The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
7th May 1915On this day:
- RMS Lusitania sunk The Cunard liner RMS Lusitania was torpedoed by the German U-boat, U-20, 11 miles off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland, and sank in 18 minutes with the loss of 1,198 lives. 761 people were rescued. The sinking of the liner turned public opinion in many countries against Germany and contributed to the American entry into the Great War, despite the argument that the ship was a legitimate military target as she was carrying a large quantity of rifle ammunition and other supplies necessary for a war economy, as well as over 1,200 civilian passengers.
Her Captain, Walter Schwitzer, made the following entry in his log:
"The ship stops immediately and heals over to starboard quickly, immersing simultaneously at the bow. It appears as if the ship were going to capsize very shortly. Great confusion is rife on board; the boats are made ready and some of them lowered into the water. In connection therewith great panic must have reigned; some boats, full to capacity are rushed from above, touch the water with either stem or stern first and founder immediately."
- 6th London Brigade RFA fues shells 6th County of London Brigade RFA: With a view to an attack by the British, the fifty shells were fused. Action expected at dawn tomorrow, but was delayed twenty four hours. Weather very misty. 15th London Battery fired 12 rounds at wire between J1 and J3.
16th London Battery verified registration on M2 and M3. Observation very difficult.
War Diaries
- The "Second Battle of Ypres". 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium 1915. 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium.
1st Battalion Royal Scots found party 300 strong (two relief's of 150 each) to dig and improve a line of defence through Ypres.
The party returned without casualties.
- working party
- In Action
- Investigation of nephritis cases 19th Field Ambulance report "Several cases have recently occurred showing albuminuria and other symptoms of a nephritis - there is a question of them being of an infective nature, but steps are being taken to elicit some more definite information. Lt. Chandler, Medical Officer Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, has sent in a report on 8 cases which he considers to be of the nature of post-influenzal. This report was sent to Assistant Director of Medical Services 6th Division. A similar case was admitted yesterday and another one today - from records so far obtained there seems to be an interval of 8 days between admissions from respective billets."
War diary RAMC 19th Field Ambulance, Erquinghem-Lys
- Heavier Bombardment on Frezenberg Ridge May 7th opened with a heavier bombardment, which caused many casualties. There was nothing but the 27th and 28th Divisions between the enemy and Ypres but the British soldier proverbially does not know when he is beaten.
- Relief Planned With a view to the 1st Battalion East Lancashire Regiment relieving the Monmouth Regt in the front line the HQ officers, company commanders and machine gun officers visited this regiments lines in the trenches at about 2300.
1st East Lancs war diary WO95/1498/1
- In Billets
- Ready for Action
- Having a Hard Time
- May 7th 1915 To The Committee of the County Battalion
The Durham Light Infantry
There seems to be at present no necessity for meetings of the Committee. The discipline having been taken out of our hands two months ago, and the administrative duties having been withdrawn a week ago, there seems now very little for the Committee to do. We are nominally responsible for the two Depot Companies; but even there, requisitions for clothing, etc., will be more or less automatic from the Depot, which we are still retaining at Cocken, where there will always be stationed, probably, an Officer, two N.C.O.s, and two or three Privates; where we have reserved two huts, and quarters in the Hall. This plan does not entirely recommend itself to me; but I see no alternative to it at present.
The Battalion are drawing their own pay on an imprest account; all rations, etc.; are now coming from the A.O. department; and clothing has long been out of our hands. Rifle slings are on the way: if not already received: and I think that - except for occasional small items - our account can be concluded by the end of this
month; anyhow, I shall try and send out a draft account by that time.
The Battalion, itself, marched out on Monday, to proceed by two trains to Cramlington, to the 122nd Brigade Camp; and the remaining 280 men yesterday; they having been detained in consequence of arms inflamed by the really hard time they had at Middlesbrough; where all the night duty had to be done in marching order; and many of the officers got practically no sleep for three days. There are, however, wonderfully few cases of sickness. I think 10 was the number that went yesterday by train; and I hope it speaks well for the sanitary conditions at Cocken; which will be further improved by the building of the new Cookhouse, which I have obtained authority to proceed with (on a contract with the Darlington Construction Co.) for £330, including drainage, laying on water, etc.
It is now definitely settled that the Bantams succeed us. An advance party with about 30 men came in last Monday; and the remainder, I believe, are to follow shortly. I should like to record to the Committee that the whole place has been left in first rate
order. I have not been over the house; but I can answer that the whole of the grounds are perfectly clean. They were, in fact, left in a state which was entirely a credit to the men, as well as the Commanding Officer.
It is recognised by York that Lord Durham’s sanction is required
for any change, or any new departure, at Cocken; but it would appear that I must still be in some sense responsible while our Depot is there.
- At Rest
- Water
- Ready to Move
- Orders
- In Action
- Wounded Arrive
- At Sea
- Holding the Line
- At Readiness Level
- Reconnaissance
- Conference call
- On the March
- Ready to Move
- Baths
- Heavy Shelling
- Shelling
- Enemy Active
- Heavy Shelling
- Reliefs
- On the Move
- At Rest
- On the Move
- Orders
- New CO
- Orders
- Conference
- In the Line
- Attack Ordered
- Not much damage
- Quiet
- Resting
- At Rest
- Enemy Saphead Engaged
- Orders Received
- Orders
- Orders Received
- On the March
- Accident
- Position Strengthened
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 7th of May 1915? There are:51 items tagged 7th of May 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 7th of May 1915. Petty Officer Percy John Austin. H.M.S. Pembroke Read their Story. Fmn. W. Barry. SS Lusitania Read their Story. Greaser. Patrick Brennan. SS Lusitania Read their Story. Pte. Crone Thomas Brown. 2nd Btn. B Coy. Northumberland Fusiliers Pte. William Crockford. 3rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers Pte. Tom Denton. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Pte. George Ure Russell Downie. 5th Btn. (Queen's Edinburgh Rifles) Royal Scots Read their Story. Pte. William Elsdon. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Lt. John E. Holloway. 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers, City of London Read their Story. Rifleman. Andrew William Kennedy. 2nd Btn. Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story. Pte. Hugh Makin. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers L/Cpl. John McLoughlin. 1st Battalion Royal Scots Read their Story. Pte. Michael Morton. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Sgt. George Patience. 4th Btn. Seaforth Highlanders Read their Story. Pte. John J. Smith. 7th Battalion, B Coy. Lancashire Fusiliers Read their Story. Sjt. James Henry Spaxman. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
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