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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

1st July 1915

On this day:

  •  OfThe Gallipoli Campaign

  • NSF Corporation Electric Works, Wrexham   National Shell Factory Corporation Electric Works, Wrexham Denbighshire opened in July 1915. First output was in spring 1916. 18-pdr and 13-pdr shells were made and completed. It was under the control of the Board of Management.

  • NSF Uskside National Works opens   National Shell Factory Uskside National Works, Uskside, Newport, Monmouthshire opened in July 1915. Production included 18-pdr, 4.5-in. and 60-pdr shell, proof shot and gun carriage forgings. It was under the control of the Board of Management.

  • HMEF Gadbrook   HMEF Gadbrook, nr Northwich, Cheshire opened in July 1915 to purify crude TNT. First output was in February 1916. It was under the control of Brunner Mond.

  • HMEF Gretna   HMEF Gretna, Dumfriesshire opened in July 1915, the factory covered an area of nine miles by two miles, from Eastriggs in Scotland to Longtown in England and included accommodation for 20,000 workers, its own electricity station, water works telephone exchange, kitchens and laundry. In addition to producing Cordite components, all the ingredients were manufactured onsite including glycerine, nitric acid, alcohol and ether with the areas of the factory being linked by a network of pipes. The first output of Cordite RDB was in June 1916. It was under the direct control of the Ministry of Munitions and the build cost was £9.3 million. The site had excellent links to the main rail lines and additional lines and stations were built. Inside the factory fireless and battery powered locomotives were employed on 130 miles of railtrack.

  • HMEF Wallis Road, Hackney Wick opens.   H.M. Explosive Factory Wallis Road, Hackney Wick, London started production of TNT in July 1915. First output was in July 1915. It was under the direct control of the Ministry of Munitions.

  • HMEF Penrhyn Deudraeth opens.   H.M. Explosive Factory Penrhyn Deudraeth, Merionethshire (Gwynedd) opened for the production of TNT in July 1915. First output was in January 1916. It was under the direct control of the Ministry of Munitions.

  • NSF Aintree opens   National Filling Factory Aintree, Liverpool, Lancashire opened in July 1915 Filling shell up to 8-in and assembling componants. It was under the control of the Board of Management.

  • NFF Foleshill opens.   National Filling Factory Foleshill, Coventry, Warwickshire started up in July 1915, filling fuses, gaines and other components. It was under the control of White & Poppe

  •  Rounds Fired

  • Relocations   

    Twelfth July celebrations at Seaford County Sussex.

    16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles - Pioneers.

    The Move to England.

    This was well reported in the Lurgan Mail issue on the 10th July 1915 which read: "The secret about the move on Sunday night 27th June leaked out that the first contingent was to move off on the following morning and early on Monday everyone was alert. There was much stir and bustle at the barracks, but it was not until half past two o’clock p.m. that a move was made. At that hour preceded by both bands of the battalion, 170 of the riflemen swung round Windsor Avenue corner into Market Street and proceeded to the Railway Station in command of Captain Jewell and several Lieutenants. Soon the streets were crowded, the route to the station being lined by friends and admirers, and many were the leave takings as the men passed by, many were the greetings and good wishes shouted to them. The public were wisely excluded from the station premises, but the footbridge and every vantage point was crowded. The leave taking on the platform over, the men quickly entrained and the train departed southward amid salvos of cheers from the onlookers. The destination was understood to be Dublin but it has since transpired that the party proceeded the same evening to Liverpool en route for the Seaford Camp.

    The next move was made on Tuesday, when the Transport section with their horses, mules and equipment, and in command of Lieutenants White (TJ) and Johnston proceeded by road to Belfast en route, via Liverpool, for the new camp.

    Wednesday evening following saw a grand parade of the remaining men of the Battalion with their several officers, through the principal streets of the town, as the farewell march of the regiment in the district, and on Thursday afternoon the entire remaining force moved out in two sections, the first being in command of Colonel Leader and the second of Major Gardiner, two trains being required for their accommodation. The farewell demonstration of Monday was repeated, but on a scale of greater magnitude. All work was temporarily suspended in the town and district, and the line of march from Windsor Avenue to the railway station was crowded with a dense throng. The same arrangements were in force at the station and the entraining was carried out with expedition. Then came the last goodbye of those privileged few who had gained access to the platform and each train was followed by the cheers and kindly wishes of the onlookers"

    Seaford, County Sussex. Finally they were on their way to the south of England and the small town of Seaford in Sussex (not to be confused with Seaforde, County Down, spelt with an ‘e’ at the end!). Seaford had a population of about 4,000 at that time.

    For the first time apart from the review and march past in Belfast, the 36th Division was concentrated in one place. It was within walking distance of Brighton with its shops and attractions. Only 20 miles away across the English Channel was the coast of France and, when the wind was blowing in the right direction, the sound of heavy artillery fire could be heard. The Division was accommodated in the North and South Camps with the Pioneers in the latter. To the north of the camps was the Downs whose rolling valleys and hills provided an excellent area for military training. The first priority was musketry training which was carried out at a range close to the camp at Cuckmere Haven.

    The River Cuckmere provided a good site for bridging practice within a quarter of a mile from its entry to the sea. The Pioneers had to contend with a lack of proper equipment and the ebb and flow of the tide.

    Despite the urgency for battle readiness they were able to celebrate the 12th July with a parade, entertainment and guests from home. Several inspections took place early in July and on the 20th Lord Kitchener paid a surprise visit. The unit impressed Lord Kitchener who thought them very smart and ready for action, but it was pointed out they had not yet had musketry and machine gun training. He ordered this to be prioritised and it was partially completed at nearby ranges beside Cuckmere Haven.

    Lurgan Mail

  •   train

  •    KUK U-14 Austrian Submarine (formerly French Curie Q87)

    Type U-14 Shipyard Ordered Launched 18th July 1912 Commissioned 1st July 1915

    Commanders .
    1 Jun 1915 - 14 Oct 1915 Otto Zeidler.
    14 Oct 1915 - 13 Jan 1918 Georg Ritter von Trapp.
    13 Jan 1918 - 8 Jun 1918 Friedrich Schlosser.
    19 Jun 1918 - 1 Nov 1918 Hugo Pistel

    No flotilla information available

    Successes 11 ships sunk with a total of 47,653 tons.

    Fate Returned to France 1919 and scrapped in 1929. (It was formerly the French Submarine Curie (Q 87) captured by Austro-Hungarian Forces.)

    John Doran

  • Inspection by DG French Medical Service    The 19th Infantry Brigade continued to hold the line as noted last month, with the exception that the section just north of the railway at Rue du Bois has been taken over by the 81st Infantry Brigade. The Director General of the French Medical Service and his secretary inspected the Field Ambulance with Major B Black RAMC, and afterwards proceeded to see the trenches of the brigade. Lt Col Brackenridge accompanied them also, and Lt. Ford was detailed as guide.

    War diary RAMC 19th Field Ambulance, Erquinghem-Lys

  •  Award

  • 2/6th Suffolks to move to Norfolk   On 30th June 1915 the 2/6th Suffolks prepared to move to Norwich, moving on 1st July. Most of that month was spent settling in, getting to know the area and the routes to the coast, and on general training. The Battalion was deployed with the Headquarters and two companies at Potter Heigham, one company at Winterton, one company at Palling and four companies (C, D, E. and F) at Stalham. The companies at Winterton and Sea Palling were accommodated in hired buildings, while those at Potter Heigham and Stalham were under canvas. Winterton and Sea Palling were occupied as coastal defence positions, with a company in each, and each of the other companies were rotated through them. When not doing so, the companies were employed on general training, musketry and entrenching other potential coastal defence sites. This routine continued until 30th September. The War Diary has "Nil" entries for October and November 1915.

  •  How the Turks were Foiled

  •  Gas Shells

  •  Working Parties

  •  Under Attack

  •  Enemy Working Party

  •  Gas Shells

  •  Under Fire

  •  Move

  •  Appointments


  •  In Reserve


  •  In Billets

  •  Reliefs

  •  Bombardment

  •  At Rest

  •  Heavy Shelling

  •  Trench Work

  •  Training

  •  In Reserve

  •  Move


  •  Considerable Shelling

  •  Reliefs Complete

  •  Company Route March.

  •  In Divisional Reserve

  •  On the Move

  •  On the Move

  •  Trench Work

  •  Operational Order No.18.

  •  Inspection

  •  In Camp

  • Reserve position   E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are in Reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Le Nieppe from 1st to 7th July 1915. One mile east of Chateau Le Neippe on the Cassel - St. Omer Road.

    E Battery RHA war diary

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 1st of July 1915?

    There are:49 items tagged 1st of July 1915 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 1st of July 1915.

  • Pte. Charles George Adams. 2nd Btn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • Able Seaman Thomas Heslop Adamson. Hood Btn. Royal Naval Division Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. James Beattie. 1st Btn. Black Watch Read their Story.
  • Rflmn. John Black. 12th (Mid Ulster) Btn. Royal Irish Rifles
  • Pte. George William Carter. 3rd Btn. Middlesex Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Michael Dunne. 1st Battalion, C Company. Royal Dublin Fusiliers
  • Pte. Francis Edward Haigh. 3rd Dragoon Guards Read their Story.
  • Pte. Arthur Heath. 1st Btn. South Staffs Regiment
  • Cpl. Edwin Matthew Phillips. 6th Btn. Read their Story.
  • Pte. William J. Turpie. 2nd Btn. East Surrey Regiment Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. Frederick Whittaker. 1st Btn. Border Regiment Read their Story.

    Add a name to this list.

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