The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
30th June 1915On this day:
- Reliefs
- Battery Training 6th London Brigade RFA The Hesdigneul Race Course has been allocated to the 6th County of London Brigade RFA on 3 days per week for Battery Training. A telegram was received stating that the 16th London Battery, being no longer required by the 1st Division would proceed tonight to Lapugnoy. At 2345 a further message was received saying that as the services of this Battery were still required, they would remain in action and would occupy the position F.30.c.4.0.
Since going into action on the 21st of June, the 15th London Battery had been occupied principally in registering and retaliating. No work of great importance was carried out. During this period, Machine Gun posts were bombarded by the 15th London Battery and 8 direct hits were obtained. This was done at the request of infantry. Other targets engaged were Fort Hohenzollern (A29), The Haishes Cross Roads and Fosse 8 - at the latter target 37 rounds were fired on June 23rd and 8 rounds on June 25th: on this occasion 2 German observers disappeared. On June 27th, 95 rounds were expended (43 Rounds on B.25.b.6.7 and 54 rounds on A.30.b.3.8.)
From Monday June 21st to Saturday June 26th, the 16th London Battery occupied the time in registering the zone A.28.c.2.2-A.21.d.4.1.
For every one round fired by the Germans, 6 rounds were fired by the 16th London Battery. From June 26th to the morning of June 29th not a round was fired. During this period (on the night of June 28th) the left section was withdrawn and proceeded to the rest Line. The remaining section fired 40 rounds in 10 minutes on the evening of June 29th, in support of a demonstration and the exploding of 3 mines. On June 30th, the Battery was ordered back to Lapugnoy. This order was cancelled at the eleventh hour and the right section came into its new position (F.30.c.4.0) at 2200.
J.H. Van Den Bergh 2/Lt
Total Casualties to June 30 1915.
- Officer Wounded Lieut G. Lyon Smith 15th Lon Battery.
- Other Ranks Killed Gunner Whiting 15th Lon Battery.
- Died of wounds Bombardier Farrow 15th Lon Battery.
- Died of wounds Gunner Deverell 15th Lon Battery.
- Wounded Gunner Miles 17th Lon Battery.
- Wounded Gunner Darbyshire 15th Lon Battery.
- Died of sickness Dr Rossall 16th Lon Battery.
- Injured as a result of Shell fire.
- Bdr Maclaren 16th Lon Battery.
- Bdr Irons 17th Lon Battery.
J.H. Van Den Bergh 2/Lt War Diaries
- provide digging party 9th Lancers are in Billets North of Wormhoudt engaged in Squadron Training.
A Digging Party of 112 Men & 3 Officers sent to 5th Kilo Stone on Elverdinghe to Poperinghe Road.
1 Other Rank to Hospital.
Strength - 25 Officers; 532 Other Ranks; 600 Horses.
War Diary
- Dog Adopted
- In Billets
- Fear of Gas
- Women Forestry Workers to be Trained
- Daring advance on Turks Stronghold
- Shooting prize
- Into the Trenches
- 5th Lincs into the Trenches
- In the Trenches
- In Camp
- Reinforcements
- Reinforcements
- Death in Camp
- Trench Work
- Trench Work
- Snipers
- In the Line
- Quiet morning
- Brigades report situation quiet
- In Reserve
- Equipment
- Trench Work
- Attacks
- At Rest
- Quiet
- Ammunition
- Shelling
- In Billets
- Mine Explodes
- Reliefs
- Relief
- Musketry
- Recce
- A Reconnoitre
- Wet Weather
- On the March
- Training and instruction continued.
- Holding the Line
- On the Move
- In Billets
- Sports
- Casualty Report
- Training
- On the Move
- Allegation Against Alleged Absentee
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 30th of June 1915? There are:49 items tagged 30th of June 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 30th of June 1915. Pte. Ernest Alfred Biggs. 8th Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Henry Jones. 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers Read their Story. Drmr. Harold Laurence. 5th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment 2nd Lt. Richard Willingdon Somers-Smith. 7th (Service) Btn. King Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story.
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