The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st December 1917On this day:
- Football
- Retreat from Cambrai
- 327th Siege Battery, RGA join 23 HAG. 327th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery was resubordinated to 23 Heavy Artillery Group (HAG) from 14 HAG on 01 December 1917.
- Reliefs At 9.30 a.m. Orders received for 21st London Regiment to be ready to move at once to reinforce either 140th or 141st Infantry Brigade. Reconnaissance made of possible supporting positions W & E of Anneux.
3 p.m. Warning received of probable relief of 15th London Regt in Bourlon Wood.
5 p.m. Orders received to reinforce 141 Infantry Brigade East of Anneux. Battalion prepares to move. C.O. reports to 140th and 141st Brigade Hqrs for orders.
6 p.m. Orders cancelled & new orders received to proceed with the relief of 15th London Regiment already prepared for.
War Diary
- 200 Siege Bty on The Somme 200th Siege Battery move from Verbrandenmolen down to the Somme in December 1917, where they served in a further 20 locations ending up in Pont a Pierre shorty before Armistice day.
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
The Battalion left Gomincourt at 1200 for Rocquigny and arrived at 1930.
War Diaries
- SS Euphorbia lost SS Euphorbia, Gross Tonnage 3,109, defensively-armed merchant ship,
travelling from Bassein to London with cargo of rice on the 1st of December 1917, when she was torpedoed without warning and sunk by submarine U75 (Johannes Lohs) 14 miles E by S from Royal Sovereign Lighthouse Vessel, with 14 lives lost.
- Training
- Under Attack
Enemy artillery very active in the early morning until 2.45am with gas shells & HE on WILLERVAL, RED LINE and vicinity of ARLEUX, SUGAR FACTORY ROAD. Several HE falling near SEVERN ALLEY, TOMMY ALLEY ad ARLEUX LOOP SOUTH near Battalion HQ. During the day ARLEUX LOOP NORTH, OAK ALLEY & NOVASCOTIA TR also received considerable attention, especially in the vicinity of the AA Vickers Guns at the junction of OAK ALLEY, ARLEUX LOOP NORTH. Our artillery fairly active against FRESNOY, FRESNOY PARK, FRESNOY WOOD, NEUVIREUIL and BOIS VILAIN. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- In Action
- Shelling
- Counter Attack
- Constant Lookout Kept
- Holding the Line
- In the Trenches
- Training
- Training
- Night bomber training
- In the Trenches
- Reorganisation
- Reliefs
- New Squadron formed
- Into Position
- A Tiring March
- New Squadron formed
- Preparations
- Instruction
- Construction
- Detachment to Aden
- Reliefs
- New Squadron formed
- Football Match
- In the Line
- Guards, fatigues, escorts, blockade posts
- Move
- Battalion in Reserve.
- Move
- In Billets
- Training
- Enemy Massing
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Operational Orders
- Orders
- Working Party
- Aerodrome attacked in the Dardenelles
- Brigade Commanders Conference
- Course to 1st Army School of Instruction.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 1st of December 1917? There are:51 items tagged 1st of December 1917 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 1st of December 1917. Cpl. Charles Arthur Balshaw. 2nd Pontoon Park Royal Engineers Read their Story. Pte. Leo Francis Banville. 2/4th Btn. Hampshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. John Coady. 3rd Btn. Royal Irish Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Thomas Ellis. 3rd Btn. Coldstream Guards Read their Story. Pte. Lawrence Emmott. 4th Btn. Grenadier Guards Read their Story. Pte. James Goss. 24th (Pembroke and Glamorgan Yeomanry) Btn. Welch Regiment Read their Story. Rflmn. Edward Joyce. 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade Rflmn. Edward Joyce. 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade L/Cpl. Thomas McDermott. 11 Sqdn. Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) Read their Story. Pte George McGowan. 15th Battalion Highland Light Infantry A/Capt. Allastair Malcolm Cluny McReady-Diarmid. VC. 17th Battalion Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Read their Story. Capt. Allastair Malcolm Cluny McReady-Diarmid. VC. 4th Btn. att. 17th Btn Middlesex Regiment Read their Story. Gnr. F. Meiners. 173rd Brigade, B Bty Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte Henry Pate. 1/5 Battalion Cheshire Regiment Read their Story. Cpt. George Henry Tatham Paton. VC MC. 4th Btn. Grenadier Guards Read their Story. Rflmn. George Henry Perry. 1st Btn. Rifle Brigade Rflmn. Charles Percival H Proud. 18th (London Irish Rifles) Battalion London Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Edward William Rees. 1st Btn. Welsh Guards Lt.Col. Robert Cecil Smith. 20th Bn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Mjr. Robert Lloyd Thompson. MC 173rd Brigade, C Bty Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. John Tibbatts. 1st Battalion Welsh Guards Read their Story. Stwd. George Ross Heron Wales. SS Euphorbia Read their Story.
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