Mathias. Pte. 6th Btn.
- Owen John. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.21st Feb 1916)
- Owen Robert. Pte. 24th Btn. (d.20th June 1918)
- Palmer Richard. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.14th Jul 1916)
- Parker Sidney. Cpl. 10th Btn. A Coy. (d.9th April 1917)
- Parker Thomas Henry. A/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.6th Nov 1916)
- Parry Edward Ernest. Sgt. 8th Btn. (d.5th April 1916)
- Parry Evan. Pte 13th (1st North Wales) Battalion (d.14th Sept 1917)
- Parry John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th May 1915)
- Parry Robert John. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.6th Sep 1915)
- Pearce Alfred Ernest. Sgt. 1/7th Btn. (d.10th Aug 1915)
- Pearman Walter Robert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.11th April 1917)
- Penny David Ernest. Sgt. 2nd Battalion (d.27th May 1917)
- Pescott Albert Henry. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
- Phillips Dan. Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.16th Aug 1916)
- Pierce Oswald. Pte. 4th Btn.
- Pierce Oswald. Pte. 4th Btn.
- Pierce Reginald. Sgt. 24th Battalion (d.10th Nov 1918)
- Pierce Reginald. Sgt. (d.10th Nov 1918)
- Pierce William. Fus 5th (Flintshire) Battalion
- Povah Thomas. Cpl. 17th Btn. (d.19th May 1918)
- Powell Edward. L/Cpl 4th (Denbighshire) Battalion (d.20th April 1917)
- Powell Hugh John. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.26th Jan 1917)
- Powell Hugh John. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.26th January 1917)
- Powell Noah. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.13th December 1917)
- Prater Picton. Sgt. 15th (1st London Welsh) Battalion (d.26th May 1916)
- Price Llewelyn. Cpl. 1/4th Btn.
- Price Llewelyn. Lt. 1/4 Btn
- Pritchard Henry. 2nd Lt. (d.7th Apr 1917)
- Pritchard William. Pte. 2/6th Btn. (d.4th Nov 1915)
- Protheroe Stanley Reginald. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Pryce MM. Bert. Sgt. 17th Btn.
- Pugh Arthur Taylor. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.16th May 1916)
- Pugh Joseph. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.11 November 1916)
- Quigley William James. Pte. (d.8th April 1917)
- Randall George Henry. Sgt. 14th Btn.
- Read DCM. Robert. Sgt. 25th (Welsh Horse) Btn. (d.31st Oct 1917)
- Reardon Michael. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.19th Feb 1916)
- Rees Edgar George. 2nd Lt. 19th Battalion (d.23rd November 1917)
- Richards Jack. 2nd Lt. 16th Btn. (d.15th March 1918)
- Richards John. 2nd Lt. 16th Btn. (d.15th March 1918)
- Richards Wilfred Arthur. 2nd Lt. 28th (1st Artists Rifles) Btn.
- Richardson Douglas Andrew Liston. Pte. 7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion
- Ricketts Ernest. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.26th Apr 1915)
- Roberts Arthur. Lt. 16th Battalion (Cardiff City)
- Roberts Elias. Drvr. 490th Coy (d.26th March 1919)
- Roberts MM. Goronwy Cuffin. Pte. 1/5th Battalion
- Roberts Hugh Foulks. Pte.
- Roberts John Henry. Cpl. 8th Btn (d.15th Feb 1917)
- Roberts John Owen. Pte. 24th (enbighshire Yeomanry) Btn. (d.4th May 1917)
- Roberts Robert. Cpl. 17th Btn.
- Roberts Thomas. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.25th January 1915)
- Roberts Thomas John. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
- Roberts Thomas John. L/Cpl. 1st Bn. (d.9th December 1916)
- Roberts W Morris. Pte. 16th Btn. D Company
- Roberts William. 8th Btn (d.5th Apr 1916)
- Roberts William. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.15th February 1919)
- Roberts William Owen. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.15th Nov 1918)
- Roberts William Owen. Cpl. 13th Btn. (d.22nd April 1918)
- Roberts William Owen. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.15th Nov 1918)
- Roberts William Ivor. 22nd Battalion
- Roberts William. Fus. 5th (Flintshire) Battalion
- Rothwell Sidney. Pte. 26th Btn (d.3rd October 1918)
- Rowe Emlyn James. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.14th June 1918)
- Rowlands Henry. Pte. 24th (Denbighshire Yeomanry) Battalion (d.19th July 1918)
- Rowlands John Francis. L/Cpl. 19th Btn (d.27th Sep 1917)
- Rowlands MM Thomas. Pte. 17th (2nd North Wales) Btn.
- Russell VC, MC. John Fox. Capt. att. 1st/6th Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.6th Nov 1917)
- Russell VC, MC. John Fox. Capt. Att. 1st/6th Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.6th Nov 1917)
- Ryles George. Pte. 17th (Service) Battalion (d.28th March 1918)
- Salusbury John Evan. CoyQMSgt. 13th Btn. (d.23rd April 1918)
- Savage Arthur James. Pte. 13th (1st North Wales) Battalion (d.22nd April 1918)
- Saxton Frederick William. Pte. (d.18th Aug 1917)
- Seale William Henry. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.27th Aug 1918)
- Sharpe Thomas Breedon. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.18th May 1916)
- Shore Thomas John. Pte. 9th Btn.
- Short William John. Pte
- Smith Frederick. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.14th February 1917)
- Smith George. Pte. 25th (Montgomeryshire & Welsh Horse Yeomanry) Btn (d.18th Sep 1918)
- Smith William John Thomas. Pte.
- Spiller Cecil. Pte 1st Btn (d.26 October 1917)
- Sproule James Chambers. Lt.
- Stanley AdC. Alfred. Pte. 19th Btn.
- Stevens William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
- Stokes Walter. L/Cpl 9th Bn (d.21st Feb 1919)
- Strode Ernest. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.29th Apr 1917)
- Sutcliffe Hugh. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.3rd July 1918)
- Talbot Henry Waletr. 2nd Lt. 9th Battalion
- Tatum George. Pte 9 (Service) Bn
- Taylor Azariah. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.13th Aug 1915)
- Tellett Thomas. Sgt.
- Tellett Thomas. Sgt. 14th Btn.
- Thomas Alfred Claude. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
- Thomas Charles. L/Cpl. 16th Btn. (d.1st Sept 1917)
- Thomas Jacob. L/Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.25th September 1914)
- Thomas John Price. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.25th January 1915)
- Thomas John Wendell Rees. Pte. 16th Btn.
- Thomas Llewelyn. 2nd Lt. 12th Btn. (d.27th December 1917)
- Thomas Oswald Trevor. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.16th Nov 1918)
- Thomas Samuel Z.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th August 1916 )
- Threlfall William Henry. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.24th Aug 1918)
- Tompkins J.. Pte. 1st/7th Bn. (d.1st August 1919)
- Tovey Benjamin George. 16th Div. (d.11th July 1916)
- Trow Thomas Henry. Cpl. 13th Btn. (d.12th May 1916)
- Turtle Arthur Henry. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.4th Oct 1916)
- Tyler Edward Frederick. Capt.
- Vane David Francis Ellison. Pte. 16th (Service) Btn.
- Vickers George Fosbery. 2nd Btn.
- Vickers Percival. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.22nd Apr 1918)
- Ward Robert. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th Nov 1917)
- Waring VC,MM. William Herbert. L/Sgt. (d.8th Oct 1918)
- Waring VC, MM. William Herbert. Sgt. 25th (Montgomery and Welch Horse Yeomanry) Btn. (d.8th Oct 1918)
- Warren MC MM Francis Robson. 2nd Lt. 16th Btn.
- Waters Isaac. Sjt.
- Waters William Glyn. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.26th September 1917)
- Watkin Moses Thomas. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
- Watson Thomas Henry. Pte. 29th Btn.
- Weale VC. Henry. Sgt. 14th Btn.
- Webster DCM Frederick Thomas Henry . CSM 2nd Btn.
- Welson William Taylor. Pte. (d.5th Aug 1917)
- White Frederick William. Pte. 25th Btn. (d.21st Oct 1917)
- Whitfield Charles William. Pte. 16th Btn.
- Wilde William Stanley. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.7th Apr 1915)
- Wilkins George. Cpl. 16th Bn (d.5th July 1916)
- Wilkins Thomas. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.25th September 1915)
- Williams David. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.24th May 1915)
- Williams David Edgar. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
- Williams Edward Samuel Lloyd. Sgt. 8th Btn. (d.8th August 1915)
- Williams Edwyn. Sgt. 8th Btn.
- Williams George William. L/Cpl. 16th Btn. (d.23rd April 1918)
- Williams H. Lloyd. 9th Btn.
- Williams John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.3rd May 1918)
- Williams John. Pte 17th Battalion, D Coy.
- Williams Martin Luther. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
- Williams Oscar Owen. Pte. 14th Btn.
- Williams Percy. Pte 13th Battalion (d.10th July 1916)
- Williams Percy T.. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.12th of October 1917)
- Williams Peter. 2nd Lt. 10th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916 )
- Williams Peter. 2nd Lt. 10th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916 )
- Williams Richard. Pte. (d.6th Oct 1918)
- Williams Richard. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.6th Oct 1918)
- Williams Richard. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th May 1915)
- Williams Shadrach. Pte. 15th Battalion
- Williams Thomas. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.31st July 1917)
- Williams William. Sgt. 19th Btn.
- Williams William Conway. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28th November 1914)
- Wilson Albert. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.22nd April 1918)
- Wolff MID. Gustav Frederick. A/Maj. 3rd Btn. (d.21st Mar 1918)
- Wolffsohn Arthur William. Capt. 9th Btn.
- Woodford John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.30th October 1914)
- Woods George Henry. Pte. 25th (Montgomery and Welsh Horse Yeomanry) Btn.
- Wynne MM Robert Albert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
- Yarwood Harold Henry Lee. Pte 17th Battalion (d.24th April 1918)
- Yates Samuel. Pte. 17th (2nd North Wales) Battalion (d.7th February 1916)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
More Royal Welsh Fusiliers records.
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1206596Sgt. William Williams 19th Btn. Tank Corps
From the age of 12, William Williams went down the mines, leading the pit ponies. Trained as a Male Nurse then enlisted in Royal Welsh Fusilliers. Selected to join the Heavy Machine Gun section which became the Tank Corps ; as mechanic/driver/gunner. Later became Sgt. 5/11/18 and Tank commander. Returned to nursing at The Priory with many famous patients 'Grandad Bill' wrote his memoirs which included a significant amount of detail of his time in the Tank Corps. This is his account of being signed up and trained:The army at this time were stopping men at the railway stations and asking for their papers. I had none so thought I would take a chance and wrote for some. The result was, I got my calling up papers to join the army. I reported and was asked if there was a regiment I would like to join. I said the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, there was a London battalion, so I joined that in 1916. I was sent to Kinnock Park, Rhyl. I found some old school pals in other battalions there. I got through my recruits drill after two months. Then one day coming off parade I got the call, '24477 Williams report to the company office'. I reported and was given a pass for four days. Still in the dark of what it was about, on reporting back I was sent with 10 others to be transferred to the Machine Gun Corp (Heavy Section) at Wool in Dorset. The train was full of men going to the same place. When we arrived we were put in huts for the night, all wondering what it was, there were men from every regiment in the British Army there. We found out that it was for what was to be known later as the Tank Corps.
After a success on the Somme with a few tanks it had been decided to raise four battalions and we were the lot. It was a little while before things were settled down, as there was only one doctor there. No medical examinations were given, instead we were taken to what was an old crater on a hillside, and seven men at a time were put on it to run round, up and down. That was the test, if they pulled a man out he was sent back. I got through it so that was my corp for the rest of the war. I met some very nice men there and formed a friendship with Cliff Baldwin, a Yorkshire lad. We were pals for the whole time.
We were soon put into a new kind of training with machine guns, six pounder guns for the gunners, and driving and maintenance tests for drivers, also signalling, Morse code and pigeon training. So we were kept busy. We were put into crews of seven men and one officer. It was all interesting. I was first gunner and Cliff was the first driver. The gunners were sent to Whale Island, Portsmouth for a course with the Navy, as the Army had not any schools to try us, we would be firing from a moving tank at a moving object.
John Morriss
1206541Sgt. Arthur Davies 1st/4th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.11th May 1915)
Arthur Davies died of wounds on the 11th of May 1915, aged 24 and is buried in Chocques Military Cemetery in France. He was the son of Mr. W. Davies, of II, Lodge Lane, Liverpool, husband of E. Conde (formerly Davies), of 2, Chirk Green, Chirk, Denbighshire.Wounded at the Battle of Aubers Ridge 9th May 1915 Arthur died of wounds two days later 11th May 1915, his death is mentioned in 'All that we had we gave', by Peter Glynn
s flynn
1206489Pte. George Henry Gladden 15th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers
George Gladden went into battle in Mametz Wood in May 1916 with the 1st London Welsh. His fellow soldier, Private F. Laydon wrote to George's wife describing how George had been shot in the neck, the leg and the shoulder. He had been left in a hollow in the ground and his companions were unable to return for him, but other men came back later in the day and reported that " the Germans had taken in our wounded with the utmost care and attention....The gentleness was wonderful and we ourselves could not have cared for them more tenderly."George returned to England several months later. His wife had eventually discovered that he was in a prisoner of war camp in Nurnberg and had written to him regularly until he came home. George reported that he had been left for dead in the German mortuary, but that a German mortuary attendant had realised he was still alive and had called for assistance. George was attended by a German surgeon, who had trained in London and so spoke good English. The surgeon stitched up all his wounds and George lived to run a very successful engineering parts business and eventually died in 1972.
Kristin Stott
1206475Pte. Joseph Holt 4th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.5th April 1918)
Joseph Holt died from wounds on the 5th of April 1918, aged 29 and is buried in the Etaples Military Cemetery in France. He was the husband of Mrs Holt, 15 Lionel Street, Burnley. A weaver at Messrs. Walmsley's Peel Mill, Rosegrove prior to enlisting, he was married with one child. He died from wounds to the "lower part of his body."s flynn
1206431Pte. James Edmundson 21st Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.21st Aug 1918)
James Edmundson was killed in action on the 21st of August 1918, aged 34. Buried in Bouzincourt Ridge Cemetery, France, he was the son of Mr & Mrs Edmundson, Britannia Inn, Guy Street, Padiham, Lancashire. Lived at Harle Syke, Burnley with his wife and two children.James enlisted in June 1916, prior to this he had been working as a weaver at Thornton and Co's. Mill, Harle Syke, Burnley. He initially joined the East Lancashire Regiment but after being invalided home with septic poisoning he went back out with the Cheshire Regiment, whilst with the Cheshires he was injured by shrapnel and sent home, he then was transferred to the Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
s flynn
1206426Pte. William Henry Threlfall 2nd Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.24th Aug 1918)
William Threlfall was killed in action on the 24th of August 1918, aged 29. Buried in Bouzincourt Ridge Cemetery, France, he was the husband of Minnie Threlfall, of 19, King's Terrace, Burnley.William enlisted on May 17th, 1916 having previously worked as a weaver for Messrs. Whitehead and Leaver. He had been overseas since June 13th, 1917. His wife, Minnie received news of his death from one of his friends in the battalion: "He was on a night stunt, and when they called the roll next morning he was not there. I and a lad from Waterfoot could not rest, so we went over the ground to look for him, and found him, to our sorrow, dead."
s flynn
1206390Sgt. Thomas Owen Ackers 23rd Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.2nd Nov 1918)
Thomas Owen Ackers served with the 23rd Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers during WW1. My grandfather was a patient at 1st Eastern General Hospital between 6/11/17 and 28/12/17 when he was discharged on medical grounds. He had been an asthmatic since childhood but didn't let this stop him being an active and dedicated soldier. After discharge he became a photographer and drill teacher at the local grammar school in Portmadoc. Sadly this was a very short career, he died of Spanish 'flu on Nov 2nd 1918.Lynda Shaughnessy
1206241Pte. John Jones 16th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers (d.10th July 1916)
John Jones served with the 16th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers.Karen Smith
1206031Pte. William Taylor Welson Montgomeryshire Yeomanry (d.5th Aug 1917)
I have been researching the names of the 7 young men remembered on Gladestry War Memorial, it was the first War Memorial Dedicated in Radnorshire. William Taylor Welson is remembered there.William Taylor Welson and his brother Hugh Powell Welson were the sons of William Welson of Llanyfelin Farm, Gladestry. William Taylor originally joined the Montgomery Yeomanry, No.2779, he was later transferred to 17th. Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He had enlisted at Gladestry. William Taylor Welson was killed in action in France/ Flanders on the 5th. August 1917. Gladestry parish magazine regularly gave news of the young men of the Parish who had enlisted but did not mention William Taylor Welson.
His brother Hugh later enlisted, but his regiment is unknown. Gladestry Parish Magazine recorded, March 1917, that Hugh Welson was in hospital. In January 1918 it recorded that Hugh was in Highbury Hospital and now able to speak a little, and in April 1918 he was invalided out of the army.
Beth Clarke
1205453Major John Henry Langton DSO 1/4th Btn. Welsh Fusiliers
Served with the 1\4 RWF 2nd February 1917 through to end of hostilities, leading the Battalion as Lt Col in the final 100 days.Barry Hayter
265262Pte. William Henry Seale 16th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.27th Aug 1918)
I did not know my Great Uncle, William Seale, although I have visited his grave many times.Stuart Seale
265211Sgt. George Henry Randall 14th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Great Grandfather George Randall, on Nan's side, having already served in the Kings Royal Militia in 1903-1908, re-enlisted in the Army at the outbreak of War, passed into the 14th Royal Welsh Fusiliers in April 1915. He was promoted to Sergeant in August 1915. He was injured during the attack on Mametz Wood between 9th and 12th of July 1916. Hospital reports can't be more specified, possibly in the initial attack as they'd dug in and stayed there until the next day, the Battalion logs note that the Officers and Senior NCO's suffered major casualties in the opening stages. Sgt Randall was hospitalised but was back in the field one month later. He finished the war in one piece but for his heart and lungs being knackered. If I had known all this years ago I would've interrogated my Nan a bit more. She probably had loads of pictures too!
265128Pte. William Gott 8th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.16th Feb 1917)
William Gott was my great Uncle, and his name appears on the war memorial in my (and his) hometown, Ripon, Yorkshire. We found his service records on line. He enlisted in Knutsford and was killed in action on 16th of February 1917 in Mesopotamia while serving with the 8th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
264947Pte Robert Jones 9th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers
I have recently purchased one of Robert Jones' war medals. He was also with the Welsh Regiment. His record shows him as being ill with severe diarrhea with notes written at No 56 Casualty Clearing Station on 20th of October 1918. He was at No 46 Stationary Hospital on 11th of November 1918. Also mentioned as being transferred from sick convoy No 33 Ambulance Train.Huw Williams
264790Pte. Azariah Taylor 8th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.13th Aug 1915)
My Grandfather's brother, Azariah Taylor died in Malta of his wounds from the Battle at Gallipoli. He is buried at the Pieta Cemetery with 2 others
264378Pte. Stanley Reginald Protheroe 10th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Stanley Protheroe served with the 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers.Huw
264318Sgt. Bert Pryce MM. 17th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Bert Pryce was my grandmother's brother who lived in Welshpool and served in the 17th Battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. I was told he fought the Germans in Palestine in WW1 and was awarded the Military Medal for bravery. the war, the town of Welshpool presented him with a silver cigarette hip flask engraved with his number and this has been passed down to me.Robert Webster
264314Pte. Alfred Stanley AdC. 19th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
My husband's grandfather Alfred Stanley joined up in 1915 with the Lancashire Fusiliers. He was wounded and transferred to 19th Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He served in France at Loos and the Somme.Whilst in France he and another comrade, Pte M Murphy, rescued a little girl who had fallen down a well. They were both awarded a French Medal in Bronze Act de Coeur I think it is called. He was wounded soon after and sent back to England. He received a certificate and his medal after the war. He also received the two British Medals but the French one was always close to his heart. I have since tried to find out more about how he came to receive this medal but with no joy, I even wrote to the French embassy a few years back.
264118CSM Frederick Thomas Henry Webster DCM 2nd Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
My Great Grandfather Frederick Webster served with C Coy. 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers and was wounded twice, first time was head wound in Sept 1914, possibly by own artillery in No Man's Land he returned to England and was treated at the 1st Southern General Hospital from 4th of November 1914. He returned to France in April 1915 and was wounded again on October, this time in the right elbow and was treated at the 3rd VAD Hospital in Exeter. He was awarded the DCM for his actions during a trench raid on the night of the 11th of July 1918.Don Oliver
263839Pte. George Bould 1st Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.3rd Sep 1916)
George Bould was wounded at the Battle of Loos on 25th of September 1915, receiving a shrapnel wound to the 2nd & 3rd fingers of the left hand. He was admitted to 6th Field Ambulance, then back to the UK on the 2nd if October 1915 for recuperation. He rejoined the battalion on 30th of June 1916.George was killed in action on the 3rd September 1916, whilst taking part in an attack on the village to Ginchy. His body was never found and he is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial to the missing. He was aged 18 years.
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
Old Soldiers Never DieFrank Richards
Frank Richards served in the 2/ Royal Welch Fusiliers along with (at one time or another) Robert Graves and Siegfried Sassoon, and Dr Dunn (compiler of the amazing 'The War That The Infantry Knew'- possibly THE best battalion history of WW1- and a good companion to this book as its interesting to cross reference small incidences somtimes...). Anyway, Richards was slightly different to his literary contemporaries in that he was 'Other Ranks', and a miner by trade. He was recalled to the colours in 1914 after several years on the reserve, and served as a Private right through to 1918. He writes his story as one would imagine he spoke- and for me as I read it, it was a style as if he was telling me his war history in anecdotes down the pub or something, supping over a pint of mild: theres no deep soul searching here, but plenty of bitterness, a lot of detail, and what an experience he had... So if you don't have this in your collection then get it now- one of the very few 'OR' books (IMore information on:
Old Soldiers Never Die
Up to Mametz - and BeyondLlewelyn Wyn Griffith
Llewelyn Wyn Griffith s Up to Mametz, published in 1931, is now firmly established as one of the finest accounts of soldiering on the Western Front. It tells the story of the creation of a famous Welsh wartime battalion (The Royal Welch Fusiliers), its training, its apprenticeship in the trenches, through to its ordeal of Mametz Wood on the Somme as part of 38 Division. But there it stopped. General Jonathon Riley has however discovered Wyn Griffith s unpublished diaries and letters which pick up where Up to Mametz left off through to the end of the War. With careful editing and annotation, the events of these missing years are now available alongside the original work. They tell of an officer s life on the derided staff and provide fascinating glimpses of senior officers, some who attract high praise and others who the author obviously despised. The result is an enthralling complete read and a major addition to the bibliography of the period. Llewelyn Wyn Griffiths was born into a WelMore information on:
Up to Mametz - and Beyond
Never so Innocent AgainRichard Llewellyn Davie
A narrative written from the notes and diary of Corporal Richard Llewellyn Davies of the 3rd Battalion of the Monmouthshire Regiment and the 9th Battalion The Royal Welch Fusiliers.He left his native village of Hollybush in the Sirhowy Valley Monmouthshire on the morning of the 5th of August 1914. Three times wounded and twice gassed he survived the whole of the main battles of the Western Front and returned home in January 1919. Of the nine volunteers that left the village with him, he was the only one to return home in 1919.More information on:
Never so Innocent Again
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